Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1996, p. 24

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Hu raOE Psn RENOVAT o s &9 OU #1 SEWIN G CENTRE Cheterfesuites sofa b dsa E E EXAMS farg ed . Fal ILOCATIN LOCAT iOI Large :Cgillm, cm:entLm, nachepairs- Al makes. mattresses & much more pkd BPOCiai,1 bUy irs d pai f ower at mi E j&3 eoo sl onereval tn-up rom s$29..95l+9tParts.d 102 Byron St Gr Dundesm Trds SH A ytrajnod tochinlcans iFor S4& C48ýe sdW W, I Harold 666099 EC<-u &Pro norty S erv ices 6 9-29 Gîiica r 6 8-7284 w PRESINIME Flair cam.FURNITURE FOR SALE. FRIDGE, SOmn rBÂYmessme) usscoung . r ppointment FlAIR TROUGÏI MfAKE VOUR WEDDING DAY Vaaletya popular and tbu musié. Cal KOth for a kee consutao. 46-7248151. LET SUZY HOMEMAKER TAKE &àrckiin wrtes. i fdul CÃ"M * * rats.«Cali sue ai PAINTING, WALLPAPER. Decorate nw for Chrltmasi Save 10% on ail work Quality work1 best matejia used. Cali Joe 721-2706, please beave message. PAINTING3 - fior«/exterior. Lot th1e professiajs handle IL' 20 yoars exWSiec. Depeniable yWOI.Seniors discountcal afor lmeeestimates, 666-8836. HOIJSECLEANING. ResidentiaJ, office and aperimts. Fee e6tkiats. Roeeamble rates. Some Thursday and FRiday Ppçintnents availabl. Calil 72dà22, Arche Maid Sevces. FLOOR REFlMStjîG - wood renewers wilI do a professionailob of youw aning refinished ari mstaiinbdees Ail worl - W& IERKOREXTERIOR PAINTiNG -oui oxperilnoed and professlona PeOPle w,11ce care of your genorai paitin requirements. Fiee =stmat- Work guaianteod. Cal Peter at 665-7768. PHOTOGRAPI.Y. Distinctive Mt ortraits. Studio or ln home. Uaboschildren, families. PaCIcages from $29. Also: weddings from $599, ode photos copiod & restored, corrate & puomotionai. No- GSTI (905) 427-9164. interlocking stone'- retaining walls wood fencing & decks FREE COMPETI Ti VE EST/MA TES WritteQ Guarantee Since 1980' 666-9690 HENK KARELSEN Palntlng & HOMO Repair. QuailyworK interior/exterlor. Ovor 20 yeais exrldence. fq jb o smalî. Fie estmats.1-80-23-0823. AM-C-ONDUCTING ÀANEXPEREN 1lwish to talkto people who plaseUyiMelifeor disabilîty insurance. If you have &hÉabojj neeç, 1 promise flot to discuss my plans. If you do flot have what you need, i1iwill Wy=u 'e 'sson explaîn what may helpyou. Caîl me if you wish to participate and benefit from this, G. Vaier Licenced Life & Disability Agent 905-665-0812 Whitby GARAGE SALE. Mog everythng Mms. go. Saturday, Nomor ,Z9am-4pm., 23 Fufrow Dr., (Tlckon-Rossind aiea). GARAGE SALE. 22 Woodhaven CiseitSoes« DeVelepne-nt). November 2nd, 9 &m. -.3 p.m. reezer, car bIpper, skates and much, much more. 2 FIR SA DOORS, 32x80, hinges, vamlished excellent conciion,$25 eacli.2 consle electrlchoelersopct Os.t each 20 ir' oafi Large quad nts els"nais, lcs CIIERRYWOOD, WINDSOR dinlng chars by Pennsylvanla Fous. Purchaed at B&endaWs Interlors fr $625 each, asklng $125 ach.Cali .Catherine, TREE CUTTING & TRIMMING Fully lnsured Free Estimatesr ACCURATE Dirt B Gone CONTRTNG Undormed workers " Home improvements + BondEeeto " Ekisernents =_ Sd * Baomert.s t .Free estimates * BâIN ldaWgerIaWeky, NWeekly, or monthly " Kttemi & Bathmor Cail Whîtby (905) 665-7762 FREEES71MAM@S.905-M&62185 Marlcham (q05) 887-983, -IFAX YOUR ADI 668M0594I 524 Sîmcoe St. S., Oshawa 72558 TREES FOR FALL PLANTING. Cut lads slver meple, 10-15 feet 115. Whi te ruce 3- 4 foot, $20. 1aaac, e bet, $10. Codars, 2-4 bet,$1 per foot Vuiko Tree Faim, (905) 655-4198 or le message. NTPOINT washor/dryer. PWchased Mrch 1995 - used only 6 monts. 3 1/2 ears warranty rmains. Askln.a$e pair firm. Call571-5ÏF frpar HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT Grand gian. Ecelentcondition. $2100 m. 86-944evenlngs. ANTIUES, WICICER pram, $400. Oak _iamos10ol, $50. commode, $80. cimber pts $40 & $20. ThoR*echai 4Okir hlqhchalr, $40 and ofle armchar, $30. 427-0584. ADMIRAI SIDE-BY-SIDE fridge, $550. Kenmore stove, $250. Inglis gas dryer, $200. lngIish washer, $250. Alil almond. 2 built-in dsWmasher, $150 each. Best offers. 427-0374, 427-28W6. HARVEST GOLD 30" STOVE. 20 cubia foot Md - Both ln excellent worinvoditon $50each or LUMBER RED oaÇ cheny hIckoy, wacklocut desi codar, 2X6,. -65 ft 2X8, .70 ft. 2X10, .75 ftI f ail bo h,o.g 700 foot, .65 cents ft 24X120 plocs, 40.Table saw, 8 inch, wli Stan 1/4 hp. motor $10 flrm. Cutaff saw, $860 or reaonale bost offer. 90-69-03. DOUJBLE BED. $50. CHEST of drawmr 35 rsser Wl thmîrror, r25.Cofir&O tbl, $10. Nite bbaej' Wood chaimrs. .66-37 WHITy RR D/CD SHOW &Sais. Sunday, November10, 11- 4. lodeshrePavillon. Vonor wnd.Sel'r CDs and recods herel nt 5369. The COMPLETE' ROOF OVERHAUL Roof Maintenance Package linclucieSor & ma"1al -fasten ail b=se hiîgles =:eafah.ng of dormers -' seal aroun mkesak .~seal aoudsylgs -'seal aoundarvet .Psallound chsmneysil secure baose nails .check for bbced eavestrug-hs Pcheckc for blced downspouts .e secure ail loasefahî, reve damagi= anches chk yflues e~ plusCaroof mainspection L655 -5124 urytwuenuW1ý Al In A-i COMPUTIER SPECIAL. $499, fast Intel DX386 8MB RAM, color monltr or f699 wIth modem& 4XCD IbM. 905-55-3661. AmNOUNCING NEW Iower puces on minI dlsk satelilte 1v - 40 channels onty $28 monthîy. 905-655-3661out f M COMPIJTERS NEW Pentums from $1349 Includina monitor. Compute repairs amlduDaades. Cal G.D.T. Computer SûrAces, (90M) 428-9484. COINTRY LAMPS, pine icJPboards, shelves, Cuio, CD, vIioo, icowave stands. Buffets, benches, ml,rors, Utracks, dry sinks. Order nowC ntmas. 1-905-665-1664. SOFA BED. VERY GOOD condition. $250 or best offer. Cal after6 p.m., 666-9870. WANTED: GOOD, USED wood furnituro, afoiances, storeo tvIs DdS tore, 116 Brock àtS. FIREWOOD. Excellent, dependable, trusted quallty. Extra longldme fuly seasonod. Cut & spftt Honest measuremnent Fiee fLPIv-er. Kozy Heat Flrewood. 9 57 32246. JUDY'S BRIDAI RENTAI - affordable wedding gowns 10 buy or rent. are selctiof sizes and 905579-47 Large sizes wae, 16 and Up. STAX ON Samelheavy-duty corrugatod cardboad file drawers, usdmost ln good condition. legi bler & 5X8 caid size. Excelent for craft supplies as wel as files.' $8 per ckawer unit WEIL SEASONED firewood for salec harwood, knding, hait face - fae codé, ushcords. Pick Up or deliver. (905) 649-3183. ROMANO MARKETwne season. Gapsdirect from Californua starting t inst weok 0f September. Juice and al equipmnent for wine. Romano Modekt & Dol, 650Taunton Rd. W. Open 7 days a week. 728-5207. PlaeRecycle This Newspaper i IWILL BUY yoUR unwanted Items & contents. Cail 7288485 BUVER FOR ANTIQUE ITEMS or Complte estates. We pay -cash fo Oa nd:e furniture od nàKs drossers, washstans vantesaid collectibles. a Antique Discoverles, 683-243. FREE REMO0VAL 0F SCRAP metai or appliances. Have your garage, bainh or wo*shop cloaned out We wiIl aiso pay for commeraishop, n tract. WANTE: AIR TIGHT STOVE. Medium size, glass ln doors. Cal DON'T DELAY CALL CREW TODAVI r(905) 242-3458 (Cellular) NEED VOUR yard raked, eavesb'ouhs cleaned, gardons rotoUied 11 ean-up? Cali LAN D MOWIMG LTD. 467833 -for a free estimnate. LAWN MAINTENANCEpnning. grass seeding odng. Fg éioan-tus. Roncwadons 0fl gardons, rokgàrde lni 649-31 8. RAKI1c IP B HARD TO Dot Get Book o<gCfeanup ody Aeratlon/seedni Soddlng Service. For a Fiee Estimate CALL CREW PROPERWY SERVICES, (905)2423458. WTB,3 bedroom. Lam kIhe. Man floar of duplex. $876 indluding utililies. Aval"bl Novembiet lst 728-1600. WHITBY, 2 beciroom apaitmont Neai GO. Lors of prking. Appiances lncludod. unary facilitios. $825 - motg. SOUTH AJAX Small 1wa mt Uppr bel. Fummnu o maue wrigadult onty. i DOWNTOMW ITY. Aparbmnt for rent Fricige &stve, al heat& hqitro hdcuddTîbedroom, $550,2 bedroom, $25. First & iast, rehnronM requlred. Avalable now. 623-1013. ONE 2-BEDROOM apailmt $600 per month, heat aid water lncluded, na pets. Avaiail 1 BEDROOM basoimi tÇM"rtmont Avalable Novomber 1. $580 monthly. lst & fast required. No PMPfodr single, working female. BROOKUII. BACtIELOR aparlment. Ilas bedtng rom. 1 & 3 bedroomn. Ali th frlde, stove, 4 place bath.,Separate entrance. Avfaiîaile now. 655-5539. UBU PROPERTY magemnent Whitby, apaimet buildings. One bedroom statng aI $600a Inclusive. Frstlast monts. dood loatsd . 668-6700 days only. PARK à JOHKI 2 beck-om apaient Fiesh paint 4 ec batUom. Clean aid qet Uet backad. Smail petsaiwd Aval , rnmedaàel. $65, fitilst68-4. TOTALLY RENOVATED hom has a main lmo 2 bechme epomeilenavamj". Large kithen à bedroom. Nice beghîlvlng area. Dundas & Cochrane aia - cbee b bar%# & shopfrigTo view plame cal Haaod 519- GlAocaJ or6-24Oav esg) M BROc~CST. NORTH. 1 mequlred., n*Available irnmiediatelv.nforrnatjon oei 623-782,668-1873. WHIT13Y à &2 beclroom p ailet. for rent 668-7196. PORT PERRY. DECEMBER 1. $620.' 2bedirom bouse. La lot quet NeIg o. , t, shom & ac. Anita Whitworfth, Co2vveie Banker, R.M.R. 905-430-6655. CENTRAL Fumished including refrigerator. Dead bok lochs. Private cable for TV. Share kRchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms. CaParking tom $75. to $95. GENTLEMAN, NN amolr. Bedsttimrow n bathoom. Lazic Ise f kitche.$450 month. FWt & lest requied. Avaàlale mmedWatly.66-19 FURNlSHED ROCU for met $B80Iek Share bahvoom a k»«he. Workei prefeure. Walk to WHITBY WORKER piefened. Share bôrokitchen& ounge. aller 6 pr.m or bave message. ROIFOR RENT. QUIET home. Share bath ai co. PMtwe female or maie. Non -smoker. FIrst4last Cai666-9620, bv Message., A LARGE BEDSIYMNG ROOMA wylth va bath. Single, worlin lml.Avalilale Nvember r. $12D feifrst a lest requhed. CIEAN~ QUIET, furnishied ram. Pa '2bIkcuded Aa* al LARGE EXECU1VE hom .ero &fi use 0f mst Of "h bose Must be waring fil l*m. C"bl & Bell included. $500/mo. Call Debbie 666-0200. LARGE, SELF contahjed rmcm. Pnvatekîtcen &bat. In beautfù country settng Availafblr Noe %er17 Nn oke. Cable k'kiMdd.$40 ilusive. 65&3012. WANTED: MATUJRE sas tomaleIo " haea2 c*o furnished basement aalet Durham student weom LARGE FURNISED r=cm e b uses. 664 27 bave messg MASNIC~ HALL, 203 Cocrp st, Wliltby avoale foibaquts ?p4mq« «£ed a 4 g CALLA %.e V V ý--A a &WÀRI»Iýý m 0

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