WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1980, PAGE 17 Between You andMe 13 Ri JTH CHIAMBERS About the secret of good cooking An interesting vîsit last week with Christine Orlob of Brooklin, the widow of Dr. G.B. Oriob who was on staff at the University o! Toronto for some time. A virologist, Dr. Orlob studied viruses and the diseases caused by them and collected data on plant pathology from ahl over the world. In this particular case, pathology is the science of the origin, nature and course of diseases in plants. Dr. Orlob wrote books, one Ancient and Medieaeval Plant Pathology which contains interesting content about cosmic forces and the effect of the sun anid moon on plants. Mrs. Orlob educated at the University of Vienna has a B.A. in agriculture, a four year course and a M.A. in foreign languages. She worked with her husbank and was able with her iinguistic skills to translate for him, often from French to English or German. She is in contact with an old friend Dr. W. Halden, a retired professor of Nutrition in Vienna who provides the Austrian government with information on ahl the newest ideas about nutrition from around the world. He is a member of the World Heaith Organization. Mrs. Orlob tells me that nutrition begins in the soul not on the table. One can go with the trend now a days but it must have good food value. In the past she has taught landscaping, gar- den hints and gardening with herbs. Now she has classes on nutrition today, Cooking with Flair the Naturai Way. Now in ber new home which she and ber son designed she has the task 0f making her acreage which is at this time a wasteland into a garden. With her knowledge and talents she no doubt wiil have an unparalielled garden, a Garden of Eden. She explained to me in great detail how this would be done. The soul must be revitalized and s0 it wili ali be piowed and certain things will be added to the soul and certain things will be planted; nitrogen fixing plants such as white clover and humus forming plants such as stinging nettel. To have a healthy state of the soil the earth must be porous s0 water can penetrate and have a water holding capacity. This is a whoie study in it's self learning about nitrogen fixers and countiess other things which if planted enrich the environment. Within three years her garden wiil be a show place, clumps o! trees, an herb garden, a rock garden, vegetables and flowers. Everything will be organicaliy grown, no commercial fertiiizers will be used and I would expect there wili be a great demand for produce from this garden of which will be available this summer. Mrs. Orlob "puts down" fruits, vegetables, jams and jellies. She has two fruit cellars so she can separate the potatoes from DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC_ 111 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY 668-1464 HOBBYIST, TEACHERS, DEALERS WELCOMED AT ANY TIME LARGE SELECTION 0F GREENWARE DUNCAN DEALER CLASSES START MARCH 31ST REGISTER NOW! 1 ,TUES. - SAT.,in0a.m. A4 p.m. the other vegetables as many growing things breathe and they take udours from one another. Apples give off ethyiene gas which is used commercially to ripen apples and tomatoes which causes themn to ripen prematurely and often they becûme over ripe and do not keep as weli, For dessert we had Rosemnary squares, chewy, delightful things so I wili give you her receipe: 2 eggs, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 tps. vanilla, 1 cup flour, sait, 3/ tp. of baking powder (without alum), rosemary, 1 cup cut up candied fruit and raisins, 2/3 cup broken walnuts. Blend together, bake on but- tered and dusted pan for 30 mins. at 350 degrees. When slightly cool, cut in squares. Mrs. Orlob has a couple of dreams which I arn sure will become realities. One is to have a cooking school, to teach rudiments o! fine cooking. To learn to adjust to the times, to cook with flair, nutrious, tasty meals both for the family and guests. Not to overlook but to learn the fine art of retaining food values and at the samne time providing appetizing meals. The 2ther dream is to have a tea house, to entertain small groups of people in her home. Intellectual groups, who would enjoy an evening of good talk af ter a wonderful dinner in a very home like, beartiful atmosphere. One enters the house from the east and the living roomn, din ing room and sunroom face the south with access to the deck from each roorn by siiding glass doors. To sit on the deck in the evening in a comfortable chair with a glass*ùf wine would be an enchanting prelude to dinner. The living room, attractive, cosy and tastefully decorated with very interesting paintings and prints and a log buring fireplace would be conductive to good conversation, creative thoughts and a blend of ideas. Now to the repast! To ail epicures and gourmets who derive a sensual enjoymnent from a good meal I can't thing of any thing more appealing than a well thought out and well prepared Austrian meai, my favourite. Mrs. Orlob is a specialist and has an inborn intutition when it comes to food. Fine food to be enjoyed must be served with proper appoin- tments, beautiful china and crystal al 0f which Mrs. Orlob has IDIAL- N- INSPIRATIONI L. Dial 668-1331 and hear a three minute inspirational message by Pastor Emmo Oltmanns of the Emmanuelchurch at 401 Rossland RoadW. in Whitby. and uses when she entertains. Apart from anything else Austrian desserts are world fanious, so rich and so tempting, they are quite unhelievable. However Mrs. Oriob is able to adapt these receipes to todays needs which means iess calories but with the taste intact. There is no doubt that this dreamn will becomne a reality. So for business people or small groups of frieiids there rnay be a treat in store for you. To enjoy a quiet evenng in the countr y, to sip wine and leisurely enjoy a delicious meal with good con- versation will be a delight. For those who want organically grown food and for herb loyers it shouid ail be available this summer and a year from then, there no doubt will be an abundance of home grown food. No doubt growing food organically and preparing such in a tasteful way is an art. Mrs. Orlob has the gift and an abundan- ce of knowledge. 1 look forward with great eagerness to the fui! iliment of her dreams and being able to buy her produce. AREUP3O BAUNG? SC&ING We are tiere for your complète baking needs. Corne un ana see our assortrnt of Bakiflg supplies R aisins, dates,glazed fruit, baking nuts, dried fruit, spices, teas, candies. R iverside cheese. 1 lb Mozzarella Cheese $1 .79 per lb. 21/2 lb. cubes Colby $1.89 per lb. Fine chopped walnuts .50 IL Yellow solit peas .29 lb. Regular chopped walnuts 2.99 lb. Rolled oats .28 lb. Almonds, plain blanched 4.25 lb. Pure Cocoa powder 3.78 IL sliver. sliced & ground Peanuts, blanched & Spanished 1.05 IL * liVith Coupon *49~ 200 gram Bag * Lay's Potatoe Chips C ARM EN aeWloRd DISCOUNT BAKING PRODUCTS to Ma rwoodi 320 Marwood Ave., Unit 3, Oshawa 579-2948 Were in the [HOURS: MON. - SAT. 10Oa.m. - 5 p.m. ndstrlal Mali OIN TIME FOR [ASTER PARADI NG MONDAYSO(NLY 2A PRICE' LA CONTESS-A BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Green' Street EASTER WQRSHIP Whitby - Brooklin Church Hebron Christian Reformed St. Andrew's Presbyterian Faith Baptist Whltby Baptist Whitby Pentecostal Free Methodist St. Marks Unitd St. John's Anglican Ail Saints' Anglican St. John's Roman Cathoiic Saivation Army Brookiin United St. Thornas' Anglican W.stminister United Emmanuel Raf ormed Maundy Thursday 7:30 p.m. 7.30 4&8p.m. Good Frlday 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a. m. 12-3 p.m. 12-3 3 p.m. 7 p.M. 7:30 p.m. (wîth St. Thomas') (wlth Bro>oklin United) 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. -i was glad when they said unto me, 'We wili go unto the house of the Lord."' Saturday Easter Day 10 a.m. 7 p.m. 10 a.m. 7 p.m. il a.m. 7 p.m. il a.m. 7 p.m. il a.m. 7 p.m. il a.m. 6:30 p.m. il a.m. 6:30 p. m 9 a.m. il a.m. 4:00 p.m. 8,9:15, 11 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 9, 10:30 a.m. & 12:15 p.rn. 7:30 p. m. il a.m. 7 p.m. il a.m. 8:30 & 10:30 a.rn. 7:30 & 11:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 7 p.rn. SPRING BABY PHOTO CONTEST SPONSORED BY THE Whitby Jaycettes Firsi 50 snapsirots, 3" x 5" wiIi be accepted. Babies under 3 years aid as of December 31, 1979 are eiglible. Display wili be set up ln front of the "Whitby Mal Fiorists" ln the WHITBY MALL ftram April li ta May 1. Voting by tha public durIng Mail hours. One penny dropped in the container registers ona vate. Win- ners wiii be announced an Thursday, May 5 ai Whitby Public Library, Program Roam, at 7:30 p.m. Bank Saving Certiicates ta be awarded ta top three babies. Firsi place winner wiii aisa receive a giftttram Esa's Chitdrens ThIngs. A $1.00 entry tee muet accompany the entry form. Send self-addressed en- vetape if photo le ta be returned. Baby's Narne Birth Date Sex________ Parents' Name____________ ______ Address (Street) Town_ ____ Phone Number__________________ Mail or deliver ta: Whitby Jaycettes. Baby Photo Contest Mrs. Sandra Gîtes By Aprii 11, 1980 136 Michael Bivd. Whitby, Ontario UiN 5W2 1assist WHITBY JAYCETTES with their Community Service Procueds wiii Prjcjs. rW77 m - - - - .