Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1996, p. 24

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Page 24. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 6, 1996 I Chesterfiëldstfa.n qht i ..,I GLNs5 . m n ,un CRR * *L- - --p% -on-u A maftresses &rnbch more BLACK'SECTIONL sofa bwK, squmaeoffee tl, bl"c teïevislon chair & footsrDol. $2W0 o best of fer. %mil ouse patey " 728-7199. INGUIS WASHERO $180. Dinlng mCm (eaQ,$29. Oriental cres voiy reasonable. Royal=,~ *enrva' 2 plaosefng,$35 wcjer cainheM,$75. ToyboY5" 011 pWLknseand 1bgtb LUMBER, 1 à 2" 111CI<, RED Oa &#My, hoblk pst drossod cada ~ Me Tabl saw, 8 lnch, wvi h àrimr $100 f&M. Cut-off sw, or reasonable best offer. S19-2003. WME PRESS FOR SALE. Ple cal 655-8824 aller 6 p.m. for mor infoiadSo. APARTMNENT SIZE #lano, Mason &Riche, plca nis.Good irbm 1250 obo. Exorcise equlpient bMe 515 ton station workot "ai 10/sel lfor $750. 4 7.'W'87 DELUIE ELECTRIC wheecir, used 2 yoarssacrflS i m $40. Wheelchair iihfor van, $400. u:itfreoeor Kenniore, excelent c $4d0 Î6. Uprlght Undsay piano, $500. Frenict Provical chesegf*el & chair, $350. WUI delver larger Itbm. 430-1080. ANI UEBBY carniage. $400. Oak pWanosteOI, $50. Commiode, SNOWBLOWER. 8 HP 25 Inch cut, elecirltart #"ac&Ive. Ulçe brand new, excelent coniti, hard yusod. $750. Woodsteve, Franln, $75. 668-3121. 9 MATCHING 3 SEATER SOFA lovesm a &chir. Coffée e a&U end tablos..AJIony3 voarsoldi Supoeb codition. Paid $1200 new, asklng $700 for aIl. 666-8176. ElectrII stait, 245. Fisher airtight WOodtbve $2 ý5. 655-3292Z WHITBY RECORDICD Shw & Sale. Sunday, November 10, 11-4. Heydensor Pavillon. Vendor wold. Sell your CD% and records herl nf. 285369. SOFA AND CHAIR. DUSTY rose and grey tene. Good shape. A must see. $150. Ce 6&,-0949. EYE EXAMS awranged. faN special; buy 1 pair of eyewaar at $199, get second Par or contacts froTe Olcas 102 Byron St. S. 40M9.~ COMPUTER SPEOIAp,,$499, fast Intel DX386 8MB RA M. color moniter or 4699 wthmoe & 4XCD FIOM. 905-655-3661. ANNOUNOING NEWlowr pies on mini dlsk sateilte lv - 40 channels only $28 monlhly. 905-655-3661 out of tewn, 1-800-903-87#7. COUNTRY LAMPS, pine Cupboards, sIilves, Curlo, CD, viclo, icroavestands. Buffets, benches, minrors, qult racks, cky slnlcs. Order now fr hias. 1-905-665-1664. FIREWOOD. Excellent, ependeble trused qualft1y. Extra lon lim &ly seasoned. Cut & mpit H-lnet meauremnL PFros demvem. ý Kazy Heat Flrewood. W1O F FEET 0F RG62 Coax Ehternet cable and altiercomputer notwork cable. 668-6111. WELL SEASONED glrWood for sà.Dy Nd o.knlnhaif faceccx, fce ord, bshcorda. Pick up or deliver. (905) 649-3183. PI NOHEINTMA>J, aparbtn sz. $2,200 or phons (905)623-4639. PREONOS PORCELAIN DOLLS CanfyinM HmitenGeogetown aid ôltierodebleé. Mail order or t"l 12nnavafkabl. TENOR SAXAPHONE, clannet, flute. Complot wih cases. Auink excellent condition. Prioed teselI. 985-8967. 1BOX STALL on 15 ac riv-ale faim Wesernlsons anahes ,nn uMQtE E, 5OJUUMAPLE wilh mfaftmrss. Barely used, $200. Graco hlgh chair. Also wooden dresser, ritons. 668-0054. 6 PIECE becimorniseVwelerbed, wkidw ir-oncl5anesîngle brasa bed wfth mattres, Itciien table wlth 4 chairs. AlilIn verv oood condition. Ptoese cail 430-78e.- MOVINO: CHILIYS bedroom set, $300. New' snowboard, $225. Decortor soeeens, $50.- Larg pictus, chIllds ridlng clothe. PAnk coat l womy sze10-12, of silk fiows (reasoneble) Chrisbmes pie conesAage ail,$1.00 abag. 434-1383 1WAN... TED .. ------- BUVER FOR ANTIQUE ITEMS c complote estates. We pay cash fa 0o ,i seid mahohinv dreserawashstands teMs & contents. COlil728-84"e leave a message. YARD SALE. MXleratey ,pnced ladies clolilng, linriSe M auIt noveles. SeMllte++i+. 15%.off C%àlP90 n(95985-1890 . MUGE 3 FAMILY GARAGE sale. This Saturday, November 9, rei dat Sund%,, NOvombrl10fromG' a.m. 105 Glo Hill Dr, Whitby. FREE TO GOOD HNOME, e1%frndly2 2year aid, . ut mae om ta rwi and someos tb play wiih. For infomation oeil 668-9 MVNG, MUST SEIL; YOUiNG bugm er finches, 2 bWm uwi, 2nubshwquety 4Excllen cagýWes 7t~4Ç ,s q a <e d 4 4ékt.. 0...iu i .XÏ 44~~~~~ - ---- CARLAI¶U~_ ____A BROOKUN, YEAR round or The COMPLETE ROOF OVERHAUL Roof MantennePackage rSancludos labormaeri .-festn ailk= ase9aie *1 sealtlsi-w01gof a=e9 PsaaMudrnke stacks -' eatarandaaypipes .-saaoudair venta -1 Seai amound chlneys .-secure bse nails .-check for baicdevesmtronJ .-check for biccd onpoj .-secure albeflasa .5- rmovedarngigres - iecrhtny fueoù" die w5puscnilmerof rispectior, 655-5124 TRI! CUTTING .V & TRIMMIING Fully lnsured Free Estimates 433.-7144~ pager 721-7304 GARAGE RENTAL for seaec ooleckrcS, van bSat or furmnre, etc. Clean ad iolcbl. valZ l IiIA anlli, Be a. sure winner everytime! .oui i '.loil zitiiuxpen ive Useccar aeaier is having a Weekend Sale - Thurs., Nov. 7th to Sat., Nov. 9th Many cerifid vehices to choose from. lncluding: 1987 1986 1987 1989 1990 1987 1987 1988 1989 Isuzu I-Mark 2g S & many more!!! 7725 Hwy. 12y,1 km North of Brooklin e 571-5487 or 655-5911 Hours: Thurs. 9:OOam to 8:OOpm, Fn. & Sat. 9:OOam to 5:OOpm Cadillac Sedan DeVille Toyota 4 Runner Chevy Nova Dodge Shadow Chevrolet Lumina Pontiac Bonneville SE Pontiac 6000 Wagon Ford Taurus $4r29&. $4.195. $2f695. $3r995. $3r995. $3.195. Or Dr (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) j$1 4.00 for 25 wordis J 200 each additional word 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc...' insertions of the smre ad* $9.00 per week for first 25 words + 200 each addltional word. C*Same order, one involce, one prepayment. At this reducedprce there are no relunds or credits I ad is cancelled. $20-00 for 25 words 200 each additional word Ptior credit appro val relqulred. .me~ Ads with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply- $1.02 per agate Une (Il4 agate Unes per Inch) Minimum size 1 column inch $14.28 GSTis metaon ila ads Monday 12 noon prior to Wednesday publication. 6168-M6111 Please check your advertisemnent for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wii nfot be fiable for failure to publish an ad. or for typographic rrors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up f0 a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right f0 classify or reject ail advertisemnents. 3 BEDROOUMAIN FLOOR 6~~~ applacs aking, a/c, ts.Nosmoicor, n o ts». $75 pW 60%UtRimlati &lekWst East I Please Recycle.. This Newspaper j Need a car - Credit Prolea Bankrupt - Undlscharged? *We have lease take-vers (mepossssions> " Lease to own any make or model " Cash for tmade 1 " Cati now for free quotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Cali Jeff (W05) 683-6230 1989 TEMPO OL POWER $2.800.430-100 1984 POtRMAc FlERO SE. 4- cylinder, 4 5pdZ.Pb. pw, tit sunoof new nwpit Mtl 1ote erf.Aklg$20Ca 199 BUICK Estate wie Load 307e A Ri 190 MUSTAM Lx, 5.0, welcom. wnchester Auto Sals Broolin, 655-8082, eoig 197 CADILAc COUPE DE Ville. Wow mfwpge ki concidon. $1200 as la. b 'e~37426. 1992 BU«CU Roacnaster. FuUy Ioaded. New ltes, new shocka. oenffied.Phn TOP DOLLAR SCRAP CARS, Iruclcs, etc. Free pickup. Also appllanoes, akumlnium doors, ,:S arbmm, aapmtal. 1 anytime, .571-49.'p SPACUOUS 2 BEDROOM * Small, adult building,, O.C. area. Main & second floor. Newly decorated, appliances, carpeted, parking, &coin laundry $700.4750. INCLUIVE. i stAlast. References. Available immediateiy or January 1 st. C430-6964 B3ROOCUN- BACHELOR aa- P nt.i7as bedslttng mcm. 1 a 3 bedrom. AU wlIh fldg9, stove,, 4 pleoe bath.Sp » *ne DOWNTOWN WIUBY. One and buo beciroom aDn nt avalable. Inckxies fr*%eéêëtwatvr ad anm ~iaWng spae. 1 beciOOM, lst 2 edrom,$675/monthly avalable DeCamber 19. C.ad *1 i j I M . .~......... BACHELOR APARTUENT ln beautifti Coultry seltlng. Prvate kltchen & bath. Suiton e~n ONE BEDROOM U t~ AvalABle kmectat*l. ioen= Whtb.Cal afie 7 p.m., 8M5 BROCK ST. NRH beckoom. Cmly -$500 montuh y îailusve lt#as ;0nmU able oeil 623-7r2, 668-1873. ONE BEDROOM ahoo aerbimtAvallable knmodlat*l. $450 Per month. FRldge & stev kIcluJdd Fttm*hed or unfurnlshed. FIrat & lest negotiabl. 905-668-1406. ROSSLAND' AND--GARDEN AREA. 2 beckoom basoment apartit $600 monthly, ýaI inclusive. No nets. AValabe December 1-. Oe1i M, 6-0070. CENRAL WITBY. 2 BEDROOM n wel Wptbuidig starage. Coi lundiy. 4C 28. WAU< TO GO WALKOUT te ~d.Man eO.exoepîmoav adut% am e ciaeoi (905) 619-036. BACHELOR APARTIMENjr cimyeo. Privats onbancà M- 17iCe b Jb5utem& WMETY. TWO bekroom bas«emnt fequlred. 66"-429. Cedt Chec,,. SOUTH AJAX. Smila tCnent. Furnsed o DO W NWIITY. Apariment for renL ia ssai lisma . - rowacJeil bedroorn, $55,2 &%Lech $25.Firi &lstn apartientFrestipaint. 4CSeo boym lroi Osand quieýt ue backyard. Smai PetsalloWed. Av buj neday $60 .=lets 668-3646. sw CENTRAL O)SHAàWA Fumished including refrigeralor. Dead boft locks. Private cable for TV. Share kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms. Parking from $75. tb $95. GenLMAmeNNN mker. «Wtd roc i b aimmoo montii se of ldtn. $450 Avalh.Fis àls luiured. FIURN HED ROO, for rent $B0MWK Share batron a ldtahe. Worker preferred.» Weik te ai amen"e. Plùeaeli 666-3617 ATR 6pm. MATWI WORKNe adluitSar bah & kciche. Cable, parklrg and lawidry don. s.at"& lest Non amoker. 66a4M 20 e nmage. LARGE ,EXECUTIVE '.hom bedro a &fui use of moat of "i hous. Must be waddng full Urne. CabI. & Bl incuded. $s00mc,. Cam De"ble666-0200. CLEANQuîE. ulso1 Aîîï,';N iincude. Aval",bI LktedkithenUse. ýSuitmatue " lgmaje.$90, WHITBY DUPLEX, 2dD FLOOR. 2 bedroo m bwnný a 4209477.o a "Durh am 's mn--,t in avnencî%,r&ý 1 ýi 1

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