Br~k1in r This week is Forgivenesa Week at the Brooklin Branch Llbrary. It began on November 3 and will end November 10. - Overdue books and other materials may be returned without fines belng assessed., Please do not hold overdue books throughout the year waitlng for this annual event to occur. It is very coetly and causes unnecessary confusion. Thank you for your ce- operation. BROOKLIN UNITED CHURCH This weeken the Brooklin United Church is observing the 140 th Anniversary of the Church. On Saturday, Novmeber 8 a Pot Luck Supper wlil be held at 6:30 te whlch all the congregation are Invited. Reverend Dr. A.E. Kewley will be the after dinner speaker. On Sunday, anniversay'Services will begin at il arn. with Reverend Kewley speaking. MYRTLE NEWS Myrtie United Cburch offers a unique service each Sunday morning at 10: 30 a.m. for the "Hearing Impaired" of the area. The service, under the leadership of Fred Walker and his assistant from Toronto, is done in sign language for those who are bard of hearing. If you wish to avail yourself or if you know of someone who bas a need of this type 0f service, you would be welcome Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Telephone 655-4284if you wish further information. the judo class ý,il be held this Thursday evening Nov. 6 7:30 - 9 p.m. for Young people 10 yrs and up in Myrtie Church Hall. There are still a few openings athougti thirty are now par- Inspecetor criticized Whitby's own roving weed inspector cornes and goes without warning, leaving only a his bill for services rendered. A tree farmer complained a few months back that the inspector had eut down 15,000 baby trees in bis relentless hunt for obnoxious weeds. East ward Counillor Joe Drumm now says that residents of Powell Road say the inspector cleaned out weeds that had been causing problems In that area wlthout warning. When he was through each resident recelved a bill of services of $35àa plece. Drumm said that the residents are very upset by the inspectors appearance. "A warning in wrlting that the inspecter was coming would have been much ap- preciated." Theft A burgiar made off with close to $600 and a beige table lamp when he broke in- to a Whitby Furmishings store last weekend. A Durham Regional Police spokesman said that the burglar gained entrance to Scandinavian Home Fur- ais hings at 185 Brock St. No., by forcing a rear door. Employees discovered the thef t the following Monday morning when they showed up for work.- F:MPORIUM o the Bank ln Brooklln - now cardes TheiE next tc ~ge on consigr ANTIQUES GIFTS silver plating copper and brasa poli8hing fine china and glass repair gift wrapping As usual the unusual 655m4931 1j j ticipating. If you would like te learn to square dance, or refresh your dancing skillIs, couples of ail ages are invited to corne to t.he Myrtie United Church Hall on Wednesday evening, Novmeber 5 at 8: 30 p.m. Bill Robinson of Oshawa is the leader and would welcome couples from this area for an evening of fun. The nlght for classes te regularly meet wlll be declded by those who attend this Initial evening. Invite anyone you know who likes to square dance. For further Information telephone 655- 4492 or 655-4731 evenings. Crewel embroidery classes start under the leadership of the Myrtle Womens' Institute on Wednesday Novmneber 12 from 9:30-3 p.m. in the Myrtie United Church. There are still a few openings for this group. Telephone 655-3024 for more infor- mation. Congratulations to Katy Wade, Jim Stachow, and John Stachow who were award winners at the recent Graduation Ceremomies at Anderson Colegiate. Christine Parrinder also received her seconday school graduation diploma. Kathy is continuing her education at Durham College, and Jim Stachow bas started Waterloo University. Good luck graduatesl' WHITBY PUBLIC LIBRARY - BROORLIN BRANCH The library in co-opeation wittheBokaHrtctra Siety bas been running a "Guess the Weight of t.he Gigantie ELECT Rob"in Lyon Your Should I b. given the ceptlng my electlon challenge. Ward Councillor chance to serve you I wIll lndeed serve you, ac- as a great responslblllty as weIl as a great CONCERNED -That the Centre Ward has been slow ln gettlng im- provements -That the town may flot be dolng enough to. replace bridge on Brock St. S. -For our vo lunteer communlty organîzatlons and their needs and support f rom the Town I COMMIT MYSELF TO LISTEN CAREFULLY TO WHAT CONCERNS YOU MAY HAVE AND TO WORK HARD TO RESOLVE THEM. Your Support is valued, your prayers appreciated For Election Day assistance phone 668-9722 BROOKLIN LIBRARY )ntly used clothlng nment at reasonable prices 3Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1980, PAGE 7 Squash" contest. Mr. Wm. Pearen guessed the weightf at 51l bs and is the wlnner. Mr. Rene Thlebaud grew the squash and donated lt for this contest. The library also provlded a prize, a new book on gardening. In the candy counting contest in the children's library, Karen Ormston won first prize, Kerry Tait and Michael Pler- son won second and third prizes. Congratulations to ail contest winners and thanks to the many others who entered. On November il, the Tuesday Afternoon Group will view the movie "Clare's Wlsh" about the choices faced by familles in caring for every elderly relatives. The film and discussion wlll run from 12:30 -1:30 p.m. Pre-school story hour wil be held at the same time in the Children's library. This is forgiveness week at the library. Susan Smith &95-3932 Brown's Foodmaster (before noon Saturday) cdàstie building centre 1 Ir 1 IPÀM 1