r Cail 725-896 with news items for the column. K Corridor Fw Capers Bv, MARY McEACHERN ELE CTION '80 Monday Is election day for the Town of Whltby and surroun- ding areas. Election day can only be successful if you make an effort and vote. The candidates have been attending forums, soclals, passlng out literature, knocking on doors, putting Up signes etc. They have been working hard te become your representative.' The very least you can do is cast your ballot for the candidate of your cholce. In the East Ward, you wil have the opportunlty to select two reglonal councillors, one local councillor, two Durham Board of Education trustees or three Separate School Board and four for the Whltby Hydro Commission. Some of the problem in the esst ward, at the moment are speedlng on the newly paved roads, developers neglect to complete agreements in the newer areas, weed control, the fast-food strip, otherwise known as Dundas Street East and lest we forget, the Whitby Transit System versus the hlgb school bus. Last Wednesday, at the Forum at Dr. Robt. Thornton Schoo, each candidate stated their vlews for lmproving the system. Ail three regional coundillor candidates agreed that the systernwas not doing the job lntended, and that changes Local Councillors candidates Bill Lovelock stated that h,- would like the opportunlty te review the municipal transpor- tation policy wlth an open mimd. Joe Drumm, admltted that he supported the public tran- sportation system even though he knew that hlgh school students would be without school bus transportation. In October the rldershlp ofl-he municipal buses increased, brliging the total daily revenue to approxlmately $185. This is Up about $16 from the September figures. However, an ad- ditional bus had te, be added te accomodate the extra school students, increaulng the cost te, the town nearly $75 a day. Sep- tomber loss was close te $813 per day, and October less wWl j average about$W5 a -day. Peak periods 8to 9a.m.,and 3 to4 p.m. AUl sehool Urnes;- Wthout the students, the system would be a complete disaster. There has to be, a more economical way te transport the highschool students te Henry St. and An- derson Colegiate. stuent Seool SCHOOL BOARD Seprae cholBoard -teSeparate sho ihsho stdnsstill have transportation from their board of j education. DURHAM REGION SCHOOL TRUSTEES J Because of the lateness of the hour, the school board can- didates were flot questioned'. Each one and especiaily Peggy Cochrane, expressed some concern regardlng the lack of highs school transportation. ST. GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH Oshawa and District Reglstered Music Teachers Association presents an evening of music by Healey Wllan, wlth the choir of St. Georges Anglican Church, under the 20% OFF AIL OUR CUSTOM DRAPERY FABRICS ~'We are having a fali sale, just in time to get your home ready for Christmas! Corne in and s ee our wide selectio n of drapery fabrics, there is one to fit in any decor. Or cail for a free shop at home consultation, WHITI3 Guest speaker - Mary Wllan Mason Tuesday, November 20, at 8 p.m. at St. Georges Church, Centre and Bagot Street In Oshawa. Everyone welcome. Ad- mission free. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCI! Bazaar - Saturday, November 8 from 1 to 4 p.rm. Mrs. Banks, wll offîcially open the bazaar at 1 p.m. on Friday. Mrs Banks is a weIl known person in the Corridor area, her husband is the mninster of Westmninister United Church. Tea wWl be available in the tea room from 1 p.m. until closing Urne. There wll be a white elephant table, home baking, crafts in- cludlng rnany novel Christmas decorations, handicrafts, knit- tlng, and the Novelty Shoppe - wlth articles reasonably priced. Plan to attend. There is somethlng for everyone. BETA SIGMA PHI The Epsion'Tau Chapter 0f Beta Sigma Phi wii hold a card party on Thursday, Novmneber 14 at 8 p.rn. at Glen Steward Club House. Refreshments and door prizes. Proceeda wil be donated to charlty. Tickets are $2 per person and may be pur- chased from Dee Hope 728-4797. Tickets mnust be reserved in advance. WE ARE LOOKING FOR A DOG,-HOUSE A dog house is needed to house a rather large visiting dog for 3 months this winter. The owners of the dog will be away, and have asked one of our neighbours to kinclly keep the dog until their return. This gentleman would like to tie the dog outside when he is out of the house, but would not like to leave it for any lenght of Urne without shelter. If y'ou know of anyone who has a dog-house that ia not being used, Mr. Atkins would ap- preciate hearing fromn you, or cail me and I will pass on the good word. BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1980, PAGE 27 SCOUT PAPER DRIVE This Saturday the second Saturday of the month, Urne for the Scoutt Paper Drive. Papers should be bundled and by the road by 9a.m. WITHBY THEATRE COMPANY The Whitby Theatre Co. will present "The Innocence" a deep mystery production, ghost-llke, at the Centennial Building this week. Wednesday làs Senior Citizens night Production Urne is 7:30 p.m. Free admission to ail Senior per- sons. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week and again next week, the 6, 7 & 8 and 13, 14, & 15 of Nuvember wiil be regular performances beginning at 8 p.m. ickets available at at Middletons Book Store. This is an excellent production, worth your whlle to attend. FOR A H16GH VOLTAGE PERFORMANCE ELECT JOHN N. MANN 668-3921: TO WHITBY HYDRO Better Fashion It starts with the sleek sophisticates in Kitten Knits new collection. Superbly tailored in casual and classic good looks. Complimented by beautiful colours. Add to this Kitten>s no- nonsense fabrics that are completely washable and you>ll want more than one Kitten in your wardrobe. ,81 Better Fbrlbu. O>shawa Shopping C(èniw' Kir' 5rete and Sremonn Rodd Tei-phone. 725-7851S seigneur' Ldies Wear THANK YO.U FOR YOUR SUPPO'RT IN THE PAST RE-ELECT TO CONTINUE TO WORK ON YOUR BEHALF FOR THE TOWN 0F WHITBY N THE REGION 0F DURHAM GERRY, EMM NEEDSYOUR SUPPORT FOR REGIOMAL COUNCIL VOTE EMM X NOVEMBER 1 OTH _____________ Tl i f, 1 )L).ý 1 Il* LA lý( )t , T L)l 216 %lar% St L IIllth%