Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Mar 1980, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1980, PAGE 21 L S 5ROOKLIN TOOL CO. SPECIAL SALE Ail air tools. Hait prIce on ail miCrometers, socket & wrenCh set, vices, jacks, drill sets, drill press, 3 ton hoist, hydrolic garage floor laCk, 11/h ton CapaCity $19500 and other tools for mechanics. AIl Items fUlly gUaranteed. Made In U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, CIocks, Jeweiery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W.9 OSHAWA CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEM ENTS' METRO LIC. B - 2554 itChens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywal1, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. eFREE ESTI MATES ICaII'668-4686 DRESSMAKINO AND ALTERATIONS DONE. Phonoe68-2864. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1972 FORD LTD WAGON wth or wthout CB radio. Boat offor, Phono 728-7790. 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 - 2 door, biuo. Soliing for $1600, cer- tif lad. Muat sou. I'm moving. Phono 668-7642 btweon 10 .m. - 3 p.m. 73 VALIANT, 4 door, power stooring, aient 6; 111< now - body, motor, power train, tires, brakes, snd front end. One driver. Certif iod $1400. Phonoe668- 8952 ovoninga and weokonds. Mar. 1280 19 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Very good condition. 1980 plates, wIliicor- tify. 2 door hardtop. Many now parts. Mueti SM$5 or beat offor, Phono 668-629. EFCNRET RENT A POOL Swlr-mlfg pool manufaC- turer wilI lease and Install new 1980 famlly-sized Pool Complete with WalkwaY. SUn deck and feflClfg, on a ren- tai basis wlth option to bUy. Your Cholce of style. Try before you buy! CaliIlm- PERIAL POOLS toilif ree 1. 800-268-5970. APATMNTS FOR RENT LAItUE 3 SEDROOM APARTMENT - subioad. iessod until Jufla Avsîlable thIrd wee1< of Match. New building, freo cable 668-1334. Eoeaneous MANDERS RATTAN - for qusllty wicker and rattan products. 668455, 305 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ont. juat south of Canadian Tire. 2 ELECTRIC TYPEWRIT ERS $300 *ach. 2 deak top lectronic calculators - diaplay $35, prnting $55. Phoneo866-1153. SWIMMINQ POOLS Manufacturer has an invontory of 1979 abovo ground pools to clear. Complote with filter, malor. akimmer, pump, walk- around patio. fencing. Reguiariy $2,295.00, now $144400. Catil coiiect 1-519-623-4351 for f uriher dot ails. LADIES AND MENS BICYCLES; wringer waahing machine; spin washor and dryor; heavy duty stove; motai wheoi barrol wth rubbor tire. Phono 668-5541. 2 YEAR OLD HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER - 1<0 now - $100. Phono 668-0488. WALNUT CHINA CABINET and aide board tram the 19309 $850 or beat of- for. Cali 576-3488. 16 FOOT CEDAR STRiP BOAT - win- dshiold cont rois and toorlng, 40 HP. Johnson twin - wlth trouler and spore tire. Complte $450 or boat offer. Phonoe68-6294. FOR SALE - BROADLOOM, 5 mrom of good quality shag wth underpad- ding; 2 rooma ruat, 1 room antique beige, 1 room Ilght greet, 1 room powdor biue. Liko now condition. Can bo soon on the floor. $5 square yard with undorpmdding. Wili sll e1ntiro lot or lndivldualiy. Phono for appoin- imont Io view. 68-6294. MATURE PERSON TO BABYSIT IN MY HOME - Ilva-in if possible. Sond roferencbs to 151 Rosohili Bivd, Oshawa, Ont. 3 BEDRROM GROUND FLOOR sPer. tment or houso Cali Mrs.Kttia 86- 2866. EXPERIENCED HEAVY EOUIPMENT MECHANICS WANTED. Top wagom. Pormanent, year round employmont If suitablo. Scarborough area. Phone Mr. Burns 291-6461. PART-TIME NANNY WANTED, iight housokoeping. Cmii ovenings 888- 2278. MATURE LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER for Whitby ares f0 care for oldoerly woman. Room and board and'amali ronumeration. Rferonces. Appiy to Box 206, WhItby, Ont. Li N 581. ARE YOU HOOKED ON BOOKS? LET US SUPPORT VOUR HABIT. WHITDY BOOK EXCHANGE 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 668-2097. HUNDREDS 0F BOOKS TO CHOOSE FROM. WE TAKE TRADE-INS. WILL PAY CASH (15% off lot prIco) for westerns, science fiction, biographies and othor romances. Paporbacks oniy. ALSO WANTED - USED COMICS <wIll psy 20% of Ilit price). Must b. In excellent condition. WHITBY BOOK EXCHANGE. 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 668-2097. Open Tuosdsy through Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 ar.. LOCATION FOR BEES - wanted, suitablo locations f0 aise beos ln the WhItby ares ln oxchange for honoy or cash. Ci668-6693. IWANTED Canadian and American silver coins. Sterling 1pieces, goldl rings and ches. wat- 728-4455 FND FOUND WHITE TERRIER ln Ottar Craek area.Caîl 668-6711 after 6p.m. We can*'t help wit hout your help. Of F ABILITY FUND E OMSFOR SALEI PRIVATE SALE - somni 3 bodroom, 1t vý batha. Builtin atovo and ovon. Finlahod roc room. Brmdfoom- ton- ced, treod yard - t001 ahed - gas bar- boque. $44500, 1il;¾ % mortgage. No agents. Noar civic contre. Alter 4:30 cail 576-7012. Annuncement IMPORTANT COLLECTORS AUCTION SATURDAY, March 15 - Beglnning at 10:00 m.m. - The complets collection of glss, china, silver, some furniture, etc. The property of Mr. Alan Jones and the laIe Lena Jones, Brookiin, Ont. being haid et the "Canadiana Motar Hotel" (401 roam>, located on hwy. Na. 401 and Kennedy Rd. North, Toronto. This suc- tion features over 500 temns of aid glass, china, oliver, etc., moal 0f which has been ln the family many years. Sale hi-ites include: R.S. Prussia; R.S. Ger- many; R.S. Tlliowitz; Large collection aid Nippon; Royal Bayreuth; Dreoden; Fow Blue; Limoge; Cooiport; Noritake; Royal Crawn Derby-, Mînton; Wedgewood; Moorecrof t; Copper Lustre; Cranberry Ruby; Crystol; Satin; Vaseline Epergne; Art Glass; Canadien Press Glass; Bristol; Carnival; Biscuit Barreis; Pickle Cruets; Victorien Cruet Sets; Brides' Baskets;, Berry Sets; Tee sets; over 50 cupa and saucers; Royal Doultan Figurines; Gona-W-Wind Lam- ps; Superbîy carved Victorien Sofa; Oak Rounded Glass China Cabinet; Rocker; Good selaction of sliver; and much more. Auctioneers note: This la an ex- cellent private collection. Terme cash or chaque twith .0.). No rasarve. Preview on Friday ovening Match 14, from 7:00 f0 10:00 p.m. and sale day from 8:00 m.m. Kahn Auction Services - 985-8161 or 294-1890. SATURDAY MARCH 16, 12:30 p.m. Auction of opplances. furnitura and antiques. The property of Mrs. Helen Rodgers of Port Party la be hald et Prince Abert Hall ln the Village of Prince Abert. Property soid. Auc- tioneer Murray Jackson 985-2459. 00RWOD ALL HARDWOOD FILI YOUR TRUCK OR DELIVERED 1-649-3100 E oiaVacation Rentais CLEARWATER FLORIDA -.six,3 bedroom. fturnished mobile (Per- manent) homes. Pools, tennis. shuf- fieboard. air. guif. beaches, Disney World Chidren welcome. 683.5503, GUINEA Pie FOR BALE - rare Peruvian Soif $9. Cmli 866&4061 after 6:00 P,.M. SHELTIE MALE, sable and white, 9 weeks aid. Registored, shots $150. Phono 576-6507 evenings. Don't eat more of any food tlhan is necessarv - ex- tra food, eveti the healthy kinds. turns into fat. Fat is hOtiu unlat tractive and un- e a tl . SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These corne complete with walkaroUnd deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and filiter. RegUlar price $2400, now $1498. Caîl IMPERIAL POOLS toîl tree 1-800-268- 5970. BUESS OPO TUNITIES CAREER OPPORTUNITY. Esrn $300 or more a month. Two nlghts worl< each woek. Sound good ...Ilt ie. W. train you to conduct fashion parties f0 home groupa. Samplos are sup- plied. Car necossary. For dotalse call 668-0673. Chandelle Counsollor. PaPaYaPari7unJ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Alilpersons having claims againot the Estate of Alice Mary Ray, lais of Sunnycrost Nursing Home, WhItby, Ontario, Widow, docoaaed, who diod on or about the 2nd day of January, 1978, muet file Ihoir cdaim with the solicitors for the undorsigned Ad- ministrators on or before the 1e1 day of April, 1980; thoreaffor the undor- aigned wili distribute the astate having regard oniy f0 the dlaims thon f lied. Dated the 4th day of March, 1980. DONALD B. HART and MARIBETH BRIGHAM, Adminîstrators, by Hughes, Amys, 390 Bay Street, Suite 2800, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2Z3, their solicitors haremn. TAX SERVICES WHITBY MAL CHECKER'S VARIETY TAX TIME SAVES DAY CARE BIMBO DAY NURSERIES WE ARE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR CHILDREN 6 WkS- 5YRS CALL 668-53l1 293 MICHAEL BLVD. WH ITBY CAR£

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