Ontario Community Newspapers

Vermilyea Verdict is Expected Tonight, 25 February 1935, p. 3

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eots»nce; by means o! ing to to unfailihVmr wlndowj robbers broke, entered and burglarUsed Walker's Hardware Store early Sunday morning, stealing two valuable--,22_callbre trifle* -and-; over rounds 'of ammunition, that fitted th« stolen rules,. Ths roteery . . trk Jury In n.two *»d on* marked br ft brllhall hour Jsn*» and oratory seldom heurd s local court. "ThU man's actions all through were O»o«« of a crwty man," he gave as his eplnion. He satdttttt-def enwdld Tiat admit the commission of crime, but if he did his He-suggested that the 'Jury b«4 ay triimbar · break dwa -u»4»r . much- »«»»«· tfa&n a, w»wal' JBted, g . this e»«*Wi«Js«!, .well, fairly -and property Me . to do your duty w«ll.«*dt .tnjjr .'to find thlr mun not piltty. upcjo ,13*s wlG explain thlg l if&u wilM» Instructed, VB^~*£^ jfiveu a rft**tf*^*^*' tf^M^4* T t^ $wntt > traploy** '«* " the Walker -Hardware a'n* institution to, take eare ef'iuch Upright -toft«*Tnad'd#tn»n4 the nt Ltote," Hotel/-Front t Street, on Sunday Co. who discovered the toreakln, doubt.-We · rt*e. Ool. xOreer Jspok* Jor -t*o right of,ahy'w»*6B»tot« quibble- :er« ted about. afternoon, Rcfcert B. 'Boy; Juror on fraca he went. to the atore early a. ; ioar«' and' l.-half..;:' ; \ :, ' · . -r" A means i ils mother 8unttay mbminir to...tenjfc*to tnti ,«fter.'two o th», nun*/- He n ia jirss ed-oiiC^; rive« beck he goes. If nd buys a haj been illyea was type,hatNIcol fell s no posi, except,In , .Harold Vermilyea on trial for the hanging over;: lt" pastj*even.<Jays,on ,the;charge '<* nlng might .strike murd>ring -Wa 76-year-old, mother, " Aurells'Vermilyea in,this..city on "··Harold, October, 4, last, .wy; .probably, know ·tone with a i his. tote today. '" ;'. :\ was worse SThe well-groomed' prisoner . ap- man. He graduated,* stJU*t«irnmer.pearing little disturbed today .by the Ing; and took a.course tofJraw'"IE ten at the proceedings since trial started, toyed Before he left home,."the suicidal ; esembllng;' with a small piece of wood, cleaning tendencies In the family had given' " ; his nails, as he lolled In his, seat the evldence-of-Insanity iThaunted ve Identlthis morning waiting for Court to by some misgivings .within .himself man; who open.' The usual wad .of gum on he got'away-as far from home as he; trips. One which he chews constantly, was could; You' would think that as : > ; if the acagain evident, A top .coat, usually an older boy he:would have stayed." had treatcarried was not brought . into on the farm. : We, gather-that ooked him court today by him.. was a little afraid of, himself, For hours this morning one of find from the doctor. Dr.: ·d another the largest crowds yet to try and that the first boy: Is always thought gain seats, waited outside the court more of by, the mother.., w&j wtr i ' for the doors to, open. Overcome by find In this family that'evttiVifao'S he Walker the exertion arid wait, one elderly he was away, he niver forg«--that v I a cap, a resident dropped dead In the crush. he always wrote once';a week and tf Bannas' With a table full of exhibits, in- oftener on other occ&^oris.'iLr,", »sT-» him back cluding photographs.-reams of typeI might point out tluit the shock- * written and printed documents anc the maid even volumes upon psychiatry anc Inj: aspects of this case that>e'was " ring, that Death- came suddenly to Albert allied sciences. Col, R. H. Greer the adored and. petted son of ».lov- : £ xir. it was- Qnincey-of- 3- yahey« Street, this K.C., chief defence counsel, assist- Ing mother. · A crime on the face itlyea who Ity, early this Mondajnorenoon. ed by Mr. C. .A. Payne, K.C., and of it like this that if a man. com- I He was Being interested In the proceedings Mr. B. L. Smith waited, complete- mltted juch .an act----Oreaf-Ood sn proved, t the court house, he' left his home ly prepared to begin his fight to free he muslt have been Insane!" Everyrig~seldorrr «Tly~th"IsTinprnlhg apparently in his client from the grave charge. one of you slttlngrin that bet rmat~~" rs of the his usual ^tate_pf Jiealth,..He .had Crown Prosecutor Q. Urquhart have feltras I did,' when" you first " sed?vThey not" complained of feeling ill,- but K.C., also rested behind a tabl heard it, that it must have been the . then Mrs. whUe,waiting to go upstairs in the covered with books and papers. Mr work ofia madman!" Tills" was your~--- nj.out for oiirt room before court'opened he t :. · ·re seen by was taken with a heart seizure and Forecaster Say«"-- Wind Urquhart has been assisted by first thought. Defence Counsel »poinled out care- Crown Attorney B. C. Donnan, K.C on (he xplred Immediately.-There was a Will i Swing to B.ring fully here that he did not admit his Address Is Opened we were small crowd about at the time and Col. Oreer opened his address a( client had done the crime charged Cold Weather One man t Is believed that climbing of steps 9:15 a.m. Facing the Jury, the To support this. It was pointed oos '.he Paulk- ind excitement caused the seizure. chler defence reviewed the facts there was no iota % of proof (By the Canadian Press) blows. The The late Mr. Qijlncey, who was ."This man ha.s been accused of accused had ever held the Strong easterly gales swept over c'uht i1Is- n his,62ad. year, was bom in his mother." Counsel ther "Nlcols, the hardware clerk I. Who was SellfVllle, his parents holng thg ]ate Southern Ontario--today bringing killing "There are · three verdicts was supposed to, have sold -it,·****vl tha g-Q. ^r .and MrsrWoha-tjutneey: He raMTSleet" and" snow which coated said, to you. You may find him one manorlio could not identify tills ' The man lad resided in Belleville all his highways with glare ice and en- open guilty, nor guilty, or not guilty on . "There was no tr*ee-of-'tti!» alley. Pre- ife ancV well and favorably dangered the lives of travellers. the grounds of Insanity. If the latter man finger prints upon < this mr.i3,.th!s mown by many friends who will The Meteorological Bureau at To- verdict Is brought in he will be then mans hatchet". Col. Q««r pointed ne car and egret his sudden death. For twen- ronto forecasted the wind woulc regarded as a criminally Insane .this was adnitted by-Dr. Fr '". This Is y years he was a machinist em- swing around to the north resulting man. He will be confined and In- All the evidence we have 3 Crown. ployed at the Canadian National in decidedly colder weather. then for a period under At Kitchener, a raging snowstorm carcerated . store, was ' Ra Iways shops , here. He was an n of 's the discretion of the Attorney Iker House dherant of the Church of Eng- --the most severe of the season General." threatened for a time to block moa key rnd and. Ool. (jyeer referred toi the herby a man 'resembUnir' i morning Surviving to mourn his sudden tor and street railway traffic. The editary %int in the: family. "In accused. To say that a maZ Ulrs for a passing and to whom the sympathy blizzard, however, did not last long talking to a Jury composed Jargely tooks likes someone wnof»usrnt r>wn "again. if (heir friends will be extended. but many-bad drifts were caused of farmers you know, that it is a hatchet In a large store Is Bain feiniT'lhe Brantford and fact, that from time to. time, this ous evidence. The styles , in a cabi ,re the- widow; one daughter. ' Miss Dorothy at home; two sons, Arthur Gait districts after an early morn- taint may be' passed on even days make all men look-ajlke; mlzes ing snowfall and highways .f .Belleville; Beverley Qulncey_at through domestic stock." )ct. 5. _ (Continued' on Page ··% ObL.2). -'no testifleorjhomer and · an"uncle77Mrr_^enJamln covered wlth-a-treacherous slippery Conain-Worried -Over-Money -*· -v-' - ' ' '· '*' · -·'·· ~*" crust. Qumcey of Beljeville. cused were Fred and Gerald Vermilyea were Northeast winds brought a cold ' ig glimpses incarcerated in an Institution. Fred snap to Northern Ontario and there OFFICIALS SUSPENDED over money matters; Gerith htm. were snow flurries In the southern worried -- SALVATION ARM ald worried because he lost his Job TONTOHT illton Toronto, Feb. 25.-^(CP)--Two of- portion. lc.1 Festival. 8 O'c!oclc. Sn^ and over money mat- . tlon. Come »nd enjoy a reaj ^oea on ficials of the Ontario Treasury DeFollowing _g. brief thunderstorm ter. Insane people do not always nized here partment" have, been suspended early this "morning an admixture _ ___ , Ms-it", hotel. Also lending an Investigation by Chester of rain and sleejt__deg££nded upon act the same-- the idiosyncrasies of AT MRS. OKO. STOGIE'S. PtNNAOtg one are not those of the other any an expert, Walters, Controller of Revenue. Stratford" "and district all morning, more than sane people do. One names on Premier Mitchell P. Hepburn said making travelling treacherous oclatlor, Bridg« >name" given him was that he was a i the same today. ___ . manic-depressive. We agree notf ORDERED DESTROYED ThtxJJremler gave no reason for he is_a_ylctlm 6r dementia PROF. · McDOOOAIi, OF QUZKN'S 1 \ilton was the suspensions nor would be make LONDON^Ont., Feb. 25. --(CP) that ·will discus, the pre«mt--p(iiuo5 praecox; We know that there is or Ctnadlan Railways might lose any further comment on the gov- --Magistrates T., W. Scandrett to- no OrMUr question or 1hclr sanity, they are Cltlwnahlp Lecture boUrIn S, .["t^e plane'trip ernment's action. He declined to day Issued orders for destruction of well defined cases. "Y" Tuesday. Feb. 28, it s o'clock Then we reveal the names of the suspended two gajnbllng machines seized early Col. Oreer referred to another re- a»nrr«I , puljllQ lDVlt«<L,;A«Itnl«e4oU! -----.----w-"-- last January. The machines have Mngle lecture*- 23 cents. > · ·, 'Fas-it nr) fending officials. lative, Thomas, who ' broke dishc. a return been held at the police station ,and was locked up. The Institu- TO-NITK -- AAJUAA CI/UB SUCHRE CHOPPINC MILL BURNED 3 back to pending a possible appeal by the tions of those days were not so be»t reirul«r prlM«. 2»< l»K»nt, opposite nbo been Streetsvllle, Ont.. Feb. 25--(CP) owners after they had. been convict- fully taken advantage of then, so he the Belinont. AdiplMlon 2S evnta, · _ ^ . -.. .ra-it --Fire today cause<J »15.000 damage ed In City Court for running gam- was locked up in his home. Reubuing. railed to Johnson's · iwpplc mill' and for Ing liouses. One of the machines to en VermUyea, a son of Thomas, was "THE YOUNOEST- PLAT TO BJ5 PRSby AJbert College DnUaatia to furthe a time threatened to- spread Wbe destroyed U or the slot machine a morbid. He had a "wearied' . srnted Friday, Mar. 1, 8 P.EI. l^re« ouses In the " town, streetsvllle Is type while the other 3, game ; manner; he saw spirits. TUmember Society. ,1e o! th trarjportatlon from lour COTEWB. about 20 Kt of Toronto. lhU Is many years aso. You'll board. I A.dml9£lon ^c._ J-25-it, S, C*L 41 In the basementr- '"·..·J'."' jOtti-Trenton, -YortcS a, shorTlnthrough the.city 'onithe'way y Im . ,- .."called In West Huntingdon' 'cemetery, .__ ,.-, employees where' ' Interment: . took, , place. the local pouoe.'Other ! : Owing to the gravity^ or the ' case were notlfted"ak»d «lter,; a, general upon" which' "the Juror !s serving check-up of the stock' It was disextra precautions have been taken closed, that'only two ,.22 'calibre by Mr. Justice - Nlcol Jeffrey, pre- rifles were, missing/, a single shot siding justice,-^ to? have the;Jurors and a repeating -rifle. .Further Trader*cl«arKlj«ra^:;aTaII times. It search disclosed ,'thSt over 30 boxes, had-been expected that all Jurors 50 pet box of, J2 calibre shells, were · ·, would attend the funeral of Mr. also stolen. · · ' Careful scrutiny by the police Roy .at Trenton on Sunday. Jjrcught out the'fact that the robbery.was completed by youths of a tender age, as the, opening in the window through which they procured entrance is much too small to admit an adult. A rear door was open, however, and may have been opened by a young boy to later admit older accomplices. No snow having fallen early Sunday morning Albert Quincey Spectator, the foot prints underneath the windown were Indistinguishable on the Victim of Heart hard icy'surface. The local' police -------Seizure-- are-stm-lnvestlgattngrhowever. «J tflfyfcJ^ttl Uusi;ptternoon Mr. .Justice J»ls · instructions ' f t :UlCr JU* J* ,"<- · - - ' . '·'-' * ·'---. . i-* I AT C0« ES IWAYS WTH-GtA ED C Coming Events j

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