Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1996, p. 10

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page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wednesciay, November 6, 1996 HaïrbyHene~ lFreelance slylist with the Il*eiec wth Candian Opera * Experience w r. -- CMomy rohIem hair For n apoitmet *Foil highlights Forth Herpminen* Focus point please oel 668-4321 hiclu Ivans' I-airstyling* English & 1« I0Dundas St. E, Whitby Gernn ~1 = 1y o-t CAROL BROWN founded the Inter- ioW-risk crninals an alternative pun- cede Diversion Program, which gives ishment-to jail time. Phoo by Mark RFlo«, WyFre Press lime, money donations needed New program helps both Iow-risk -offender, victim INVITATION Members of the Atomic Energy Contrai Board, the federal agency responsîbie for reguiating nuclear activities, cordialiy invite area residents to meet with them and other se nior officiais at an-informai gathering. Date: Time: Novem ber 27, 1996 Place: Holiday Inn, Harmony Hall 10 11 Bloor Street East Oshawa, Ontario A formai meeting of the Board will be held on November 28. This meeting is also open to the public. Date: November 28, 1996 Time: 8:30 a. m. Place: -Holiday Inn, Harmony Hall 10 11 Biloor Street East Oshawa, Ontario The meeting wi11 deal with regular Board business, including licensing decisions and consideration of staff reports on current regulatory issues. Agenda items will include the renewal of the operating licences for the Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Generating Stations. ndvdas or organizations who wish to address the Board on any agenda item are asked'to forward their request and written submission to Carmen Ellyson before November 12. Ms. Carmen Ellyson AECB Secretariat P.O. Box 1046, Stn. B 280 Siater Street Ottawa, ON KI P5S9 Fax: (613) 995-5086 Fobr further information, please caîl Ms. et (613) 996-2026 or 1-800-668-5284. Carmen Ellyson Atomic Energy Commission de contrôle I.a BY AMY Blundoil, A new program was recently, established in Durham Region for low-risk offenders who have flot been forinally charged but -who acknowledge, their Involvement In crime. The Intercede Diversion 'Prgram provides assistance to offenders In dealing with personal and emotional concerne that may have led to the offending behaviour. It also gives the victimes a chance to have a say in the Punishment of the offender, something flot provided by the current legal system. But the program 15 struggling to survive as organizers seek out sponsorship and funding with littie luck. "We would appreciate any time or money that anyone would like to donate," says1 Intercede founder and president Carol Brown. "Everyone is hesitant to t give us any money because we're so new. They say p maybe after we've been ii around for a year or 8, but i without funding we won't make it that long." ci Intercede is a voluntaryt pre-charge alternative te the b current legal systeni, available only in Durham Region. Ail staff work on a voluntary basis and there ia no charge for the use of the service. It is a new concept as most other progranis similar te Intercede are post- rather than pre-charge and deal with more serious crimes. Brown says "the judicial system. was ln dire need of assistance," after hearlng of many cases in which offenders went te court and spent Urne in jail 'as punishment for comxnitting low-risk, non-violent crimes. 'There was a great need for a programn such as this," Brown says. 'There has neyer been anything like it."f Brown uses the analogy of1 a parent and child te describei the program.-1 "When your child, does4 8omethlng wrong, you punish them.t "They receive theiri unihmntyou. forget aboutC itand you move on wlth youri Ife.1 "We don't punish our P blildren for the sanie thlng, d hfefr whole life. That would e cruel. 'Yet behavlour that would be cruel te lnfllct upon our own chlldren ls Infllcted, upon criminals, who are someoe's Idren, every Intercede offers offenders the chance te serve their punhshment and move on with their life. .In order to Participate ln the prograni, the offender must be referred- by the Police, educators business'or communlty agencles. Both the- vIctin and the offender must -voluntarily agree te accessing, the Intercede programi Once both partie« have agreed, an appolntment must be made wlthin 48 hours. -Interviews are conducted wlth the offender, the referral agent and the victi.11, ln order to understand the reasons why t.he' offender comrnltted the offence. The offender must aise, lake a week to think about why they. comniitted the crime, a different wyI ~vhch heycould have handled, it, and a "horrible" Penalty that would lisurage themfrom further MEE PAGE 26 I *Member ofL.A. TS.L i (International AiIance of Theatrical Stage Employees *Pirecision cuts VE 5 ILSAI- 1

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