Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1996, p. 24

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Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, December 4, 1996 m..UQWIP.IQcK YOUR QCLASSIFIIED AD... Cal 668-6111. Ads plaoed by Monday aI noon will be pubiished that Wednesday. Prepay by Spm tosave money! O r, prepay wfth your VISA card when placing the ad. Fax your ad to us at 668- 0594. Please ensure you, provide ail pertinent information, and a number where we can reach you, if necessary. ( Mail your ad to: Wh by Free jipaef), We're open 9 arn to 5 pm, Monday Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, _____ to Fniday. Place your ad by Monday I l LN 5S1I. Ads should be maied ~ at noon for Wednesday publication. to arrve by Monday at noon-; You can enclose your payrnent, We are located at 900 ,51ypQg or r.ide........ .... *.*.*~*.**.* ..*.**. *..* ...*. ~. ..*.* *.*..*.*.. . . .......*.. . .*. . . ....f. E........ .... ...._ _ __ ............ .... .... .... .. . -_-- ------------ In Accounting and Computers Business Administration Business & Computer Applications Computer Support Specialist Network & Communications Computer Programming Computer Business Applications Executive Secretary Legal Admin Assistant Medical Office Assistant Hotel and Restaurant Operations Bar and Beverage Management Travel and Tourismn Dental Chairside Assistant Dental Receptionist enr 723-116 PICKERING CAMPUS, I 420-1344I I... . 5 . .I.. NUE . ,...,..EXPERIENCED....»...- HNIRSTYLIST& HAIL aTECHNICIAN (preeraley ithair brushing) FOR 8USY WHITBYSALON PLEASE CALI 430-8787- AIRUNE JOBS! Now hîding. $10-$25 per haur. Alil positions, sklîled arid un-skilled. Excelent pay/bne%.Calil(504)429-9229, Ex 13A48 24 hours. FULL 11MEIPART 11ME Flexbl schedule. EaP» work, no eSere ern $600 Wely at home urnte.CaJil7 daysr. 11(504)M4I-7M 8EXT 0142H49. "JOIN OUR rapily growlng corpany sellng a revolulionay new ne of wellnes products. Wb train FulIl#ime « or ft. a today, .»r ie a NOTICE - NOW IIRIN. Tachi applicatios ofuI- or pot-tie poik. Opotni bouam $300-Wo pa wmmb start IcO DRIVINO 1KnSCNOOL shwa *728-0091 Fuil Dnvers Educafron Courses Christmas 4 Day Course Dec. 30 - Jan. 3 JAN. 11lth Sat. 4 week course JAN. l4th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course *DDC Upgrading Course *55 Alive Seniors Course *PR!IVA TE LESSONS.- Specializing in Early Childhood Education. *For Peace of Mind. Perzy Ho use Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 EXPERIENCED CAREGI VER requlred, 3 days a week (must ho flexible), In our homne, bD car for 3 children, ages 6, 3 and 16 mnonths. Ught housekeep nad meal reP0ration re-quîred. Non-srmoker. Refrecesreuird,666-2092. WANTED: FULL Uime chîkicae from mid Ja Sorne on-cal availability = Children 7,4 & 2 years. Preealy In our hom. Willing bo share Nanny/ECE with othe parent 705-733-5216. DAYCARE AVILALEin ny hom Lunch and snacks provide. Rece4>ts and references avallabe. Garden & Manning. Cati 666-8295. I DSA0ANDOog' &LL TIE CUTTING LEcoe Fançise & TRIMMINI amat aduitcassin r om ai Fully lnsured butresltsoricttd evrrntent Free Estimaes u~ deitmeinner to Advance 433-7140u deigedtometyour needs i ---pager 217304 sGý R ACCURATE Hmeulate results liwpeefficient es dbesrie maée rgcesp&Bronsbeldda.G celfictes aricabl. fri* estimates. 430-S338. -CINDY'S ALTrERATiON - Coma see us for ail you sewlng noeds. Leathe, zippers, also men's lailorig aalbl. Tues.-Fui. 10-'5:30Sa-3 133 ron StN. Pearson Lanes 43065W. VOUR #1 SEW1NG CENTRE SewingmadI* reoem. Ailmakes. 100/,enlos' diséount Compeote tune-up from $2995 + parts. Factory trained technlcian. For free pick-up & delvey cal 432-7375.* PAINTING & PAPERING "LET resfor seniie. ble hours, Mtservice, fee estimates. Goge 666-1168. NEWAY TAILOR. Aterations, cuslom desln, cilthe, drapta, leathe, boat ops and more, 2D exelne141 Park Rd. S.,, f ma . " 5776 -9 219. CLEANIN: HOME or office, wekj , eoki, monthly or one lme only. Reasonable rates. 8 years oxperlence. References aoUable. Cali for free estimale loday. 571-0500. FLOOR REFIIISHIN - Wood renewere wiil do a prolîssiona job 0fX yoSandlrefinishedai giàlae. 665-7768. *I1TERIORIEXTERIOR PAINTING Ouri oerienced and professional Peoplewlbu cao 0of your generai paihts Fmee Woiguaanted.Cas Peter at 657768. MENARD à50M PLASTERINO- new a repairestucoe, concrete, Parglng cracked ifoundationsà relLpinug. Interlor& copMbathroms andi rocmore. 5,yars operience. Insured. Fee estimates. m0-8-74 p~ing&walpaper. No job too eia. 3 g-radoe OIdHay Sk letoft Fnih arenry MAICE YOIJR WEDDING DAYý .4X~flbUltstI0IL416M4115t se 5 TON TRUCK< AVNILABLE. 22 ft. bxW h ydraullo tailgale. We ffmayklnd of freîght, lIocal or long ditne $304iourîy + driver wili he4me. 905-665-8643, Gary or Terry. HOUSECLEANffG. Residentiai, office and apartments., Free es*nMes. Reaeionbe rates. Somne Thursday and Fridayappointments availlable. Cail 728-62, Archer Mad Servces. HOME RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, Inspections, ~Ifiallnscalpntry, plumblng, conservation. CllJcierI of Ai Trades. ASHRA .2053386, 666-0993. PAIIliN - kîdooeAutko, diwal repar, meamie fgles. Lowrates. Fe stImates. -We Take Gare b DOt Rl %m C Shane Rose Hom Improvemnents, 905-665-8805. ELECTRICIAN, UCENCE #E2268. Renovation, service upgades, basernontwlvring, alarm systemes & 24 hour service. For a free quote oeil FraM at 666-193. Sp~p~y Commercial & Residential PROPERTY MAI NTENANC E Complete Winter Maintenance Snow Removal Salting & Sanding Great Prices! FREE Estimates! Tel. 905 668-6803 CelI. 905 242-6045 CHRISTMAS UIGH1NG. h»i oulSdoor Christmas lighting for as MIeas $5 Fra fre estirnate cil 432-3823. SHOW PLO IN GILEARING. Don't get lni a drift ove snow and coUs iéwirgarl Have Crew Property SS c c "ea m e nwand je for you* mkbr"properties from $w5 "on - . Commercia prperieromar9onUNy.For a #" etlrnbý>432-3823 YOUR AD! 668* 0594 (.C <Cas, VIAchquerecived befordedn) 2nds 3rdq 4thq etc .. insertions of the samne ad* $9.00 per week for first 25 words 200 each additional word. *Same order, one invoice, one prepayment, consecutive weeks. AI this reduced price, no changes can be made. Ad may be cancelled but there are no refunds or credits for remalnlng weeks 200 each additional word Prior credit appro val required Regular dslyrte pl 1.2praa e n (14 aate nes er inc) Minimum size - 1 column inch $1 4.28 110 . f foee o *. -eone e.y G.S.T. îs extra on aliad.s. Mondayi2 noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiII not be ' hable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in.,publication beyond the cost o! t he space occupled by the error up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The'Whtby'Free Press reserves the rlght to classlfy, or reJect ail advertlsements. .- TORONTO Helpmng YOU Build a Better Life Wee Watch® 1 The system that pro vides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your chiid *Fuliy trained providers receive ongoing Agency support a Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays *Complete insurance coverage *Income tax receipts *Chîldren six weeks and Up *Full or part-time For more information cali: 686-3995 a llcensedAgency . ........ . 1

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