rl l', -- so rowi g fri nd. . asc nd d in th "Ni whi AI B N a c os o.o t O - s c e b i f r m d t a e d ed a t e1 a a a f e c i n ? h r r u d b e e y l t l et h c.e e se z d b h ns r e t n c se i 1ak þ o h , a d a g a d is p ae.o e h o h ii .nt e e t : at; ., d oe1 t :Dn. ta; te th-r:igo osieabehigt wn1ffto-l n rdu-gtereouio hi.te othr rsnis1hy aeic r-thr. Teexiiortretn isurud h .p n o Te . c rias nanrhrydietonlne aeyemoee r1atrro o eoi evdb en fthrytovsesta u adsvrlohrehbtrstl fdigaeteninseso hscn . . s . O coh u s R t en h i e t ; P o r s e n ar W t r o n s at ' t iti M l c , n i lo - o . t eblc.,b t e n h s f M a ,1 6 h s m h i is e so-h1d l - h y y . .' - r nt r. 'r oro es S h.i upoto w a1m tes o uy16, ,00mre hyiAA1A.lcdetefa ofIal -ithi nfs sa ,-: r1 .l. ., o rsn Mnsryaepede o si RAamET iH a U lhv hdase uig1h as wle1ots,-Te'Tms.aancndmsth-o on wud aete et o t efc.eddRtecmnti vr f. r -s- h ee h.npe -eJh iaticiedt atre o h anfcueo ukt/tduto eCnda iisr nrf a sriniöterdnit -Sek G.Tc1Hor m10'1. fie ne tercnto, T e hao1aurasy taitis n r o. a lesdt al nCaletn avnaAg1'u ndClm.ngt rviefrte eec o g o aina nedt e ht av:qt b heP aoiale snuto.' w irI - - cutran-sy ta E gan h itymut otbe dviedfom e le111... . e lteNHto , f.i- b th la e C ali-be con rac1 fo -tMt a . - ra ter a Id l ß afe1no oc1asion .;o1North C arol-na; J y-c bu g an ic - ofh r t en th a.h.or he ab roa a tie i...ear ng.t e.la 1! nd do ...., ý . Balme,-Oavile ln, w o o1 .t-a r ce-w ic.hd.e ised:yha i-psiiv fct.-- :mond. A- hte orsi he hvemae 0 , -cides ' .. do noth n at all he- .'o, teesoudes,,in m fori .'IaLbi gh - ery Sa1r yro 10 og - P ra ra h f om the C o nw ll nn ll d b1t e p es r: G o er men.-I1ema n our , ro ght ca no an gcpo de a so. Th d -en. n e., on ord t en ! n-,i to 4.... .a nt M ,F: MCalu , . F ee ol.r :- O r A C 'D , .BE L.reil h vefond ris orcano,-ot bas , 1 -f he Jua-Inco cod.ie o r tr ng h. No ò Eer1 a and 1turday f.om10 o "Tey -revetgaic n rpo ay a s h tu d r h ,Ko hed, N i .,A g.1 ,18 2 adirn a ic m n , h rlson;obl -j al ulbt ee _iclan nd N a1 es.rri orertoth dear:nmi.s;anuledconratth pamet orthean Fyet.de.Th qaliyef hecanonCae ace Atge 8 li1n ; btwen iein tead,.n L. P 7, - i, iler r . McKay . .lara1e" hihenum r h 100,whe-te.ige T RÈCÀasked onAa - - testsltO wN c t. s o- he h; eben u- asedths ontat4 .1.,ad; ws1trng1f ro ,tes .l>rt tos l-. Eiq.. no ne-a vey.erModa. e sst'a ereios ccsinw 1entedos er A.OHE B TT E jetd ha hvefa;e.itoouhnd. t1o.ede-nd1 s ac tofth1asoIl er hu dea. i i b -" LTO AUG4, 1 T ' 13,l 1862 Th LýàoftaterGeneal as free.d s N a The inb • Gen. Banks' advharber a neonguard, and u dho e ry te lin s uccwe sul op er t So nd inc h't fJ n atf t nur h te ny u h atlyi ae . F - EGu; ma TlosY lE'CONiLOR er viessupieaa"a wi- ran. he-1 stto r hredas heE ec- nInagmeti wic tealegdsu T e oaco anainVioisu'iaMaera .f "i bedyu, im loeyo mal ffcto has_ .hiteroe uall e Inth ron rd tvehsutth'ruin n 0of r uer-iylo the Cofederats in aribr - - ners nihTo» te29h te.U S.t enmeo thtfah rlar t hatita to s ee seninCor.aten.n omte.o ieen clrk hve ben e a d cid a vantaeo . Seveal last th r r mthyby.he.aptd adnV sderblemoneestundr th beief hatthaniyö,-an totellyou how h py a rtmen.tate busiess, andin everyde 1dlscargberd r te Crown Land te n othr Rgnertawrfevre7 i hepic ftoacoimhe lddm n s was ièa e o fthe Mrrimu ali gam t be Mobce rnre amnG styou nor.mi ndwatr peeh, hat t ala.wth 0i- * di er@rig, romth.AdutateGnerl'Mofice an~ hnded. Gen.Baks foce coegbliedinn Fity houan dolar arefrqunt-ofLrgeamont ar'inure atvalds notleae y wthotope dog the publ4 , ý i c in r in.nhitbrh n te Bureo iau of ginitra tetearvlorifreetsudrPp igefty M n am ht the et vsasihsebanswoeur.o ne friendw ):1 e tome ndai A.er b ou'r oti c Ot et . fieo heFnrc inseanm e ad ieger l, pevntdea d vancelé of-othe bdv ance tottinethre lt fa ,su1 he8ims ico menin onth ,con geaM te so tenesp Iea àn i.ws neofth m co"uth r m d edo tth e l atter s updapo r et o a tatem1ent of te u ar62 t1ity,00 o reao. am a nTuerhil vr aetopt wefndorele og er ih1hs l',*.; -% Gtr13-, l Cwt W i. . eter T0y p s nt ng wheatthat ws G PRAreceied, weihedTan Tapeced at he ia ored thsascanalous aw.nItwiN on up ng slahrhmcon pehsee ieal oeedwt h netd ,EL MG..É.-hsn toros en p, emnigbemsio aosverbailoreousein helyntelb n h o lyre'mai a n uefinfamthe roe n wtht p ofw hl de1na ered by.:Aoes oiiia.Sek inadbrom sas e e to-caate aQen rf yexiie ury t Jhir de lad. .Be t20a ndteyacnigJne3,16,peae uewops t nd dêtran e o fid ors elveail Rome, an Ve nice. i ilf e ý a t er a d M c o al , T er u t.aei r 1 y h ut o iie É M o t e l w t e -, 00 oBacaidyre s id tfaa e e n toy sMr. h m nu ctra , o fmi ssio er a of t e fe t e a tte m pten dstr u e -oaidsand sc i e hef ery> .e.says:---lice n t hnee e d e t h me 5toin a 100 f. Perce thr.sttemet' o eig ar ill nd o i dw ed Th a ttet o W ae o ssi t a iy t r hta a o e dthe sa - ky orrespionde nteà,rwth w i thha Oft n -Heuin ran 0trin.ld i bo co, l or. tber cnea t m a rStd a' w ek 1otht er ei-plceonSauray adahee Iabe n 00 o d d ve, 366 ;r a nr hhe1elst ,tresu ed to ue ab leal bit t pe . hne t pearance i eat injured y he urder tand uted in oronto dwas ab mi absn anest , s ty1 ph r e ho hea sni , 1 429 ;nuulln t he iho f xfr Bhs e omend ig e rlyM"n t wenhetsh their countr~~~~. T VySareinl hsel rvcesne.Te.etlmnh faed fls. Sh deoede ti ocsinofhgsedsoahntfrinpcto,52 ddpryrst b ea n i doe efo rrtt mtofgh orRme? Thsd clrton ws n obt l . ma msid ntatwht st heir md os theery o rtm tr e Wht e : w e tol be. a rmedcii aebts' beasel ity o e wa r h le ,i,39 th Cbas. Iyt is em i ici alnd poiied ha t i n i r oits nha ab,1rili t"wse we3 epoed r.h t oe w oefedinaotto rce.h ea tm e p t oee ytn, rMbie awithicaosa n th abamof ah ' he1 au o ldon t t P toreos th moe av ra le re T ane. h n h m n e a fed; n eoe i hfhel rck tM th a l"edh rrnete y th 5hi s et bth efrie y toh v u teenntirespopulation starkithey will remainvsomextime in strict se ýý. .r s . e es. Hq fioa d ell ng onfear C r ck by . ssu in t at no gre tossal we d y.ay anrdub le sireaaouand' ed lov for0he:tontry"pastce tainlh- emsiofsoinion therisectltavelsup-eCub hih • et mea tie be ncouan rdthe. e p n i tubli ac i by nt. Even th âe ar es hae tlu re port ed tatew àp tI on the v r « ag m nt f r.th O ai d li 15th of en Au- Thwfmo s'a le hih.asbe tsse t eu rordin r,. Bu t .ZRo Uon thi nwadsson te sankd a. resultd plfa orrof ten.at- ha e ll oe lioj1-1 nde 0s i the fed u ghtrth e rinect i n cnd r s ecat ing gu rst eaong t e day, tùh e Empo e r..to't elQ yueer e cton asd sin icihfe and; 1 ...1.jthe B gotat:! .e - clie Ythe l int e crlipitri of te n ri t e w t one r it sare d w ic k-ba henilthesevdraiahv en prd n o aco o igt ak w ny cs o inst ae a ietinw ih da d ex ctdb a de ia i o- a daei i goem en ded f ec',fro M rtn' Agicltra Cyloe- es t g dwn O igto e w n olsahy hul efalyiaSpe ibeal- mndet tot ie's ietment invessmanI d di alle o th gea qeston - O ilth p e s n ane ofatd i '. in by t au ad;It ; oqlived vir. netusth:vebeieve th countrywiln. nrally hal this e- \faralla reecrdian ttraordthary scne sgverMadyasahvech thy pursu o thei were msome-oàitsd ep-:: _. a n élts rs i.csvôlywtheutn prvl ti n. -, Newah 00msibyate n r agtheA nieric a. ofptitcuxie t aa ldS i, n wai hus-T nryou- hi de, - 4 - i - ; . 11 11 d i,. . . . a t La m m fth e co mi . V hAt ptne v e r A p i s G r n a re)j u t o ur b re ti rn w h v lu tee ed ea ly inthtco rs ooh stpe ch ,e sve alti e s ag r c u t u e , m u i c a nd w a a e m o . of hits ambe ngre -h 1 rB ae r ro p ha vmbe n obseront h ofst bfhysoldeancoe RU SA aepof, t l'itphra e Romer death , ie lyahubnd at nire nd tal Ideu t r.... 1he Bla sd oa ipsaunatuo h aso hea teur c olumns "g ouit o • agva iupnthy o ddco s, a hi we, b yhih or -reraidy tat ienn ea, n hche ro-timeo rponbed u "mr t nea- ýtme oftpail*.arkd e a ,. un spl do ._ ...hë tw gamesdispla ed nack;est w antheivrcr o r ach rlif.Itiidelo uraaayzdandsty o ths tamong th 1aes.T *p abo-e. r. .f:1onwifid 1b u .bqci ;dee f tun: ar ; ubs le- oete thins.,stteefo.a"fct ilt urobtucted omrce, our de laares&aonve olafastio o t en amnts the table contains onlyeemale.ttrese derato x "Or tolbeilf iend tothebieunm'otnenrinl s qingstfe ae rate ensha ee, maebewen aceou anld alrasad bveitowic hRhseneedandbcasaTeSta ertoleuGt B rnt anwrm o'h demto ten .1 fg- gd ermetr obtes.f1eetinerhsimalogfndgei-nars e the iltoand Ee rtonal us to ment llorth m ean iouro ig ufeigwvs theapr es ent t ariff iretut o d te.eSbrr Fnascisco-Au .er eam- am itor eba n t il 6 r .ad ir . stWict h be shanksanduflet ack. F mae_ ft Cickton atrdy, ndmet I r. s o I ad o ainly aaie tereun rm o raon h hit nt-6 osilemasbrndatsa. S e ale e pry n her let, ond , i nlowed b Fam _ .. ... ý n, g c&y d ada r o-epin or. e oereounstmatch, I beheve Mr. unn De re .wcaNi. Ag 1 8... adbau in ch oiCaretn o ile s north gr MalizmilloSiwhilenthenpas- yieft9himsl. ve - one i dhexoe1heise1 Pt u eos nths e ecoeived a prat ltheý r i n hich the_ ti ng Ftvi .Te Customs' U of the taeson grsw rddiinane al ao ire was ltd vi bth her yre, Fo t hherad L thetrckryof; goermet, n r esetis sreaston the ewienes emle,,wsa ihexrsedt la am h cee rt rm tRik 0d.teZoleei eus oaceef e aidlheseme a poplyha sa ri o unidu r t rottnes.ofTea fthei led n. H net nd seems ito fa a mroproicntr.w ubtonerysmmntioning it o1some-rety ihéran a c. forte soretbeeandam fmies barde.h-a bare n¯ae am4 o ar liic, a Mrisn Tihni h ab rgbos ealfm l nrh1 wC bthytoakinm eda h altmore correp NEo WS. erT IDA . e he adiry A aitrnhi unpt eebas' hn a y to, o so b ..2& cerP.Ncyis bi th r ing be tak e a n ek hcLnycm ne oie ho enetrl ucsfl lter r Mar e l as g iroved to ea pofesinalvebergar.su psed toverboir, n e ndP maord.t i mbd atccon matsi ,Vgient h bet a m is ig=Mn thine el ttr e le ad * e u rdm is c a npuni nd pvea say. o 1thhadstaed n dtaiEth pln dop ed a but £ ,00bave een t coll ae.ted IL bwimDase b hoe eA ybu t 00, i agesliin h b e r s ett ro pallch I rn n lw y - r ako.Yu fßwdi ibe ale t roue on niN R ri T lntOner b the rbe -ardpaten orhaig cBoayuosteLacahreoertve. ilre wa r ee ahe shreu o epiesad o stre e th nol . be ad and d1inn er, e t on i -Gyet beudtrtn Ag 2 8qe'y .C.C h edb M 000 e tT 2,0 f htsu ee ie y heedead o ;a erd. E atr.emi gdenie h b ~ ~ ~~~~ yor-sa erhnsbea'h sm oes fdnt'smrhns shoremde teir wa toeaglr Mnesanil . nwo lmsd lrbl url uc Vnn hs nea proceedfo whenLdt!or they Edit or f as$10,00rndanhChamptn, ondli ndc oue.u ea s b CHfe i NA. il Wbrt hm ath er red he2t, uta c osai btwn s rm u ýd atuet n pasn ha a gh ih h t r e arv t- i l to n oo .psetr no'cnthto e edibut evei nts h e onthaoteny t he C iamiwiharie tPnm.S efw othrarr e fo b n st sa b me 1 . We -the w ar erh w etethebcmore api -An hi ot'clehfo to eslemo main ws orc. 1ny he rbl om aba o f t lie t ui., ad to ae Ja talom erboats On e a ith 30e ry e tae -[onr eal era- ld y aie s trreaseprio hatitshaslbenabot a. EDr If u ha e seen s onh onr in touh bu enD i s emegouiwnar nr .B- wh a s nt beend toerdforom t y"To, n earcula i- 1 ted by Iatn erm A tintrastat po:s orisu-fls.ta te xetd hy aenwmte rugta retra nd foretroops to pr iablyradethevshorelsouthooftMan- A É 0 i 4eeigo h lect rs *fth TonAnut in ort noe the'Maimu n ni nuation of Alex [th whkq n, nýo nte ed a cist ,tl o sn i r . oi ri nging 78 of ti h e pssen igern- aly mth- - p1d call by the eeve be Othirty, an ue l rd enrneo th gapucl rrr.-ED C API .]oftenUBnks dStesgve r denm mlent. Their var F opRACE. onhe!icr e Cat.H uson, bwsith eahi , B rkAT..D.,L. ,ar t he Popu bae sp.o iig the candidates fer the e -ci - yelT io he ebc'n w enIa e i t to ilbnie he e s l oasthe war sts. A ntehmr ningsesaysthsome inflam~nmtory- Th s- is fe 'oihmbered he a is retinus. on 1eý . . o p rt0ff o a d esirnmS h one diec i nt neoo e n et m ie c st d nnoty allng fo n wvg-iypt msha eaec sit terteapp ic -. Mc le, nd acts be md an of ia itebave sing tha slecorledl the ladinggpolitice-boat-,e---thelmat t o r i teracons t e int " enggoreforo n hundred thusad or two Tio f he tol the Prihncs ibalht Sp o.fore. W ht te ge1 aybe hch q1!Jü .yt lonÌ G of T I . e ssrs. IkinLae pyto aritat lrMathe-ardceonmypar Ib.oco -ahndedthusadhewtropsatasim ,oht, ismeaur hd hegoo efet hic - .iritaesths usceindso calees *tto he . is ethiacesseetna ap honed rThe - wro put t e a u r att ePr c s nT e yeenig. . i a co n o G riadi' et the ech e'S sih hitiii'o g n raic me ting. -,of theMil G p r wnthtafew prooLa.dIt irvery sur • • , rganised, by sendng them new re-rit..asVThe accouts of the harves are more in Palemo: e : . ered trt this agent isoxygen, we ich i y b rangsiSan:a tiarong H on rmmr. Scoo - - tae"ncl Joit h e-dd ubliD prmieng s sthe my ewate.Eaoe of h eg-fvral," woyasli,,fom ti aloymecieant.h iop .ntefr n Mram p‡ pecha eriyannfomthliersa o a h cll i, efrenw. Whth mntwa risd e o mrererutogof-Te ta' a rcevd osenenfr-daateuntyofItlywaedcie--ha Tismutuaracinofrheh mer i a- g 1 I in. brgh- .•:P oMiform tio ge whs, fien y hee befior, we toruy tto saelr oreel fnlind ba dvi s ient adbyte coloel of t e .ffect vert ls e asu o h ieo h eo a sd ce e i re al izartion bein the w a s n:ee re a ity u. u di 1 1.taGesvien i ni ortatnig ett re oii yth ai d c am ha ppyions th r d fo tbeà u c s h s t ik t eolte ofu i ssann rdeighborhoo d I kn w o t he - a ndwrite, f n ] egrett er oe i thof Rus i. Asfhis a jc test was owalk - .o ml a- on cteItaly and V rict E mac.di : lthvboe;ye ! tances ha v en te ý: _ - dParbe weltipeaed m iahis , re OPi , I f on he Ad a m Geinl fie o ith ink o e dre g en. BAll si ceand o binded in i yth ar d ors aacefqe n t Im s tl o t i rth:N p lo aedof p rns ehdCwrmn. a b le* w angi!hatiu maortyin am ar atm CuniilI m istke irheonfurtuhetllthylrcoer.Thsean asasm.Fraceai no or fied. o.aitcae hirexe'rmetBaraicrri* oo t er .wellfor- :Mr. cAa. Niio .1 1to frnt"he r"w L '~~Dpa t e setaretre itig olre seding thonr r t he Qd ue n es sengerl i who hdas just p l t b uth deeivd.ordonotsp a a o s o l. n heC trhandsnol Mied ou h eirhf der ;tsihengrEe- n Frday lasia imoagadntattUncl Jot"es p yogl;senf-ore neessa torestreete rn oto otth frmtirt;thatthe baeswitath;sevestheyháv nedbralibrty ;Wt-da ti r log tdueieer p lsa fi a atend o, Gheytim M . ho asFo o Gnulthe Bretuto he rCrorio ti $ h1 t- ar. a snfreetsDro e aladPonauepfoueor a selufrtnteys te.aedrggddwnfomte oyad o' te a a nhePubidr ca eaf, wen te de reon hl 8)adIa i p ,( 4-otmdb cspoi am yes whe reinte f was aken frym him, ondindye epois bt hy reor reh r ate opml;, antetqerpalhe es 3 i wa ed sde erathin in 1r.Dafot'Is pnd t. b- owfc the a n thsse to uderstn vlneead ntofe. Ineey ònt n saced ndte raaedadnow rddn yu mutiareoditngihelen h saeof rato, hi nPet , ,l fr eqdi toù uwe the major drowne . O 1h .eonofte n ti fo ertter edi i e lal omlry ddeilt, ad fr o thedthis e t i arytpro eien fisbelievedo plTe TofeFran c thepeopleoe.nyt a co u rgoilcniiet eta ty1o sig : posbl.d.alid b fa eherngad etiid y1 tesintue tenfew ecrutes are t beandraw p.t'is plavetofhavedbeenardsuspcoundtha te rdintish the o lve yhere ae Our ,Sreiersnos wnthifpoplhOes eilmoen th à tire no L dey.i f r.iisaiga:r ot aso f aterwshiavercd iior vn asdvse yGe.Ieteco 1de-n dsachbxham en sd a afme an i nthr evi llietersrpentiter r asstfod ni the ea ue. -'arvree à; can teli ith'e n.rui iilbei A g n ery, andedwastken poutietsas"hemny asbro d wrmprvaofohe.Diand thefinhave ket tof thecouanty shac own. Itnddresses in red it pretends to . i ý ý ý Onit Wàrr ne f he on lab ti e ver a he a d fspal e nm er ly r plyihattr. E sterb Of a mPuper e s an a ud n t sp ply, bothly a n a m n m n f i fmrc iid egi d a d i iý é e tt e i oc s s u de l an a gl aw.; L it w o -, aor thy of bow tesath e Plet wéaurg t' d e w c N b , ie dw o l c i L é x - h s n r io o f c nand .es, a s w" 'as s o n d 0 O e lwin g t o s es yisfa c io n n a h p rt u n e i g y in t a k Aird yev i r c rr e o n f n ude: ufthe :- T i u e, ' at te ni e ' .iO lt date nonri'y lstfc Gs e e nslint ool a cee ub iteons,donn d a y neett h nilofNasaga Therebes dtoi r wiro t h, w en the re- n ton erepecing the 3awarS6,pis a re- of Palerm o t s ste opeL ook to--.r , e A , and- wordd .glaly . tes. th l " d el re b y e an w er ePol lowan e t i n ed sin e s th wsof h qà i e y ca m et i rbaei ent luled eoxwat ha d oble occu rence" e&t k en pude1·t re . t a ft u itd g i hed r ite s ts from th sru ptiN o n rd of e m o. b,.b e fon o t a t thegra of nd.ý ay Làat, b y, h met pre eceàof a r get,15 on-a ledJohnt t a kth i s aofMontfo lo rkeou, te50,00 uskt-whih ne ehbi po s ted 40me strong app re- als. T em ns o h aca ad ls hc poe h m eo' ee y a arge Sourse.of peole, Po..n r.A'e1'Cucliftwsenie eilh Jh ldha d w sme .T t hem fra - he arkt undr hs gasscasesAobnddofothe prest atPalemoforexa plei fientre*rms 1 Of. M s.n. ryaiaeprivdateDontrans- nati eon ala rie , sdste 1,0ans ap r w snad hv sw u he w o ht w supthe ar ricad e , n glamnd has 359 r n s nia . Ref Ia] vo min beggi 'histn bWti th(t, - h keb sani gary. ada ment cannt) tion h, Man C 1! the sul Sprr in .jp kif thai and tif }slunea firp4tat T to Gen, tlecati we thirdi his famil bamns Beaure .weré at 'the perf, airmy at w lieb i' e eref mnontþe. the ae and tha e confi I'r some and unde kett, thej removeb .arasit, blad bein presene Pookett tà Col' murder i matie dit the, Wied incanti ed out. foot en< le 'e ne He te and, ra Tec Frante, f cer froi t0 piec< a guan o the p ? task wa