PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1980. WHITBY FREE PRESS Fiefighters seek binding arbitration WhitiDy firefighters have been without a contract sin- ce December 30 and wil probably seek to go to bin- ding arbitration, a move that wo)uld put a great deal 1.00 off of strain on the 1980 budget according to town officiais. A similar situation in the neighbouring municipality of Ajax resulted in a 12 per cent arbitration award for any order over $. et Paul's Place a*HamburgersgFish& Chips à Donuts 3 SubsMB Offer expires Jan 30, 1980. 269 Michael Blvd. Whitby 66-7730 ;nRn SHOW Coliseulm Complex Exýhibion PlcIe, Toronto January 29 - February 1, 1980 Show hours - 10W AM to 6:00 PM 0~ r450 Exhîbitors Horse Pull anidSl.... Wrder Classlc Hereford Ce le. Ortrlo Aberdleen.Angus. Trwctor/truck Pull ............ ractorPul... ... LadJies' Progrom ........... .January 30 .January 31 .February 1 .January 31 .February 1 ... .. . .Daily Coenado's largest indoor agricullural exhibition Ccuracia Farm Show, 20 .Butterick Road, Troto, Ontario M8W 3Z8 (416) 252-3506 OPEN 10 - 10 MON. firefighters there, according to, fire department chairman Bob Attersley. He said that if a simnilar award was made in Whitby, a precedent would be set for inside and outside workers whose contracts expire this year. Coun. Joe Druxnm, chair- man of thne finance commit- tee says that fire depar- tmeût salaries will be "well over three-quarters of a million dollars" in 1980 making it. one of the town 's largest expenditures. The town currently em- - SA Te ploys 34 fuil-time firefighters plus the chief and deputy chief. The average salary for a first- class firefighter is $20,252. The department also has approximately 60 part-time firefighters, paid according to the nurnber of hours spent working or in training. "There is no question it is a big item, one of the biggest," Drumm said poin- ting out that fire Chief Ed Crouch bas asked for more fulI-tiem men, which will add to the cost. The town's December bulletin also asked for more volu.nteer or part-time firefighters to meet the in- creasing demands on the department. North Ward Coun. Bob Carson has proposed that the town get out of the fire protection business and con- tract the service out to private cornpanies. He said that the idea has worked in some areas of the U.S. "We could tender it out the same as we tender out gar- bage service," Carson said. "When we switched fromn operating our own system of garbage collection, we found the outside people were doing it for le3s." Carson's proposai does hot appear to have much sup- port from other members of council as both Attersley and Drumm have indicated that they would oppose such an idea. Carson also wants the department to make "better use of vulunteers" rather than depending on fuli-time firefighters for most of the service. Council changes its mind HC memb.Kfers to be elected at large in Novenier By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff Whitby Town Council has had a change of heart since last November and has decided that members 0f the Hydro-Electric Commission shall be elected at large in- stead of by ward. At their last regular meeting, councillors Gerry Emm and Bob Carson in- troduced a motion that amended a previously passed bylaw that set the elections by ward. Under Ontario law, the y WfHUFB MALL commission is composed of four commissioners plus the Mayor. Carson, who said that he originally voted for the word formula, said that the change was made because 0f certain future con- siderations. Carson said that the original idea for ward elec- tions was 50 that each ward would have a representative on the commission but said that would change if Whitby got an additional seat on regional council. He said that if the extra seat was given, the town would probably add another ward seat on the local coun- cil. Carson indicated that un- der the old formula, one ward would be without representation on the com- mission because of the provincial regulations. He also said that from conversations with the members of the present commissioners indicated they prefer to be elected at large. "'They prefer to be elected at large," Carson said. "It doesn't present a problem for me." He also said that if the council grows, they would have to again change the composition of the com- mission and that he saw no point in that. "Why create something now that you're going to have to change in a few years down the line?" he asked. Maj*nfire stati*onrnay be moved, Gartshore says Whitby's main fire station may be moved from it's present location just south of the four corners, north to Rossland Road. In order to provide fire protection to the southern areas, the present station on Thickson Road North would be moved to the industrial t i I area around Highway 401. Mayor Jim Gartshore f irst - raised the. idea of moving the fire halls at last week's council meeting, although he denied that any specific plans were being made. Gartshore said that the growth of the town and the increasing costs of fire ser- vices were reasons for the move. The northern location for the main station would provide increased protection for an expanded Brooklin which is presently serviced by a tanker from the Thickson Road station. If such a move was ever made, Coun. Bob Attersley, chairman of the fire depar- tment said that it would eliminate traffic problems in the downtown and allow for redevelopment of the present site. "If we move' from the congested downtown area, I am sure we could close Thickson Road and put an auxiliary station down on Burns Street to cover the in- CONT'!) ON PG. 10 B ring your damag.d car to MAACO end weliI do the rami. We'II contact your Inaurance agoncy or broker. WeIU moka sur* an adjust.r àsees your car. W.lII do 0F CANADA quallty worti et a retaonable price end give you la$t Se haw flIcs your car can look FREE MOUAMCE ESTiNATES ROYAL $1 5995 PREMIER $1 9"95 SUPREME $.2999- AIL PAINT ORK GUARANTEEO 579m4000 ÏZcxeT -i- 710OWILSON RD. S. ~~ OSHAWA, ONT. ~ _I SHOP HOURS Mon thru Fr1 8 a&..6 p.m. - Sat 10 a&n. 2 pmi migra New Tsars Special THIS AD IS WORTH TRENTWAY AURPORT SERVICE To and f rom Toronto International Alrport dally. Featurlng a 10w cost luxury coach as welI as a private car wlth door to door service. Also featurlng a special reduced rate at Holiday Inn, Toronto Airport. By Reservation OnIy: Cati Trentway Bus linos 1-800-267-0949 Or ses your Local Travel Agent f'SIDEWALK SALE 3 DAYS ON LY January 24, 25, & 26 WH ITBY MAILL TIHICKSON ROAD & HIGHWAY 2 WHITBY QDVER 30 STORES TO SERVE -YOU r i, ý 7ý r-aw. M. ME AMlvM9ý-- -Mm"àojàý, Iqqincowquw 'nffliqqmw