WHITBY FREE PRESSI WEDNESDAY, ÔCTOBER 12' 1980, PAGE 25 Chronie care role su ggested for Ruddy A recommendation made earlier this year to tran- aforîn the Dr. J.O. Ruddy hospital ln Whitby into a .COMPLETE SELF CONTAINED ALUMINUM WINDOWS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR RENOVATION. . DOUBLE PANEL HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL BLIDERS .cOMBINED 8EALED GLASS UNIT WITII SLIDERS .NASH ALUMINUM iS RECOGNIZED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR OUALITY PRODUCTS Manufactuedby ALUMINUM LIMITED Proven Service Since 1949 Faotory à Showroom 8«8 FAREWELL AVE., OSHAWA Open Mon - Fr &.m. 5p.m. 728-1633 OHW base for a new psychiatrie hospital was put Wo rest last week at a public meeting 0f the Durham Region District Healtb Louneil. The acting chairman of tbe Durham Reglon District Health Council, Tom Ed- ALSO: Storm Windows à Door, SPECIALLY OESIGNEO> (HEAVY ALUMINUM EXTRUSION FOR STRENGTH DOUBLE SLIOERS PROVIDE FULL WEATHER PROTECTION AND SMOOTM OPERAT.ION wards, told a group of about 30 people that the plan made litte or no sense to hlm. Edwards commented that Ontario Health Minister Dennis Timbreil bad already answered opposition to the move by saying the Mlnlstry would not go along with it. George- Lofthouse, a for- mer chairman of the board at the J.O. Ruddy, urged the Durhamn Region Wo set up a separate chronic care hospital to meet future needs. Lofthouse, acting chair- man of the committee looking into the possible use, 0f Ruddy as a chromec care centare, told those gathered 0f his envlsioned hospital being planned along the same limes as a succesaful operation in Thunder Bay. He said the Thunder Bay operation bas a chronic care hospital set up in a complex along witb a nursing home for senior citizens. Hie told the council that such a hospital should be built within five years bec-ause "by that Urne there wlll ethe need."' l'In the long rn the region should be looklng into at a hospital of it's own. " Many of the 30 gathered were connected wltb the Whitby hospital or the Durham Reglon Health Couneil. The meeting was the first in a series of public meetingo schieduled to be held in communities in the region which bave general hospitals. Members of the hospital board recommended that an empty floor Wn the hospital, originally planned to bouse a maternity ward, to be renovated and used as a chronle care ward until the bospital is establisbed to serve that purpose. Lofthouse said that the bospital board will bring in professional belp, either an architeet or a consultant, to help plan changes to the ward. He called the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hopital one of the best designed hospitals ln the region saylng that it was planned wlth provisions for expandlng faclilties to han- dle500 beds. Reglonal Councillor Gerry Emm was on band at the meeting as a show 0of coun- cils support Wo the project. "Council endorses keeplng J.O. Ruddy as an active bospital" said Emîn. He said that many people moving Into town from Metro are not mware of the existance of an active bospital in Whitby and therefore, continue to use their old physicians where they used to live. Emm also commented that coundil bave been ad- vertising the existance and competance of the J.O. Rud- dy Hosptial throughout the community with the slog;an, "If you don't use it you'fl loose it. " Tough new laws will deter trespassing. liaiweoeheping toh poebectyo ana y-p-p For nearly 150 years Ontario has had a law making it an offence to enter property where entry is prohibited. But now new legisiation - The Trespass to Property Act- has toughened up the law to protect your rights. Trespassers can now be fined up to $1,000. In addition, they can be ordered to pay for damages they have caused. An important part of the legisiation designates premises where entry is prohibited without notice. These include your gardens, orchards, vineyards, land under cultivation, woodlots and fenced land. Where notice must be given to prohibit entry, you may use red markings on gates, trees or fences. Yellow markings may be used to caution that only certain activities may be permissible. It is the responsibility of the visitor to find out what you permit. LAND USED FOR RECREATION In the past, there was a great deal of confusion regarding your responsibility to people you allow on your land. Consequently many farmers and rural Iandholders would not alloW recreational activities on their properties. Now another new act -The Occupiers' Liability Act- reduces your responsi- bility. In a nutshell, the law assumes that those who take their recreation on most rural land without paying a fée will take care for their own safety. A special system has been devised to allow you to easily indicate which activities you will allow on your property. A sign naming or graphically representing an activity (for example, hiking) indicates that the activity is permitted. The samne kind of sign with an oblique stroke through it means that you prohibit the activity. These new laws are part of a continuing program to streamline our legisiation. By clarifying your rights, they afford you greater /.I protection from trespass and also reduce your liability when you make land available for recreational purposes.z: For full details, obtain a copy of this free pamphlet. It's available at many supermnarkets and liquor stores, or write to: Communications Branch Ministry of the Attorney General, 18 King Street East Toronto, Ontario M5C 1C5 rE Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General Hon. R. Roy McMurtry Minister L Lovelock seeks election to- HEC A former North Ward councillor bas announced that he will seek election to the Whitby Hydro Electrie Commission on Novîneber 10. Don Lovelock, 45, a resident of Myrtle Station made bis announcement late last week. DON LOVELOCK An employee of Genral Motors for the last 23 years, Lovelock served on Whltby Town Council for four years between 1972 and 1976. Lovelock was also on Durhamn Regional Coundil and served for three montbs as acting mayor of 'the town and Des Newman resigned to seek a seat in the Ontario Legisiature. Lovelock said that he is' running for the HEC basehe believes it is, time for new people to corne onto the board. "With all the money that ls involved with it, they could stand an infusion 0f new blood," Lovelock said poin- ting out that the HEC bas a buget of $9 milion a year. He said that if he is elected there would be a "fresh ap- oroach and new ideas" on the commission. Lovelock said tbat because of his past ex- perience on council, he is "well qualified" t o on the commission. Your Chimney needs a Cap. Stops Rain. NO TOOLS'INSTALLS IN SECONDS! Perfect fit guaranteed. Measure the inside dimensions of your flue tile where it cornes to the top of the chimney. Measure inside edge to inside edge. Top Hat can be removed easily for chimney HEAV GAGEDGALVANIZED IMON. a*BUILT-IN HEAVY DUTY SPARK ARRESTER. e FLAT BLACK ACRYLIC ENAMEL FINISH. e FULLY-ASSEMBLED. e NOTHING EASIER. NOTHING BETTER. 4$4475 The 900 Hopklns St. FirplnoePlus Whitby 668-3192 i U il fi j] /~ I N ~ Stops Birds., Keeps out Debris. Arrests Sparks. ENERGY SAVING THERMALLY INSULATED WINDOWS Custom Mode Enamel Finish ln Any of112 Colours ieny. A . . . . . . . . . .