PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY MAY 21, 1980, WHITBY FREE, PRESS Free Press Em poruumi CI668M-611l7 EmpoiumAdswiIt onlv be accepted subjet to the foIowing Condd'iols.1 Aurmll E mp:RECR A ds PLEEREAD1h1 70 ANC GRE&ILIN ô cylinder 3 spe.d standard,, ma wheeia, baeders, 4 barrel, mint condition. Asking$3,200 or boat offer. Cati 6684727 afler 5 p.m. Ape, 16, 80 COLLECTOR*S ITE. -One owner 74 Roéd Runner 318.1 AMJFM 8 track tereoo.'T sun-roof, radiais, mag wheeIs, ImmaculatO throughout. Cer- tli ed »ekng $3500. Cai 5762032 durtng th. day and 72846700 eveninge. Ap. 16, 80 73 FORD GALAXY 600 WAGON mochaniceiîy sound. Body fair, may b. certified, asking $700. 666.3052 mIter 6 p;m. Apr. l1,.80 T3 GRAND TORINO WAGON - PIS, PIB. 9 pasenger. 361 Auto, 65,000 mites. Re-bulit motor and tran- somission. $700 or offer. 668- 7007. Feb. 27, 80 118 BARRACUDA 318 V-8. good In- terior, runnlng condition $50. 655. 3411. Apt. 2,80 19"8 pONTAC LAURINTIAN - Gooo running condition. $25 or bOut offf. Cali anytime 668-0073. Feb. 27, 80 1. 6U CORVET CONVERTIBLE with 2 fuit barrot carburators, headers, aide pipes. Body customized $5500fIirm; 1 .66 Oida Torinade $1,200; 1- 69 Cadiiiac Sedan Devilto $50. Cati 723- 8915. Mar. 26,80 60 OLDS, 2 door, good mnech., rusty $125. 725-0636. Ap.2, 80 CLASSIC CAR - One of a Kind - 65 Chovy Il. Excellent condition hes juat had $1300 worth of mochanicai work dons. Phone 668-3164. Wili take sny rossonable of fer. Feb. 27, 80 AU ARTS SET OF 4 HR 7015 Tforindo radiai tires, white staers, good condition, 360 for ait. 668-0621. May 7,80 2 FIRESTONE TIRES size 7.75 x 14 on AMC rima iess then hal worn, $20 pair, 1 turnptke tire size G78-14 glss boted - used onty 2000 miles $15; phono 668-1060. Apr. 30, 80 1 AUTOPAR TIRE JR7O-15, 100 mites $30. 668-7065. Ap.2, 80 F RSALE T7 FORD %4 TON PICK-UP 38.000 miles, 3 speed standard, AMIFM 8 track terso, sun roof, captatn's chaire, mag wheeia, plus more. Cer- tif ied asktng S33,80. Cati 576-2032 durtng the day and 7284700 ovenngs. Apr. 16, 80 1975 FORD F-250 heavy duty %i ton truck, 390 V8, PS, PIB, heavy duty suspension. AMFM cassette, heads rebuliti, two years ago, new brakes ront and rear, now reat brake cabies, 33,500 certif ted. Calit655-4570. --ELES 68 BM 65U - neods wtring $450 as le, ftrm. Ceit 66M4074. Mat. 19,80 BOAT FOR BALE - 1974 Sidswindor blue and gray moeaif lako, with 1974, 70 h.p. Evinrude. Aiso comos with T ski bar, ski rope, aki boit. 8 treck built In stsreo and speakers. Asking $4200. 668-5949. Apr. 9,80 1978 STEURY 16 foot deep V fibregiasa boat, with e 115 Johnson motor, 2,000 lb traiter, convertible top plus meny extra, askIng $8.800- muet asi Immediteey. 668-302 aller 6 P.m. Mer. 26, 80 MISCL JUNIOR 5 SPEED BIKE (white) $40; cerpet 9 x 12 (pattern) $30; carpet runner (orange) 25 fi. $20; roller skates $5; Phono 576-3065. Mer. 26, 80 KITCHEN TABLE WITH 4 CHAIRS ln good condition $75 or beat offer. 668- 4760. Apr. 2,80 GAF-CHINON sound movie camnera, brand new, nover ised wth ait availebte options. $!0 or beat of fer. 668-0621.- Mer. 19,80, RECTANOULAR DINING ROOM SET - votour uphoistered chairs -smoksd glass top and chromo table. Excellent coridition $200; e couch and chair - good quaiity but needa cieenIng. Good for tac room or cottage $75* oraati round kitchon table and 4 chairs - now condition $75; portable apertment sizsd humidifier $40. Phone 579-8125. Fb 78 HOOVER, neeriy nsw, vacuum cleener $60. 668-0488. -Apr. 9,80 0 FOOT PLATE GLASS DISPLAY CABINET $165 and 4 soater chester- Ified and matchtng chair $100; Phono 372-9732. Apr. 9, 80 TUXEDO STYLE COUCH, ailier grsy crushod velvet. Excellent for roc. room. $60. Pese cati 668-1075.. May 21,80 AQUARIUM 35 galion includos heater pump, grevet, canopy, chemicel end stand. $85, 668-0496. Apr. 16, 80 GENORON BABY CARRIAGE $25; car bed wth pad $10; rockIng horso $12; carniage soat for toddier $10; htgh chair $8; weiker $2; umbrolior $8; 668- 6144. Apr. 16, 80 4 H.P. MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORwith gas tank. Usod oniy twtco. $450. Aller 5 p.m. cai68-6062. Apr. 16, 80 ONE SWIMMING POOL 18' x 18' above ground $75; 1 pressure pump $85. 68-6929. Apr. 30, 1980 MATTRESS PERMAFOAM AN' BASSADOR Orthopodic king sizo (shop price $36) Condition i. new $1 20. Phone 655-3272. r. 26, 80 When the advertised item is soid, disposed Of, or unavaitabie for Whatever reason, the Item wiil be deemed to have been soid and a commission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilustrated beiow, regardiess if price is stated with "best offer". if the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $3.00 wili appiy. Alit adverfisements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If not sotd. RATES [if article is soîdi: 5'ý1é of adverlised price UP fo $400,00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $120.00 . commission due $6.00 Ilminimum charge Is $3.001 Private advertising onty! Please notify us if you lind a retailer isted as a private advertiser. Pieise notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is soid sa that we may delete il f rom the foiiawing issues. Ali ads not fitting the Ernp,.rium guidelines wII be treated and charged per week as regutar ciassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, cîothing, reai estate, and personai message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. if in doubt, cati 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 5S1 OR CELIVER TO: 131 Brock SI. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CUSTOM BUiLT CHESTERFIELD SUITE- excellent condition. New $1400 wiI solit for $800; 54" box aprInga, good condition, $50. Car 8 treck stereo, $40; set of pots and pans $15; 40 chennel mobile CB wtth seriat $80; wiii tekse ny reasonable offer. Cati 668à-3164. Feb. 27, 80 BOY'S CCM PURSUIT 5 BICYCLE $40. Catil68-1063. Apr. 23,80 2 STEEL HIGH DEAN 12" In height 32'long. In good condition - tike new 3725 for 2. Best offer, worth $1450 new. Cati 728-2217 alter 6p.m. Mer. 26, 80 AIR CONDITIONER, PHILCO, 1 ton, 240 volts $100; large ten drawer cheat, -A-1 condition, c ommercial quatity $125; 655-4107. Apr. 30,80 PORTABLE AIR KING HUMIDIFIER $20. Phono 668-1227. Mer. 26,80 BEDROOM FURNITURE - 3 cheats - 6 drawer with mirror, 4 drawer and 2 drawer bedaide $100. Wili solit seperatety; 7 ouid wood dining room chairs $35 a plece. 655-48-47. May 14,80 1 PAIR Moss GREEN DRAPES each panel epprox. 90', x 108- $50; plate glass mirror 4' x 2'6" $50; 1 wine decanter $10. Phono 668-2780. Feb. 27, 80 HAGSTRUM Il SPANISH ELECTRIC GUITAR. case and loud speaker. Like now - $275. Cati 725-3218 anytime. Feb. 20,80 U 0F T JACKET, winier wetght, size 40 $45. Catil 6806563. A"r P3,80 ONE BLACK WROUGHT IRON 5 tight chandelier wîifl 5' chain $55; 1 blue shag 12 x 8 wth underpeddirig $50; 2 bronze tabe temps, 3 lights with white silk stiade, 31 " high $25 e; An- tique movie projector, worktng con- dtion, 2 baby car se.- 's, used 1 year $25 ese. Cati 668-6294 Apr. 16,80 ORESS FORfI $75; size 12, adjusiabie (uniquety you). 668-0341. Apr. 30,80 HOCKEY EOUIPNENT cge 10-14 Years $25; Phono 668-5060. Feb. 20, 80 MULTIPLE REEL TO REEL STEREO lape recorder $150; 4 nowiy uphoîstered ln vinyl swivei kitchen chairs $65; 579-6929 excepi Friday nighl and Saturday. A, r.9, 80 ONE TOP LOADING G.E. DISH- WASHER, $125; 1 double sink $20; 668-7965 aftor 4p.m. Apr. 23, 80 BOY'S 3 SPEED RACER IBICYCLE 19"~ frame 24" tires, kick stand, chain guard - ln excellent condition. $50; multiple reet to ree t erea taps recorder $150; 4 nswiy uphoiatsrsd In vinyl swlvei kitchen chaire $65; 579- e929 sxcept Fridey night and Satur- day. Apr. 9,.8Ô 7 RUST CHESTERFIELD, porary stling. Good condil 668-9562. t; o Contom- S ion $120. S May 7,80 * 3 SNOWMOBILE SUITS - 2 mens medium, nevy blue $24 ee., 1 childes sizo 12 - mauve $15 - al ike nsw; 3 watt rugs, 2 sizo 41 x 6' $25 ea., 1 sizo 2' x 3' $12; 1 girls wintor coat pure wooi dark groon sizo 9-12 $20; 1 oiec- fric broom, now $25. Phone 668-6294. Fob. 20,80 s s e NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THEf MAT FOR YOUD! tIde Mtfamouî Basketlm the CoId Phono 728-2103 ac t=& an ciîe s Accordirig to Iegend, corn- mneal «"hush puppies" were 50 named because they were fed to noisy dogs-to make themn quiet down. The pilgrims were the first colonists to taste popped popcorn--a gift from the In- dians at the first Thanksgivirig dinner. ** * SOSOS ***** SOS S SOUS. 55000 e HEY kIDSI Want to earn some '" : eextra spending money, howa :about a Paper Route?» 0 THE .WHITBY FREE PRESSE :is Iooking for carriers for: 'è WedInesdavafternoons. Boys & Girls 9 or oldere NO COLLECTINGI1 * FOR FURTHER s * ,~fi, INFORMATION CALL: e 66Ae84)6111: or drop in * WHITBY FREE PRESSe * 131 Broc* si. N.. * Whitby WHITBY'S ON LY NEWSPAPER 0