WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESL)AY, MAY -1 K 19>8n. PAGE 17 SER CES IELLANEOUS CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTI MATES Cali 668-4686 HUGH EST PRICES PaId for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, OiH, paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKEI 725-9783 23KiNG ST. W., OSHAWA OLY'S PAINTING à DEcORATINO - free estimatas, reasanable rates; shinglIng and carpenter wark aisa. 668-3185. DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS DON E. Phone 668-2864, CAIRNS " Property Services "Light Landscaping Brad Cairns 668-5328 BUBBINS SIDING Aiuminum & vinyl siding, sallitt, fascia & seamles, aluminum eavesfroughing Installatian. Free estimates, very reasonable. Cxii 666- 1979; 10 par cenf discount for seniar citizens. AUO LES FRSALE 1972 FORD LTD WAGON wth or WithOut CB radia. Best aller. Phone 728-7790. 67 CHEVY I, very gaod condition. make aller - 655-3791 72 BUICK A-i mechanicai condition, needas me body work. Sali as la 668- 7573. APATENTS SUBLET - July & Augusf, very large 2 bedroom apartment. Sauna, squash caurt. whirî pool. Whitby ares. $320 includes 2 parking spaces. Cxli sItar 7:00 666-1305. WIIITBY APARTMENT BUILDING - ô unts - graste 319,000 - asking 31 47.900 - cati11-531-2208. before you buy! Call IM- PERIAL POOLS toîl f ree 1- 800-268-5970- SWIMMING P >OLS- M iacturer has an invre tory if u/>9 ab>ove ground pookl-,ce Complete with filter, r Mloti kint- îer, pump, walk- around pati ,leýiing. Regularty $2,295. Naw $144. Cal 101 free 1. 800-265-8343 fortulu er deixlse. ONE S x 10' BOX TRAILER equlpped with electrlc brakes, 6,000 lb ixle and equlpped with aqualîzer hltch, aaklng $1,000; one covered snowmoblle traiter 7 x 10, used, $300. Phone 655- 3477. SIMPLICITY GAS DRYER, excellent condition $100 or basf aller; 1 Wall gas space heter $100 or best aller. 683-5946. BATHROOM TILES, whte 3 x 6 seconds, 75 square leel plus 20 leet of black lrlm $40; complete follet set and bathrom nslnk $15; 2 inalde doors 1 - 24 x 80, 1 - 22 x 80, $10 each. Apply 711 Burns Si. W. or phone 688-3495. SEARS AIR COMPRESSER, 2 cylin- der 1 h.p., 120 ibS pressure. Lîke new $200. Phone 576-2032 during the day and 728-6700 evenings. REFRIGERATOR, Beatty Norseman, avacada green, $350. Owned for 5 years, excellent condition. Cail Ted 683-5358. DRAPERY TRACKS RoI er Bllnds, Vert bals, Draperies Installed Guarantee Workmanship Your Tracks or Ours 668-1987 579-5121 1 LARGE apprax. 9'xs 5') piclure win- dow wth centre ighl & aulside single hung aiuminum acreens & storm windows included, ail in workabie condition - $175.00, -V4bed trame (48" x 72"> with headboards - $25 - caii 668- 8675. DINING ROOM SUITE - buffet, hutch, table & 5 chairs - Lime Oak. Asking $1,000- best oller -666-1470. SOLID TEAK Dining room table wif h 4 chairs, 2 extension leaves, $200 - cal 668-5396 allter 6 p.m. 8 TRACK car tape deck - 6 mos. oid, AM car radio - 9 mas. aid - best aller 668-1210 EGRAESALES GARAGE SALE, Sat. May 31, 514 Perr St., Whitby - miscellaneaus items. HUGE GARAGE SALE, Sat., May 31, Radîsson Ave. & Wxveriey St., near Civic Aud., approximateiy 10 neigh- boring yards Invalved - collee & sai drinks for ids - baby ciathes, Avon Praducta, lots af misc. Items. Phone 728-2103 WANTED CHURCH ORGANIST, Whiiby, cxii 868-0973 or 683-2672 etlter 5 p.m. FOND LOST, 1 pair af eyeglaxxex in Rossiand nlad/Hwy. 12 arex. Reward - 688-1333 LOST - Set af eys on matai ring - il laund cali 666-1672 evenings. FREE fa goad home -lemnale Irish Setter - 1 yr. aid - 668-1947 Family Favorite 1 bag anud freeze apricots be- catuse my farnily likes their deli- cale. delightful flavor in pies and puddings, or poached and flamed on icc crezim. Apricots when de- frusîed and served raw can taste slightly chcwy depcnding on the variety. If x'uu haven't fruzen them hefore. îry a test s;împle. Freeze a -nxîll ;îrnunt and next day defrost ind faste. Prepare apricots for freceing in the same way that you prep;îre peachies, lreating îhem wiîh ascurbic acid. Both fruits dis- color due lu uxid;ttion. The ordy uiffercnce hetween (lhe two is that ,îprictils don't require blanching and peeling. If viit have aîny other questions, p1e;î'c wrife lu me ;ît the "Glad'" Homne Freezirîg Information Cen- tre. 165 University Avenue, Toron- fo. Ontatrio \15H 3BR, enclosing a si amped. sel f-ztddressed envelope. l*11 bc more îh.în happy bo answer thern. We can't help without your help. ARILITY FUNO WGRKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULIS. REA EIONAL V~EL WANTED - uaad boatfs and mators, cabin traliers and tant trallers to be sold on consignment. Wide Sales. 855-8010. CANADA People To People Devolopment OXFAM supports smaîl, self- help projects In developlng communîtles around the world. OXFAM projects stress self- rellance and seek maximum participation by the local population. OXFAM Is more thon a charîty. It is a movemont for socIal justice. VOUR CONTRIBUTION CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE --- - - - - - - - - - - - - OXFAM-CANADA BOX 18,000 TORONTO OTTAWA HALIFAX ST. JOHN'S BOX 12,000 WINNIPEG REG INA CALGARY VANCOU VER HERE I5 MY DONATION 0F$S____ FOR YOUR WORK. NAME___.- ADDRESS 1 \~A message f rom your I ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Lung Assocýiatiorn 723-3151 l Canada's Y' trees are no match PR EVENT FOREST FIRES, Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These corne complete wlth walkaround deck, patio, fenclng, pump, motor and filter. Regular prîce $2400, now $1498. Caîl IMPERIAL POOLS tolif ree 1-800-268- 5970. DACAE DAY CARE ln my home, 2 years & aider. Please calil 668-0874. E XPIENCED BUOKEEPER BOOKKEEPER - alfering experlen- Ced bookkeepîng services, pick-up and dellvery 668-1012. Fitness fits in. ETD)ESCHOOLSJ TRACTOR TRAILOR TRAINING FOR Cîass A & D license cal "PARTICIPATION'? 416-363-8031 day, ove. & Sat. courses W fl ofl[G@ II Seek the Lord Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, cail ye upon him while he is near: Jsaîah 55:6 Gîve~. THE HEART FUND à