Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1996, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free PNess, Wednesday, October 9, 1996 LADIES BASKETDALLI Anyone interested should oeIl Alexaincka at 906-666-9626 afler Spm or leave message (name&p. SemIcoempebotve level of recreation therefore some exper'nc preferred <eg. high FITNESS ONE ON ONE pesonai training faclîty. Spedallzod ltness Instruction n a privais studlio setting. God sssmment, constant' support and motivation.Boyon Fîtess StudlIo,213 Byron S.S. suie 101 LMon»omrewyPae Whltby. diN for pOfitnb t, 668-44U4. GFTED PSYCHIC. Have aiswers b your questions. Past, preent, future. 905-428-0938. VEDIC AST1ROLOGY - Discover lie key bo your destiny through this aniciet sienel Consultaton on natal horoscope, relationshp aid coriptiiltyéhats -Cai usan "ghton <905) 655-3933. I__Tft'M' PERSONAL PRAYER bo The HoIy Spirit. Holy Spirit Thou make me sée everyvikig and show me lde r b rmach my kIea. You who gîvs h liviegft b forgive aid tewron tîat ls dons btame an ar lnailInstanes of rr and oconirm once more that I nover Want b 1e separaîed fromnyOU no mabar howgreathle maisle lre may 1e. I wait b 1e With You and .y~ laed «a nse nour perpetual Znet wlsh. After lie Srd day yor ih wil be granted no mtbhw diflicult U 'may 11e. Promise b I ls t a s soon as your favor Z e granWo. W.K. [ sIRnfs 'I I AUCTIONS.j YEANDLE - MARK, KIM and big sister meg are UïIIed Ib annouS lhearrvaI of Jacob Andrew Sharman on Seputme 20, 1996 at the Oshawa Generai HM ,, mghin b. 13 ozsA S-pec1aI Ute Arqe. DAVID UMAEL BALCOM- 1957-1990. Six years hav gone, We PLa y= o<sngs. We listen for We fuelWe yk u near fuar, As t lnowAsem 8e99 Mer«. Gone but never Loved by lflly and Il DEANs a CAWKER - Robert William (omrmember aid Chalmian of liWhy Hydro Electrlc Commissio).Peacefully a! lie Oshm GeeralHosptal, on Sunday, October 6, 1996,In his 801h year. Bob bsoed husband of lie "as aion. Dear falier of Bill of Whitbyaid Margaret Eizabeli (Ms Pnl Powers) of Poli. RWeSsed y hi parntsHarry aid Kalileen pwkr ndbyhis sisters Hazel, Kalilee, aid ad1yhis 11<oterHarry. lie C TO N FUNERAL CI4APEL, 110 Dundas St. E., WhItby '(668-3410). At Bob's reuest liere wil11e no visitation amnosevice. Cremation foilowed by Interment a! Mount Lamn Cemmey. In Memioam donations MWy bu made b lie charlty 0f your dhôi. TIIANK YOU ST. JUDE for l L% favours received. MHH. I~ AUCTION SALE SAT. OCT. 12 -lO:3Oam QUALITY ANTIQUE AND COLLECTIBLE AUCTION for COMMODORE GIFT SHOPPE, Beaverton, heid on site at #25066 Durham Rd. #23 (Lakeridge Rd.). Take Hwy. #12 or Lakeridge Rd. forth to Hwy. #48 at Port Baîster. Go north. Watch for signs. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: Pine armoir, pine jamn cupboard, 8' store counter, dry sink, bagcart scales refnished, ant. chairs & tables, windows and doors, wool wnder, qty. wrought iran, Wilsons pop chest cooler, gun cabinet, ant. horse sleigh, Scotish airtight stove (Ex), tools, appliances, fabric plus much more from 2 barns yet to be sorted. Owner is retiring. TERMS: Cash or good known cheque VIE WING: 8:OOam. Sale Day. THANKSGIVING MON. OCT. 14 -1O:OOam SPECTACULAR Auct ion of Antiques, Collectibles and Household for MARY & AUSTON McKAY, of Markham, plus contents from a Whitby home, held at Phoenix Sales Arena (formerly Wiîsons), Uxbridge. Take Hwy. # 12 or Lakeridge Rd. (#23) north ta Hwy. #47. Go west to Uxbnidge. Go north on Main St. Watch.for signs. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: Oak dining rm., ste., pine flat ta walI cupboard, oak china cab. & buffet, ant. Chinese Chippendale table (EX), 7' harvest table, aak ice box, ant. 3 pce. loveseat, platform rocker & arm chair, qty. ant. tables, chairs & rocking chairs, music stool, Roxton sofa & chair (EX), safa/loveseat (new), coffee & end tables, foot warmer, brass skaters Iantem, horse belîs, hamess & saddle, cracks, oak C raIl top desk (repro), Janome Computer Memory Craft 6000 sewing machine, lg. sit down ironing machine 36nroîîer, books, toals, Ltd. Ed. prints, qty. ant. china, glassware, lg. qty. early lighting, 10 standing Iamps, bridge lamps, plus mare. NOTE: Mr. & Mrs.-McKay are long time Markham residents and are retirnng ta a Srs. Apt. An incredible Holiday Auction! TERMS: Cash, Viïsa, M/C or Interac. VIEWING: 8:OOam. Sale9 Day anly.1 GARYILL1AUC1IONSjA> $~A(Dvsian of 1081454 Ontario lnc. Snderland 1-(705) 357-2185 E aIll Free 1-800-65444~7 ' AUCTION SALE Thanksgîvîng Monday, October là 1996 16:30 P.IMA At Lemanvilie Cammunity Centre on McCowan Rd. Antiques, callectables, fumiture, dishes, glassware, aid tools, Royal D aultans. Terms: Cash or cheque. EarI Gauslîn, Auctoneer 905-640-3079 N I C T O C R E M . Ail persans h"vi ais ganst tie Estaeo0 RYMOND GENRICK, lbis cf lie Town of WMhy deoeased, who cled on or about ëie 141h da'y 0f June 199 me heret>y nouffledb sn partcularsof sane b li underslaned Solicitor for the ýsta'Trutae f #wEstate of Raymonud Genrick on or before lie 4th day of Nwvember 1996, after which dais lie estaeMIW 1 distzibutedwiirgadon li te dlakmsof WtIi le nerned shi lienhave notice, and lesk Estais Trsise liil otbu Lable b Wm of whose daim notice o:have been reoeived ai lie DATED at Pembroke Ontario, lis 2nd day cf October, Ï996 B. Lynne Felhaber BarisWe and Solclbr Box 640 Pembroke, Ontaro K8A MX9 Solicitor for lie Estate of Raymond Genric A GREAT 910 THANKyou b family, relatives, friends, neighbours, ln-laws and out-lawvs for the surprise blrthday Betty Cryderrmn.--getpry FLORIDA VACATION for 2 ai reduced ppnce. 4 n hts in FL Lauderdafe. Crulse àn 2 nlghtslIn Bahaiia's. Bonus: 3 nlghtslIn Orlan>do. Good until January 18, 1997. CallîAvery, 905-721-8817. ATTENION SNOWBIRDS AND SENIORS. Mobde hom rentai, St P~ekàaAr. Fully equippd beêoomx, mtjreburblsed minutes fro:w of and aipri;-t AvaLadge October -January 31. Uiuum 1 month rentai. Photo's avaiable. Cail aber 7:30 p.m. 728-4850. i -an a- e ssons îor ages 7-100 *Ponyhorse rides (Parent led) Weekent *Day camps for children 7-16 *Horsqs boarded at reasonable rates - *Birthday parties by reservation only BaINGO COUNTRy - *7:OOpmn & 10:3Opm Manda y to Sunday l:Opm Saturday& Sundlay * 12:3Opm Menday, Tussday & Wednesday k -ALSO- e Satlurday Morning 9:3Oam *S5 POINTS MALL Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (behindA&P) *Charitios 945371.- SUPPORT VOUR12 O fl ids LOCAL CHARITIES E FRANK< MILLS CELEBRAllON OF CHRISTMAS SHOW & PROGRESSIVE DINNER. Thée e ad wdhl&asandwkhe te = . w w ytour & asting aid a fabulous dinne buffet MUe : tyIe Christina Show featu Pimrnowned pl"dt Frank Mnls "i beauifùly restored Academy beatre i Lxisay. Seab me extreleI deso book nowî SILVERUNE TOURS, 137 BYRON ST. N., WHITBY. 430-2253. .....l..... (~ QUOTATION- SEALED QUOTATIONS wiII be received in the' envelopes provided by the undersigned until 3:00 p.m. Local Time on the specified closing date. QUOTATION 96-71 Snawplowing 1996 - 1998 Two year term at variaus schoois & properties -CLOSING DATE: Tuesday, October 22, 1996 Quotation çlacuments wiii be availabie from the Purchasing Department on Friday October 4, 996. The Lowest or any Quotation flot necessarily accepted. D.M. Homeniuk, C.P.P., OPPO Manager of Purchasing The Durham Board of Education 400 Taunton Rd. East Whitby, Ontario Li R 2K6 th _____ ____ to HILDA HOPKINS on Octoberl12, 1996 Love and Best Wishes from Your Family DURHAM COLLEGE Craft Show, Nommber9Mh& 101th from 10Oa.m. to 4 p.m. One of 1thekIargest ln Durham Reglon. For vendor info. cag 721-2000 ext 2365. Only 20 tableslefi Enjoy A Dairy Qucen Cake Anytime Cool creamy chocolate and vanilla Dairy Queen soft-serve. Crisp chocolate cookie crunch. Rich, coîd fudge and icing, packed.for easy take home. You can even have your cake deindwtpersonal message on it. It's a great idea! Just give us a cail or drap in, and we'I1 customnize a cake to OFWHITBY DAIRY QUEEN 668-5342 1003 Dundas St. E. r-- FREE- Box of -12 D0 SCGO SHRES Spinners& Wem» s7h Armual Sale, Octobe 19 &20, 1COn-4pm.. Masonlc Haln Quesi & Shnio sutetsPr Pe Gbmsask, wood j- pottmy, wairclos m er Please Recycle This Newspaper! BATMNFREVE *SAILOR MON TUXEDO MASK *SPIDERMAN *CINDERELLA eWHITE RANGER *also Red, Green & Pink *Birthdays, Cormpany Picnics Etc. e NO VIOLENCE!.a I . . . . . . . . . .T~oN PAtt14cotsles hai 50 "'A Faniiwrni 16 vâmmý 1 1 10,03 Dundas St. E. a 0001 1

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