PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Stardust Theatre start 2nd production By 8. GREENAWAY Free Press Staff Since openlng night, Sep- tember 18, of the aow com- pieted rua of Joe Ortoa's "IWhat the Butier Saw" Dr. Lloyd Whteway's Stardust Dîner Theatre bas qulckly become a town landznark, selliag out every aight but a few. Whiteway's dream of a good eveaing's meal and on- tertainment close to the population of Durham REgion bas been realized and then some. ,,The responce from the town bas been absolutely fantastic," Whteway said. Tomorrow marks the openlng of Jean Kerr's "Mary, Mary", the dinner theatre's second production. Whlteway called "What the Butler Saw", a very British style comedy, about the-raciest show wbich the Stardust wiil present. "About 99 per cent off the people who saw it said they thoroughly enjoyed the play." He said that the few who found Orton's humour a lit- tie too rnuch even commea- ted on the high standard of the performance and production. " Mary, Mary" will run November 6 through Decembor 22 witb- shows beginnmag at 8:30 each night. The play is about a marrled couple, Bob and Mary, played by Jim Dawnlng and Brenda Bazinet, who are waitlng for their divorce papers to corne througii ln order that Bob can rnarry Tiffany, played by Linda Mackay. Into thils situation cornes Oscar, played by, Bruce Girard, an old lawyer friend of Bob and Mary's and Dlrk, played by Scott Baker, an actor-cum-author who tries to get Bob to publisb bis book and falis in love wlth Mary at the same Urne. The dinLner, which com- mences at about 6:30 p.m., consists of roast beef, a popular, dish from the first run, fillet of 80le, and chieken stuffed wltb wild rce. Atter dinnor desort will be Triffel, Apple Pie and a new addition, Chocolate Mcaires. Whlteway said that after Christmnas, 8tarting with the run of I"Bedroom Farce", the Stardust 'wlll be la- troducing "lseasons tickets" whlch give patrons six dia- nors and shows for the price of five. Thoso plays are "Bodroom Farce", "Same Time Noxt Year", a Canadian comedy/thrillor "lII'i Be Back To Get You Before Mldnght", "My Fat flend", "'Butterfies Are Free" and "MY Fair Lady. A January to September pass will coet $7 4.60 -- Starting wlth "Bedroor patrons comlng frorn Whltby and Oshawa. Whiteway sald that the owner of Toronto dinner theatre attezided one nlght's performance and spoke higjily of it. CARPET WAREHOUSE ANNOUNCES GRAND -REm*OPENING SALE ÂT 149 KING STREET, WEST# OSHAWA SOFT & SILKY SAXONY SAVE $O SQ«YD- NOW ONLY $12*9 SQ. YD. NON WAX VINYL CUSHION FLOOR FROM $1 OS SQ. YD. ~elected Room Size Carpets and *Remncxnts only $1. sq. yd. *wlth tis coupone - Event eends when stock depl.ted FOne per family WFP PLENTY 0F FREE PARKING AT REAR 0F STORE! Store Hours Mon-Fri 9AM -8 PM Sat 9 AM -5 PM LIIARGaLX L 70% OFF SL-P FREE ý ' Door mat with this coupon. One per family.I IEvent ends whený stockI I depleted. WFP I L1- NEW LOCATION 0F CARPET WAIREHOUSE 149 King St. W., Oshaiwa 728-0292 Flick of MYBIC Bob (Jim Downing) tries frantically to light wife Mary's (Brenda Bazmnet) cigarrette while bis girlfriend Tiffany (Lin- da Mackay) stands bernusedly by. The trio make up part of the five actor cast of the Stardust Dinner Tbeatre's next production of "Mary, Mary". Not la this picture as Dirk (Scott Baker) and Oscar (Bruce Girard) botb friends of Bob and Mary's. The play wlll rua starting tomorrow migbt until December 22 and Is the Stardust's second production. -Free Press Photo by Stephen Greenaway Farce" Whiteway hopes to use local talent la his productions. The growiag legacy of the Stardust Dinaor Theatre bas attracted people from as far away as Lindsay, Cobourg, Toronto, and Mississauga with the expected bulk of "Ail you really aeed for a successful production is local people and a good director because the local amateur theatres are so good," ho said. "Ho thougb it was the best meal ho had tasted in a dia- ner theatre, thought the show was very high caliber and hoeavied the space wo had to work with," sald Whiteway. The complote package, dinner and show is $14 per person and is available by reservation only. Reservations can be made by calling 666-1621 or by stopping off at 410 Brock St. North la Whitby. Special group rates are avaflable. -8 s1 *VOTE* VTJOHN N MANN 66-3922 FOR WHITBY HYDRO A LIVE-WIRE, HIGH-VOLTAGE CANDIDATE KITCHEN & REC ROOM CARPET FROM $4*9 SQ. YD. PLUS HUNDREDS 0F REMNANTS & ROLL ENDS AT SAVINGS--TO