Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Jul 1980, p. 21

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-'e WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JULY 9, 1980, PAGE 21 çJ~ j~CES CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywail, Roc.Roomns, Cedar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cail 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for .Gold and Slver coins, old guns, dlocks,, Jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oll, paintings and sealors. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W, OSHAWA CAIRNS "Property Services "Light Landscaping Brad Cairns 668-5328 BUBBINS SIDING Aiumlnumn & vinyl siding, safilt, asacia & seamiess alumlnum eavestroughing installation. Free estimates, very reasonable. Cali 666- 1979 eveninga 10 per cent discaunt for senior citizena. SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These, corne complote wlth waikaround dock, patio, foncîng, pump, motor and filter. Regular price $2400, now $1498. Caîl IMPERIAL POOLS toîl f ree 1-800-268- 5970. SWIMMING POOLS inventories muet go on sais, 1980 above ground pools, comploe with fluter, motor, pump, waikaround patio, lencing. Reguiariy $2,395, reduced f0 clar et $1.479. Phone toi Ires 1-800- 265-43 for furthsr detaili. AUOMOLES 1975 CHYRSLER cORDOBA, PIS, pie, air-conditianed, cruiso contrai, AM-FM cassette, nsw set aI radiai ujss. Asking $2800. Please C8alalter 4:30 p.m. t 68-5352 7.4 sHuONT HATCH-BACK, 3 speed AUTOMOBILES VW SEETL, 1974, unc.rtifisd. Cali 668-0661&fier 8 p.. CARS & DRIVERS WANTED. n.-moIition derby, Oshawa Exhibition, 2 nits, Juiy 18 &19, Phono 723-4580 or 728-0884. ELLNEOUS, MOVINO WEST*MUST SELI Kitchen table and four chairs, $100; humidifier, $75; cauch and matchlng chair,$125; Victorien style chair, $50; two end tables, $130; colles table $50. Boat oilsr accspted for al Items. For mars Information cail 655-3070 atsr 6:30 p.m. TRAILOR FLOAT 1974, tir-axIe. 9 ton cap, 20 foot long woodon dock, $2000. Cali ater 6 p.m. 282-9546 or 86662736 RENT A POOL Swlmming pool manufac- turer wil base and instal new 1980 famiiy-sIzed pool complote wth walkway, Sun dock and fencing, on a ren- tai basis with option to buy.. Your choice of Style. Try beforo you buyl Cali IM- PERIAL POOLS toîl free 1- 800-26&.5970.- WOODS SOFT TOP CAMPER - good' condition c/w 9' X 12' zlp on lent $350. 72 dodgs monaco wagon - 318 V8 good condition $500. Phono 683-3472 June68,80 7 PIECE MAHOGANNY BEDROOM suite, Inciuding two single bods and two Sheritan style mrrors. Coli 655- 3718 USED OFFICE FURNITURE Grant Westiake wiil be pieased ta take you on an escorted tour ai aur Used FurnIture Warehouse here ln Ajax. Il you need a good used desk, select lrom double pedestai ones at $12995 and save three quartera ai the present asklng price af a simitar new onol1 There are good and aven btter buys in Kiemko Secretariai desks and n 30 X 60 single pedostal deska. Cali Dickson PrIntIng and Office Supplies for addltional information~ and ta arrangea personal'inspection. Phono 683-1968 Ajax. DRAPERY TRACKS Rolier BlInds, N/rticais, Draperies Instailed Guarantee Workmanship Your Tracks or Ours 668-1987 579-5121 ENGOIEMENT If Frank Puu*o,lormerly ai 1526 Ouf- berin Sifeet, Whitby, doos flot pay the sum ai $450 by July 14, $980, Lorraine Turansky wIlssi his fur- niture which cha 1laflow holding. No. 1999 Is the winning ticket of the GIngerbread Ciockt- Draw heid JuIy lst Whitby Museum at Lynde Hous WInner: Joan Moynes RAR 1, Lindsay, Ontario. Lic 23558 APRTEINTS FOR RENT WHITBY- LARGE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS In -piex. Avaliabie Juiy 1 and August 1. $30 monthiy Includea, hat, hydro, parking and appliances. irst & aest manths rent, relerences, fia pets, 1 year isase. Phono alter 7 p.m. 728-7654. EOESFOR SALE RENOVATORS DREAM Prestige area, Wellngton Street, brick farm house, 12 marna, 2, 500 square leet. The lot ix 65' X 165' with trees. Calii666-3774. PRIVATE SALE West Lynde, Whitby 3 bedroom backsplIt home. Beautliuiiy ian- dscaped, famiiy room with atone fIreplace, 2 compiete bathrooms, tasteflly decorated. AskIng $73900. Cali 8688-1677 or evenîngs 668-0249 LODA VACATION RENTLS CLEARWATER FLORIDA - six, 3 bodroam, furnlshed mobile per- manent) home. Pools, tennis, shui- fliboard, air, guif, boaches, DIsney Warid. Chiidron weicomo. 683-5503. FREE TO GOOD HOME, 2 year aid amai iemaie dag. Part poodie, part terrier. Tan In calour and had ail shots. Cati 668-0409 WANTED TOOL& DIE MAKERS We are a Canadian owned high volume automotive metal stamping and assembly f irm. Due to rapid growth we require tool & die makers in our Beaver- ton plant. Must be capable of performing ail aspects of the trade, but more concen- tration will be on maintainîng produc- tion tooling. Certification is desirable but not a pre-requ isite. We of fer a comnplete benef it package, our journeymen A's rate is 8.79 per hour. lnterested parties are welcome to apply in writing or in person to: Seeburn Metal Products Lt. Box 460, Beaverton, Ont. Attention: Personnel Department (mark envelope 'T & DI1 Nb. 1999 s the wlnning ticket of the Gingerbread Clock Draw held July lst Whitby Museum at Lynde House Wlnnor: Joan Moynos RAR 1, Lindsay, Ont. Li c. 23558 EXPERIENCEO COUPLE wanting APARTMENT SUPERINDENT POSITION, roieronces availabie, sssume position September 1, 1980. Pisas cail ator 5 p.m. 623-4294 or 623-1011 business) BABYSITTER REQUIRED ta cars for aur 5 month aid son, in his home. Weekdays 8:30 ta 5:30 and own tran- sportation. Cili 668-3650- CALLING ALL STU DENTS I "The Perfect Summer Job" Lot us show you how to earn big bucks this summer and have fun. Sou Ice-cream ln your own neighbourhood. CALL 579-9362 WELDER Progressive company 'in the Scar- borough Area requires a First Class Welder. Applicants must have TIG ex- perience, a basic understanding of heat treating procedures and CWB or equivilant certifications. Good salary with company paid benefits. Please reply in complete confidence to: Personnel Manager P.O. Box 34 Agincourt, Ontario MiS 3B4 QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTORS New manufacturi ng plant, in the Markham, Finch Avenue Area, has im- mediate openings for QC Inspectors. Must be experienced in dementional inspection of castings, forgeins, and machined parts. Please reply in writing to: Personnel Manager P.O. Box 34 Agincourt, Ontario MiS 3B4 The difference between you and a persan who's fit is that anyfhing you can do he can do bef fer. TRACTOR TRAILOR TRAINING FOR Class A & D license cal "PARTICi PATIO N"P 416-363-8031 day, ove. & Sat. courses LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OR3 Straight Trucks Cali Thie Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 416-864-9381 Established ln 1971 AUOIN Friday July il bo Sunday JuIy 13 9:00 to Dusk Corner ai Finch and Liverpool Raad,(narth ai Sheridan Mail) and Pickering. One tan truck, tractor, and Items ta numerous ta mention. Saturdoy July 12. 11 *.m. Fumiture & Antiques Auction sale for Mltan and Helen Heard ta be said at thoîr home located on Simcoe St. ln the village aI Prince Albert, being ans mlle south af Part Perry. Watch for signa. This le a large sale aI goad quaiity Items, property said. Auctioneer la Murray Jackson 985-2459. Wednesday Juiy 16 Wednaday Juiy 16 -6 p.m. Fumiture à Antiques Auction sale the property ai theo ste James Oous ai Peterborough ta be auctioned et the Prince Albert Hall In the Village ai Prince Abert. Auctiansor la Murray Jackson 985- 2459 Wedneeday July 16.-7 p.m. Fumiture à ANTIQUES Largo auctian ai the househaid con- tente. Praperty ai George and Erma Johnson ai Stouilville ta be sold flllwlng the Otalle sale et the Prince Abert Hall yard, being ans mile south af Part Perry. Twa auctioneors Murray Jackson 965-2459 EARGESALES GARAGE SALE OPEN NOW With adds & ends. PrIces ai lumber, doars, lire waad and many other things ta numerous ta mention. Road Durham 23 an Whitby Ajax Town Lino south ai 401. Third, fouth driveway and third hause west aide. SITUTI0O'N WATED 'USTOM FARM WORK Haylng, cutting, candltlonIng and or baillng. Cili Mark et 9866.5689 nights or 965-3042 days. CfAD Worklng wiih people who âtre helpIng themsives s.nd Vour Tai DeductUlie Contribution Ta: OXFAM-CANADA box I&WO box io TORONTO WINNIPEG OTTAWA REGINA HALIFAX CALGARY ST. JOHNS VANCOUVER

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