Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October 23,1996 Tanya Hunter I Alana Koster Sinclair Secondary School As Most are aware, Sinclair Secondary Sehool played a big roi. as the. Durhiam Board of Education was awarded as beàs shool system in the. world. This is quit. an honour for, us, and everyone is exceptionally proud. You would think thé. award would bring to, rest ail ofthie negative criticism about our sehool and the. way we run our program. However, some parent. still feel that our sehool does not meet their standards. . We were deeply disturbed about an article in another local newspaper in September. The. uxunformed opinions of the. two. parents, mentioned in the. article were tidiculous. A major concern about our directed study program is the. amount of hours for students i each subject. Following an audit last year, the. ministry made a plan t. ensure eacii student meets the. required 110 hours of class time. [t is the -students'_ responsibility, along with the, help of their TAG t.acher, t. make sure they get 10 additional hours in each subject on Wednesdays t. meet the rinistry's requirements. Directed study sessions for each student are recorded weekly in. TAG. If the. student does not have at least 10- additional hours, tiiey are denied their credit at the end of tii, semester. After 'ahl, student involvement in their education is on. of the reasons we are the. best in the. world. As senior students, w, find ourselves in remedial iielp for ahi our classes every Wednesday in directed study. Directed study is not only beneficial but a necessity for Us. Taking' away our Wednesdays would be ike taking away the. milk from cows; it just wouldn't make sense, it wouhd be "udderly" ridiculous. Tii. Second month of school is almost over and that means that Halloween is near. For the, students at Saint-ChiarlesGarnier it also means that our flrst dance is coming. On Oct. 24, students are invited t. dress in their most original costumes -and let loose on the. makeshift dance floor of the cafeteria. Also this week, six students will have the, iionour of using their get-out- of-school-free cards wiien they attend a three-day leadership program mun by the separate schooh board at the Knights of Columbus Park in Oshawa. Ilil bring you the, inside scoop on the. days' activities next time. in sports, our tennis team made some waves. In the. junior division, David Fillion (Grade 11) made it to. tii semi-finals and Natale Aabizewslri (Grade 10) made it t. the. finals. As for the. seniors, Nadia Petryshyn (Grade 11) won the, gold medal and in doubles, Damien Steel and Vincent Dessureault (OAC) won silver. In volleyball, our midget, junior and senior guys played the, flrst LOSSA quahiflers on Oct. 16. Tiie seniors were third overail, and the juniors won -two games out of five. Last Tiiursday, studente fromù Jeunesse du monde were dressed -in. unusual fas3hion. Instead of s3porting the. standard Garnier uniform, students spent the. day dressed as, homeless people to promote their clothing drive, an activity to benefit the needy. US SOCIETY The Durhiam Chapter oftie Multiple Sclerosis Society seeks people to serve as board or committee memabers. Cail 686-2581 for furtiier information. PHOTOGRAPMfC CLUB ii. Whitby Photographic Club wili meet on Monday, Nov. 4, 7 p.m., at Henry Street HighSehool, room 111. David Moseley of Day- men Presenters will discuss 'What your best slides shouhd wear' and I'Acces- sories t. make your photo- graphy' more enjoyable.» Members will make su),- missions for the slide and print dlinic. FIELD NATURAL1S Durham Fleld Naturaliste Winl meet Monday, Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m., at Noitiview Public Library, Oshawa". Teresa Rigg, heritage interpreter fr-om Georgetown, Ont., Iwii lecture on the "miythical and mundane uses of plante." .ý,Everyon e welcome. Admnission is fr-e.. WW1 ni BE.ALTCOUNCIL The. Durhami Region District Health Couneil wilh meet tonight (Wednesday), 7 p.m.,-at the itby Mental Health Centre, conference room B. Anyone wishing to attend should call 433-4262 due 'to lhmited seating available. RED CROSS Red Cross first aid courses wili b. offered in Os;hawva Oct. 26 and 27. Cali 723-2933 for more in- formation. hie 'Salés' À CRAFr SHEOW The. third annual Craft & Coliectibies Show wili b. held at Sinclair Seondar Schooi on SaturdalNV 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. TAere ii b. 100 vendors for> the school fundraising event. CRAYT & BAKR SALE St. Thomas' Anglican Churchi (corner of Winchester and Anderson in Brooklin), wiliiold a craft and bake sale on Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m. t. 4 p.m. Tables are still available and a luncheon is available. For more information or to book a table, cahi Lynn at 655-8340. FALL BAZAAR The 1Whitby Seniors Activity Centre wihl host their fall bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 2, 10 a.m. te 3 p.m. FALL BAZAAR Durham Christian Homes [ne. wili hohd their fal bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 2, il a.m. to 3 p.m.,, at Providence Place, 100 Glen Hill Dr. S., Whitby, with crafts, bake -sale-, white ehephant table, tea room and raffle for handmade quiht, painting and floral arrangement. FL ASH__ AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Isle. -. -- - - Y. ~ Il'." DANCE Local Knights of Coi- unmbus will hold a dance on Saturday, Oct. 26. at Holy Famuly Jhurch hal 91 Ribbhesdahe Dr., Whitby. I%. $10 tces(limited number available) include DJ music, a s Enack' door and spot prizes anâ auc-' tion. Funde raised wilh sup- por the. Special Olympics World- Winiter Ganies in Toronto, and Collingyood next February. Calli Prem at 430-6349 or Jini at 725- 5540 for tickets. JNJURED WORKR Durham Region IrNured WorkersIme. will meet at the Steehwork ers Hall, 115 Albert St., Oshawa, on Wednesday,.Oct. 30, to eiect a new board of directors. For more information, oeil 721- 9158. R MIITSPIGMENTOSÂ Tiie Durham Chapter of tue RP Foundation .. Fighting Blindness wiJI hold an open meeting in tue amail program room at tue Ajax Public L-ibrary, 65 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Thursday, Oct. 24, 7:30 ip.m. Dav, Rowe, a member of tue Hamilton chapter board, wiil discus. 'Living witu Retinitis Pigmentosa.' To attend, eaU Jan Labrick at 1-800-461- 3331. OUTDOORS CLUB The Durham Outdoors Club offers the fol lowing activities: Oct. 29, general meeting, 7:30 p.m., at Cana Hall Centre, William St., Oshawa; Nov. 2 and 3, walk from Omemee to Bobcageon, eall Phll Armstrong at 433- 0311. STRESSED? OTHER PROBLEMS? Are - ou ha -hy David Schram' Certified Reflexologist 806 Athol Street, Whtby e 668-4265 BREAST CANCER Tii. Oshawa & District Brest Cancer support group will meet on Thursday, Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m.,- at Heartii Place, 86 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa* For more information, eall 725-5349. BOWL[-A-THON On Sunday, Nov. 3,2'te 6 p.m., thi. Oshawa & District Humane Society will hold the. flrt annual Bowl-A- Thon, with proceeds tewards the. care of abused- animaIs. Thei. event takes place at Plaza Bowh (five-pin bowling), 58-B Harwood Ave. S. (Ajax Plaza). Cost às$5 for three games (if, pledges), *7.50- for tiiree games -(no pledges). Phedge forma are available at participating. pet food stores, veterinarians and the. Oshawa & District Humane Society shelter. To pre-register, oeil the society at 433-2022 (attention: Karin). BABYSHOWER A Welcome W aon baby shower will b. heid at Jack- son's Touch of Clis 104 Consumera Rd., Whit6y on Sunday, Oct. 27, 1:30 t. 3:30 p.m. For a free inx- vitation cahi Trac at 571- 5480 or lori at 6687,818. PARENTS & TOTS New members are wan- ted for Parents & Tots every hursday morning at St. Mark's United Church. Babysitting ia provided for kids up to age six. Adult prograin i cueotno moeinformation, cal Susan Rime at 668-9977. ORGANIO GROWERS Canadian Organic Growers, Durham chapter, wiIl meet tonight (Wednes- day), 7:30 p.m., in room 207, Durham Board. of Edu- cation headquarters build- aing, Tauntoni Road "East, Whitby. Nutritionist Marie Nelson (ori*iaihy chedu- led* for hast month) wili dicus the care and feed- ing of the digestive systemi Non-profit communlty groupa which are b)ased ln Whitby or have a substantial Whtby memberhlp may place their ucm .9 meetings or nactiviies on this P1page t no cost. '0?&~%M I -. ~ I TUPRY DINNER A turkey supper will be held at Westminster United Churci, 25 Manning Rd., Wiiitby (between Garrard' and Tiiickson roads) on Saturday, O ct. .26, with sittigs at 4:30,5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Cost for adulte is $10, cildren aged four t. 12 $4. For tickets ýcall 576-8218, 728-.0417 .sad 576-2615. Westminster is wheelchiiaù accessible. SKATE Tiiere will be a speciai needs skate on Sunday, Nov. 10, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., at Wheelies,,901 Burne St., Whitby., Admis 'sion is fre. (skating flot mandatory). For more information, oeil Allan Smith at 666-8692., PESTCIDES On Monday, Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m., De. June Irwin, specialist in dermat.logy, will address the public about her experiences ini diagnosing pesticide-related ihlnesa and injury. Ail welcome. Tii. meeting wl be in the Tokai Room, Uxbridge Public iàbrary. For more information, oeil Bey at 905-985-.1091. SREOWCASE On Saturday, Oct. 26, tue Muiticuitural Council of Oshawa-Durham <MCOD), is planning t. celebrate United Nations Day at tue Pickering Town Centre, 1355 Klng-ston Rd., 9:30 a.m. t. 6 p.m., witu opeming ceremonies at il a.m. Group member organizations can showcase their cultural backgrounds at this event, through exhibite of arts and crafts, *miusic, dances and fashion shows. MIROMYALGJÂ The Fibomyahgia' Relief Group wiil meet ,t.night (Wednesday), 7 p.m., at Total Reflex' Healtu Centre, 106 Coîborne St. E., -Whitby. For more information, eaUl 668- 0234. ONE PARENT FAMULlS The. One Parent Families Association of Oshawa will meet Tuesday, Oct. 29, 7:30 pam., the. Adria Culture Club, 432, Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, for pumpkin carving and pizza for the. kids. Pre-registration is required. For more information, eaU Monica at 436-5089'or Doug at 728. 1011. MMITPLE &LEROM The Multiple Scierosis Society of Durham'Region- will host its irst-Fàl1FIn fundraisng dance on Friday, Oct. 25, at the. Anhianaleë 'Golf & Country Club, Aa le"t are $10 each and*'an b. obtain.d at the.lm, office at 375 Finley Ave,Nax,'-or can b. reserved by caling 686-2581. Thone wiil b. door prizes, and a raffe for a. fi-e couples- membership to Annandale, valued at about $900. MASTERS SWJM Adulte are invited to join the' Mastèrs Health and Fituesa program .iield WedInesday and Sunday n eht t Anne Ottenbrite- POOL, Iroquois Park. For more information, «aU Aijson at« 571-9472. HELEN LUCAS Ini the final of a series of a video series rTecognizing Women's History Mont (October) ini Canada, 'Helen Lucas... Her Journey,' about the, Toronto artist, will b. presented at the' Robert MeLaughlin Gai- ~rOshawa, on %rdv SENIR'DANCE Tii. Seniors' FallFrolie for Big Sisters will b. held on Saturday, Nov. 9, 8 p.m. to midnigit, at tue Legion hllW, 471 Sim.coe St. S., Osiiawa. Harold's Old Wmre Country Muie (Shades of Silver) wilA perform.* Tickets are $7 per person, with lots of 'prizes. Tickets available at Sears, 1032 Brock St. S., Whitby ojr by calling 666-1449. k ~ Sonya Gonsalves st -Charles, Garnier ME 1 'dmmà.ý, -,Ëàa, ýnl

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