Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1996, p. 3

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday,l Octo ber 9, 1996, Page' 3 ýpÉVijc'S- Shores propertyiup for sale m' 'IU mwmI5a . The Ontario govern- ment's portion of t he con- troversial Lynde Shores Ontario high school tea- chers paid tri bute on- Satur- day to thé. Durham Board of Education. For thefr achievement in winning Gérniany's Carl Bertelsmann Foundation award, thé board recéived a plaue from thé Ontario ecnary School Teachers' Fédération (OSSTF). The Saturday (World Téachers' Day) cérémonies weré héld in Toronto. Representing the board was chair Audrey Macean. Also atten ding were nousing development has goné on thé market. Thé, province has advert- ised for proposais for its lu-acre 'holdings on the southwest corner of Vic- toria and Gordon streets. Potential purchasers have until Nov. 7 to submit bide for thé site that has OSSTF District 17 (Dur- ham) président Pat Jermey, Durham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty, Sinclair Second-. aryShooiprincipal Kay Egan, Sinclair Parentd Association past chair Claude Làavoie, and student govern nent prime minister «Ail mémbers of OSSTF are proud of their Durham COlag» said OSST présiet arî Manners. "Ontario has a great édu- cation system, and Durham is a shiniing examplé.» ----- ---I Items from Whitby council agenda(s) Monday. Oetober 7, 19M6 Recommendations from the pIani~ nddevelopment tonmmittee That a rezoning application from Mary and Edward Wood to permit a béd and breakfast establishment in their résidence at 239 Wellington St. bé approved. The Woods' i 60-yéar-ol historic homel was once owed by Ezra Annes, Whitby's third mayor. Ahthough somé area résidents claim this is a case of spot zoning that could set a précedence for similar applications In the future, most committée mentors toit that thé business will flot détract from thé neighbourhood and that subséquent proposais, if any, wiil be wéighed on théirown mérits. Reconmendéd to council That a 'site 'plan application tram Alert Care Corporation ta permit a rétirémént home o 'n thé southeast corner of Brock Street and Manning Road bé approvéd. In 1980, council approved a proposéd 182-unit, four-storey nursing -home for thé vacant property but thé development did flot proceéd. Thé néw owner inténds ta buiid a 98-unit, three-storey 1 building. it wili have a cammon éating hall, an 9 in-house physician, nursing and labaratory facilitiés. Recoinmended to council That a site plan application from Brooklin Concreté Produots Ltd. ta permit a 2,160-square-foot 'addition ta its cernent' plant at 6760 Baldwin St. N. be approved. Thé addition will ailow for thé Installation of an aggrégate convéyor and happer at thé main b building fronting thé highway. E Recommended to council Recommendations from the w operations Committeeri That a parks, and recréation departient report on al the etatus of plans for new soccer facilities on KE Industrial Drive, near Consumers Drive, and on Jc Rossland Road West be recéived for Information and N that discussions with thé Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club Sb over sharing thé estimnated $l.42-miiiiaon .cost af 4i dévelopIng the two sites continue. Future land use In co south Whitby cails, for removai af thé soccer fields nil now locatéd on thé southeast corner of Victoria and Gardon streéts. However, iR wiii be at ieast threé Un years béfore either thé Industrial and Rassianci Roaci JO sites are bulit.lt Recommended to council lit L' ------ - Rick & Meryl FAMED ACTRESS Meryl Streep was recently at Rick Ferguson's Old Mill Hardware store and at thé Brooklin Day Care centre for a day s fiiming of scènes for an upcoming ABC TV mnovie, First Do No Harm, about a form of epiiepsy cured by a spécial diet. Streep, in her. first TV mnovie, works in a hardware store in a smaii Missouri tonand is thé mother of thé child who has thé form of epilesy. Streep had paid an eariier visit, Sept. 1., to Brooklin for a day of rehearsai. ]Board, council comRmunications to be established By Mark Reesor Durham public school board trustées have décided they érred in not téllingr thé Régional Parents Advisory Council (RPAC) how it should commumicate. Thé board instructed thé council te serve as a "liai- son te munici,Pal or area parent groupe and as an "organuzing body for com- rnunity consultation,» but the «reprting rélationship» w1as neyer éstablished, says business superinténdént 3rian Cain.. The's also, «différences pf opinion» between the borand the council on vhat RPAC's mandate and uünction is, lé added. - Cain and othér staff long with trustées Patt owman (Whitby), Susan Çular (Ickering), Colléen Fordan (Ajax) and Faith reumann (Uxbrid ge) ,hould meet with RPAC to iscuss how the council houid function, standingi >mmittée décided Monday q ~timportant that thé bcmîttee «spend thé 1 me do thiprorry," said i irdan, «e. te aléviate any i ttlé glitches where pro- c eses aren't really clearly i derstood.0 If can't se. tatthé' Régional Parents Council is doing anything othér than thé thig that we teld thém te te do in thé beginning,» noted Neumann. «Yés, I think thére's béen communication probléms but 1 think We'vé doné a véry poor job as trustées of communicating with them as weli,'» shé said in sup- Fortn thé committée reso- Thé décision was not without its critics includ- ing board chair Audrey Macean, who sa.id she read thé council's points of référenoe «ovér and ovér again and I don't thing we need. clarification of thé mandat.é.» Two trustées sit on IRPAC and théy 'should kéép théý board informed of its actions, MacLean rÇlav a lot of dif rlculty, franklY. with thé thought that mayb. wé!re. putting more réstraints on 'this RPAC's mandate is quité clea agréd Oshawa.trus. tee7 katleen Hompr,bu what's not sta is lust how théy «access thé schooi community councils,» for exampie, or. how, te, obtain SERPAGR5, draft approval for 1,255 mixed residentiai units and 60,000 square feet of com- mercial spave. But before any construc- tion can commence, thé government must first find a buyér and te date it has received more than 150 reuasfor information aotteproperty. UWepre sein the whole 111 acres,» aid Ontario Realty Corration (ORC offi IJoeClasadonte. "Fai i that, we wouid look at aternative methode of seing itb ut we cant tl htet, h e said. Clasadonte said it wil likely tae ORO staff a couplie of weeks te déter- mine if any proposais are worth pursu n. If nothm# is acceptable, we wiii continue teadvêe ise for a short while," he ~Shod. n diinlpo Shouid no aditAonaEMpro prestie indutrPaANarkNo thé north sidEof Victoria 666m82L5 FRTUNE F1NAN C1lA L posais come forward, other 1options forý dispoeing of the land would b. considered, such as séiling off portions to more than one developer, Clasadonte said. "Failing that, we might even service itp ourseives,» he added. A contentious issue sincé deveiopment was first pro- posed in the area more than 10 years ago, the ORO component is p art of an overalilproject t at aisom i- volves Difrham Region and thé' Pnvatély-owned Rose Corporation. Combined with the lat- terls proposed 545-unit sub- divison east of thé Lynde Marsh, the site wiii even- tuaiiy be home te 5 000 rpie on the south aile of Victoria Street Thé Région,' méanwhule, has plans for a 185-acre DEBBIE MORGAN Fortune Financial Group mc. ____--666270 Due to thé THAKSIVN thé offices of thé WHIlBFE-coEdPRES MONDAY, OCTOBER l4'th for ail display and classifieci advertising will be FRIDAY O0CTOBER llth at 4 pm» Have a sale, happy holiday weekend. M J r. Federation 'proud' of Durham teachers - -»-.i mim. -DEEBBIE MORGAN Fortune Financial Group Inc. V., 1 -

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