PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, -OCTOBER-29 i 980 WHIIBY FREE PR ESS '-.4 t - ~AJ The Church ILSp eaks u By THE REV. GERALD A. HUNT Whltby Baptiat Chut-ch H'IlI Im Joe's heart. No, not the puznp that keeps Joe 's haemoglobin gushlng around - I have my own way of gushing - - I'm that part of Joe's sould that makes him what he is, manufacturera bis chat-acter and controls bis behaviour. P'm sort-y I can't have my picture wxth this article. I can't even see myself, s0 how could you? Let me refer you to Joe's photo album for record of my deeds. I am a super entity that, if 1 had visible substance, would most resemble a balloon, because I lnflate, deflate and even but-st on occasion. Old Herli Spencer and Doc Freud trled to locate me and label me 'the ego". JQe' s heart t( or Dr. Jekyil. Santanic winds blow Utu me at times and I have emotional linges that you would'nt belleve (or would you?). I live on the threshold of a spiit world. 1 get tId of my lonellness and frustration by invlting and entet-talnlng spirits of many kinda. Hailowe'en has many dates on my calender. You sSe, I get tired of helping Joe keep up the image or a respectable citizen. 1 open cloors ln fils chat-acter and let my frienis t-un wild. Those spirits linked with aicholol and mind- bendlng substances go right to the weak spot in Joe's life. On the days after he has been sloehed I chuckle te, hear Joe's mnd trying with utter sincerity to make excuses and rationalize bis behaviour. I admnit t.hat I enjoy those occasions and you woul d have te make a radical change in me before I would stop triggering off the next one in the set-les. I have moments.of wonderful rapport with the hearts of Joe's friends. We get te the control panels i our respective lives and start pushing buttons, I push a button and Joe lets out a great laugh, yawns inwboredom or spews out a torrent of spicy verbiage. When Joe hears a sermon or serigus address by accident I can easily trip off the 'sleep' or 'distract' switch. And ail the while, my friends are doing it in their lives and we are glvlng ideas and signais back and forth.. Thprparp rrtain minpnt-aT An nnt enin, T 1.gen1ije am Any person who la entitled to vote by proxy May appoint as hie voting proxy, any other person who se eligible as an elec- tor ln the municipality. A person who has been appolnted as a votIng proxy le enttled to vote ln his own-right in the munlcipallty notwithstandlng that he has voted as a voting proxy. The iast day for f illng applications for a certif icate to vote by proxy le Monday, November 10,1980. Wm. H. Wallace. A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Returning Off lcer and Clerk-Adminlstrator The.Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rosslsnd Road Eaut, Whltby, Ontari o i11ssof his1lot emprisioned ln Joe. As the idea begins to torment me I enter bis control centre and push buttons at random. There's one 1 can push on special occasions when I want to see the furniture fiy. What amess to clean up 1 I do have moments of serlous and dlsappointment confllct. Frustration, failure, shame and disappointment can biow the. CONT'D ON PG. 19 Writers'group CON T'D FROM PG. il to perform their plays either on stage or in a puppet theatre will also lie available. It is also planned that the centre shail have proper, weil lit fadilities for each of these disciplines. The Chamber of Commnerce in co-operation with teachers in the area give it their fuil support. It is hoped that many people will throw their stength in too, lncludlng business and in- dustry, the whole community could participate in this remat-kable venture. If this could be done ln Whitby we would need the support of our council. Could this not lie done? Something to thtnk about. If our liltrarlans invite members of Canscaip to visit our local schools funding will be needed. To provide such ex- pSure for our children wil lie a responsibilty for the school boards. Let us thlnk about a cultural centre for children, a smail beginning and I am sure we would lie weil rewarded. To see co-operation between -ail stores who sell books, not just bookstores (that la managers and owners) wîth Canscalp and Canadian authors associations wouid lie great and children would lie sure to receive books of ten wrltten by Canadians. Anyone interested in learning more about Canscaip can cail, 862-063 or 922-7736 or write to Canscaip. at 90 Falcon St., Toronto, Ontario, M4S 2P5. S125th ANNIVERSARy 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0OF ADVANCE POLL, REGULAR POILAND APPOINTMENT 0F AVOTING PROXY NOTICE ls hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Town of Whitby that in accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Elections Act an Advance Poil wiii be held on Saturday, November 1,1980, at the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. in the forenoon and 8:00 p.m. In the after- noon for the purpose of receiving votes of Electors who ex. pect to be unabie to-vote on November 10, 1980. NOTICE l8aiso given that PollIng Day wiii be heid on Mon- day, November 10,1980 between the hours of 11:00 the forenoon and 8:00 p.rn. ln the atternoon. NOTICE la also given that applications for a Certificats to Vote by Proxy are availabie at the Clerk-Adminitrator's of- f ice. Applications for a certif Icate to vote by proxy must be made on the prescribed forma and submitted to the office of the undersigned between the hours of 9:00 a.m. in the forenoon and 5:00 p.m. in the afiernoon, Monday through Friday, commencing October 21,1980, and ending Novem- ber 10,1980 An Elector sa entitied to appoint a votlng proxy If the Elector sa:- ta) A person who sa certfi ed by a iegaliy qualifled medicai