Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1996, p. 20

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Page 20, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 23, 1996 Skateboard ramps saved FROM PAGE 16 led by the 'Octagon Club last month. The ramps were erected. after discussions aimed at getting the akateboarders off of village streets and sidewalks were held bet- ween Town staff and Brooklin youth earlier this year. T'he Optimist Park faci- lity would serve on a tem- Maýny local organizations and institutions -will pat- cipate in Health and Îe Awvarenefs Week Oct. 2e- Nov. 3. The opening ceremonies porary basis until a per- manent strucuture could be buit elsewhere ini Brooklin. In the reTport, staff recommen ded -that Memorial Park on Winches- ter Load b. the site of a permnentfacili jhat is However the report also called for l~e ramps' remo- val since vandalism had been observed and the ramps are prone to, break- for the second annual Hl-ealth and Safety Week will b. held on Monday, Oct. 28, 9 a.m., at the Durham SkilIs Training Centre, Chaniplain Ave., Whitby. Acolumnist's life age. The report further nc that the. Town rÏaked potential lawsuit should accident occur aince ac te the ramps was not c trolled, the site isaflot pervisd and there were requirements; for part pants to wear proper saf wnuiment. Butaccordin tdeni ment director LarrM row, those concerna hi largely been alleviated è totéconditions agreed by the'Octagonclub. When not; in use, 1 ramps will be chain tewgether. Club memb( 1il supervise the facil and signa will be post warrnng akateboarders use the rampa at their oi risk. Morrow said sta checked with area hospitî and found that WMit] General Hospital has rec( ded only one akateboar related injury oveir the pa two years and that Oshai Ernie Ev FROM PAGE 1 tampengý with Canac Pension Pan (CPP) ar Employmentý Insurance (E premiums as was discussE at a finance minister meeting recently. «Any increase in CF without a correspondir decrease in EI will put u to 100,000 jobs in «eoparél in 'Canada over tihe ne) few years,» claimed Eves. <'By the end of this yea the surplus in the E account will b. between $ and $6 billion and Ontari axpayers will have pai, ver *4 billion more in E premiums than they recel ed in benefits.» Dismissing the feclera Yovernment's argumen liat the surplus is needei o cope with future reces ions Ev.. wondered "hoy nuch is enough?" Noting that the govern. nent includes the surplui n its general revenues ir rder te, make its deficil mimbers «look better," Eveî aid the El jplan is sup. osed te b. an insurancx lan not a «cas3h cow» for h. lederal governiment. " Emnpl1oy e rsa and mployees alike could use lis reduction in payroll ixes » he said. ZOttwa should not b. ,ducing its deficit on the Lcks of Ontario tax- iyers.» Pnlor tobis speech, Eves zched on a few topics ring a session with local >rters. i gai home lst Thursday afternoon 10 flnd Wendy getling readý, to start work with what can only b. descnibed as an evil grtn on her face. *While you were out, the library called,w she announced. O0h great,* I replied. uHas one of the books 1 reserved core ne ?' I don'tlcnow about that.e she sald. nApparentiy, irs about your column-from lasi week, they want te taik to you.u wMrm, mer I1 stammered. eHow'did they-soundm aFrlendly, happy?, Was there a llght-hearted iaugh ln that phone caff?. I wuldI eacly ay hw» se sidas she shot me the you-had-listened look. uMmrn1 thought, looking ai thepaper as though Il was going 10 jump up and declare me ovetdue. nWhat do théy want? Is it to congratulai. me on my witly reportage? To share a good chuckie, 10 comment on the benefts thÏt tongue-in-cheek satire can bring te an otherwise duli day?w Other visons rose before me. My colurnn on a dariboard in the back office. Al my hoids mystedously disappearing off the computer systemn and my modem belng automfaticauly srnurfed whenever 1Ic'ail in. Or even worse, havlng my card torn up ln a public square and being sent out ln disgrace neyer 10 retum.- But ifyudis Rout youe got t tkeI Soi1 squared my shoulders, ifted the recelver and dialled. Volco mail is truly one of lies grea Inventions. i leif rny m -essg fdlied, confident thai with the way my schedule ~wks, I could play telephone tag until the dawn of the next millennium. Yes, id there's one thing Ne leamned, you neyer know what wiil happen when you tum on your computer and starl wnitng. A few weeks back i wrote about ballet dads. I was, i admit, a Utie apprehensive when taklng the girls 10 RMss Davis for their ballet lesson. Until i saw rny colurnn posted on the bulletin board and underneath ft a copyai Macleans magazine, with a new handmarle headâne about ballet dads With the followng label on il: *Ths copy reseved for the exclusive use of Christopher White in perpetufty or uni the cover fails off, whichever cornes irst Ves,' my own copy, just for me; atear of gratitude carne to my eye. But it gol better. lime Magazine and Harpers starled 10 floor in and yesterday Mhen i was waiting for Sarah there were six of us ballet dais ail happdFy reading the new matenial. But the best of ail has 10 go to Shalarnar, Heather and Crystai. The week atler my 401h blrthday coiurnn, 1 wenî 10 Shalamars te gel my hair cul. As I approached the shop, 1 saw balloons on a telephone pole outside the door. On the telephone pole was a poster. A poster wiih my face and Gary Glitters body on iL The capion read: *Chnistopher White, appeauing live on the *Drearns Can Corne True Tour.' As my jawraitedaround my e, I looked up tesee the lhree of lhem laughing like rnad and the shop decoraied. with other posters just Ike thai one. There were cupcalces and the present of a loy microphone that piayed lis a Small World After Ail. iR was the best gifI I could ever have asked for, frorn three of the nioest people I know.' Oh, and the Lbrary? We got in touch and 'm now meeting with their fundralser about the new library. lime te put rny ideas wMere my mouth or mhy keyboard is. Chnstopher Whie is the minister of Westminster United Church. Ms s Isbook *Me o a Srsowbar, ' Is a valiable at C. WHay andCoes bocstoesîln Oshawa General Hospital treai îted seven playground injurieî a Oshawa General officii an were uncertain thow m a ess of the seven may have be .on- from a skateboard mishal su- "I think this isa g flo motion, I want te suppx Ici- it,» said councillor Den keY Fox, wlio had initial m: givinga about the proposa art- «A lot of my questio [or- deaIt with liability and ri ave and they've now been red lue ced,»said Fox. te In addition te including Brooklin akateboardiz the facility ini next year's ca ed tai budget council will al Drs consider Luilding one itY Iroquois Park. ýed by FROM PAGE 1 Dr- may disapprove.of labour d- tacties, Jermey said it ha st served a purpose. ma q~ thinik the discussi< that's been centered arour Sthe whole issue has bee useful,» she said. «Whether people suppo1 S these tactica or not the are aware of it and Y> thirl that will serve a usefu la function.» id *Jeey rejected asugeE ,) tion that organized labou, Ed was penalizing innocer IPpeople by its actions ang op that 'its anger ahould b4 'P ece atte Pogessivi 1g Conservative goverfimen ip durn the next election. Ly "Ths government il Kt based on. a certain philoso p hye but they are dlearl i reaking their caznpaigr promises when theysa3 15 education cuts Willnoi lo affect the classroom," ahe dsaid. .1 «We se. it every day and so do the parents. There' LI no rnoney for resources, specal- education assis- t=t, many tins.Wecr l- wait two, three y ears before Vwe stand up and saytbis is do'." t e elected you to t Whýitby menS' hockey Standings as of Oct. 19 W-L-T GF-GA P National Trust 7-O-O 37-15 14, Queens 4-1- 1 27-18 9 .Expertech 4-2-O 35-19 8 Ser. Master 3-2-2 35-32 8 Roy's Enter. 3-3-O 14-14 6 C.K. Auto 3-3-O 25-24 6 Bathe & McL. 3-3-O 25-29 6 R.J. Phillips 2-4-1 22-32 5 Dodd & S. 2-4-1 33-34 5 Attersley Tire 2-4-1 35-34 5 Souter 3 (Ross Brownridge 2, Bob Weir). Queens 5 (Peter Heron 2, Joe Ferry, Bob Mowat, Jeu Dînsmore); Bathe & McLellan 7 (Murray Robins 2, lvan Ross 2, Serge Dupont, Peter Bathe, Greg McConnell), Attersley Tire 4 (Mike Mackey 2. Daveý Seymour. Mike Foster); Roy's Enterprises 2 (Pal Sheehan. Ed Derks), Mackîes 4 (John Fleming 3, Tom England); Service Master 5 (Neal Farquharson 2. Ken Bamnes 2, Sean O'Connor), Brothers 8 (Randy Gallas 2. Richard Martin 2, Chartes Blaquiere 2. Ian Donaldson, Lobu Athîinson) Player of the wek Paul Farquharson, National Trust ted ials ony een %U Town planners, politicians, educaters and waste niat management personnel in idustry who are interested in lis composting slould attend the Composting Council of ai Canadas sixth annual conference and exhibits Nov. 6-8 on at Toronte'a Park Plaza Hotel. isk The confeene, 'Compost! ... For The Love of the Earth, au- will provide an opportumity te learn about the lateat developmnenta in technology, applied researchi, processing g a and equipment, marketn and up-te-ate information on ýng initiatives and programs. Just as important, the pil- conference will offer the venue te network witli others in Iso the Canadian and international composting industry.' at Sessions include: effective management of odours and bioaerosols; provincial regulatory updates; agricuitural application of compost; optimizing collection and S processing functions; inacorporating quality assurance and proceas control; building markets for compost; succea atonies on backyard, on-site and centralized composting initiatives. By promoting grasscycling' and its environmental r' benefits, Wlutby lias aaved tax dollars by reducing the as amount of yard waste material collected for processing. Hopefully, a representative from Whitby will attend this on conference in order te learn about Muskoka's new indoor, id windrow facility and other existing projecta that' will an further divert organic waste from landfill and save even more tax dollars. The Bracebridge facilityi by Compostit rt Inc., whi ch opened Oct. 11, lias an annual capacity of a 10,000 tennes and will serve -the organic waste Iz management needs for botli the residential and IO&I ~l sector in the Parry Sound, Bracebridge, Muakoka and Haliburton areas. For conference registration, caîl 416- ~- 535-0240. d )e On Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m., in the Uxbridge Public Library, 'e Pesticide Action League (PAL) in Uxbridge and Scugog's it Green Team are sponsoring two presentations by- Dr. is June Irwin, a dermatelogiat from Pointe Claire, Que,, on 0_the hazardsasswociated-witli pesticide use. Irwin will ty recount some of lier expeiences as a mnedical doctor in In diagnosing pesticide-related illneas and injury. A moni ng ýyevent will involve a number of invited local liealtli )t professionals as well as Uxbridge and Scugog councillorsà' e for a breakfast meeting. For further details, cau 905-985- ,1091or 905-852-9738. . . - COMING EVENDI' Nov. 4-10, the Recycling Council of. Ontario's l2th annual 'Waste Reduction' Weeke (WRW). Nov. 7 of WRW, at 8 p.m., at Toronte's Phoenix Club, 410 Sherbourne St. (at Carlton), the RCO is hosting its annual faaion sliow;, a fun evenig of practical and zany outfits made from reused and recycled matenials. Whitby swim club Thanksgtvlng Sprint meet Pickering vs. Whltby at Anne Ottenbrite pool BOYS 15 AND OVER: KEVIN LEUNG, lst 100 breast, 60 IM, 2nd 50 free; BRIAN SIGSWORTH, 2nd 100 breast, 200 IM, 3rd 50 free, GIRLS 15 AND OVER: CECILIA LEUNG, gold medal (high points), st 50 free, 100 breast; BOYS 13 AND 14: SCOTT COADY, Ist 200 tM, 2nd 50 free, 100 breast; DAVID COTRONEO, 2nd 200 tM, 3rd 50 f ree, 100 breasî: SCOTT MITCHELL, 1lst 100 back, 4th breast, 50 free; GIRLS 13' AND 14: LAURA FFTZGIBBON. 1ist 200 IM, 2nd 5U flree,' 100 breast; KRISTA STEWART, 2nd 100 back, 4th 100 breast, 50 free; BOYS il AND 12: KEVIN HODGKISS, 2nd 100 back, 3rd lOObreast, 51h 50 free; TYLER SEMENIuK, ist 100 back, 100Olly, 41h 50 free; GIRLS il AND 12: ELLA BURLEY, 3rd 100 back, 4th 100 breast, 6th 50 free, CHERI GERRIOR, 2nd 100 fly, 3id 200 IM, 4th 100 back; NADIA KHATTAB, 2nd 100 breast;' HOLLY MAZAR. lst 100 breast, 4th 50 free, 4th 200 tM; KIM MOUNTENAY, 3rd 100 breast; JAIME NEMET1-, lst l00fly, 2nd 100 back, 50 frea; STEPHANIE RICHARDSON, Sth 5Ofres, 200 IM, 6th l00back; MICHELLE ZAMBRI, 6th 100 breast; BOYS 9 AND 10: ERIC CHAN, gold medat (high points), ist 50OIIy, 50 free, 100 IM; CHRIS CHEW, 61h 50 back; ROeERTCOTRONEO, 2nd 50 back, 3rd 50 breast; ALEXANDRE MAZAR, ist 50 breast, 2nd 50 fres, 100 IM; JASON REED, isI 50 back, 2nd 50 IM, 3rd 50 free; GIRLS 9AND 1:KELSEYNEMEfl- gold meclal (high points), ist 50 back, 50 free, 2nd 50 fly; SARAH KHATTAB. 4th 5 reat,50fy,615-fee8ANSS9ORE-A rd5 3rd Prngl Ceek(Whîby 6; AE 1 GILS Is, Pinl rek; AL 2ndYAdelid Lake Vista (Oshawa)' 51: 2nd. Central Park (Oshawa) 57, 3rd, Gien Dhu (Whitby) 66; jAGE 12 GIRLS: 1 st, Udridge 35, 2nd, S.A. Cawker (Scugog) 66; 3rd, Adelaide 78; AGE 11i BOYS: 1ls. Highbush (Pickering) 59; 2nd, Gen Dhu 63; 3rd, Roand Michener (Ajax) 74, AGE il GIRLS: 1isi, Adetaide 38, 2nd. Cartwright (Scugog) 98; 3rd. Uxbridgs 106, AGE 10 BOYS: ist, Gien Dhu 56: 2nd. S.A. Cawker 77; 3rd, Pringle Creek 90. AGE 10 GIRLS: 1ist, Dunbar 37; 2nd, Gten Dhu 42; 3rd. Pringle Crsek 109; AGE 9 BOYS:-1 i' Gien Ohu 57; 2nd, Dunbar 86; 3rd. Pringle Creek 113. AGE 9 GIRLS: 1 st. Gien Ohu 41; 2nd. Dunbar 51. 3rd. Pringle Creek 68; AGE 8 BOYS: lst. Adetalde 64. 2nd, Pringle Creek 69, 3rd, Gien Dhu 70, AGE 8 GIRILS: isI, Gien Dhu 27; 2nd. Dunbar 60. 3rd, PigeCrebk 68 COB«bOST - FOR TEM IJOVE OP TEIR F"4RTH serntin munticipalte a i>sie oie prtcipteat time ts the th em»p rnte the1 ok-olàrep tamh wokfr-elaedi h~mReeion. ii kJe want to do this right theres no point ini hing inte workfare. 'e prepàred to isacrifice w nionths now so it can kwelllater." -

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