Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Feb 1980, p. 2

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PAGE .1, WEI)NESDAY FEB t AI 4RUARY 1-0, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS tA + "rElÈ-ý4UýýI Walt Disney World 9 Cypress Gardons seaWorld F O R TStars' Hall of Famo Kennedy Space Centre Gatorland Zoo (SEE OFFICIAL RULES) Nashville 4 day Chart.rways bus tour for two includes roserved seats etth OprY and a vieiltot Opryland. New York CIty 4 day Chafewways bus tour for two Inciudeà guld.d tour af Chlnatown, Harlem, The Bowery, U.N. Building and Empira State Bidg. Indy '500' 2 day chart.rwaYa bus tour for two May 24 aniy, Includea reaerved sua4 and$150qmpnding mon.y. Canadian Tuiip Festival (Ottawa) 3 day Chartarways bus tour for twa Includes a boat tour Of the capital and $150 spendlng money. Kentucky Derby 3 day Charterway b us tour for two May 2 oniy includes $100 spending money. Lake Piacid 3 day Chadremys bus tour Includea a boat cruise on MIrror Lakes and $150 spending maney. mmummmu mmmmmmm mumm 2k Ci.(oaJj 'oune Hwy. 2, Whltby I *21taiJerix &teak bou«e OU-2751 I *Noms@ *Addrosss pIEAINOTE 0 WIW" PM Phoneo ,àu "f.t *Gmt Away From t Alil Contosti lT mmm mummm mmm m m mmm mm 1Brock St. S., Whltby 668-4375I *Noms IAddresss nu"T E OTE, av "Swn'g T 0 Phoneou 1 .w otw. 0 .thIM a Ge GtAway From It AlilContosti ramuwm«b Of ' k dommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm * 116 Brock St. S., Whitby 668.1266 INom* IAddrosss ftLAIT NOTE by c.ImAT IPhons______________ Uu ywet.z IGmt Awoy From It AlilContest1 @m W u. ' mmmmu mmmummu mummum m mmm u m mmumum mmmum * ~ C&C SOUND * Chris & Bob Cotton * 118 Brock St. S., Whitby 68&3707I *Noms- I AddresssNT V u00 *Gmt Away From It Alil Contestl W ~00 ommm mmmumm nm mmm mummi mmmummm mmmmmmmmmmm» ~OTElBRITE Msn's War 12 rock St. S., Whltby 66&.3261 *Nomse *Addrsss-______________ *Phoneo ý r4%W IGel Away From Il AlilContesti 'e ItmvTuT .- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - mmmmmmmmmmmummummmm I ~ Mercantile Department Storeg * ~~lt.1321 Brock St. S., Whltby 668-3468 I *Address--_PTINT0~ *Phono- g Get Awa y From It Al Contosti mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm * M. (SARGE) SOOKNANAN i FINA I 1101 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-0021I Ge Gmwoy From It:Alil Contoit. omm m mm m mm mm m mm m mmu Sunflight Seven Night TRIP FOR TWO TO inciuding air transportation, lnflight meis and bar-service, air-condltioned accommodation with private bathroom at Ramada Inn Centrai or Days Inn, transportation and iuggage transfer between airport and hotel. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *BOND RESTAURANT &TAVERN M * 200 Bond Street WestI * Oshawa 579-9179 Nome Address Phono__________________ r M P o efu,.IkUod "»0 NhTuT IGot Awny From It Alil Contesti 4POWo r ff 0b ammm -m mum -m -m -mmm mmmi mmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmm * 116 Athai St., Whltby 666-1440 INome KEEA8E NOTE. #yeT uig<Itf con * Phono «te ko ffql * 1h - IGtAwny From Ih AlilContoutl 0"W'be M mâiâ- là-mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m, IONCE UPON AT.SHIRT I100 Byron St. S., Whltby 668-9161 Nomse Address Phonoe IGmt Away From It AIl1 Contosti1 QombYffM k mm mm mmmm m m-mmm mmma mmmmmmmmmmmmmm * DOIDI)&0SOUTERI * CIL Paint & Fine Walpapers ln Stock I 107 Byron St. S., Whitby - Ajax PlazaI Nome *Addres Phono_______________ePai' tMo 1BTha" &rd AqWOUW * uèd nom Io k IGmt Awav From it Alil Contesti 8Mbte mm mmm mmmm m mmmm mmm mu mmmmmmmmmmm mm mmm mm * The M H kins at Burns * Freplaoe Plue WHiT! 668-3192 Woodburn'ing Stoves & Accessories *Noms IAddresss *Phono____________e V~ à Gmt Awsy From It Ail Contosti l mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm mm mmmmmmmmm~m mmm mu »b GOLF-O*TRON I .-\Computorlzed Indoor Golf - Pro Shop & basons * /J~1450 Hopkins St., Whitby 668-9671 NameI *Addiress______ __________ ___I p"&8( WolfTE t -" *Phone_____________ *Got Away From It Ai Contestl ~u mumumummummumu mmu mu IWHITBY BOOK EXCHANGEI I 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 668-2097 Nome-_ *Addresss IPhone _______ .~*~* IGmt Awny From It Alil Contest' i mmmm mmm ummumu mmmmm I ~ Calico Cat Vour Wool StoreI * llSB8rockSt.N.,Whtby668-7611 INomse IAddress IPhone *Gmt Awoy From ii Ail Contsstl W.- A ,tu. 614- mummumumummu bm-mmu mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm * M.B.M. PHOTO 131 Brock St. N., Whltby 668-6111 INome IAddresss Pu«ITNote.,1wetw gmot Phonoe -_ ________"»Ww.the I I Gmt Awoy From It Alil Contostl i" efl .NM lOu MMM mumummmm mmm mmm mmu I ~ DIsco &DIning LoungeI ~~i~IDKI~N 173 Brock St. N., Whltby * 668-8822 Nomse *Addresss IPhonoe~AI0Z?0TT M Gmt Awoy From It Ail Contstt A00,ImAETTu H 223 Bfock St.N. INome *Addrosss Phon___________ u".IE «nuO0II0 IGot Awey From It Ail Contesti 0.uuiB bvto ommmm mmm m ummm u--mmma mummumum muummummmum »C- Si - p DREUG MART ZPETER DiLwoRTH DRuGs LIiTED 601 DUNOAS STrREET WEST ~859 INomse IAddresss Phons__________________ .1 N» IGot Awoy From It Ail Contsstl gOuMUAI00 mummmm mmmumm mmmmm ~ PHOTO-KING LTD. 601 Dundas St. W., Whltby 668-1555 Nomse Address PT.E.T80 OTE eBT Wl-0theT.TA IPhon-____________ "*WtTT""4AA Wl .d &* .'.wl-d0"'0OA *Gmt Away From h Alil Contostl 0.0Tb «mmmummmmmmmmm ummmum mumumm - umumummmum Speciaiizing ln Children's Wear *patrsplc Agency for Girl Guides of Canada p 103A Dundas St. W., Whltby 668-667I (At the four corners)i I Phone - .- - __- PE8.OE.A.. Get Awoy From it Ail 'Dontoot!__ * IMM M M MM M U Get-Away-f rom-lt-ail Contest Officiai Ruies-No Purchase Necessary 1. Everytime a completed entry f arm, or resanable facalmile, la depaalted with a par- tlcipatlng merchant whose nams appears there an between Feb. 20, 1980 end May ý 1 1980, yau recelve a chance ta wln ans af the prIzea In the Get.Away-From-It-AiI Cantest. Enter as atten as yau lîlte, but entrtee muat be recelved na later than May 17.1980. 2. Each manth, durlng March and AprIl, ans prlze-atrip far two-wlll bue awarded. The wlfl ners may choose ans ai th'e advertlsed bus taurs whlch appear In grater detait In the Charterwaya Taurs 1980 catalogue an pages 17, 35, 38 end 39. Suggeated value af each trip rangea tram $390ta $430. In May, thors wllrbu ans final Grand Prîze drawlng far a seven-nlght trip for twa package ta Orando, Florida wlth accommdatoe' t Days Inn ar Ramada Inn as advertiaed ln the Val. 14. Na, 1 Sunfllght Halldaya Magazine an page 9. Suggested retaîl prie af 1h15 trp la approxlmately $500 3. Manthiy wnners wIll bu aelected ln randam drawlnga fram amang entries aubmitted far that manth prlar ta the drawing date by ar arranged by M.8.M. Publlahlng whoae décisians are final. The Grand Prîze drawlng at 1h. end af the conteat wlll bu f rom amaong aIl entrles recsîved durtng the entîre conteat. Only ans prize ta an Individuel ar farnlly. Wlnnsra may bu requIred ta execute an affîdavlt af silglbîlîty and release nd In ail cases wIIl be requlred ta anawer a ima llmted akI li sting question. Except for the Grand Pnlze, prizea are not tranaferable or exchangeable for cash. AIl entriea become the property af M.B.M. Publîahlng, and M.8.M. reserves the right ta publish winnera' photos, names and addreaaea. 4. Th. Conteat la open toaail Ontarioa maidenta 18 yeara i fage or over, sxcept emplaye Iand thaîr familles of M.B.M. Publlshlng, and the partlclpatlng marchants. Taxes, service chargea, surcharges, and other exponsea not Included In the baaic packages. ame the responsiblllty of the Individual wlnners. In the eventuallty itha the advertîsed tripeamar unable ta bu purchased by M.B.M. Pubîlahing on buhaif of the wlnners. M.B.M. Publlahlng roserves the right ta offer ta purchase tripe af approxlmatsly equal value that ara avallable. AIl tripe muet bu taken between April 1 and December 1, 1980, or Insomne cases on the Speclf led dates. F LOUT THE COUPONS AND ENTER NOW! X

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