Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 1864, p. 4

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zid anacaletl. GREIGOR'S *sttrautt eiiarb Salem, Axý AME EPOT 9Klagst. Emt,: ERND TRUNK HOE, 11l Staion. lc rear cf Depoci Taxcn, §ON STATION ECiTEL. 8ea rlS.oume rda>. DcccliYor is-ru BUOR & 8 £RUT. r,1'raerMmoa C. W. Fil9 hcai--From 7 te 10. A. Ml oaly., Von cItataday-Erery Friday. A. lan e,.vsm W.11snacarcx bR CARTER, p arcehf Dr. 'cillaw, 111e af Narval). liai1À 11h .1864.38 c Jas. ampebil4 tlror.loiire. Banc. Cape, .;en aneed Ready Made Clattulcg.t T8QSi IÏ,OBINqSOtN, Preprlèerf i;e" u.emd frac theCam regcclarly. Gend Stallagcdafteatcne hoalemr..Mne.cadI QEOROR GREEN 1 IÂYPo1ANCFlî, 1&e 4. ugE-*b&Tislaechldaa 2ýarr ostermc c,. fÉp1CmLCaant Enace, Trcacao. 3-ly reiattec.clcead BnicrwS . ce0.~ ~~~kp DV fcaceaL.bc aauce VILLAG O F NELSOs, C.W.. J . - - ~ R .P. ,cehtoJ Eb 'BY acent1caapaid tel.thavellag« al lie. (49d faling anidanatteci. Nea J . 7thi 1863. 3&.y C.g 4omyCcW. l se. Inhmq. 9PM caýHux*hés ecratliy 8atfd c -7it . ee~atteatiea psid to i!.w*Mi@ or'; go9c. Gern i citcltc. . o by, Jet; 30.1862. 2.13 îy M .NEYTO LOAN ~ 1861 P L.8reyer D VSOfURTCLEpir. N.4;liait. laaQa.c'a lerctc *0..atek& Pumnli8l-mr.a dbtihte fo thé eiba tbl cîni ed réd nselnc paycacat for th e.-4: Oclb c, 1868. ,-8I XONEY TO iNO JOHN SÂWL819À Ec. AemJOHIN NAYLOE, Esu. ir&nIiton Brch:-WMt. EELLROU5EI, --- -maage MEDICAL EXAMINES .i-THIOMAS DUOGAN, ESQ, lMb. M WRRATR RA7RS OFPRRMIU#..d LIBERAL SATTLEMEFNI' OFLOSSIJ. 24R FX MSTOCK INSURED. -- Lursby LigAMiee gd ai -.ange Donca delarnd 4lper cant. per aaacm angme, amserî. Oaa. The rea!t,D.um ever ComtlamWy Deelard bp ap Compas7y. DIVluN 01F PRODFITSt acery FIVE yewa, te policie henaln eiet.Cec"sc aaire jeans -'1* e wîderseticî-Aga-ni fer the RayalIIngracce Cempany, fur Hamiltnanmd lgh- derh el-ecirinccc te receIn, prepeaals fer ire and Lite eLaranae, aset ena ate.e chrr ed iy e011 --- ailaa.C- pal-----.- t. iLL LDSSUES euepti>- nctled, cliheet reèctt lathe Ilirctiora le E.ngîsud. T eiLife Department. ange LIFE BONUS declared ai th lut l beêtleg fer Divisioa et Profia teeFer-j tîci %tiag Plileo-haicig teen per Centl Pr aaam OUamecatea aared-lhc largeci Be- aoc ver ceatieecaely delarrd hy acy Bjmpany-ccaat tati cet plane sthc Rayalu lthe m elîigihie afâfrin nr cedlg Asrr, tpaemL TI e decrîhen bu beenataîthortzed hy the Board cf Dretr, hateoe ePellele. oit tirens 3clmi Lie. eaait rforenee athe Urad Offie. thon girlnc lentendleg Acgeý it i therdllegeo cf a-Colonaal Institution Uic andnahlsfd Seeaaiy npcd Superm Amîdca"nM PU, I . WILLIAM BELLEOTISPI. OFPICFA-Lidhe Raildlej, Clrcsof Jscsscand Kccg Whiumace cl. Haccltoe Pehhmy 4j 864v4aîtI-ly. JAS }IOLLINRAKE 1 ai jua acelerd a Geecral Aicorimeel et. ~ vich! l e i gvea WCHIEAP FOR CASHa-d IN~ Dliv QOODS,.wq A LÂIIGEISTOCK In Croekery & Crocks, A Choice Lt - ~1 A Great Variçty Made ay Tlmekbim Tailcre te Mhn, cache neocccaded. Ordera recîvod fer CIlthing OR NO' SALEI1 Onr bacine.lan chIes eparament baeliconliderahjy tnoesaad, ceiare a idtce oui). ftaIcr lcvcalead car ocde, amrnall4IcstIell c ILUthat mattaac cilI e gin lO "&Sdiu»rmliat umn T e < s James HoUlinrake. fI- -4- Aý -.- -'- ,T £K i:%..4 n~r~re 3000 weight 1f Packed Butter Wanted. R TJmi wlS cmOeneIonTuel. E. T 1 B luL]) REAI) THIS! I hd.i.Frcecioe rache I petenon ,~ Doctor oaiis 1 'Aueroalchraaeh,13 KENNEDY'Sý MIlle, 311h lUarcb 1i864- 441fGteriefmuidRncII M ETs cOlIN yposat BarbI mfrs5e liakfng el0pels,l AS MWicl tse roi. Pa cancan lIte.. Bai Leg4, Old Sanse, ccd «r'ta tant ev.ro.cen ammen ram. tbaahu H TH~~ýy e. Y ~a teatihe n~ prlatlrefondo ylnld taeacy the, 11« DNIc ae, a. nccs u oetlam re- pa.trealmocl, hau taveabrua ncamhgd Iaa up. JXA(-A, n » aeauae.cchacee:daaro e e, êterfcapplcaionef l tacrfail omad ilpradlc e t 4 e , cta b. s ls r mf. IPr-Ois Disarepet 1p.e4 a. atîe. j at enal I~r 4hbam I mi Mlîo ', . 1, 1 .Clatrai a see i anc s haf th. mc lieoalanay ither befce lthe eitilea. an-en Wedeacday et meb meal "ontam rlimJ.. a l e a-tcre mais cieccdtne t euitt herd ed t.bîe."tellc a ln t hlaIe entaille, here ohe ie tct.1 =i c'%4a.lD 5 f111 dmencraîrd tal dc redy han ccnileilocna dlercs.Pane1olaritor Miccuchiiclad e I l e.w-aatae a g h es pa , ce ucîrerecl, prot and ffetlent - MS-rhi. limelnie cc-' me . -f tchice. aelaedi$g"-gmauIe aeKilr lien pldtea it le diee or., a i a se aad,,- retLaelai chicah lc Casfethc ieellye.lhe cf d ehl~. I.ccarllaatsicceamca, au decc ' wu 1 a Id-a asae.ramedy. Pall drecn OVfCE--A VaIaceu otel. prae.i.R.e euleid. * U&-&hsîe fiecs. acs, v.îîy . atlAniaea lice ctetniecacdhbyarececed.&BUNDT'S HamI12MTM iV .nOeic nnim~.cee- Wftnicran f a ler btafter hbrocui. INEW - - hi~. . ceheacan rea l' .1 e.P . oan a, ec ;ý cg gry, tt a trIco.ce ele NEWsecAn-Ytmc1niermli-u.ane. citéhit "hi ediuad n aloch a tpl.iidodeil ~mare heanifal thoneat the a gc f1eo lhé roqFaneZ.D;e NocLady ar Gentlemanceve r &acec 'V .' L. bolîtlae r grey cho lie Kencedyes Btoir e- eçK-raaaeî-e.White. la... ci , dUme iMIti.a b., haîlle. & MiT5tu cII,,li 1 ele. nercai cama-aclimma cd y a - odef an4 - ln ose. &OImaf4 te uhetuidt h. d clliac a a. TOETES BAD OUE tout, r îc.iMiate n. Ce", ic0. m.C. tenie, c, ar romic verm i ~ ~ ~~j ~ ~ x I eeý'a whn ttine t.. .Mti IusMur mEtuilr-n ncm al AtM aTRELT5 MbLTOOît, ~~~ t leae, Co. .1trY vcu. ieaarhec~.~LJ NEW f aITpre sa laveaa a ln.. Oilo, occy fRalq, .r-_~cîIcr ~li~e.h- lcb ..'l t 1 1 146-11 . M.ae nesllcca.ne w leu ev atel cubhler lhlpishnei ta ILhe eonclrory s aancanIath a eceed al-dC nte ee mcade ac-u le y Sl 'voreltèfaa n d p e g oan bnilkd. - pMYta.-, eec5.a 'w seig naPO- i at.eeb k al ci6 là13111di-" or-t res as oei eny AimaoAge.altoare Cag a Camr mait n > riale. Ilf ie ed l cifaisq h-1cti I Os aeý.a l ca n theî o t y. -- , Want O atSne ,b« coia n c d pcnel ; De la d ZVIiCIIS ýRItc.1ce etiiile 0ihNaiem ueD& r oén e luislthicI1;ordana . tL i ni o mwo tâc nsyree m ie, ia m op leO ,el e pub le'myote àota oI. b lO IE T T oeaa ie mpcld hy ITjiangre. Pua acb îie. e t e, cle.P . Lmaé IIct A i, o- ah;ncd . ix-ugfthbetki- -* " 4c bsigicai a, le l ai 15c16 frm, môtce mille aIl dbdcue clu. W. O. BUSBAND~ Wilae-G. TRASIE Uergracwai, laI Msrch,1864. 40 Ste4m 'Wekyo LONDëi îAND ast grcldy edeead îFar.,by CAÜRYING THE MAILS. CempeIed Oethe telleelag; let Olam, Clyde huila, truc Saeamehipc, aamcly : oîh f .oNc, Ciap-e! -bu, Lt5of a/bcshincgioe, ,cE.,ga tSiy fr Necm6 tJcgae CIchJ cf Mechealn, lila . oe et thean Steamers Icama, Nrw York reeuiarly ataanccoaFr YSATnails, and ccvalce ea mTenaetbrneghent lice year. T BIS old eotluhllhrî anît faverite Lieci LSpleedid Slecceehipe leeenmupard hy aay other, fo, cpecd, saftaye ancntri. Thay havai néry ruperIek aceemediétions feir lmth CahIasud Steeragq Pamseagere. ar. ny ceierdhcrgeeee, Kine tbccIl t le-ter tîh t dompccrimtnl, aad carry Patent Fire Aaailhtlacc Thnir ancrage passage cerens Uic Atlanttic lcfron te tIl2dayp, mcd the acocmmemdaieeand atlenannee are MqAI te Styelamers afleat. '1eîtweltalcg, = .e cayadvaacagee Ittht bs lie pece areever aIbera, tIb or Z S -ABE ell ha fbanad equal =l 1h s uj el heg. EXCURSION TICKETS The Sahc.crihar la aiheorised te graca Eteccr1%8»cg«es t . Onu tedeueo. Thomae chinlgTlcheebfronthlm Ihacidas the great admaetage cf hiîgecrieg fer Uirc chetne Siate-reaca, ar INeribe, cAedleg bhec atom od Batel, caâne ehehveecel, &c&,.,)lEIîl&lanc lci au actual enia et B7 and epeard, upea rerh Ticket iCahia and Siecragri and npec Gahin Retara TIcS.- eia. à svcanine o vca $301 '%.. AIl parengrofetiahis Lteren des- paiched te Nec York hyREpreassTraics af the Ne York -Cectral liailmead, theonely diret te New Yenh. im0 Fer lerîhi. Siale-reeme, Relire Tichelis, mcd. aher inferain, appiy le. JOSIAS BRAY. Ageet. Mci Dcar thache Faut Office. Hamlton, Ilanch 29, 1864., .lOSITASa RYes GENERAL PASSAGE, IiAILIVAY TICKET, lffialIlîed nariy 2e yeera,) Mcxl IScar tu tho PeotOffice, Mnh HAMILTON, O. VW. Mr 23, 1864. 43-aý ILAIND FOR SALE ACRES et Land For la, haiccg a 5 para cf the Eust hall f Lo . N 8, bn ahed deecereica otb0cr Townabp of Trafalgar, Cecnty of Illn, fermeriy lb, preperty nf 1h, laIe Rev. Oeorge Fecguen decirûel Thcre IsnatUicprecaicesacamlale firamae dwelllce hbouee. drilng haige, and elle, eci-huildinagse, àonacd celi cf tealer. The ahave rperty le' aiccate oc Ihe ilae radlradtgebhm Mâton tuha i eelen Slea er ced wnaîd ha rai table for a princie rosbdel(e. Fer partieulara apply, if hy 1,11cr pest 1pad, te LEVI WILLS iN;, Exeecebor. Miltnc. 211h Nev.,.l1tSle-if NOTJCIE. LTAING deterciedcet te allee Jaceob .5 sarmente-& Ce. te aaeause criai7le- vine uwlUi icpciclay asthey have hrrt- .fanes hien la thchait otdetag, 1Iherehy lne notice Ihai 1 cli talle prSedings agaet lbrct acdencry paesnéplcrcetgfromthem, ancd aIl peraae caecfcturteg rcn ig ccc articl,1h, manufaeture or use et ehich tle ta ctrtgemecn t facyet y patnts, moe eocrdially my Icpraccd Separater Shite,o w ehl 1oatéardapateal n ea h hSep- irchar., 1868, mcdwhIhchheraid firce.ai- ihongh ell cea,,eoft iai fana, arene ai- ircptieg ta cmanufacture lithoni cy ceu- sent. SAMIUEL MORSE. Milton Faccedry, li)ih Aacaei, 1863. 13t Departiment of -Crown Lands! QuEaarC, BIh March. 1864. N OTICE la henshy rtlna that; 1he loe.on the Malliaaccd Tfupimsicg Rend flu lac lIe Townsehipsef Colinae, Cheeti, Mip. lecinanad Papineau. lta h, Jcîial District ef.Nîpliig, ans ,e, t, raIe ct the Olire cI ahe Cocm.Imlecer et Creen Lande. .luehac, i tceety denis an acre, lo be paid lantnun t the ticse otsale. 1 1 Each mailler clii ha allewed te parehmme foucr haedrc acre., aed the conditions cf mtîlemeal cee applicable tu a let oetwe haadred acre.. vit a a habitahle bhne, and aweaty acres dltLnsd, aid cader drap. ehali ha de.aaed afftcnt fo, feurhindrd Berces. 44-SWM. 1cDOUGALL, 44-81Ccaccalmtcaer. HALTON HOUSE*' - MIELTONV, C.> W. 119Prorieorwou Itimiste the pub- Bote', ehee ewll ha happcy to ceet hIe eld tricnad c timara. The hecse bau beea lhcrenghly crevciediced ftted np. and ahe public wiîI nelUnd Iîlanliet ormer comcrable cid atyle.i -The haîl et Lîquera, anî tOhe larder mmlt acecfplottable. Gecdpoaalicg and altentini. lirtIens. RIVAlaIS HAMPTON. Milice. Mach 20, 1864., V.3 43-.yy BRITISH HOTEL Dta a ir DpJ. 3001x. f1RE Frepriehar vill ha happy te watin TUthe tmvelligpublic. (S-ced ccemeco- datiecs for belli man and heast. Aualcleu- MILTON Departmnent of Crown Land. Qîciicr, Ird àMarch, 1864. U M~ ]R UGULATIONS far the cale cf inîerai! L W lLands apprcned c,7 Hic a ic.c.eac -taf GeVCntcOac nleCeacili. 1. Thai lIce ranctsalcailIcomprise,.netcmore ihaa fiee, beadred acre&. 2. That thce dimension#a cf the tracts la uc- anrneyed terrllcry he fera y chala. la front ebue adred ehalas landepîh, and heacd« hn l W e t clgdae North and SouthIGO ac au aa eI. or as .cear te Ihesead 1 caoaotana authe canfguratioa cf the lnealpty E_ cIl! admiS. 2. The applcant tee a gract laanecarney O .4 terrlîery muet fisralha plan aed des» ___ -1 crptlaa thcrccf ly na ei ht clLad Bar-i 4. The price chal he c oedollar ce acre, p&Zyhle oa the cala. B.That c tx er îluiy cf oceedollar pc, cea he chagerd oneaitl nseri nîd rom tha tract. ipayahle ;aeremeval fronat ah, This condition epplietea&il 3Stalaglacd ~ fU\~I EU meidinlce e q id 47of April. , adle M EU U'E MU lneu inof the Royalty of cee ced a hall per M i E ~ ~ ll ceat changeable oa tuee se S-nathesandsaoiO I t. That la n rveyrd tewnshipe lorel ý a oloel îî'ihliî f ben, nciedications efrcalarrole, bhaolenidallg t Lttaet h!ihli4nýo the ahne ccadicic te ne l eulce eu ta II hiîr Tliiinry, ciîry oe dollar per acre lan sy lewnhlpad ai the saine prt. as the aliter landsi-ln the per amn. tcaccdia Ie 7. lienecere Ihan oe tract of four huadmecd acre he anid le eae persan. 8. Theaaeeregcileeede ana appîn ta ciee ouod ncd Sule,. a. Alh prenleue regalalinsne ocseelîe 0 orydnn cIh habeahae e cnele.Oveydec Sf M. IIcDDUGALL j»-Ail LocationesetrMinerai Lande ceA the bicrîn Shore cf Lacphre aecand Sie. Aithe Lococa Raemuecrac cg Prices. rier,,c an ue eadjacentIslads eh. oh ane an ec eu uiyla the 111h Ilcrch, 1h61. ehich wereli ah e te110tiolhiOsnbaqlly tte forteilere ier een-perfereancerefeondilione manfacture in Jiocieand 3h of Paic and lecation, and ehich hanvc re- mained liahIe te frteiîurcap tan the preceait dîne, are treled. .\i.hi.Ah ' The lecalee. and their acelgace. proni- 4,4 the tuca ele ere cade hefere the [date hercol, s owed ce applp the paY- &e! h Y by ave amade ca any lecation, ovanmd ahanethe dresit, or fbraI hnetal- menI, toecrdc the parc asetfthe ramne,yerIJ IF I7' EI i acy ciher location whln.h ehalhacopen fer mie ci the dace oef abr, appleica e have Coensniy oc th, camebnealîplied; hut nobh applicaation hllb regarded as a eee puct ch ____ ____ jeel le en r et regnial on. ced mnihe lied la th edeparlnentrofO onLand.,en 'crI fore the FlRST dey alTOVhMBFO A.O 1861. 41-ft W3. eemDOG r e CAHePA REMOVAL~ IEPAIRING DONE 0O2 Whc hernthe n k J. B WILLMOTT ILAS mech piecueen n lfrcig hie fricndca hai lie hu TIrai dan, reest loîthroce td. Thot prcmiees hcoueg lecýe rerîr d nît Bid opepre.ly fer the Orug and B3oôk Tradè tveny taeilitif spnceeed fer euccrctlhy narrylat ontha huoinea8. A cel a-rtedastock et FreachCcaieISngs, àiodicines, Chemnicale. AIL thererlialule Pa*ntoledice,, DyeiniP, lIi.SlATolthBraehee, ;pmha, Ar. Soellou.Staîieeery. and cli the ocnîety C; ood eacnily Inînîtl i ra lz Stoire, hepl caelaeîtly au band ci Lane Prîces. Presc riptions- Carnfully Componded. AIL KJNDS OFSEEDS In leheir Seacan. A very Superlor Coal 011, C!Ieap, Atteatiolal direcied te the 001 I*la 'lilîn ani County gccierally, ct, la caa ticoa have coramecrd the anaaacticrocf -pio De ic e hhey w ill ell EAN» RETAILI -As ail the Lenlier la cmade by the sume Firce ey cuan euh coAidence rtrnmmenid ihcir.uwu1 bust in unr Cuatomere, and encry article 1 Ai hinds of Shand and for ale chrcp. Di FOR HIDESM 'N ýHlE, SHGRTEST NOTICE!1 IOIiMEMEER '11E SI.RE-Neci n sainnDrug Sîbre, ln the piaeiately Occenîod by Dr. Boner, Main Sireni. Taylor & Whyte. r. S -Air rnvf,in..k cr f lnbcr. nopripincz.spaa'chand Sieonghter Soit FLor'ito and Upper, Kîp ced Caif, Slîvvpiie and Linirgo, ari 11every article reqnireid jr the Tend,. NEW ÏTORK GýîNUINE SINGIR SEWINO A CHINES, At New Yok City Prices.ý DEPOT-1 As f MNC .ANI) i ~RNlIeR0FPiM UGHSON SIàEETS. tarng lr~yth# vanlepIMPLIMU TI( of the a oct appriýcon ciireloic. eg almoetrelr fIRON. v'ecapan .t,@lmc.. pie and cf g s tctrangth, fi c h dral, , The Guardeca1=&c;be nsaovec tIlth ese.belag BQLTED la ý Wrcaght lr4pti1Iegcr Boarci If acyehnad reab tley. tact hae rpinrd ehilsiih e .laa in 4'gl&t, lua afew i mîcate,. th con calnte. t d.c ha changead tram a-Hcceraai te, an b -Ren] e haaiRed frhotclaaca ON£ IMPORTANT FEATUIRR. Et haI NO SIDE DEAUGET, amd*c cel1ht cf haah Driver sud lte Reater he&na 1 mediacely er eh.drtvng ehe.!., l wt fnne elth race thrbra y rdlnay gate, sud 1 ha. tahea marc prizsaàsnecIthb ac aat aeraclonathau acy achemachiae la th.eOuel. lad Biate.,and herbe the Orfir;eat tha Ccca. 17 Show lut FnlI, ta MilIce, chIeb wuasopea 11r Ceehlartd àahnîce t he Provincee mcd fer ehlcb the Sit George Machinec demped, whlch ion he iheTrst lPris tae cha clct Showo. Feveral were la cpératiea la the et. ddnt7 oftiltop darîeg lbe Marve.t. lefer. ecc, ca"h gIvrelcwiregardtt h. seaelZ Icace aI thelocperatîca, of the SEP ARA ToRS ANID HORSE POY ER The ea o erycMe I ' e ftche.Ma- chteduruagî he 1ltslanI, alied» nc coce- ceeat. They lare eeloerclîca ta varloase pat cthreu1a, aftraùe ri ans ia- qnniinec1ltheIr,prIse. TIywelîl Thrach more ant.îa hatrne n taibyolherrachi.é en te 'revne chSOEle wrrcaled net Io cboh.r, no malter hasemach grain te pet threîîtb. Ecqclns cf thceFarca,>.,la ebepe they hanehcea, an-I cf Itheasit. e= o nhe ncpncthaedthece, TSI CULTIVATOÉ haikhae Stil Futher Improved- inaî le cee mntaît irf5ilrt Icplemeal, easîy e declitht,adltwillclivaise le a drptb cf six lcche4. : cona en'h elher te .erbanexeet, thal lalt hIe for chiante. ar ache, coonaneed e e halg efcctaalleuoap. i I 'j~ ~~ýý Heeiemgeî,eîî epecifiillr lnfîrm lie CITIZENS 0F'HA'aILTON. M fZo .11eInllyr eer a lle uni l-aire înîllis.el.rd i o l r e e fîl U h î o iboco CELEIIAIEIi AACfIlI :S. i -ne lrieioee r- cei-îîly cii npccd by M..cP O CiiAcîneFnel'orrne1IN llHMILTON, A U~~ Corner of. King and Hughson Streets, cnd ýIjoîaceng . G Lensre eHatl Silirue; 1on tNo. 3l Kiegiim--î. le 'TORONTO, %ern t iiyî.eiid k utejillni clt:nive a lll moreleUr nthén ANIS TO SELL TIIE SANIE AI' NEWV YOIlK CITY PIoICES I The Singer Mnchinies aveeo, b fruiler flipnhlc for ceeey ynrsancd lhave gained NEWh 1.LOI ATEN BS1 MOST RELIABLE MACIENES 4VÉR MADE! whiic baniio a comeey;lperfeOnly eafe tram fIre. Eeery frce, chould hancnen J. B. W. bua paredn eapeger o ake O b he Ie eatet, ced Ilb elli lenja ha hid dnauga 10 makeI he 11h, anad cheapet e-. tahimeat t ftheh icîtla the Cunny. Paper Tour Booms! i A large ad vanied augortimecît RoDm Papera, Wiadoe Shade., A-O., t J. B. wilmott 9. Seeds 1 Seeds 1Eheap 1 Cheap1 Frerta Garden, FI-Id ccd Ployer Seedn et lacs yrar's gerodth, jai reelned, at aJ. B. W%-. Tebàzoeth, Teeth. OFFICE Ice cc.ccOF nTHE iDRU S TOEe. Al aperansaurlllIyanît hibîfai- y performed. Artaficial leet innertrît i.he nery betira ceai t reasnache priea. MIr. IVillipct viits Os Gaill rge- ariy enthae Friday and Salicmday fnl' haniigithe Si-ai Mnnday le carceuaotiî. Foudt-Canadiaa HIoîcl. BRYANS POLIIONIC WAFEIOSe SIR JAS. CLAOOK'Iî FENALS. PILLS. liBrraned Osciale,. Fer raibhy J.len ]hB. WILLMOTT. Mitn e.16,1864. 2 4l c CHRONOZIeTER ANdD JrwELEIn C. -Att odrns Proacplly atthailctot, Terce MiiS-U5Jcanrj 1, 1864. elu32l Whi'h matnent il cii lenrdord b) dcc lolodrd and nieity-cinpee-very thnlsaed eue hnvee iii îhem in uýe. ll'e iccldinvorite crpeî tcln it 1HOm IdAcInpectionc îf 01cr SINGiERiLElEO A hi ACIIINE, coudra for liîîîly ,i, oi ctililirrior tnaal athercccoidr fpr thn a cla fwua he lcgrouille ding..,INIPEIiIAL N o. 2 la la al nilierq frler iivy ceri. TFlic i.irihxrrc eoeld alinie thle 1crictertion eoflnrre NfoMkrre and Carniage Trimmeceta SINUERS IIEAVY IOIPEiOIAL Ne. 3 MACHINES, cuida coanst1cr cepn tl earppreavc.1di For the illoneaîiei cf cicee nholiaveneoaprartici knondlrilge cf ciaeCenvine SanLrr 3NUiniiîe., w enou!d cay. ilîry noe acctrillit nWrile and -iilue iri!rlnvd Reiich, 10 cj s hecscaeon bah id cuir e di brir andiwill no iaipiior mon el c n ile echoie or kijitinig sciîlh, bnutnveproixîrcy divre wilike na iinvic eiroii'r mdnccorr heanlifll han dan bcr donc by bandî. Picasca lianod examine the irnine .Sinîger Macnes arobrerureringaneyocher. C: -Clergynie cef1îlied et nvîiuvrd prives. itîc!ne i]e, Needleè, lTreud, Sie, &C, c r. one iaad.*Agents, clan, for tVnx 'Ilrraui ihinîlara. l'nr Pniceral ci fle ic GeisiîSinerr Macine Drpoiu as abone, oran aihleOffice or the ICANADIAN CIfANIcIION,* tiltoin. Fer iîî.nnution e rsprciiiig te uicqîily (cf 11hr Greie Singeras,iqaire, cf ~a r any ore, eho bausaile, orr er hed oenie l ., N. B.-Scvving Machices repairedprempcly ced ai reuaeicpnirc. G. W. Flits Hamilton, NaVachen 1, 1863 ý'3n24- 6 M rMTON a MAJIBLE D. BLAIKIF, T IRtbtST(ONES. Peace.-iiiinge, Ch mcary J.Pierin. Tabîle Tope. Ar.. 4-o.. hepi ai eayReic Iaed.emoiceadnenît-mrd. Rrlerae-Y l.@tppei teSCaîch C huch Sain Street]tolnIie. - Millon. Aprit Sl2nd. 1803. -1-34 FARM FORSALE. T HATewrlbeeme Parm, citenrd n the ceecer etfUieliame Llîîr andît the Bib LUne haiag Ithe werl ImIt ut elLos No. 1. lain te '0t oula ceiin ef Ecqerin uin Iheý Cenly-nvllalitn, cnnuieg C00noreg 7Oi et wibieh are nimartd. flan n--dean-i parc! 1eccootre4l euh naiahle ruil lilcixr andt Pbaril ce-id. On lhe0laremir. ea lm Ialog, hncse.c&lea barn 50 x 1.andtinnîe i6i x 24. wîîb gneîýtbihig, and 100 celle %n lb pmpeinlugcodcWoebicg order. Tiin arm Iegtaly ýitiait ed u n tIce iceediaci- cieiîy oainhonchim e, ooLs, reneoad cala. n Thei r n uth, pnemieea Yong lhnivtîn orecuard 0of apple,. plueeacd cherrie, , The purckaaer raa have immcedlcce poe. neulon. TIlleladiepuahî. For tarihet pacticulara, Inqair, cf the pcoprielor oanlIce pramiace. WÇILLIAM ARMS1BONO, Lot Mo. S. Ceib con. E4qising, VarclcBIc. ,1861. 41.3me. 'wX OUI S rippeciliiI1y Ietemm ice Icihab-, VV acta afel Miii iiiaîîd xnantindiai coedtyl taIhaviîng percha8erît th Iately o ed hy lIn. W m.- Gnld. ho le pre- parnd te Liei lb, Rame oa the canai reaeoa aIele rme.'~ otalI drcilpieaeili habepl on lande, made ie erder on shart actice. , E . IlfNES. m'Iton, Jne, 1883. 3-.1y IVISION COURtTSCo.e lion, 1~4. Geýrgetewn, .. oay, April r2th. Atnion .T........ T2bitIc. Naeeagawen, . . WedasdÉy,Ipl,2tih. MNlliean,.... Thac y, .c 2sh. Foaa ridy4 Dh -. . .trly, SSih. - Judgol. .do,201h M.ardi, 1864. Reery cantal variat;cf' ilecYs on )cead. bal- Our ettente liho ebeau mue epeciaily drýdte mdeveîopcenat cf the cele rated 1Our ran; ecdndM StanScdard Mode- land Pinîuni, sMana-dt raaîesedly ucnqetlicra iy any aiheria thé Provnce. te woad raIl alteatîan tlahelct an. iaiaSat u nfîrpagO IINUATRDAT' TMIS FOUEDiYTI teab the. - A rojcze Medàl, ai the 11,rds - Exhbit n l Paýrt. A acchr eT ciianll1y ce haad, readjfan dellyer.y Fer cattleg colin WOOD GESARI1q-OR THIE BELT. 0Crnandi Potato ~e TURNIP OU7TTERSI castg! tDoh te Generallübbin REPAIÏRS dccc at ahe SHORTEST NOTICE, AULL KINDS OF i-doae *lth dcaao.mdc JOHN WilITlLý IL. 1.e C iet$bI.' C rnct-P worjcdou Ll~er JiL I-i r dtirei d0f1~Ih~t . .......e..I laI ~inr clii 1 : 1 . Ili - P I. go~ R ec IQuee Iùc !8 W4îI..c

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