- k arzoe5a.~i ~TeSulscriber hsvé deiersnccd 1 ae tionchu id t t c f e.,ell, ileg CoadaIs = r aae nd ti o dealer to mirae gn mIa imU assEi ytrutln.g te lpudet Offer for Sale DRY GOOPS r GROCERTES f - HARDWARE! CROCKERYI IIS AND PAINTS! Wýhicrtetbey viii disposof NIô CASD mmD At pims vh7ici Du ER(CMETTN Ilade to ordur by fihst-classvockmou,'attti goaranteeti co givesatialsetioe. ftSI~IVEL MBDIT! Ne w tmbdy. ought te É vHoliday Advertisement. To the w hoimnattnec. eeqolisititoigainthtpbl ic atientionali1oeem&awsecufilhioo tho ughFe wk noivow oaooee plin Fr ftTlieLondonBick ingmaoofseturing whoethisgeotlorletietoliOohiooiOO oèeopatlonandplceoflninminritdot>olyr amidooEy ptlk nv-t oluofgi i ngrh cste Y tionG euni theLeodonlloite raailalh erneofJe a y Li nnfi rot concertin Londooliarnum waooieeoietit at ri gthîaffimu n hly ieknowthaoooliholi.,,îoniverwolyop'tiiifitisooftlieliitti iotfloettsthe iomeounedingivoindtihLhnasrcindisitgod(ofitnkidio0leto§usaiithe peuttlonu fh i sestalbthmentTit ishosi -n cai m oft hesubari Ieedu c thllcinvtrteoisbliohoirstclooA-lotsio eutitbllohmentatlce TownfMitoesfuodhe(iio tioaxib li ooootw"tbeqtiiiei cdaohepeoplwe0getigtiredoftwoumorthles toMnhehsî,femlsý i5ttCttitO1 thstwsnesreredovertheetinty tomrdcporaenioolsu wthetinedtiorlxo gotintyandfewo-i iyeiobli.hir p.eîevitlo WORTH KrïowIlvo. act numnber Lookinog Glasses, Cane Seated Chairs, Side Boards, &c., hie la upuarcd 10 soit nt preon F e nu b r (Di ID0@ O>er og NaihautiFoaler treele. e. 1 A UXfb iufacnureodIo nder onuatnoie W Mý R. -iLYO- 'N sRnuiber tbo plae-ne11-1d-cW Mis- 1 Robiungn'a Mlllery Estiabhmenc. Main Millon,012 Oct. 216. 20 Oret. MiloOles.OLlb. 1554 0 17l IIAKENOTIC]Ea AT Céntuiingall cico Neyet Styles la 1~linOry, at~-~akt Ac, 1N GREAT VÂRTE'Y klaýingreturueti srom Moelreal vlic tthe LARGEOT ASSORTME'4T of Evr hovo itIbis Coonc Isoe. PIrtles atinnding lice FalPair viliplenne euis thse ieShow Rboom leinar of tics Store. David, hite 1ýE RAND,.SHOW FAL& WIN'TER GOQDS r Wll ho a; O> Pints Mlr om annp«r yjar4ad al olicer Gootis lu proportion Hala, <apos0 m r Yn-At Low Prises ; Boots and 1coes Olel3EÂ1PFOR OASBF. 3,O~dT sssacZae.e O1etI~ "tg a*C»m~t i 1 (;aM r Ynaa'a, en..t go TO OHRISTIES8 i kn4 I g meetfIts9 0.hluAoEwoolidstble thema.y. I ~ C~i@ lt o Grcoieso~Hand Ti Fact number 3.. That JAMIES LUGUIFFIN lias one ci the LQARSEST STOCK Of DRY GOODS 'in the Counlty Of Ballon Best Sclwctei Stock - 0f DRY GOODS uth ie Ccuiy 0of Ballon. JAMES MCGUFFIN has one ofthte CHEAPEST STOCK of- DRY GOODO lucthe Couly of Balo. Fact nuinher 4. iPact number 5 Fact nimzber 6., F'act nuinher 7. Fact number 8. Fact numbher 9. Fact number 10. JAMIES MCGÎJFFUI lias a tIaoice, iNe,, 4Fahiornuble Slcion of CroTfll.LNG, HATS, CAPS, &-e., Le. Icture Framu ,4 e*&0..& squalinog tia HalteofulIend'Tami ibs Publie lu genemLlqeI "0 pU-sehh lFus-allas-gs-su kasons. k aquss ý Ar,'sn bi of citeesot asd Citsh a ts ý 1lll ls<J %0secas D T0COpE -TON, ls c*,à:1ni*1l rl ,boards, Louages, So vinqullàauChea orrsaddlred tltbe Proprl>tor, Main-et.. B Maml>-p Stock.cau b. oblalned at thes siorteat -nl'Ot areINSOIAO1 W, s -For 1.%Bis i à,nd S tsè ailte tBallon Exicciclono aru for- mieneasof telare- cci Stockea of 1~1TOiS aIt~1~~t culR Shownin- Milton 1 Cnu eln f Mes', Fine Bootr. Kîp.an 'Conlide ition'a Calter ansd Overebses. Lsdlcs Bainiorsis and Galers ln ondiese vsriety. Alen. Ladies Ovevobnes, and Oblldren'. Il ear, al smorts andiI izel, Mien's IbickltBots frnt $:'25 npwnrtis. Loiben Citers rom 81 50 spvrts Mela' Caiers 9 2 50 . Chiliîlei.'n Shoes O020 -- WOiia MADE TO ORDER as mals. Repairing done on the Srortes t Notice!1 Dont fsrget tice pince thce 3 Storiy Brick buillingp opposite .Wýatsun'n Drit Store Wicst vonit yn tiinli if yotlcold sKa %V1o of their lestier monnt juâZe, The ll.h nmnsmon 1lne shore -Apd.Oft lu jluslfmraOid Vha% would yon chlak ;Ilsonne one "id ' Ticpi fivesandi fine malientor? Imot Tihn nedsbbis ls-.ol Ifin ,wselsnsesdo the.pyo- WVhni voltiyo thioli if Niebsu salool studio pirme aii bis cusiooea Oeil shiisl, andtide, . anti traits, sllewteOhisaRio.. Ant ilet bis sc&n nFo 'nedicies As wefl anutakn your Boots? Ilits B"9 santi Shes oueoa'rancg,& oliéap,, ?Auid sauy mopcti tlliy'll sr wha lnl lilsyoic of Ilese vh ilo ut< aii'oeansi see bis RIlinsitt Kerp Boots snd Shous for sasie, Aidilgui your Barginis chers %iilton, celober i 17,164. 21-1 y 1mw G~QD~. A large suppiy mey b ?set <- JAS. HOLLNA~ In every Variety ultab :,,,for thoe JAMES McGUFFiN buys ini the best East- sooin-tie hrigs 'ctr, en Marketsind ti s prepared to offer ,MIsn feelwigSrp Sirte p.tois Bleached alicoes,- Priats, Liuens, Tieko, Ta- ~bl bC lotho, Diapers8, FIanelo, Blan- To bis Cotorners.-ke,(obugLtro Baratheas, French Mèr-inoS; Plain- and Fancy Lincoy1eana WolcéYs, ILadi«O &aYS JAMES MeOUFFINO OStocki cf Hosic3ry and GloiVe-, Gaipets and Door Mats. 'Also, Ca- naigit Tweeds,"Sàiccetts, English! sand Scotch Tweedsj- Dress Goods h ws, &~c. 511k Mixtures, aüd Pancy Vecstingà, Overco4hiýÉgs, Seal- exceec1 uoyliing ticnî ice bon icatinl formsor s. okin, double milled ribbed BeàverWhitneys. and", Plain Beavers, Gents Scarfo, Mufilers, Braces, Iined. Kid -aîcd Cloth Gloves, TYmberellas, cloth Caps and 'elt HI4&c. s-USe ~ ~ /Y ~ - ~ ' Art asoortment offBerlin andý;'inger!ng Woofr. an adeertisenent Iall hebenonfts thsl re o e o sitaineti bl cating ai bis ThaI JAMES MeGUFFIN'S O ock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Overcoatings, Vestings, Shirts, Drawvers, Gloves, Neckties, Collars, &c. are the Cheapest that have ever been offered in Milton TISÂT TXUE oý McGoff5la ngorienlo oued anyotre. That the only way for you to be fully satisfied, is to give James McGuffin an earlv call and see foi rour- selves-if the obove facts are not correct. SMEE 'OMMR ]IEICES CanaL&u Tweeds, A" *oolfs, '.o 0j0epe-r d. ine Hlsrk Casslnereat i lSoqrpeerL Double Fnld W est of ~gl.nd ;Bcdloh,'.o1 dyed,'8 000. Double Folti Mentie Clocha. bilaiclosad, 1. 50. Gents 511k Neckitîes 12&c. ,Shirt Collars 121 ladies Foucy WVinry Dres»e 12Pe par yaod. Cobeurgssgned ajsalily 20o yer y&: Trieh MerlnS 76e per!yd. Priais frais 12je lo 15er ur nt B" cGlacle 8ils, wide vîdsitfrom o, l 2 5 pet yard. A Good Stock of (4reries on-lIfaRd, A large solecti ôn of Ladies Boutsai ad Shoe on biud !.-I le mes AtheC tNlo ep,ai 1~I DYelcaabk.ciI~aanc l ;z é. reo.climvsannas%*sîa Miauxmu Uo fh~. . ..N .. .. Nocittia atit Mta Ip, as- -1t»._- - loufor1 ,oD. A 12rwkS-ik.D1.0 1o>ei Te j *OSrapaandsttercrf Âb od' £lst of Cas-la slo vuici, an ctegp 11v OULte. C]Rocxg t- Plais anti PiniejiSleneviro, câpe "a-fifgansn t*lec, '~EEN~Tc & 5aniBetirootu secs, Tssti JO~Stone nes tigi4, 4. Ch là. k.KtadyDsl ieV gotqaic i lo, Looku lse, fl1 sl01 sTes asti Tabla Spost iY5, tlas5ltcdu ter li etqàiig and!!. o rroey combe sapti a hi stila s, Ia lot cf axes, osai0 ai.pro- le usaretatios os- tise esas bn Auné w 1i zbago Ae~pa da a , IMe ,~k e-sysim ibi i ~Oâ 01 fbisr inlo Coain astu pur l KleA*wuara fIr CAS h is nedat i Our fûtur>e' 5preyuyie uI E'yi5ibOsos s - Oa~b.Om,à'a wtrkcMe oseerd ase sa1Mlusl -b~s~ded 'ioou rs>s. Ts *15bill be -btcille nparpM -;1 5554 S.H'I"HPROPRIEFTOR s-DBoboeri»bagqtiîfsaiboudscs ta I 159, U lit M to ak lsa o en 1tis sol üe le1s im .s- ess ss,1 t ai ou fée.ls...s- lgatitu -p e- au théiil PfMi" al *0 ilIs seGusetand« it jne o lice~t gel~aa __,, ÈsE ls qupsaw ~~0st' DYDR Ç4 T1I4r bMC N- là k* I'~i r ~ilEAYER TIIAN ~V~II AI 75e. FIIIJI¶'DE RIFOINI MAIN ST., MILTON5 A. SIE VERT, FIENFLfr lbot favos. begw tb loqoO iegtobilitah o behme jos toens s lrg bdl iO ebs Stock of ltoekers, IVastistands _Centre Tables, Coinmon Tahles, M attrasses,* Lotunges, Buras PEg CEN.T.DISCOUNT for CASIL' - à