Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Sep 1980, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1980, PAGE 21 MANUFACTURER Overstocked, Must close out1 modela and sizes. Huge sevi above ground and ln groundç steel and atumInum. No r payments untit 1981. Cati IM CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS & - 1 I MPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tillng, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doorè. FREE ESTIMATES Cali 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold- and Silver coins, oid guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, CroCks, oil, palntlngs and seaiers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CAIRNS ' Property Services "Light Landscaping Brad Cairns 668-532 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Cisss A & D Lcense Cali1 PARTICIPATION 416-383-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses WORRIED ABOUT LEAKAGE from your MICROWAVE? Have It checkedl1 Experienced, qualifiled technicien NONLY $10.96 Cal Nw 72&09923. - BROOKLIN TOOL CO. SPECIAL SALE Alil air tools. Haif priCe on ail micrcômeters, socket wrenCh set, vices. jacks. drill sets, drill press, 3 tori holst, hydrolîc garage (baor 1ack, 11/2 ton capacity $195.00 and sand biaster and other tools for meChaflics. AIl Items fulîy guaranteed. Made in U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 SWIMMING POOLS Inventories muaI go on sale, 1980 above ground pools, complote wiih tiller, motor, pump, walkaround patio. toncing. Reguiariy $2.395., reducod bo cloar ai $1.479. Phono toit free 1-800- 265-8543 for further detaila. LEARN T RV TRACOTR TRAILERS OR Straight Trucks CEMIC FIRING à GIFTS 39 Michael Btvd.. Whtby .666-&67, IE GN TREES etc. FOR SALE $2. up Maptes, cedars, apruce, other varlettos. Poontes & red rhubarb moots, comet raspberry planta. Frosh com. tomnatoos & cucumbers. ING and ns done. Phone CLEARWATER FLORIDA six, 3 bedroom, furnished mobile (permanent> homes. Pools, tennis, shuffieboard, air, guif, beaches, Dsney Worid. Chiidren Weicome. 683-5503. ROOMS TO RENT. No chiidren or pets of any kind. Phone 655-3538. Brookiin number. 3 BEDROON TOWNHOUSE, finiahod roc. room, garage, piayground. References needed. $425. month. Whitby location, 2 minutes from 401. Call ef84261. AUCTION SALE, Fri, Sept. 5 aI 12:00 noon. 351 Kng St. E. Oshawa. Com- plote househoid offects for Mrs. Carke. Owner retiring 10 a nursing home. This sale Inctudes many an- tique and unusual Items. Eert Devis Aucîloneer Oshawa, 728-4455 AUCTION SALE, Set. Sept 6 4t 1:00 p.m. House & property of Mîke Driacoit on Scugog Island. Take Durham Rd. 7 to Aidredas Corner Store, east to Sunrise Beach. 5 room trame house, 3 bedrooma, weii treed lot, ½ý acre more or leas plus Westinghouse fridge. Acme wood stove, pins covered, jam covered, an- tique bed & dressera, hait tree, chur- ch pews, antique chairs, partour table & chairs, antique ciock, trunka, sIlver pieces, quantity of old dishes and gloa, sealers, old bottes, crocks, glass doors, iawn mower. garden tiller, wheei barrow, picnic table, stepladder, quantity of good peint, cedar reilia, picket fence, space heater, box traiter, & many more Items. Lunch avaitable. John Pearce Auctîon Services 985-7492 - Mraton "ORLONA PARK- FRANKFORD ONTARIO. Camping, weekiy. seesonaiiy, winter siorage. Naturai surroundinga. Trent canai, privale, supervised. (613) 398-7483. WHIT8Y DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB 7:30 p.m. Wodnesdays. Centenniai Building, next season begins Sep- tomber 10. 1980 New membors weicome. For further Information cati 68&9997 or 668-4756. BOUVIER de FLANDRES PUPS CI<C registered, top champion bioodlins. excellent guard & companion dog. great with kids. $350. Caii 6837664. 4 GUINEA PiOS, 2 maies, 2 temnaies. $20 for ail 4 with cage, or $5 each. 1 record piayar ln cabinet $15. Appîy - 130 Byron St. N. WVhitby. KMTY-LITTER treined rabbit. Siver- grey with cage. Fre 10 goo>d nome- Oeil 6684770or6&778 A LEVI JEAN JACKET wae found In Blair Park.Cati 0684463- sait 1980 rings on Poole of NEIGHBOURHOOD GARAGE SALE- nonthiy Set. Sept. 6 at 9 a.m. 950 Greenwood 0PERIAL Cres. Whitby s, o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GARAGE SALE Set. Sept. 6. 9 s.m. .3 p.m. 39 Carter Cree. Whitby (West )WN Lynde ares) Sponsored by Delta Sigma Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. Something for everyonel YARD SALE - corner of Walnut and High Streets, Whttby, ail weekl 14 du. ft. Fridge and range (green) $425.,pr. Detuxe washer & dryer (white) $300 pr. 54" Box apring and matt rose $5. 4 pdG Kitchon suite $35. Plus much more 668-2970. PRIVATE SALE, detached bungalow. 214 f. deep lot, 2'h bedrooma, Port Whitby ares. Cai683-8299. INCOME TAX COURSE Classes Begin Sept. 15 H&R BLOCK wiII teach you to prepare Income tex re- tuma in a peclal 13. week tultlon course. e COURSES COVÉRI CUR- RENT TAX LAWS " ENROLLMENT OPEN TO ALL AGES e NO PREVIOUS TRAINING OR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY e JOB INTERVIEWS AVAILABLE FOR BEST STUDENTS For detaîls and doasa achedulea pleese phono: 723-2217 15 Bond St. E. Oshawa H&R BLOCK (Canada) Ltd. CASH LOAN nover repay. For free dotaux write 10: Mrs. Lundiow R R 1 Locuat Hill Ontario LOH IJO DAY CARE ln my home, 2 yrs or older. Otter Creek ares, Phono 668-0874. DAYCARE AVAILABLE ln my home. Any ege. Otter creef. ares Cati 668- 0776 DAYCARE AVAILABLE for pro- achooler. 668-9915 RESTORED, 1965 Pontiac Convertible excellent condition. Certif led. $1.895 or beat offer. Muai be seen. Cati 668- 2482. 1974 SATELITE SEBRING 318, V-8. new mutIler & transmission, new power brakes. power steering. Asking $1,0W0 Cati 668-6635. 1976 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT TRAVELLER, 345. V-8. 3 speed manuai transmission. 40,000 originel miles, 2 wleel drive, posi-traction rear end. Certif ied asking $3.700 Cati jim afler 6 p.m. at 291-6859 or 668- 9885 EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Our exc!ting Une of Christznas carda and gifts to frienda, neighbour, relatives. No expeience required. Our big, colorfuily ilustrated catalogue unakea it easy and profitable. Start Dow! Write today for free CrStinas cataogue and in- formation. Moearcb Gree<Iag Carda. 217 Can- ams St. E. Hamnton, Ont. L8N 31<3 or Phone (14) 5V4111111. USED OFFICE FURNITURE We have a warehouse fuil of used of- lice f urniture horsein Ajax. Selection s good and inspection sa by appoin- Iment oniy. Values are excellent and you can save large amounts over preseni new prices. For exampie: Used SeCretariai Posture Chairs aeiiing new for up to $11900 new May be purchased here for as uitIle as $29.00. Terms are cash & carry wth delivery avoulable. Cati Dickson Prin- ting and Office Supplies et 683-1968 for additional Information and an ap- pointment t10 view.- ORGAN usedLOWREY, two-mnanual organ, auto rhythm, easy 10 play. Cati Lowrey Organ & Piano, In Whîtby et 6686-3544. CLEANING LADY avalleble to clean offices, buildings, etc. Evening hours or night. Whltby, Oshawa, or Ajax. Ceil Helen, 66& 3624. 100 FEET 0F SF7. CHAIN UNK FEN- CE compiete with posta, headrait and man gale. Group of 1124f." fîinishod cabinet doors wth hardware. Cati af- ter 5:30 p.m. 668-2883 TRAYNER AMPH, electrIc guitar, microphone, 9 montha old. Pur- chased at $700, muatssoit for $350. Cati 579-1406 Mon & Wed. 9 a.m. 10 12 noon or Thurs f rom 6-9 p.m. PHARMACIST, part lime. 20 hrs woekiy. Cambetiford, Ontarto.Calt Toronto 259-8251 1 PAIR 0F 110-116-5" ribbod tires, newt Cati 655-4517' ITEMS FOR SALE 4 burner Kenmore stovo $20., 7' x 7' ruaI rug $12. Colonial Love Seat $12., Living roomn chair $5., 50' rtractabte hose $12., Stand up iamp $4., dosk and chair $15., iaundry hamper $3., eiectrtc kttie $6., otectrIc fan $4., Assorted new ciothes. Vooki skis and bindînga $16. Cati 86885328 ask for Brad. PART-TIME HELP, to work Mondays oniy, 8 ar..10 5 p.m. Must be able 10 lift f urnIlure. Phone 985-8161. WAITRESSES NEEDED with 3 yeers experienco. Apply In person to 110 Dunlop St. E. Whitby. 'Femily House Restaurant" EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED For interview Cati 655-3377 -6*G HAVE YOU HAD AN INTEREST IN SELLING CHRISTIAN BOOKS & RECORDS, but found the Initiai ln- vestment 100 much? Succesafut living may provide the. opportunity you've been iooking for. For more In- formation write, 'Good News Christian Producta" Box 575 LeamIngton, Ontario N8H 3X4. PIANIST NEEDED for Whtby Ballet School. Experience nol essentiel. Cati 668-1251. HOUSEKEEPER, live in or out, wan- ted for Whitby home. Pleese leave name & number et 668-1251. *WINNERS Royal Canadian Légion Branch 112, Whttby ELIMINATtON DRAW laI prize G. Waterhouse 2nd prize L. Brooks 3rd prize I Hoimes 4th prize - B. Muir & M. McStabick Our congratulations to the abovo winiiers. WINNERS Royal Canadien Lgion Sranch 112. Whtby COUNTY TOWN CARNIVAL BEEF DRAW 1960 lat. prizo - C. Prico, Whltby 2nd prizo - M.F. Binsted, Whitby 3rd prize - D. Walter, Whttby Our congratulations to the aboya wlnners. MIB.M.PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BROOK STREET NORTH WHITBY 6686111 Mon - Wed 9 aill - 6 pin, Thutrs, Fr 9 ain - 8pînt Sat 10 asin - 5 pin.- WE OFFER TOP QUALITY FILM PROCESSING AT COMPETITIVE PRICES -- AND THAT'S VALUE! BUSI NESS', STATIONERV* MAIL ORDER D 0 -n Fitness is a national issue, We eall it Body Politiese The Canad.an movamant fr ho, anI ilinesm. 0 a 0 a a .OeSeeWWu Wufo g o HEY eKi DSI *Waý exi s1 e int to earn some '- tra spendingmoey, how: out a Paper Route? THE HITBY FREE PRESSE looking for carriers for: Ednesday afternoons. ~Boys & Girls 9 or older NO COLLECTINGI 1 \~ \. FOR FURTHER S ï1p INFORMATION CALL: S668-6111: WHITB Y FREE ». PRESS 131 Brock St.N. Whitby WHITBY'S ON LY NEWSPAPER -77 7 7-7-7 777.7-77-77- 17 'Výw--- gý _- > o?Êý a-

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