Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1996, p. 25

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, December 4,1996, Page 25 F O U S L E I O R $ L I I~ I F O S A L IF O R A L E......M OA..... ARTUCLS A~RJCLISARTICL S j A TO$IT PCKS O U Nr i _ __ _ _ _ Durham College. CUT VOUR OWN OPEN DAILY 9AM-8PM $22 tax inci. BOWMANVILLE ANY SIZE Waveily Rd. Exit FRESH CUT off 401, North 12 miles on FREE 5adU Durham 57 TRE E $15adU OPEN DAILY 9AM-5pM BALING tax imci. LWATSON TREE FARMS (9M5) 263-8858 TORO[Cý ILTREE FARMÀÀ Chesten<IeId suites, sofa beds, mattresses & much more MOKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 WATK(S PRMfES Spices, medicines, CALL 905-725-3016 Leave your phone number. NIKON FE2 3541M CAMERA, SB15 Nikon Speedight flash, wide angle lens, 5Omm lens, 80- 20m macro zoom w/ 2x multiplier Ions (ail with soft covers), leather carry bag. $600o. Or bot offer. Please cail 666- message. FRIDGE, STOVE ,washer, ckyer and dishwasher for sale. Good condition. $1200 flrm. 404-9310 aller 5p.m. LADIES' FULL LENGTH RACCOON ki coet for sale. Size 9-10. Exoallen condition, lite new. Asklng $1500. Co 666-5823. GIBBARD NUNE PIECE SOUD cherey dinling room set 30yee cil eeds reflnishung. $1oo fim. 723-6656 aftor 6 p.m. MENBTAL CARPETS, voy~ reasonale. Wlckercabkit, $7. kybox, $25. C09 &a ntngs and LknitedEdion 1 ajps and Items. AIl inveMY go0d Condition. 433-8165 TUEKO TREE FANE CUT YOUR 0OWN OR PRE-CUT Scotch Pine $18.00 4140 Grandview St. N., Oshawa. Foltow signs at Simcoe St. N. & Howden Rd. ejutnorth of Colsum bus) Open 7 days a week 9am to dusk FREE HOT CHOCOLATE & CANDY CANES 655-4198- ELCRI OTORS. 1 HP. &1/2 hp. and brio 1/3 hp., acm 1/4 hp. ÇàM 655-4501. MENS DESINER clolhlng. Over 3000 quaty articles taoosme from vnft more arMng daily.We sel HuoBoss, Harry Rosen(t much moie. Prim start: Suit* SyM * , $35 shirts, l$8,çjn $>rtianles 1 4z..Sound o giao IobeiW C orn tRug largest upscaje m-sale clothum exctusivel for mon, berVs mn bos. From jeans ta tuxodos, weve g« àalâlNew ite smles) are àso vaiabl at hokalbprics. Cal bdcay for store hours and diecion. 404-2063. Note: We lurem ueswajg or your deiner dothlg. àl S for mxe inomto.Nte: Nw Open Sundayls. OOUJNTRY LAMPS, pie impoarsshoivos, Curlo, CD, vidm, rk*wav stands. Buffets, bencho, mirrore, qtlt racks, ky slnks. Order now frCristrnas. 1-905«65-1664. LUMBER, 1 à rTHICtK,RED 1imt, dressed oedw.2X84&red *ne.Cut-off 90"-19-2003. lbest offer. 486 COMPUTER. Colour monitor. K6t>ood, mouse. DOS Windows, eta. Phmei (905J 404- ~7 (evgs.). (416) 321-601P<days). SNOWBOARDI BURTON Freetib ithattached, $150obo Dolsý= r, Île new $20. lSeskates wofm's size 6 iogoxl condin,$15. affe r 6pm.8 (Patrca). SINGLE BED, $40. dropheal sGWMg machine, chest of drawers, trunk, chrome tble with 4 chairs, desk and "chair ace mande, end tablewashs . 68375. MOVINGI FOR SALE. LARGE desk. French Provincial chouch/chair. iMrel contrat hospal bed. Wheeichalr lift. Uplgt Kenmore freezer, (great condlIon). Coffee tabl. Dressers. Uprlht p=noetc. 430-1080. COMPUTER. IBM !Ztop,386SX. 4MB 8MHD and IBM ýpropnter. 24 P<N. 90-6684912. KA40 WOVDI AREA RUG, 9 ft X 12 ftt 4. Rust & brown tones. Pure wool. I-and made. $350. Blonde, musrawàtfuit ength fur coat. Size 9. Excelent 'condition. $400. 655-3012. BOX/SNOWMOBILE trailer. Custom madle. rerovabte sides. Spretre, carrier for two gaw thaks, new floor. Cait 666-1375 afler 5p.m. OSHAWA FLEA Market 727 Wilson Rd. S., Christnma bargains galoe, ewAsedvendor enquinies SOFA - SKLAREPPLAR. NEYER used. lvoy. Asklnge $650 Sega-Genesis 2 contro ils8 aisidng$100. Cal6843 DRY KARDWOOD. CUT, SpLIT and cilvered. 2 bush cods for $350. 1-800-353-2461. UPSOALE RESALE. Wlide soectio f Ladies & chlldrons wer 20% off soecteci tem. We have bu-ers for sizes 14 b 2o, laies desgner fashians pantsults &holklay wear. Dress for kesaia the Wardrobe Exchane. 856 Brock St N., 666-9225.' FIREWOOD. Excellent, dependbl, trusle quality. Extra lon tiMe fuly seasoned. Cut& ~tHonest moasuremet. Fre Kozy HeatFlrewood. 9057L32246. JUDY'S BRIDAL RENTAL - afoedable wsdcnggons ta buy or rent. Large àSel6tof sies aid 16 and up. FOR SALE - A-i frewood, guaraniaed dry. Cal 436-66W0. WELL SEASONlED flreWood for sale. Dr, aRwoo ,kindlîng, haif Pick up or cdhver. (905) 649-3183. I WILL BUY VOUJR unwanted items & contents. Calit 728-848 bave a message. ADORAIBLE SIMESE Miens fi5l- WE HAVE THE ANSWER Ia or busy scheduel Brookln p yoery bas a fUia"oc of Clhvttm baln. CMeflnd usl 655-4951. DOUBLE SNOWMOBILE tratise with shel..$857. Wilde Sale, Need a car - Credit Problemns? Bankrupt - Undisohargecl? *We have lease take-overs (repossessions) *Lease to own any make or model *Cash for trade *Cait now for free quotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Cati Jeif (905) 683-6230 1 JEFF WELLS AUTO SALES. Durhanvs ost Inexpensive Used Car Dealer. Pre-Chrlstym Specals Ihroughout DecSnrber. 198 Ford Taurus, 4 door, V-G, $2795. 1986 Clbly 4 door, au1% $l995.198Bere, GT, V-G, 5 speed, $2395. Ail voey dean, certied vehicles. Plem aseil for detais, 571-5487 or 655-5911. 1984 AUDI SM0. LOADEDoo body. good oriine. Cefll kmý Jn. Asking $1,500. Cal 723-5852 after5 p.m. 1983 BUIOK SKYLARK, MANY "leparts, rack%>nbn steerlng unit tires, waler pumnp, spings, hoks flot ruinning, ol cmplte $250' Telephone 668908alter 5 p.m. MOVINGI FOR SALE. 1989 T.emoGL. Air, tilt, crulse, ps ph. nJnf rner. $2000. Also 1988 430-1080do. Needs some work. TOP DOLLAR-SCRAP CARS, trucks, etc. Free piclcup. Alsô appliances, alumînum doors, rOPane barbecues, scrap matai. reapdcIup. CaIt anytie, 1984 PONTIAC FIERO SE 4 cylinder, 4 spd. Pb, Pw, tilt, sunroof, newpLZ, new ýn WHITB3Y, ONE BEDROOM 3 BEDROOii MAIN FLOR of anarment avajlale mnooaely tilxFIue fbsmn.NW parking for 1 car. Please aul building. $850/ th us ydo HOUSEICEEPING ROOM. 'Large. Central Whitb . Quiet, parking prvae. 19 100wek 1lp.m., leave message. LARGE FURNISiIED room close to downtwn Whitb, cabte inclded $85$)oweeJ Close Io buses. 666-4279 leave message. WHITBY, FURNISHED,net decorated, quiet In dleanhoe Kitchen, taunid facilites. Close tD al amenîbies. $385 montly. Smokers welcome. Workin person. Avalable Januaryf 43"~385. CLEAN QUIET ROOMS FOR rent Share kitche and bath. Laundry,pakn and living room privieges. Willl suit mature, responsîble adults. 27belY/$UW0/moniy. lstlqast BONl VOYAGE MOTEL - roomns avalabte at bw weekl rates. Comfortable, quiet surroundings, 10 minutes from Whitby on fwy. NEAT, T1DY PERSON TO shar large house wth 2 oters. Fumlshed room and use of a facilities. Smoke wekxm. $450 monthl. RossWWAnd/cerson. AvgneiuarUW 1. <.ait George, 723-0670. WHITBY, OLDER 2 STOREY, 2 bedrom, on main sktret.Larg Yard. Location: 826 Brock StN. Asking$839monthlypus utilies. WEST WHITBY. Seff contaneci quiet one bedom basement aartrnent Paflly fùrnlshe. Privale entrance. Ne&r Hw. 2. $450 Inclusive. Phonoe 6-2ffl. WIITB3Y, DOWNTOWN. 3 bedroom artment ln ive-plex. Laundryp dg$850 monffily. Cail (476) 461 0401. WWIBY. TWObodroo basemient artet Laund pakin. ut!ides Included. ' l00îiva requîred. 668-4298. Credi Ch"c. BROOKUIN; BACIIELOR wifti bedng roomn & 3 boch'oen aprtr'nent availlable now. Both wth frige, stave, 4 pie bath. Separate entrance. 655539. 2 BEDROOmj APARTMEI« à 2 trailors for rent FIrst a last required. Cail Donna, 666-5013. PORT WHITBY 1 à 2 bech'om apartmts. Renovated. Grounid 1"va, pnivat veranda, fiee parking Ront +i h ro. Rent eohal(îst and iast . AvallalImodlatl. (905)65-107. CENTRAL OSHAW#A Fumisheci including refrigerator. Dead boft locks. Private cable for TV. Share kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washroomns. Parking from $75. to $95. V FURN5HED ROOXM frrent, $80mweek Sharebalhroom & Içthn. -Woker prefen-e. Walk 10 ieiflospm. Please cM 666-3617 BROCK ST. SOUTH. 3 bdrm Zabt 1u he allhurâ. Umm=h house. Suitable tenat reauiedforrfoney. Juet oeil 1-90.41-45 home waiting b be o . $o ~ ~$9W Mr/min., 18+,55 monlh + utlies, or less to quaifled 45 5 tenat CaiDoug, 905-72-6232 fit..' MORTGAG ES & LOANS 1lst &2nd LiUnes of credit s. BEST RATES Fraink Callahan 571-2880 After Hours e 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding Inc. WHTE MALE LOOKING FOR tgN femnale with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, 25-40.66i5-8536. FITNESS IONE ON ONE personal training faciîity. Speclalized fltnes Instruction ln a private studio Selig. Goal assesment, ontnt Wh446. appolntmnent EVANLY RAYS seivlding mrer, PERFECT STARTER homo ln Adellhbomton ame& Newer 3 bodroom, eat-in kitcen walkout ba patio fom living rom. '28-8456. WNITBY, 2 saey roîm 1600 sqire fLt 3Odrooms, kit. o n. ingc room, eat-ln K&tm.Famoyroomwith fireplace. Centra air & vac. Hardwooci floors. Landscape ene ard. Court loain aling distance b schoolsa&shoping. $169,000. I WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR home. Immodite closlngs who sn, prff).ay to ra wo har i mus ublish JK. TAICE OVER 30 ACRES i ~or Wes TeasIU..A moeinfio caiVA1CATIONS MCLEARWATER FLORIDA. IC Fumishd moble hofmes HaWe APtb I ~ u , m83utos SANTA CLARA, TIIANK YOU for listenîng to my Prayers. A.O. PRAYER -TO THE- BLESSED Vîrgin nover known ta fait. O most beutful flower of Mount Carmel, frl1u vine, spiondor of Hoaven: Beised Moiher of the Son of God. lmmaculale vlrgîn, asslst me km necmssty. O star of the oea help me and show me hem you are my Mother. O Hody Mary, Moiho f Goci Qusen of Heaven &'ea-lb, I humblybeSeech you tram ie bodon of y fmta secure me km yr powe. O Mary concelved I A 0 A Cut your o wn Christmas Tree in Whitby SIPIRUCE TIREES ONLY Professionally pruned i No pre-cuts $106W M $ M (NO TAX) 1 .. Open Daily - 9:00am - 5:00pm 1

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