WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1980, PAGE 5 Between You and Me 13v RUTH COLES 'hJ#Ja «"Long-i ange planning does not deal with future decisions, but with the future of present decisions." Peter Drucker Today a few words about our mayor, Jirn Gartshore, who shortly wil leave public service and return to private 111e. I must say I arn biased in bis favour and feel he has served us weil. I like the rnan and respect hirn as the right rnan at the right Urne for Whltby. There cornes a time in every man's 111e when hie has to make a decision about his future; he cannot perpetuate himself for ever. Because of the lnsecrurity of an elected position, one has to maintain an interest in business 111e because of the future. What prompted him eight years ago to run for council and becorne a local politician? At that time, the question of where to locate the municipal building was uppermost in rnany min- ds. Jirn, like other business men felt it was a mistake to build it up oni Rossland Road. Many of us also felt the sarne way Gartshore served Whitby weIt best of it and rnake this into a "people place". this has been done and literally thousands have passed through this building. It costs nothlng to use the building during the week but on the weekends there la a charge naturaily as the custodians have to be present. About 7,000 peuple have atten- ded meetings at various tirnes. It is with regret that 1 feel it should be accessible for people without cars and for young people to wander in on occassion. It is such a pleasant place to be and sucb a good atrnosphere; quite beautiful too with ail the plants and'tastifully done furnishings. 1The mayor is very interested in development of the down- town core and has done his best to prornote it. This takes long range planning, good business sense, an abundance of logic and rational thinking. The new Kent Building and the Safeway llaza have certainly encouraged people to shop and bank in Whitby. People are coming frorn other areas for just this pur- pose. Nuothing stands still, there is always change for better or for worse. Today I spent several hours in'another rnunicipality which was once a popular resort. Now because of short- sighted planning and lack of business developrnent, the whole place, to my mind, bas deterlorate and is downhlll ail the way. This is sad for everyone concerned includlng the province and the rnunicipality. This makes me give thanks that we have had a mayor with foresight and enough business sense to 'see the past reallstically, the present and the future. It's not enough.to just look at now, the present, or to be ail gung-ho for the future without wise and careful planning; again we need a sense of balance. If the potential is there use it, otherwlse apathy can set in and much can be lost. Years can be lost due to public opinion, often by people who are uninforrned and Ignorant of certain situations which exist. In these past few years we have acquired one of the best residential developments in the region. Last year the town experienced good industrial growth, growth that was need for our tax base. As Toronto expands, growth is rnoving eastward and we shail have our share of it if we are able to stay abreast with curnt trends and so on.CNTDO .2 about the police station. Mind you in 15 to 20 years this area may be the centre of town but not now and certainly not then. So Jirn was encouraged by a group of businessrneh to run for council, which he did. There are many arm chair critics and those who have valid criticism should put themselves forward for election. But, they, in turn, if elected will realize criticism It is easy for rnany of us to deplore varlous situations which exist but we are flot willing to act. Jirn had the courage of his convictions and acted upon them. He lost the fight to keep the town hall where it belonged; he lost the battle but won the war. This would have given great impetus to the downtown core and large arnounts of money would have been spent in that location. However, this was flot to be, so Jimn's attitude was; make the IDIAL-N- INSPIRATION 1 9da 1à% i Diot b"4331 aion fleor a înree minute inspirotional message by Pastor Emmo Oltnîonns of the Emmanuel church ot 401 Rosslond RoodW. in Whitby. Before you start on any home repairs or renovations, you should do some careful thinking. Decide exactly what you want donc. Draw up an overaîl plan. And do a little digging around to find out al you can about potential contractors for your job. A few precautions will eliminate some common problems: e Don't be talked into having work donc just because the rest of the neighbourhood is doing it or because the price is presented as bargain basement. ,, If the project is a major one, seek professional advice (i.e. architects or engineers) before the work is started. ., Ask for estimates from at least three reliable firms. ,r When you decide to sign a contract, find out first who does the actual work. /Insist that aIl details be written into the estimnate - the type and amount of work to be done, total cost, date of completion and any extras. ., If a large amount of money is involved, have a lawyer go over the contract before you sign it. Don't give more than 10 percent as a down payment. e Neyer sign a completion certificate until the work has been donc to your satisfaction. ., Hold back 15 percent of the final payment for 37 days after the work is completed. That way, if the contractor or subcontractor does not pay for materials, you are protected from liability under The Mechanics Lien Act. Unfortunately, despite the most carefully laid plans, you may find yourself the victim of unethical business practices. Your Provincial Government wants you to know what your rights arc under the Consumer Protection and Business Practices Acts. / The Consumer Protection Act allows you to cancel any contract signed in your home (where dcliv- ery, payment and performance of work remain to be completed) by sending a registered letter to the company within 48 hours - or two full working days - of signing. ,tThe Business Practices Act allows you to have the transaction cancelled by sending a registered letter to the company if you have been misled by false or deceptive consumer representations. For five free pamphlets on Home Repairs, Siding, Paving, Painting and Dccorating, and Insulation. write to: Consumer Skills, Minis try of Consumer and Commercial Relations, 555 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6. Fcrank Drea, Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations William Davis, Premier Ontario Do your homenwork belore you do any nwork on your home ub6 a i- - -- - ýjw%