Fil ta W~o tare Walsd fasit- Italy ;peut- dia, t y lor t Isle e, asni rmng olan bae sYe- ce,0 ne t 0 Boit haeu lit lu te of t le af haa tat- sept; - . I 7j I j 1 - I b'~~~~ m Ap A1k o().N. IICIW U~O~iiSPRJNG GOODS! HAS N0TDEENTÂ&EN,B - 1 LARGE Alu NEW STOCK ~~I~ D Wulit roopetfully eaul the attention or <l-.uILuIEU IX lte public to thee Stock uf -~ - -TH 1po aieEeoi . Aut English l tilor mas convicted of 1 eAT91W-ý-Wl carn frontm bitelagarmy, lîvisig six mivos live,1 und ne hàtlit fr Mti- ' Meds sclnteioced te suven yeura icîprisuniocut. 'c tofhi edeicen eor, uf te , F) liamt îuTimes' ut habiW hnl4 bt a w puud ou Park ttret, ohom owealaitol ul.3 É._ Department of Crown Lands. beoolttswsybon~~~ ~~w* Waoeatrloitby itie tend ritcgici of lit oor Qnn,2î uy 82 QUISerci-It apècsra ikoly thit jDi. bell a a a ule hour, und on bis«, cing bu the QhLBE* 2thaJl ch862 Oitpe,' orf fflaviîmii iho4tthe Ref.rm ldour ru di&haWtht, fouuud pus thé stop a N OTICE ilu erey gim th te lands ln ajoddste: for thin' district. Heota the Willow basket ootly cCarcit oser' ilSoa te Townshiip cf Mouteogle, in the Ohuce of thc part it Soutb Hastings, , tl,. mhichby ita luudulationi gacâ uiimii- Couuuby oullioig, tU. C., oi bc open for a lt1 lt rsa labublo ardruce of lire bkieuth. 'luthe sl uni fe .h.i lIN2kItIYtit PineEelwurd Itndiof"'Iheb-,oatul Ouýjetideda eu l nt eventhof tAugoust Tait, "ll coleur lttocint sud lOnieutbe w-9 li-Cuer Li,,y, ci ue usuoleuondition or actifs]seuletîment M îul urbr uî o e.'Iiron ai 70 cents cosor $100 i r poit by I MtLcu...Tlt, Nejrmarket Era 'Mc. 8--ho la distiuguiulu-d forltsliîo Wlams Ilit tbe Toriso!tuMils tbtropîc inteutions and gi-eroily hurcjlrîcier îuuîments, 01100aliatinî,btoM. P. Hoyeso, ci o th Milanddi-ofcara toq.,Crown Luand Agpneît N Moec. Viinaeserlotyonthe loîthout -idunbf-or r-u i iilluîcîtANDItEIV RUSSELL. ilitr diaeo.puo ,p for uitsY-7.CrelullY piehiîîgtip the Boouu-î lic 1.1-t.] AuisI. Cuoîmiuuiîiner- iohrCi"' oîe1. ut'p nsteadof utconveyrd the prerclus buciten lu lil(.epiîig iGaible, dbmutbey mýould like to dropi OPirltotit, oudtiltod it beier-lîultwlîhi- s EORCE CREEN, et would lbue wiin WIlein 10give up tIba nd ui. "Poîîrllsfini.r.'1 cuit file lady, BA]R R 1S T E R- -ý T-L AÇV, struggle, aud allovi Mr. McNMooer tlubholit n boy cr o grl -Gai,' uIllebehu- noLCuroR uNctuANICglit, cected by accatmation. '- ,bau-d, painting us tbe curd.MIs. iS. wsNTIYPbICNEACR e H* -eids' esr.Aikin n soue eucuelopedin lber dry eoieott rmret OAP-UgLIC, CTbiEtle's CERltlngu fil~eodu; loru îe ceeriîg fruin the bu-bet, wLeu up pop- OTC-uhlaTit..Baia Clay, tite sgulor. uPîmioted Liberol unit peul tbe routnd. bîtcby li.itd t wiuliigeyeB c Con e a cndidtises, tbe faîuouis f. I n pippy of filesbull-doug pecicu, wboseu C.1Cup eol10lt tîit eld for ftle Home otoirl taloefor eresitiîtouicîeiitly piiio.An oten Ihat lie cr11 60ielylurpeils ituligbt ut biîgrioit itJ G F S Cla,:Wh i, p frutl, s ,the irbuome utitlueiueut outhebseoti. LAG surl e cbesCn, it u pseity efi ttlîei. ARGEQuastity or Shinglen ut the buut sur tabe eaen.~jA .qoUliy, for cle liy >- i ou. t. Colueriuca palper AntEon Dr o cutTuu.-o oelm Mlo uy11, G. Dempsey. s n hat Mr. Street bau mode ou biu bt-if.r oisfni itoJly1t, 82 idito run fordite. Niguaiiviticu Pesut tlias bei-n upereitthot tleiteaiOOlluir - ~omufîiTo frcou f bcpen. . Cily of Madlooi,"* plyicg belu-aru tbs beggiiigcfhinto7utay otc ie le l.lest Port unit oâi-go, has beennonu-ttnid lu file tbstrallufer t10 boUppr Hotisue uboutiterompent itéerutera frcm the 101h Régimenit, 4 hIe meana tf baný'iingWelland orer qmarlered bore. , Tîuo ilttcm- to the Liberal partas. wvetloei. nuit y iy lib toce toniccouza , e ni Tcr . .Ho-mer. it o-ou round.huit guce; hu tutti-r since totl h àl e leueit for tbe Vieto ris divîisiou, svicb - othec conille lst 5 o'clî.clî A. k: Belieciug tbey ~ ~cU ...s~ rise, orion of UeC ty i MotOs1. It lanoct a,-wer oun boaritthe -.Nlaison,".informution likelylIdioitte Lib0 olo ilI gelthewhIote 00 bsolai u i-boit veuoel by suc cf the six Lmwer Cana i ilions wilîitGOarrisos tutectiveo. uuit Serernt McPber - clect tblu Fal [rlit Telegropli. o n mou directoi tttlie flc mtter loto hucîl. The nier. ceedei tut he. iMudicu, wbicb Oaq S and The ollwingaitsienta he Hn. .,atfilîe Quens Wharf. audisturmei thie csp- tuai hereuf tIblnlteudeti te uu-rcb lier Warranted nst ta Fade-. ýan6eli McDoaltj appearu lu the llus- fouiterltsuu. No o bjection mus ieiteê, ontdb tItaM& London New-i<f te 5tb uit. the cuunhleoou Pucereiteit i luiting. JIRe --A5. lI~,RR1I11 L Ar. MeDoitoldti tl Premier, wns bor tiamiitât coilu cf rupe as ceus oi lorpsuliug t lcLde n ale a!tîg. Raplîoell'a luthe Counýy of Gen- toc oubliera usmet MueMicliorl 'il Powell fbegu tc snnuolee Lite. uioGott-c gary, in Deccmher;î 1812. Hufml Wece orgiull S tc, ni itfa irilo Th>u mers ittocee oututo the gilurd huue; 19@ E.ýE' ]W uyof Hgbaster, îctl inuGleogîtry sud lu beiug beltiecei ttattbe otgr two 0cm suit Nrighborbeud, dt uho asupeset for asl lu 1786. lie jea 1 wyer by professius bot fret, ibte pichet mou oritereit iomu tu aiFE W WEEKS ONLY. s Phutorrapb unit anti a Roman Catlle i religcî.la peeveut uuy esciape front the oliorves. Pur- ihiitu etcffr 18!h a lei; taoa sutl; PocPa-s.bler seuecb. towever, ptoveit truiles.- bc iii bcearie-iltu execuOie Lito licou-s oi MeunI7., witicb ho bi veol-sîse onantit.Powel wlieiu srrculcd liot uponu hlm a civ il- 'chu- Ciel elylu- nitc -ri. LiI:u-u-eu-, 1011,-clii coqityé whch fn bi eeýsnce etanesîî,y iid ûulili-. ai pi lvuu hm 25 c. [Tlitistaan errir-Editor Freelioliter.] iun'i o u isbut ed cos mou fucit lyîcg cese aoii upiari-. AI e-oc-onciliei lare ocke BlbîugbaUpperCàsiiiant ans uIthébeplace obere be bolbiditen himuelf.- iut Giuii 'Pechiiailouit ay Ciýsus. - lli-ielieionslueiveinluthe Art . iu.Chul- O0ppsition leader, bu ba.s almusyn heen N M.hebsbl utlahen lts coatolffbut bail ditaiu-li i- Fireucou. Opposed tate principlit of R'rst-îs.ot rouind o subuiuuo for it. He boit ac- Miltou, July titih,,62, il-If tien by Pîipulation, sud, alîbougit s Ru- amered et. ceeilulu nthu snucuing. aud buit min Catiiolielie itou - lmnya couti-mueitstrut esoîiochrpioe oi ud1 UM[E .LS IFEV Ib uoiiliim t se Goverumeut of w- - - twih aotir rivMl LTOIuDY IR Siparats Scbls l'foc Romnnu Ctolic élitl mlsuîug. Ton eacrShuviîîg hein fiiO luUppcc sud Pcute tarifs il, fe-wer-Ca-. iilied, fie police urreotiitnhe tuil iofioi -Z6 t'ESOi.b noda, aeeîrting jo flie preserit sytema ceeu of the vasuel. Victur Idf'ers, maie, a)sRÏ1R TR.b of tibtlPlco.iM r. MeDuiold's Amerimou; Wiliili oles 2ut mite, s Cons. IR. 13 c0 N -TE S ie i flitc duaglter uf a lite Sesator of dieu; Simon Mirbcud, engioerr.asCuuuiiu; A lare s-rro-vinen-t cf tlAIu COIcuit.CANIC 4lqioiisna. He issp cebuil , raltiter fait, Jofis Adamu, temrit ouAnuricn;andl soit ut lie nurvousulie.c Hi- ocs flut Jamesr<-xx m>wem hine, au a speaker,tut s î la sruètitheBtRces "lBdtns Cmu reuainOibing uetéMs cto-wr ent fts the ciîy gusl, sud ihu 4twu Joui Bu-tu a, do ougbîY independent and uprigbt, polji oeutiilscd tu the cetla oft hu Police Court- Tables, Woushatande, Bureaus, Bide- t in eCanadau [Stu. - u ourdu, Looking Qlauoes, -~And uely ait chier bîîîdu ut Forfaiture, obicb ~1iul~.h,- oilsu-il i Weaboutqaof enb.Beoauregsxd. iss7W .TH L S C R OE Aays-As mumuy idie 'sties b ave hecu cfttwiloie-.. going-te rountt, of tie, puleru retive * Miltou, Jolie- Ifîli 1862. n6-3111. toGen, Besucrýg 1rd'à mbercshîutounit 'I UttIN 10 M A iLhà.ie.h te ,caluse rctfis iboeece front uhe.,orme-, lTueavAogou12. % >1q h me think il v-qIlta sia.tucftint lie iu i t Puat ll ieut -$......ý091t 1.00 .i. UeDtC, I his family at l es :Sprlugu, Wh Spe.u....e.i 0.w teo087î lîm.I ~l e rjecolecîs,' i l it Oî 2n.- Fuo uperlune No. 1. .253tu 4.0 iiA liu-ueioIuc teity r Beurgadbi td~lIi i toSoulli- uny --Pa p .0 JieCrtiublicationeu burt. appiieation Bargl our fielucn-hatIea- - 4801 lu4.90 wiilîu- madtuoliei- foîrei-of fie Sitrrugute West wben orp rti'res nthtquairter Qaitmeual pur r hl -3 60 l Io 4 G5 Coitestirt ie Coiiiilyofut itioîu. ly isegaret wer arot (Soir -daos-keîîrerloit l h O - - 0 3 u08 Vyseu-ofutheii-Toicoeiip of E.qîîueiug. lu the activea cnîîpaigs mhitiubfollîtu, reisd lu SurI-y- - - -1...... 1.. Ote 0.60 Ceoliy fcilonu, iormeýriy o itou of Duit tha perfect srgifilizuiii tif thimmluoense Pi-os- - - -C........60 1te00 - tiitiy, utfIo Rmoui ; e omaYuu-n.0 tecesoct. t slow tIhue-wlie ut Wililiam ivYse-or lit e .cu57a Cocint 4 h performeit Ishors Pî,sutee- - - ......0 .7 1i).80 'lae, oiulai,îîoî. 'o bu- ppoili;t Iuriau ci wuiesociîtulFsffto.e bisbeaht, sit -- - ______- tiuy Alto 3liniey, ucu-it17 yooro. Jobe. centiereilapes C g)ieftsud recera-. 31. iîu-. oiil15 yi-ors. lurgaru-etoiury pete.1 t i rcpr-dbllu bvt ~~ gu-t 111yi-ue. Bieuget Mite-y ugeul 1tyrors, 10;aîolteîneceuuory. Thut. be < gLU c- i Ltcnf "',uyiîiu- cilcy-ru ouSou- ablte " -teyl-ane. cliii ilorrin aviii aiu-t sa m tesiuy -the uid esta, tue peore y-e. isiubilccic iley Mt oury aL reluef froam bis command for alur weLt-üxo5K1d e, t iar . a It oreimrc, yu le mýntbe. We s pleuccl e tit Ihîii t PITR LA!f ýPRHN ,uoanttlu the sînluce liu age Mse otuno lb GIfleraItilhi-s th à rapil- improsise, Iioo fWoasdMci. provitet. Jh EA.J Ibal ctueimllver>' nounb lue orue- vres-).sutrlu c ntsic,. n, -I on.,si îiJrOIcituEWfoRPuJR tltntu bitpilst. 1Withu is referaî te se-cctiui-iieos . 1.t s mis ndic..osh.rci-.. ÉlctrfFýiin tieservic.e be uuiry mill frai renewr- sisTcuclîaoiu.ituii 0 Dut it 301h Juiy 18i:. 2 tlr ca-,confidence in 110 itrtunes. - Capitild taid aa, Sttauartin. Eurýil M 'y a Lnîi - 2 l. A BY-ýLA.W i. b o hI ____ de ws. tnmtdo Tu Dtîîîlc te Tauouruip of ïNassaga- rrîayet umene mses eutr s . cyta into SIU-li eSccis. Meda a StIsseeWeymnuuî. It op- Jeatnn peurs tlit aaman sUiumt John -Co.i b..sit eaten f .rwnands. ITIRA un-e-te upe p i,- s-i.- i l...cesr t ae y 1ors m1e limte ]abufing putdre airalu diseusee ,-GiJA îli, tu (l..ilvide the Townshi o w antiunpder te médica i taent sf Mr. Pue-. TCItobe >gîei .. ra ntu cbolSebnOuci iii. N ChIE s e i)gve iat vocul butds Suc I kre, ec t i 1. the u-Municipah ks86,the pariait surgeoouuh bobsd resotycit tu -iutsitel'oe-cuitipip l ltaiu, c te Cîîuuly Cucittb o-rîi tNi-îuyau reussveubiiotuIha COi'Y Luntie Aylum ut Oulurlo, tlpper Cintsl, ouIlbc spcn tue emled uctei- snt hy virtue of l SeUpper a ai Prestos, bnt uniochscately the restitutions ahe un antietr te ElGRTtI SEPTENi- - funMiciiîul Corporations, Ae's, r a +.beu ii,,ur- lly exr "' t-rC'a â BR cent, itpon applicatioîunueJotus AtuCx- Ant i t.a ebreartcet I cthéuuothoriiy ba4ban nosîI~uly surecae- 1 Àon ucu, Esquire, Crou-nLaod Agcnt ni Bar- OethIe ruec, aocthathile sit Towoeip bsl Prefience. Ou tse dit lu qýeiOu, Dr. re.bc divitet lt Nîne choul Seciosis the A' Pnukena prnuesd id i .tama naeitWhite The price 70 centusunacre .coshtue $1 eu foliuolog mauber, vin ls Cloz 9fms 1u m -dve im ; but t.nWing acre,. uteiiflItenobe puîihuimuw, and te ce- The 1ot Sebooil Sectionu chaheommeuce C0ý- bez letyvivi1mtindu-iu four equaltntauo slal îlmeot ia uiithie rot lot honie rtiseco-et iîlcansu Coider himb e aylnt ort licileo t iteu5.oIllulute Luis cce. tes. ,brrr, tour, Itee sot mudr l, uihe.V-cbifut' te ortidtouiciso ct sen'wn, n t XI t eila ue thecu.t bbI * AIDREW RUJSSELL, ciu, uor uLbeieei liusil l dwi 10C4Iolthm bttcl -O Anisnt issioui-r. lui seliono, Filiinclude Lui, Nrs. seresi, cadis, mngd ent out liuthe irât,_____________________air o air eu bim Dr Pohetrchic hîu. i lu-cnu-, twlotcu. ondtirîeus- baneheu et tuete udose, iWùantedI d a tely iitht 1hCrut, scotiiui Ielbatc ~m1 ailthi Iind 1Wprevent Cun getîi JLLO Aaey It Igosesu Où nWi cr, oedtjupOt fayqn nI u E ate 3cit section, Allaitlnlubue Lut, Nos, tour- aso lîbCrueavrt uss stc, TATE oo ie ulutetea, fo-enuîtren, sevettees, ighieen sud tb lms- aga à1 4, but a-sepresen arîcs apIeuurobs luanittetns,lilts Sct, second, thici andi-Wnat b>' mýme Iranitban la IceThelt secesef imie at tbe bsiceu-s preterrol jýd - , hait ut tht itb ConcessIdns. iýçutOuýyletgo nt iAppI>' iumctiaîuly at the - Jampîuc 4ib"action, ebtuil cosiel-4 Lots allg Ocr, wben cort ruit- ire. .ttctyor o-tyuu îe ty-heee et !su aa iele the s econd,; milb part Mtonc, ? ug. , 1862. y-four. te-enty-Cvo,, andsti ty.sls. lu Ose V& abeM«ada, wbtéfcbiehlbtruhe Sen rt. secon,ithird ad sotCet hbfoicf tbe otonS Tuubit>'Wbioleyl Olaît du Port Wiueo, Du eh Breutv De Enypecu Gini, to whuub îinvits uSe attentIon otTercu keeperu asdti he Publie tn genecal. i StapIe ind Fancy - DrY Good! con nig lu a eli lc îcion ut DRES 2GOODS. COBOURJGS, A LP AC AS, DRESSES, Sl{AWLS, PRINTS, blsiLIs;, RIItOONS, LA CRPS, SEWED COODOl, FAMILY SHIRT- INGS, IRISH LS2uEN, SHEETINOS - TABLE DAMASES, DIAPERS, HIJCKABA CEt, IIOSIFRY, GI.OVES, PARASOLS, ldfRAW COODS, FRLT RATS, ALSO A arge Assortuaent of HEAYY DENIMS Grey Cottowo, BOOTS & SHOES tn greuc vuriel>', aima>'. un hsuti. ~lJKES! IUNESI GROCERJES. Parties reqoiring Wines 1 Brandies1 and ultuer Liqoeliin gtuo&c itbusu,oil ne sottey sud gens 'gond scîlcin-guoroan- ti purs-b>' buyiug aI GEORGE SMITH'S. Corereenl Main anitCuemercisàl Sirmîts SLTGAR! SUGAR! 12 lbs MIACHIJNE OJL! RiUce 1 Rice 1 COU MEAL, SP IT IPIEAS! T & cts. perIL GEORGE SMITirS. IIIJIIRAÏ II UR.RAIT JUST REOEtLVED, AILS, PUTTY, GLASS SIIOOELS SPAD)ES .110Au, BAY FORKS. Roli'E C'LOtIGH LUSES, DRUSHES. -dCRU3BING nld r-EA GUS CAPS, POWDER, SHtO 1, I of ohieh wohbe sui t ou -aurPrieansut ucoper IlUneau>'hbum ne ntruite. GEORGE SMITHI.' To be acht CEEA.. 'ce Set,, Tuesbhers, Dccoutem , cups anti Sauera,- Cbaeeb Wate, &g., kg. stitier, Foustg, BIlestons, COUpecS, Aitm, Cutibear, Indigo Blue, Mastdur Cuespnnd. t Ier aatàleua ull>' require i cr tig GEORGE SMITH, S. dilIon, JUîr SS 1882.% 5 GOUD TEA, CIIEAP SUGArt, itou- eovatu5 Uctiuti dand ReOti[x, RICE COFFEE, GOLDEN SYRUP, RAISINS, CUBRANTS, OAT MZAL. BARLEY, RICE, CHEES, TOBACCO, FISHi, SOAP, CANDLES, VINFGAR, AND SPICES 0FALL KINDý, Togcibe miib eveuy niher nticu us$uahi>' kept ln s Geocer>' Deouemeut. IJROUKE RY !UIIOQUBRY! COMMON AND FANCY STONIEWARIE.! suit iu Sella or hy ithe Doumo. Giasare, -Jupo, MîlIt Panas' Cream Ceugtt, Hardware. A LARGE ASSORLTMENT OP -TAVV vuAREsi., A(e, ;utlet>y, Hures Nshls, spates, Stosete, GareTe sî, T.7& Huok Bises, Cros ue olSswn, Grftling damo,! Brushes, Curry Cobo, A large tut of Glose, (nsoriet ches], Pntly, Polîts,, James' grpule, No, t sut 2 White ]Lent, Chrome Grcam, Chrome YeIlsur, Parha Greeno, Brunswick Green, Luîbsege, Bucit tant Rue- UmIter, Terri te Siesus, Gebre, O'enrtiau Bcd, Yelocuti CriimouuLake, Roae Pink, lvery Biîîeb, ;- Lsesphlaerk. Spirits nif uelknclr, Balet mmd Rom ilus, Eleplhssi 01 Suren 011, De-or ACopal Vauioh, Japon, -potent turycro, anti ever>' oOsae artiltIbt lu coquirati in ti. Itti partmcntL W. D. & R. A. Li moult hereb>' tendr titeir incers Ouahalt teir sîti castumevs anti the public gescrull', tocrlte patronage se libecal>' hesisuruot Iee sinco tbeîc comencemountlintisplace. antUsope Ibat b>'strictlattention tu husiceso, the qunlit>' of Ibele Guois, andi Low Priceslatucceil n con-: inoancu of tbsic support. Mlilton, Artil 151h; 1862. 49 ly. COMBITITION IS T *IE LIFE.""OF TIRADE;! OhlEn55!0 THEPUBLIC-AT~I NEW DRUQ .STORE, Main Streot, OppSite the 1xarket, A WELL ELE 'ýED STOCK 6P Prn 'IMedieines, cheuicals, Dye Sionh P e rfw a e r y , P a e n t M e d I c ee s , - - ,' F , e y ,,S o a p su , Machieery olis, Coai 011 and Lgmpat Stationary, Schôel Dookïi5 &c., &e. u ni-r the Stuperluicutencu out brouunbty Computent Druggialt. ûq- PRESCRIPTIONS CÀ1IEFULLY -CQMPOUNDED.ý Any Article flot in Stock,ý Procnored on th.e 1 1e Ntie. DENTI$TUR'Y!! 1 J. IL. WILLMOTÏ! ouuli lutimabe tu the Public thal b e us ceetbis Dental bis Dcog Store Al opotins coccftolly andî sbifult peeturmeti. Artîtucil TetSerted t luthe ver>' Seul styles, aut hubie-sa. Partieu reqsfingte mtdaeaie 3ei. ne spocimenas ad-ýpcbceu. -rn smltretsuate a<as J. u. W. visits Otkleoncuthe Frits>' and Saturdatu llowlng Ifuam Moada>' lu cvrc> Millon, Fub. Iltb, 1h02. STATUTES 1862. INAGtRATES foIhule Counbycf l II luit, Wo b hec . ises i ho bo ui- SeîcuO. oilho ouppulied it h a cupy urthte Stalutes Out heulet es ce o f Purliameunl by coiling within si munîus st theu ullce ut HoBu ucuived tiIlte SobseeiIteros euuaitl.u cr acas, suma, Tobaccos, &c1 AT VERY ,LOW PRICESI RAIPtI-IS, 124 prb1. - TOBACCsu, 2, elr. pur lb. T,AS 50 te 81.121. CANDLEs, 124. SIlA RUR, C-LUtb, RICE, RA ISINS Cul. RANIS8, COFP'EE, hIUSu[AàD, CItEA5I lAt6TAR, BAKINo SODA. CINNAMON, GIN- GER. ALMOND NiJtîs CLOVEb. PEPPER~ ALLSPICE, SULPH OR, SNUFp' SARDI.NEiS, LOBstRIths, ARCIOWROOi, CAS-tES Git1, bC., &0 tVhieb oilbu a:ast nI cc'1ow Priceu, aIt oaruaitedtolugivcn unluetOnUa. IVwu I J~DS 0F .&LL' KIxDS KEPU OnstantlY On hand!1 - IMPORTANT. TIIOS.L. W HITE- E6IC TO A'sSOC'CE TO TRE PUBLIC A WELL ASSORTED STOCK Of Staple and Fancy Freàh Groceries! AND ALL 0F TIHE LATEST IMPORTATIONS, TEUEBfAY 'e1lth Apr' 62 T. L. W. tsspecltatly suicitsa catI, couli- deut il thi o bs GeansutPricua wil gisue gen- erul atustactuos. KilSite. MarcS 30t18 162. Il-lin Graztd Trimk Railway 4.-'011 CANADA. rALTERATION OF TRAIN* O~N and ftor l4nula tOssToelftli Ma. a.Jnd untît ftteeo olIei. Tmiilla. lî bav eorgeoloon station m ooes. G- O N G -V , 5T:; bruo5b Sae-ge - .. . 100oA. Bf. Mil............ , 5 . m POoetgu;- - ;00 A M. ,igttIExpress- --...... G01 N G EiîÀS X: PaRseujer..-......--;...7,00 P. B. Boit - - - i ... 12A. Af, 1 ladsci-ger - --..... . - ,CP.M -Br Onoon.1 G t rý u 0 w , BM y 1 2 b , î t 104otOice epens aut7,;A. M., Chumei et l-lisu "n, openas ai 1, P. M., Chuset I 7, P. hl. - Blad.uirBCKoj -1t Ir OUWh eP.EdiAL NOTICES. 1 ftM- TWENýY-ONE YIlAR5 AG. andi Orugglat ofthebucil t i uýffolu, S, Y. te. vu.-Led1aid manoacîaeeds.n-csmpuuni hitouri os tteiatut'a Bulesesofut Esrbount, obî percf4 peehteuu rCuugbe;cntlds, or an>' Bron- uhiai ce Long OlSleulthc, aelalug Irue o m, nuItd. orsîtiienuhaneuforuowetber 1 Evrse>'pecsou ho but ever takres Betetutu Saatutotflarn'ulti,pesanoncs Il tbe buat article crue Inveeil ; asdtntu maIl>'cetebrat. ci lisait becueeibsutlnsemret î.atreaeiytol utiesltoouc cutetI'eit, audtmet divSger us cOespuuts, qier lthenname otlalcaes n Bucerhouss. Thoestue, atmaya bc coaù tot cisit tu Ilcistoit Onucesi, atiseetpalbn Frit eO igniur la n the ubaie lAbl .f tb, BaoxK.-Tb aintaluaboletelsico tbs ees noe e t-yunsysac buloce lthe psubc ani tbulane effselsgn the part uitht pro- peelrit iisbu become ceretensive, simd ta taii; ucru-uesg. The tum prie5 aI olsietu tsMtcine its cuhi bS CUXTa) CnaRbtes 611 1 Pn' rtobe oh ltoScutisg qalituc,. c. CROSVïBY eaLO, N. Y. Sole masuuoncturer; ta 54ues attortee abouli Se utiree. M Itou Aug. loti 1862. 13-3 C11RO0,11ETER &WATCJLyAKER AI, OrýdresAttend-nîctumsnh ACnurncySdu TIERMS MODEI1AT1r Il A-IL -lb, Nu-ntJA EigE iNSUIINUE Itoruooated A. D. 1858, und' tYmXj- 'eqiseuiy o 1Jtoîis reuesopoa 0hs. ctit-iiiu@o f ihu titutils - oethr Csouiravtytf tu a treqouaietlthto cfrai&ýuui- are ccry:luit. i Eead Office--NilMton. ADA-11SPItOAT,Euq., AveTn, Eot. Fi..scMt ausy lGdq Jos-iti W. Boon, Rq. Ju,nos Uts- Treaoouer--P. 2fCALLUMe, Eaq. SteCretouy-%e]it.i toM A.AC'.n MiltonApcl 2Jtn tItu e > TO THE PUBLIC!f Ts: Svntaiie seý g.talu hl.eato hIc risuis and the Publie getîeuil>' OatI mmSa e-ii ua ese messrinIinsupu-nveeet, cutoms partso otthtesuachlaecy outhube Union iBui, uthureh>'bh Su tausuogive Scuier esilutueicu thaseOr ot-lathefCrst pince 55, Sioces hse bren dmrd!s-ccuetiug ta thcmEost uppruret mu-It; i he neut place, ttc bulîig-mu- chiur>'le impoeovrisu tihat butter soit mure Coeur lis m fois thie mawe wmbenl. Tbeclu-oit îng aoou aPmtPiu ,1P Impru- suo chuttihere l euusitierabls b&% ac tnmiu n usual, sudt he grain peeut>' qehdc, As àl sumetimeit bpprus that the rrp. heuh grcls are ta bu 5rusnnti teiu-nlcior.wolent. tbe pecons cittth, dooti9gris gets e-ese ut nusiseroIr 0~ cuiti S, efor. To hiab- Ibal ificaly, aSile laubsctiPt10the tan e-ilS ihe got Geais-Ohse uherihcc hou lu- nirucici cIte ulll r lu griù ot meeoutbis oct gond oheat hets-res ihe-io. 11e b ouling lu ber the lots for the aenfetving nutisfaction sudit iig hecunstâl.Theuboe-Je- bren fOiber ta sa>' ihàt b5ela ieltesrmi SeeplLtils-r tbal perfeel>' ndeesteudm bit huthtfessund une thai e-li endesene nu gie satisfaction ta ail. Brisgmoîll saltit edthuai Icre ha nu Setier 1 Mllin lulthe uehghhochuet, sud pucreit>' eues tuttue cun ltok more pains là nristiuu. ha e ela ihat bu cas mitb nosience incite , O be paurouage uce tpilll. -1 EDWARD MARTIN. -- j -~ 1~*p* .~ BA4TIIEWS'CEOCOLA'Tg WOIlO( ROFS Nerer fait to dantro>' andi sulertluéte aIt biào Intetnal loh-se. Arepcelmtlyi. liSIs ln ail cessec, andirtesupseronstasu>' asd nIl or the F h-u Cne>'ectsiboumlns. anti naue. enun veresifuges la une, Tht>'may Se takea ut ÎEI ties milS flOttent matebyjat be custals uo Memcury,oc olher etcttui DssO Id. Mo là shuhi alwnys purcue rbn u Iettt chiluticc no*otber. i (Nu CaOssriîo tubatevret.laiecoenarY teta b Euçhbusoxtiontaîns 24 Draps ose Lsngea.s PrltuBn utm. Fue sale b>' aIl Orugglata anti iuln la Matîsne. A. .ATREWS, Geeral Agent, - Bufal, N. Y., asdotiE rue, C. W Ji- OpulîsGeorotowa b>' Thua. Buton Irueuto ru"s. b Ibse uni>'certainsa. se .ai emety loi ate riterle Oertcltum. bnblslMultes Ireegularitir., east alth ite Olîdse ilmmcnté ebieb 1h, Fomua, Wite asti Mutier là penn. larly1al e. j 7 Tbc Phti uuntan sns teleeto ngeie Cu reml adrtat cnlu titi.cure T aben %ýb>' Prgnasemahll ea iurlobtn i,ét Semontb,, asmîuremautcag-e o seeta s b auertf sahe i y hyehnd ob nbe Agent, aIti sases ageligerotainî1ta b>' C. CRSBY, Geeral Agent. Fort Eais, C.'V., BufaIs, N'Y. 7ÀvvT5ox-Beware of Counnuateltà, tue gean.ý nue baire the algitdruie t C. COmnY,un tb* t04tie-wepper. I h-ce sateé >'ail eehpeetabsaDrtcgloto. î - Ai- Si nla (9rjetma' byTou Rsstn Wanted, WTANTID b>' tte g*u.rihsr, A ST? itOt VV L BORINC BAN- ns horo.îgbty uisitut olOs laeueiug pursoît, preuitret.ý ,Iuessu .Smteaàiritmau. ,- !1 AppI>' lu SIlvrr Creu, Jl'ltI, u80. ri iKn- por- 1the teir idea , and a ripoid i, iuft ea Gît-r d b>' b er ýllcaf, vite, fruit n lu bho holIe um- .ex- - i -1 1 z l' ýý ý lousmos Wlishey, Oit Rye tho Slierce Oine, l'oie Brandhy, Itaritellu cugnnc$ ri MÀ s 1191EAvy H,&IRDWAW"P. Il GROCERIËS4 ! 1