Not what you'd want to s tart yo ur day Fridoys rein brought on dangerous driving conditions whlch *ere partly responsible for this two vehicie collision on Brock Street south by. St. Lawrence St. Michael Cooper of Port Elgin was travelling north along Brock Street when he attemn- pied a uIn mb e gas station by St. Lawrence Si. Allen Sytnyk of Whltby wes drlving south on Brock Street et the time. Cooper was charged with faiiing 10 provide sufficient right 01 way to Sytnyk end making an improper lftI turn when his car hit Sytnyk's ln front of the gas station. Neither of the occupants were Injured ln the crash end trafflc was siowed down until the mess was cieared Up. Police estimate thet $5,400. dameage was done as a resuit of the collision. .FREE PRESS PHOTO BY STEPHEN GREENAWAY Brock p'roject near completion page 2 Don't let canisters fuel yo-u page 16