PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1980. WHITBY FREE PRESS Ran a $4,000 defrcit in 1979.... Library eirculated 10 books p er person The Whitby Public Library experienced an 18.5 per cent increase in overal circulation in 1979 according to the annual report of Chief Librarian Anie Hope- Brown. According to Hope-Brown, the circulation of both the main and Brooklmn libraries amounted to .315,386 "which represents a circulation of about 10 items per capita (per person. " "IWe added about 13,000 new books to tie collections of both libraries, 667 new records and tapes and in- creased our film collection to a total of 441 eight mîllimetre and 16 millimetre films," she said in her written statemnent. d'Our projectors were in constant demand by in~- dividuals and groups and there were more in-iibrary programs for both adults and children. "The circulating art print ARE umm 30 % BAKINO?C > We amre rsf r urcmplets baW09 needs. Corne in id set our assomtment of Bsking supplies Sove Off Rtoil J)p to3 -0 /0 Store Prices Rclots. dates, glozed fruit, bakffig nuts, dried fruit, spices. tos, caopdIei. Riverside cheese. Assormment of Cookies. Fine chopped walnuts .50 lb. Regular chopped walnuts 2.991lb. Almonds, plain blanched 4.25 lb. sliver. sliced & ground Peanuts, blanched & Spanished 1 .05 lb. YeIlowv split peas .29 lb. Pure Cocoa Powder 3.7 T BAK fPpDUCTS gnauw km., Quit 3, (hhaw 37929« HOURS: MON.-SAT. lOa.m.- 5P.m. Rol1led oats .28 1lb. 78 lb. Talce Wilson Rd. South of Wentwortti te Ma rwood. We'r. ln the trodlstrial MaI. collection, startcd [ast year, continued to be popular and many borrowers carried home a framed print to fill an empty space on their wall."P Hope-Brown also said that the visiting library service made visits to the County Jail, Fairview LodIge, Sun- nycrest Nuirsing Ho)me, and the Senior Citizen's Activity Centre. She also said that the library sent 5M0 bocks to the Whitby Psychiatrie Hiospital to form the nucleas for their new patients library. "Our reference depar- tmnent has had a very busy year with an încreased awareness on the part of the public of the fine collection of governext d»curnents, pamphlets and reference books available," she said adding that "the library's inter-library lban depar- trnent processed requests from smaller libraries in the region filled more than haif from our own collection and sent out those we coild not f111 to resource lik>raries for action. " Hope-Brownl also said that the -children's departmnent also experienced a "large increase" in circulation and described it as "xrnost gratifying". She said that the regular chldren's prograins were continued tliroughout the year and that a new group for teen-agers had been established. This group met, once a When you bring in a film to be processed & printed at 1 MBM Photography You receive a FREE FILM KODACOLOUR & FUJICOLOUR FILM, Sies 110, 126 & 135, TOUR CHOIICE 0 A REPLACEMENT ROLL (1 coupon) *A 5 x7 ENLARGEMENT IN DELUXE FOLDER (1 coupon) *A DELUXE PHOTO ALBUM (3 coupons) (You rece ive 1 coupon for each roll) WE ONY USE KODAK PAPE M.B.M. PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BROCK ST N 668-6111 ffles: MION -ED tMEEfi 9 SAr Io -s QUALiIYV PROCESSI >ONE NY BENJAMIN week to study theatre arts and listen to talks on a wide range of subjeets. The auditorium and program rooms were booked almost solidly by com- munity groups requiring meeting rooms. "As well, 636 lbrary programs made use of the rooms," Hope-Brown said. One inovation of the library in 1979 was the in- stallation of a community calendar of events, publicizing coming events throughout Whitby. According to Town of Whitby Treasurer AI Claringbold, the Whitby Public Library spent $446,858 on varlous programs in 1979 resulting in a $4,000 deficit. 0f the money spent, the town granted the library $379,455 while the rest came from grants from the provincial government arid Wintario as well as from fines and other fees paid to the library. According to Claringbold, the $4,000 deficit will be paid out of this year's grant the town gives to the library. The town's budget com- mittee also reduced the budget through denying the library the operating funds for their proposed book- mobile. Councîl also decided t.hat the bookmobile will not be purchased this year despite dlaims by t.he llbrary board that the operating funds would stili be needed even without the vehicle. In her closing statement, Hope-Brown said that "as we look ahead to the year 1980, we feel confident that, inspite of financial stringen- cy, due to rising costs, the library will continue to oc- cupy a vital place in the growth of the town and con- tribute to the pleasure and informational needs of citizens of ail ages and in- terests." 9,895 unemployed The number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Em- ployment Centres in Ajax, Wliitby and Oshawa for the month of February totalled 9,895, consisting of 4,849 female and 5,046 maie clien- ts, Gary Hilier, spokesman for the centres said last week. Placements in Oie three offices totalled 459 for the month, which compares to a total of 514 placements during January. The majority of clients were registered in material han- Ming and related; construc- tion trades; product fabricating, assembling and repairing; sales; service, he said. During, February, the greatest employment oppor- tunities existed in accom- modation and food services; personal services; retail trade. In February, there were 21 agreements signed under the Canada Manpower In- dustrial Training Program. As a result, 24 people will benefit from both training and employment in the Region of Durham. At the end of February, there were 298 students in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 65 people receiving academic upgrading at Durham College. On February 5th, the Durhanm Organization for Industrial Training (DOIT) Committee had 73 trainees from 22 employers in the Durham area commence their formai inclass appren- ticeship training at Durham College on a day release basis. Employers are reminded that March 31 is the closing date to participate in the Employnient Tax Credit Program. Emnployers are encouraged to take advan- tage of the Employment Tax Credit Program which provides a tax advantage of Up to $3,120 for a 12 month period for each employee hired under this program. For futher information, Irene Stoelir may be contac- ted at 579-9402 at the Oshawa C.E.C. office, Hilier said. Timne for fltncss is âime on Your Side. are childs play atVictori*a and Grey. We take the mystery out of Mortgages. Ou*r experienced and knowledgeable cou nsel lors wi Il see that your mortgage is: Clearly explained, tailored to your needs and processed quickly. If you need a mortgage loan put Victoria and Grey into the picture and let us help you. XJKTOR1A AND GREY TRUST Contact us in Whitby at: 308 Dundas St W 668-9324 Toronto ine 683-7189 E njoy A Ca refree Va ca tion!1 LET US: -Pomper Your Plants! --CuddIe Your Kitty! --Promen ode you Pooch 1 /-IGS -Foed yaur f ish 1I- -Bring ln th, mail/newspop.r! a-ee n oye on the furnacel -Check the doors & wi ndows 1 --Proçiide the services you may needl1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CAL 571 -0810 HOME-GUIARD SERVICES LET US CANE FOR YOUR HOME" L mmumo