PrAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3,1980, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Batten hopes bis Contribution to tow-n is greater than keeping potholes fixed For Ross l3atten last Mon- day was the "beginning of an opportunity. " Batten was sworîi in as north ward councillor on Whitby Town Council said that his election should not be credited solely to the fact that he would keep potholes on the roads fixed, as one local newspaper had in- dicated. "I hope my contribution will be far greâter than that,"t'Ba tten sa id. Battent a sales represen- tative for Bell Canada, defeate-d former North Ward Councillor Bob Carson on November 10, the only can- didate to defeat an incum- bent. He was disappointed at the voter turnout of the last elec- tion noting that 68 per cent of the people eligible did not cast their franchise. "This suggests that most of them don't care," he said admitting that "this lack of interest is flot unique in this election or in this town. " He point.ed out that a low voter turnout for municipal elections is a national problem. The Asburn resident-said that during his election carnpaign he said he would be asking for the advise and help of the people he represents and that. he was "4now asking for that help." Batten is the newest mermber of council and besides sitting on the ad- ministrative committee, Ife will be responsible for the clerk's department. 200 bagCampbelis roasted 8 20on bagground assorted densed* Maxwel Peek chicken noodie Hbuse cookies SOPl~ cfé 8-.30 arn to 6 pin Except Thurs. & Fri. Niglus tii 9 pin.