Whiotby trustee leads UNICEF ban By S. GREENAWAY Free Press Staff Last week's decision by the Durham Region Roman Catbollc Separate School Board to witbdraw it's sup- port from the United Nations International Cildrens- Emergency Fund (UNICEF) could possibly kili cbldren in the long run according toý a spokesman for the group. Elizabeth Peacock, a UNICEF volunteer, denied information contained in a report that spurred the school board to make it's decision whicb stated that UNICEF was involved with supply information to third world countries concerning blrtb control and abortions. "That is just totally un- true, " said Peacock, "We don't have anything to do witb the purchase of con- traceptives." "We are simpîy concerned witb saving lives." Incuznbent trustee of the Durhamn Region Roman Catholle Separate Scbool Board Charles Roche received the report, entitled "'UNICEF: Innocent or guilty as cbarged?", tbree days before the last board meeting. It was this report prepared by Winifride Prestwlch whicb bastened bis and the board's decision. "<People wWl look at this as takting food out of kids mouths," said Rocb. "I might just be taking food out of some klds moutbs but I'm putting breatb into others."' Roche, a family man with four cbldren of bis own, bas been involved, witb bis wife, with taklng care of 32 foster and day care children for several years. Tbe controversial central bub of both sides argue.ment is Prestwich's report. In tbe report it states that UNICEF is actively in- volved with several organizations who endorse the use of oral contracep- tives and abortifacients, among themn International Planned Parenthood Federation (IIPPF) and the World Healtb Organization (WHO). "They (UNICEF) are ac- ting as an agent to channel the distribution of these materials," said Roche. The first part of the report' linking UNICEF's aileged Involvement wltb these organizations reada in part; "i. (a) UNICEF and the World Healtb Organization (a strong advocate for abor- tion) have a Joint Policy Committee. As early as 1972 the two agencies agreed to expand their roles in 'population dynamnics' (IP- PF News Sept., 1972.) 111 (b) WHO and IIPPF for- med a new link at the organizational level in 1976 and t.hey agreed that al aspects of their planning would be undertaken jointly and that there would be joint programs (IPPF News Nov/Dec. 1976). If UNICEF and WHO have a Joint Policy Committee, and if WHO and IPPF bave agreed to plan their actîvities'join- tly, wbere does this leave the relationship of UNICEF and IPPF'?" Peacock said that UNICEF is involved with 112 organizations, eigbt of them Catholie on a liason basis. "One of them just happens to be Planned Parentbood Federation." "My concern is that the decision, based on false information, wiil make the parents wonder 'Oh my gosh. What have I been doing al these years'," said Peacock. Peacock said that UNICEF bave picked fresb water supplies in the third world countires as a means of helping the needy and that the board's decision could coet them $4,000 in lot contributions. "For a mother to have a healty baby they mnust bave propr nutrition and building hospitals to bouse the expec- tant mothers wil do no goôd unless they tbemselves are healthy." Roche admitted that UNICEF have done gocê-for needy children but that by continuing to support tbem he would be indirectly con- doning their involvernent with abortifiacients, "and I can tdothat." CONT'D ON PG. 9 -Free Press Photo by Stephen Greenaway E Co s successor? Only time will1 tel Geoffrey Houghton, 5, of the 3rd Whitby Beaver Pack wants to know where ail the action is. Houghton, sonl of John and Sara Houghton of Whltby, was one of the youngsters taken for a tour of the Whitby Fire Station Iast week. Firemen showed them tools of the trade and let them crank up the siren on the old 1924 REO Firetruck. is, ip 'If «