Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Jun 1980, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 8,1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS I CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS M ETRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywalî, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cail 668-4686 HIGH EST PRICES Patd for Gold and Silver coins, otd guns, clocks, Jowebery, dishes, furniture, crocks, ail, paintings and sealers., FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CAIRNS " Property Services " Ltght Landscaping Brad Cairns 668-5328 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS DONE. Phone 68k2864. BUBBINS SIDING Aiuminum & vinyl siding, soffitt, fascia & seamiess atuminum eavestroughing installation. Free ,estimates, very reasonabie. Cati 66- 1979 evenlngs 10 par cent discount for senior citizans. SWIMMING POOLS Factory averstock sale of new 1979 pools. These Corne complote wlth walkaround dock, patio, foncing, pump, motor and f ilter. Rogular prico $2400, now $1498. Cati IMPERIAL POOLS taif ree 1-8W-268- 5970. SWIMMING POOLS - Manufacturer has an inventory of 1979 aboya ground pools 10 clear. Comploe with filler, motor, sktmmer, pump, walk- around patio, fsncing. Regutariy $2,295. Now $1.444. Cati toit free 1. 800-265-6343 for further detlls. AUOBILES FOR SALE 1 1978 HONDA CIVIC, 5 halch-back, sun-roof, AM-FM cassette, mag rima, excellent condition. Beal offer CAI 666-3091 eveninga 1972 FORD LTD WAGON with or without CB radio. Best 0f fer. Phone Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, cali ye upon him while he is near: TUESDAY. JUNE 24 Auction seof antique fumturs, dishes, litverware, etc. the property of the Bernes Estale, 301 Gilbert St In the Town of Whilby,(3 bocks soulh of the four corners, 2 bocks eaat> G.E.stove and G.E. frtdge good con- dition> Viking dryer, 2 wtcker chaira, davenport, Antique watnut Jaques and Hayes buffet<excelteni condition) antique oak hatl stand(hat rack wlth mtrror and unbrella stand> good, tetephone table and. chair. pr of an- tique hall chahrs, antique love seat original upholstering wilh 4 chaire good condition. Antique htgh back sofs,(good) antique walnut wring desk and book case hîgh) 5 Pc wanut bedroom suite (poster bed) antique, antique walnul dresser swing mIrror, 2 glove boxes on top, poster bed, wicksr fernery, Persian rug 9 X 12 (good) pattern on both aides, chinesa rug, good runners antique night table, antique brasa alligator candile holders, 2 antique pictures, dog and girl, girl and sheep, Painting of girl (by G.I. Knapp) 2 cold port places (dated) 18001s. Majolica, bavarian china, large slilvr on copper tray, cream and sugar, canie holders, hot water kel- île, heavy pressed glass wine deoan- tor set, dresser sets, goid watch, opera giasses, iliver ovening purse, moore crof t set, WhItby jug, Eiac- troiux vacuum cleaner (nearty new>, antique Iined minature trunk or foot ocker> needle point foot stoot, cedar chest, and much more, furniture, china, and siiver. Seth Thomas dlock. NOIe, 1h15 is a sale worth allen- ding. Terma cash or good cheque, sale ai 12.00 noon. Reg and Larry Johnson Aucioneers Ph. (705)>357-3270 HORSES BOARDED, summer pasture n WhItby, grained daiiy plus extras, thick pasture, iots of shade % fiy wipe when needed, excellent care, and $50 a monlh. Colii 666-3146 FOND LOST- Fuli-grown black labrador retreiver lest seen Harmony Road north arsa. Reward 655-4403 LIGHT BLUE MONSA 10 SPEED,black speedometer and "rat trap' rear carrier. $25 rewird for ils sfle return. Phone 668-5234 Fitness fits in GOLDEN CORN FLAKES BREAD 3 cups Corn Flakes cereal 11/2 cups regular al-purpose flour 3 teaspoons balking powder 1 teaspoon sait 3 tablespoons sugar Yield: 9 servings. 1 AUCTI ON 1 BOBETTE SALON 0F BEAUTY Is under new management and have new hours. Tuesday & Wedensday f rom 8 a.m. ta 6 p.m.; Thursday' ta Frlday tram 8 a.m. ta 8 p.m.; Saturday f ram 8 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Located at 51 Baldwin Street, Brooklln. Cali for appolntment nowl 655- 3134 E:ILLANEO.Ui RENT A POOL Swlmming pool mnanufac- turer wll base and instail new 1980 famnily-sized pool complete wlth walkway, Sun dock and fenclng, on a ren- tai basis wlth option to buy. Vour chobce of style. Try before you buyl Cail M. PERIAL POOLS toîl free 1- 800-268-5970. DRAPERY TRACKS Roller Blinds, Verticals, Draperies Installed Guarantee Workmanship Your Tracks or Ours 668-1987 579-5121 TRAILOR FLOAT 1974. tir-asie, 9 ton cap, 20 foot long wooden deck, $2,000. Cali aller 6 p.m. 2829546 or 866-21/36 ONE TRANSIT clw TRIPOD, 1-3000 watt ganerator, 1 miehie printing pross, 1.36' master trowei machine, 1-24" master trowel machine, 1 greenskaeper for goifgreens, 1 master T 1000 jumping jack. Cati 668- 8262 after 6 P.m. FOURI WINDSOR CHAIRS, 2 large mirrors, stove and washing machine and other housahotd Items. Caii 668- 4235 21 OU FT FREEZER, exchange for a smaiier one or seiifor $100. Ca1t1668- 9585 DISCOUNT WICKER,bookcases, chairs, tables, roching-chairs, and many othar Items. Ptease catI 725- 9393, Oshawa (for furthar Infor- mation) 1978, 17 ft TEMPEST,140 Merc In- board/outboard, E-2 toad traiter, many extras included $7400 or beat of fer, Cati 725-8202 FEED ONE ADULTfor $7.06 weekiy, Includes 1 lb of meat dalty, cholce of 8 fresh vagetables and grains. Free detaita, Write ta: M.E.B. 813 Centre Street North Whitby Ontario Li N 4M DUE TO MOVING OVERSEAS, ail our belonginga ara for sais. Among thamn ara furnilura, appliances, lwo set of baby criba, clothIng, botls, dlock and organ. Cati 668-3990, please do not cati on Sundays. HELPI NEIGH-BOURMOOD tr ICE CREAM SALES ROUTES "THE PERFECT SUMMER JOB" .The Ice cream season le siowty approaching. Appltcations are now being ac- cepted for part lime positions.' Let us show you how to havea fun white earning big bucks this summer. The onty requiremenîs are: *Over 14 «Able 10 work aller schooi & weekenda *Desire lo be succesafut CAIL FOR INTERVIEW: 59-9362 BOOKKEEPER - offerlng experien- ced bookkeepîng services, pick-up and delivery 668-1012. RELIABLE MOTHER WILL BABYSIT n own home, Monday through FrIday, Whitby Trailor Park area, startlng Juty 9. Cati 683-7915 TRACTOR TRAILOR TRAINING FOR Class A & D license Cali "PARTICIPATION"' 416-363-803 day, eve, & Sat. courses LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR «IRAILERS or r-tralght trucks Cali The C0 ijan :nstitute of Tractor Traier Training Ltd. 416-864-9381 Established 1971 Re: CALL FOR TENDERS M09 WHITBY PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL Tenders wii b. received by the Whit- by Psychiatric Hospitl for the rent of approximatety 16 acres of tend tocated ai the Hospital. RentaI ta for currant 1980 season oniy. The tend sa for growing standing mIxsd hay, no piowIng or growing of allarnate crop atiowad. The hay sa ta ba cul, batad and ramovsd by 1he succesfut bIdder. Lump sum rentai prIce ls raquired. Contact Mr. R. Ingielon, Grounds and Gardons, for furthar detlla If requIred. Tenders ahoutd be addrassed 10: Manager, Materlis Controt and Systema, Whttby PsychiatrIc Hospital, Box 613, Whttby,Ontarto. LI N 5S9 - Raf: Ouole 8019. Tenders to be marked "'Tender for Standing Hay" and must be recstved by 12:00 noon, Monday Jun. 301h, 1980. EE RGESALES GARAGE SALE - Il wIll be at 576 Mary Street Eaut, Whilby. Stove, chsstsrfteid, and matchIng chair and (mtsceiianeous items) dîshes, chttdrensa toys, books. Bsing Hetd Juns 7 sterling 12 noon. LLORDAACATIONj REVLAS CLEARWATER FLORIDA - six, 3 bedroom, furntshed mobile (per- manent) homes, Pools, tennis,,shuf- fieboard, air, guif, beachea, DIsnsy World. Chiidren wsicome. 683-5503. CDAD Working with people Who ore hetplng themseives Send Vour Tax Oeductib1e ÇOnIfIbul'Ofl TO OXFAM CANADA Box 18ow BO 12.000 TORONTO W INE OTTAWA RGN HALIFAX CALGARY ST. JOHN'5 VANCOUVER t mesage f rom your VLung Association 723-3151 1 . Il ý TRADE SCHOOLSI THANKYQU mi ELSA'S CHILDREN'S THINGS From Durham Famtly & Children's Services Votun- teers.

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