Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Dec 1980, p. 27

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ESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBFR 3, 1980, PAGE-l 27 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelery, .dishes, furniture, crocks, oit, paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CHRISTMAS PARTIESI HOME ANO OFFICE We caler large and small occasions. Cati 6687488 Park Lane. THE BOOK BETWEEN Can heip with your Chriatmas Shop- ping, paperbacks, hardbacks, puz- zies, picture books, Hardy Boys and gift carlficates. Free Wrapplng. 120 DUNDAS STREET WEST Whltby TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D License Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cail 668-4686 HOME TYPING WANTED Fast ý4curate typlng and dictaphone with correspondance, statisticai and envelopes. Excellent speiiing and grammar. Cali 6686904 HOME BAKED CHRISTMAS COOKIES ORDER NOW We caler for ail occasions. Cail 668- 7488 MUSIC LESSONS Qualified Instructor Violin or Guitar 668-3741 UNWANTED HAIR Vanished away with Saca-Pelo. Saca- Pelo sa dfferent. Il does nol remove or dissolve haîr from the surface, but penetrates and 'retards growth of UNWANTED HAIR. Lor-Beer Laba Ltd., 9.712 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C. VOZ 1 A2 RUCHARD'S FURNITURE REFINISHING "Give Your Furniture a Face Lift" Free Estimates Cail RIck Forestail 666-2992 or 655-4560 BROOKLIN TOOL C0. GARAGE f loor jacks - $80 and up, new and used, will tae trade-ins. 883- 1753 MECHANCIS STAR TER KIT-98 place set includos ail basic tools for Sp. prentice mechanic, brand new regular price $750. sli for $350 cash. 683- 1753 DRILL PRESS 58" MT No. 2. brand r ew-S265. 683-753 SAND BLASTER for body shopa, 8 gai. sand capaclty, comploe witfi mask. hose. gun and extra nozzie, S175 683-1753 AIR COMPRESSORS and ARC WE..JERS, new and used $125 and up W ' ako trade-ins. 683-1753 a .NCH GRINDER 1/ h.p. heavy duty condenser starlt brand' neyer used. $110. 683-1753 AIR TOOLS, a large assorîmnent' ot new & used air drils. grinders, san ders, polshers, ratchels. impar avrencties, shears. nibbiers, hamn rr 3nd msny more. $30 and up ~V 1153 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 AIM BRUNINO 2000 EIECTROSTATIC COPIER AND PAPER PLATE MAKER for sais, PprIly dassembled due 10 moving. reasonabie Cal 668-6111 and asiî for Mke or Sally Oct 29.80 FOUNO AT SCOUT DANCE. NOVEM- BER 15, a rnan's brown leaiher cOat Owner fmas Ouf brfoan leathef Coat Wienglo0euchaMge cal 668 38l5 af ter 6 p mn NEW 2 DY 2 CONDO, FORT MYERS ÈEACH ON GOLF avaliabîs Novem- ber - February; ln sesson $390 s week U.S., off son rates. Cal (418) 29- 7M3 1966 SHAMROCK 201t. HOUSE TRAILER, dual wheeis, ridge, stove, furnace, sleeps 5. Ideal for camp or trailer site. Locaied in Whilby, asking $2,150. Open for offers. Leave message ai 579-3532 for Bob James or write Box 531, Wfitby. Midsoason Sale On WOOD STOVES $1 74.99 These are air tighl, tire brick ined stoves being offered ai s fraction of the regular price. Limiled supply, aci now, cul your high cosi of home heating. CALL TOLL FREE 1-8W0-268- 5970 or il wiihin our local caling ares 746334014161. ,FIREWOOD Bush cords. $60, dry hardwood Phone 668-6226 Eiectric dryer, Rtadial Michelin anowa 15, also Vega Radiale. Hobby Hot., new 2 wheeier for 3 year oid. Antique S.crutarya deak. Cali 579.9371 COMPLUTE TV ROOM ENSUMBLE, icluding bed ctiesterfîeid & chair. glass isles. 2 lamps. drapes. smoked giass viali unit Grey & back r, colour $800 Cali 666-1247 DR. F RANCIS KWAN, M.D. 1 N'l ANNOUNCES THE RELOCATION 0F %*4IS OfRCTO N UITE 208, LANkG TOUER WHITBY MALL TELEPHONE NO. 571-3104 EXPERIENCE HAIA DRESSER WANTED For part-t ime work. Cal 66-8031 OAYCARE AVAILABLE IN MY HOME. West Lynde ares CaIl 668-7857 WANTED DAY CARE BITTER In my home fmroc 7:30 &.m. t1016:15 p.m. to look aller 3 y.a old and 8 month old. Oter Creek area. References requIred Calit8819M67 Ontario IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS AND TENANTS IN THE REGION 0F DURHAM Take notice that pursuant to Section 40 of The Assessment Act, Chapter 32, (as amended) RSO, 1970, I have on the lst day of December deîivered or caused to be delivered the 1980 Notices of Assessment upon whIch the 1981 property and business taxes wi be Ievlqd. Staff f rom the regional assessment office wIII be avaîlable to assîst and answer queries at the foîîowing locations and times: CITY 0F OSHAWA, MUNICIPAL OFFICE, 50 CENTRE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. Frlday, December Sth, 1980, 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. TOWN 0F AJAX, MUNICIPAL OFFICE, 65 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH, AJAX, ONTARIO. Frlday, December Sth, 1980, 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE, POLICE AND FIRE BUILDING, 132 CHURCH STREET, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO. Thursday, December 4th, 1980, 1:00 p.m. to 8:00Op.m. TOWN 0F PICKERING, MUNICIPAL OFFICE, 1710 KINGSTON ROAD, PICKERING, ONTARIO. Th ursday, Decem ber 4t h, 1980, 1:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. TOWN 0F WHITBY, MUNICIPAL OFFICE,,575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. Thursday, December 4th, 1980, 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK, MUNICIPAL OFFICE, 103-105 SIMCOE STREET EAST, BEAVERTON, ONTARIO. Thursday, December 4th, 1980, 1:00 p.m. to 8:00Op.m. TOWNSHIP 0F SCUGOG, MUNICIPAL OFFICE, 181 PERRY STREET, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO. Thursday, December 4th, 1980, 1.00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. TOWNSHIP 0F UXBRIDGE, MUNICIPAL OFFICE, 20 BASCOM STREET, UXBRîDGE, ONTARIO. Thursday, December 4th, 1980, 1:00 p.m. to 8:00Op.m. If you are 'unable to attend during the times indicated above, please contact your neighbourhood assessor at'the address beîow or by calilng the assessment office toîl free. By taklng advantage of this service, you may not need to enter a formai complaint. If It can be shown, within a imited time period, that a correction, shouîd be made to your assessment, the speîiing of your name, or the property address, you wiII be issued an amended notice. The last day for appealing the Notice of Assessment Is January 6th, 1981 and the Assessment Roll may be examined at the Municipal Office durIng regular business hours commencing December l6th, 1980. Durham-Regional Assessmnent Off ice, 605 Rossîand Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Li N 551l Phone: (416) 668-9351 Zenith 67140 A.N. MacKay, Regional Assesament Commissioner. I. p.~e - P DRAFTS PERSON Dupont Canada Incorporated Whitby Works Has a requirement for a Drafts Person with industrial experience ln the mechanical andior electrical field. Whitby Works manufactures plastic films for the packaging industry. This position, in our Works Engineering Group, offers a wide range of interestlng assignmeflts, with opportunity for personal deveîopment. Interested persons should appîy in writlng to the foîtowing address, outîining details of education and work experience. AIl replies wiIl be heîd in confidence. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS SUPERVISOR DUPONT CANADA INC. SOUTH BLAIR STREET WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 5S6 CUT OUT FOR US WE'LL CUT DUT THE COST 0F GOING TO UNIVERSITY. The Canadian Forces Regular Offic-er Training Plan is for senior high school students who have corne ta grips wîth what tbey want out of le. If you feel youre cut out for a life of excitement, security and satisfaction with the Canadian Forces, we'll pay your tuition and pay you while you take a degree in any one of more (han 40 disciplines at a Canadîan Forces college or a university ofyour choice. When you graduate, you'Illstep right into an îîteresting and welpaid position as an officet in the Canadian Forces. For more infoirination, contact your nearest Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre, under Recruiting in the Yellow Pages THERES NO LIFE THE CANADIAN LIKE (T ý. ARM ED FORCES Visit our Mobile Recru iting Team OSHAWA ARMOU RIES DECEMBER 3, 10,17 lOto 3 à

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