te read euk l ! , et alBoc , .lnal.îaoU 4, RYt, o) pu; I ~flh1~ îa3 i~ t~ai AAIT k4T~~ blmnqn i l eÉnthat habarjunt ectdatag tdil e lubis Stock ut ~Coinmo8 Tables,.- Bureaus, Looi ~Glasses, CaÇàne Seated3 Chairs, Sde'Boards, &c., .il .le nonm e~~a #a 'celnor1o eSteets. bwelt "F' remmets f.. .&M notice. eloilda tm<ln a o tee el ll wa ~~~T11A!,Oil 7.7 Q0Lleia en tm aac w -Ne G i aaU ro f C d i nlnloreupopçolqn". *19±tSe Jee~2u "' '2 H ,~L,4ll.)<C il a in n JiBt la m r 51nn~ O. ootcX E . r~ lL.LIII»:-&I, h aloI> talc 3 - O~TRtSTg~r~ I dl4 New,- oliday'Advertieent.. To efflonerylmportant reqgdiditoiaaonthepublie atetionleiîamwareothi i tTheLoeoteellacbie manunbeturieg wlioaenthid.gënttolutneJolhehirname amidsootEgfptwellknnvtheoauenofgainingrlcatten tbuneai»UtleendonHlaterenaiilthohrnniJnyLled.firgt ,,ithtaeediltontooainahivenocliuureun8dyîieiingtinendwne il4nmmndag!rp4$1hatium~rnjaod à ofitek1cdllordoaoetalnthq -o retZoPln ifh ,dalibmeThlhebcnhcaijoftheubvvlbrdur theloettenrartooenabliohairrnt-cluaRc!thini.roabiaimetlatbe r T LrPwfllmildflattehmefthatlUhnotnenaitogetk, tlnndoehsfaiienohnetablihmentwaaeonnhrrquir eitlepoplawovojottlngtivodofthowornhlnmîs *ÀhSMÉU"MmaofReaodymadeClotbilng thneovevmrerdovvtioconntrr wthefinestinehne countyandtnwui v tyestabliKhm jentcnahcora o ~ ~ ntoenîth.. I.iacL flumbg1,~ n.. Fac* nmnber 2~ cr20 P .2 . i * 4 * 4 Fac ùu~i~ 2 ~ 4. j]F'açt nunmbip . Jii 4oât ~ cc-cii. i~ r; .~ * a Ûnumber 9. Façt number 10.* That' JA1tLES JcG1TIFIN r')Il odint ofthe O f DRY G00DS le tbe Conly of EMalIen j ba n eneof the- O f DRY GOODS in île Countlyoet lilon. JAMES .ICGTJFYIN has one ofthde . -»EAPS TC of DRY LIOODS le theoCunnty et Balton. JAMES 5lCGUPFII hs' Ci.oice,-New 4,Fa.;hiosaablc Seloction of CLoTHI.NG, HATS, CAPS, &c.. &r-' JMES cGUFFiN huy i n the Ue5st East- a envkets, and lu prepav.d ta oSfer Ta ie rntome. JAMES MOUFFINS Stock ut »esGoods, ..,Shaw Col ene<od seytbieg thotbhe bail"n, fpnererarng. e 'kUnat James 'MeGuflin cannot epuinierate in a advo4leoMeLt ail t1h. beneSl. ethot ire lu ho oblaium eil1cjliu&&t i h j. 'I a les . tablishmnt. . That JAMES McGUFFIN'S Bock ait dbI S, Yssrers Teeds, Overcoatingn, -Voqhni'g, Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Neckties, Collars,"'& -' are the CheEpeAt tlhat have ever been affered in àMfltda. THÂAT THE ram ancaaumne gavmeiaaano~b sey.cIney. ., i 'Fheôho'tIWay for yon to be fully s&teidAfiaI$to gi ve JaIVsMGfiaa ~l cladefor yôùr- se1v~ i4~ bov fat sar~notCorréot. . ) AU oo, fom60eto70e dPieloa aikO C t ,A netrmli e 0 prar. W , 0FluB1 0 ioîeena s oper yari. bleF ul Vest et Englait Bradcloth, r , p'f>5iz Double Feld MentIe 01411e, bhI md colereda la..t - - ShirlO li '-,11.&- a 'àie ec iecy.pra Blail acl 8kemw, viti ewl4 1 tu 4a L ISpar Jad. ysrjd. banc .....iSj.e y. A GOOdý -,~~OGro~roJa~ A ~ ~ ~~~~~n lag$~etoof~isBot u hOeScofhand Furnitre * .aireirooo». The CIBINBTji?{fl1 WOOIIN- 1iI k~ D Nis i &is, ~rcture Prames, &C. &0C111 TahWo pleanre I len~inlng hebis1alim r idlnd m th uln)i>genernl.'ihaiilnea he maires It ipoint bptchneh WT viramInnnJcnl4BV uiih ment la Toronto. n19'ft'he oideml(and Cheneenti nann~ingEmalehnnni the l'roiuea,,ieo ean UF COPLTIi'TON, In thi tolinwi4ipricnn: Ave llooking Chai f n $1.50 Erenhtast!Tbn Bedetende CI Cor e. 8 lve h ~ 7 BLIIOSUI , ~ 8 QO Cn.1~Chaieerph o Center Tables;tupboardi, Louses &Sos, EqIçIly as Cheap, Âe-d FIVE FER CENT rltSCOIu-T 6ICASH. Ilavilclir iltentin nd1 ta adoianddvoeed tin th-ro vdv'lvIinne nnpa Aoy oiih elieSîhh cai o 1t.nnvdai î hntcmtnoti 1 ' PC $ETAKF.N:dr:w kCHAG E!' 3llvmpiee, Ociohav 151, 1864. IL *'U IF.W.ŽEH JS -TEA) Bein1 awivÎed the je ISE hiPai m hv i I.Hiîe Fo i out ndSôlot tLocf à.toa Ehibitiln, off va foc,,de nn of Ibm. lbIt Shgwn in Miltoù 1 GneeldoMeaFin,- ocle ifip annlCo*hlide, Mi'Ae ctr0 nivvehoiee eies ilalmacala and Guateslae od! nvari. Alan, adin Ovevohqee, and a ena lVoav, ail rorin and êI2zs,. ,e'n thivh Bonne trom 82 25inpwvrads. Iad'm Gaern fvoui 81 509npaevds. Meule Gaiteva " 2 50' ChiIdre.l Shoe-' 020, WVORK MADE'TO ORDEIln lp! Repairing done où -the Sholftest XOtice 1ý Dont forgvî the pince 'ho 3 StOý9y Brick bd»ilding,. OPpq4JietO HWàitnOnelStore Wli,it monld VAU hi,,kif pou ahunld ove, Wo ur thoiv r.-Jfir mornot Tho fiohseimnn ne ohro j And Ott iùnuJagnet rail ? Wbh wa dýu'"htk; onemone ad Tt il ndfi inmi.h. jou? uNic hansýnrva dobhilvde H nrm othfam -, Aswl nUonna yurBous? 13 Dnt ndSlO ; Avo;ngclleap Mi oecfl non,186,. 2IjeAhve ICÉI LOIR si1 * Adlarge supply inay bo scen ot J A.S. H L LIN AÀK~ In ev eaa Vat iety suitabl foi-tihe] FALL ANI) WIN"1'TER TRAD.11; fvomnpsi-sinf, the Uiloing-Sti'ipe $liljtia*gs,Faot.s Bleaelîed Ciilicoes, Piints, Lin ris, TeS, Ta- ble Clçoths, D)iapers,«Flan;x'els, i1.lari.- kets, Cob 'i- , L4taes,-: Baraàtheas, Fieel-,-i': M 4os, Plain &nd Fancy Lincecys and Woicey .ÏalsStavs Hfosiery and GI Ê"S,.Carpts and D or Mats. AisE3 Ca- nadiff Tweeds, Satihetts, English mid Scotch Tweeds, Si1k Mixtures, afid Eancy Vestings, Oveî-coating-s, Seal- sldn,.dooible nilled tibbed Beavel' Whiineys and Plain Beaves, -Gents Seat'fs, Mîtficîrs, Bî'a e, ]ined Kid and cloth Gloves, U-mberýellas, cloth caps and Feit Hats, &c. An assortment of Berlin and Fîngerifig Wools. 3$ocktici and Xnnten, RaDY MrABE -CLOTBIN0 i ifratel Cluttz ae 9 10%b. Bright, Segar for 81 0 0. 8Ob.Bofr8.10 91be. Ràtaina foc 1 00. , >' .î,li ~~qtr1 Tiô eu, cp4fr '*s a ndohrQfle i -o choap. AÀrotof Onu: CROCKERYt'Plain and Fignred t6oaia!r Cepaa E.1 aùceib Plaitie, Joan4Bedronma ents, Tea et not e . Oe$3, . Suaini tnta and orl, Qrty noin ut carda, miipa l ebn OOf~acî~î 1Y' dio...kmvll ezbsageJAMESEdLT-RUOEoffèri lobat'ai eitiuge fer CASH thisin intenedsomaunr futrerprinoi l.Come and.it PP1jn p.1je~o~aie* dense. T rdr'o ii , 1pF Rj,2:OP 1%IEToTqR TulEtBobariber hega ta ifurembrardera E Prôtaetor, havicg parobaaed Ibie in Sçwa, , d. 2 . in tîlJ5rit.oefaion Twl mo bn lintel, ho l e prnvd 10 Beedoan île nd. lied Trafogar, ail $1.00 ca1rr.3otbewn~ofth pnbigevuiy. onol. That wmou keore. mnodinna eubles n cd attentive bosttera. .JtLl f1KV¶~~ Wellngton Sqne4r, Miyp1864. 3-50-Sy invnteriYoeie y Jaceri aits,onedli unOworerandieupOosaci5ot,,Dotid R. 13> ofGoreow.Pn aIl tormbvly ronri.Yeýitd w. aiesi i' . * hi-lÏ-ee 1h9Ziý ~Ule ttin*ali mnil e Ier rzg, wblch 1iihav Refremfmestea ai 0 bonze. Concertroue syrorre. on Zveieyorvealg. Baresi P. ,dey DAID L .KUN4Y MeSI-NEY.y .* S4a I * i .-4l poOd, l. 1 tonpp MUta m t!f2fl b c"'~ pîoneg 5M oi ti .eo iltehîlon. on re paronage wl e loÏ£ toring W OU4LD Intînna'. ho hig 014 cngtomers anid hpîn~a.làaigatn îi. vyleg on the :.a w111 ho pvepared lu HzcUe . ~Work r: and *Il hinde ur vehînles, hepl onnýgxfeéa 34ADJ-ý TO OEIRER! f Le if j j, .$0 Rtipalvlng dnon ahoqt nllse.. ft*I, urotn p'- uh.1- .efrn*$1clMthf... e13L h!NbNetdaiCse Ct.ii. ed errIlà neir4 a, enrionii li . . una ou On 1.enoeit.Ch fiî, ri el4rn tr2in. ntîa.r imic â.luS ,u WO.iii.a 9 -01nt ai0 ut y,)t, i. .iiui e . u, .nmicae trigln ii.ir ii.anîon Po iitiiir Cr taleitir. an livarnal8tr' Puce nr iiisoiiapplicions ,ni tlin tir etiuMîîi. fffin 7 Onoe.ay.iniii,<ini mtica 00 a ion. iîinnaiieaà t.iinirinirn ea.r.n. pieogncr ieleOuarirai~ forirnrenime.fitln. fncc neeîi frimoe e, cercv n aniveati m nipromcirt-iBad eMicakaa1 ; 'ai kf r rmniaid el68dêRtU ino ra,tits relt, l en bn'001 deronati-~ mre cntudfrii.tonrr.., ii.e irrtniîr N u Iîr , io n i r ,nu r t ili o o i ii, 0 jiia,.nnO.on lcre r nan I v riieoZi bMn, e m ryîr c. oi i m idiin r. rMi soixivaeuniedtaodce ieiill e uA, ilaitQq.. eC. c13e.4 IIREAD TfIIS!& tv ltoloma ncdiil, 1 atmfrnglitaOqWV -aP inar lîli artn/ LonRa. Svra sit11 io nf soere onmier. nhhha: rCnnet a rilhl nam Inz tnpniiil4o. mlreuod efe4 rIetabj oal lhrfhrfolth.pdl'atge tia tdeti tr LOvnbler. DapierOnhu a taty rintInateoid1h1n. eM ei~ 6s , le a tls me iho I' h0 S Sl ma. îq n bnlr.,d iaf rlmd C a teellSe , mmIrah W3niîo ' m ll ,ieae' heà paj0ktlrk bola.mÏ i rw vaNRTCl Te n i R( by g, . e%. * Tlt$E&UI ql.e tcierîs arprnsen eeaI r uaoni 4 nrci e apl n, e i eielel 5 --'c ýtýývcrcLdmcrjtmth - t ý te fM!tL li 7 , r-ý li 1 ýl ý.1 #40;