Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1996, p. 24

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Page 24, Whltby Free Pregs, Wednesday, October 9, 1996 MENARD &SSN PLASTERINQ- HANDYMANs GENERAL Iabour TREES FOR FALL PLN1O WELL SESE ge« f« WHITBY, ONE BEDROOM riew & rePaira, sbxw, cmncr1scarpentiy, pkumting, Painting Cu' "Whe s'sl Dy hrwod knilgfaffsaenaalaieibndtey parging, cacked foundaùions whatsvoe Ã""se1Ican do fr W,34 Mf NO75moWnc dOPEt n e x 1 e d r , c o p e n a d D o r l a e e s A n t i q u e s & 2 - 4 b o t 1 e r f o o t«Yu r kWIr e4 94 3 0 - 0 9 5 9 roc room Ff.ie years experienibe.sFarm, (90m ) 65-41 8 r lae R A V .-j lnsured. i fmmam o MAKE YOIJR WEDDING DAY em nx»mare mMorbewith th1e Gift Of music. Solo pfomances for eeoy cckals and reception Varietyci opler and fradfioa muslc. CaO Kalhy for a kee consulation, 416-724-8151. AN EXPERIENCED womaab dem yow home or apartment. Regabie reasonable rates. Cal! et 905-576-4447. CAKES FOR weddlngsbirthdeys, showers, Chdistelns, 0 eto. evell"CK alkorMaon and mad otherdiaracters avelle. Occasonmal Cakes By Glenys. 66"-366. "HANDYMAN WIT A VAN" wil do householci movlng & storage clea-u-is id renméal ÏÎner ra n d electrical Cal Dog(905) 434-7874. HOME » LEANER: experened, honestretle with'terifie refteres and incredible rates! Evendust tree house plants!!) oeil John at 9954S; 09 or ceilular Phono, ( 0)18-9m8. READY FOR WINTER? WE do repair,mintenance'aid mior renovations. Our servie are higli qualhy at bw coat Refernces availtsi. Cau EUH or M 905-728-7346. T'NE ADDED Touci!!t .Erra,6ndï s den *&Mexterorwido (905)7 r4r Dieounts'*. Cal ~" '<6'6 Efficient ImmacuateResuits * 10w priCeS e mature responsible dependable service Cail Paticia 430-3 383 IFREE ESTIMATES , GIFT CERTIFICATES ACCURATE 4 CONTRACT1NG s Home lmprovements - Basements » *Building Maintenance *Kichens & Bathrooms FREEEs7MAESe 905-6662185 Student Design and Landscape tM e:ww wK.T.I ... N I.aIu iU 15,,, THE TCIME FR FIALIL "N1NGîI TR (UTTING & rTRIMMING Fully lnsured [Free Estimates 433-714O4~' me; HUM&uiywa, Daffroomas, Srooflngbng Clean, professionl, guaantd workniýp. Estabiished 25 years. Cali kiday for tree estimate, 430-1099, 619-2520, 665-858!. CINDY' ALTERAllON - Cone see us for ail! ouw sewlng neeis. Leadher zippers, also ments talloring available. Tues.-Fd. 15.W., Set 9-3, 133 Byron st N. Pearson Lanes43650 ELECTRICLAN, LiCENSED 40 yeas. Complesqulity, elec.tica service. No job tao smaJl or fao lare Inustrie, commercial, reusdeal. Ail work guaranteed. Free quotes. CailRoger, 430-0904. onI IConsignment Ja Caé Boutique 121 B Brock St. N., Whtkby ITuesday ta Frday 12:00 pm ta 7:00 pm saturday 12.00 Pm ta 5:00 Pm noC vilbe 31COBRS STAt WItb. 6-8 YOUR #1 SEVWNG CENTRE Sownga~ier'pi.AI nke.Cesterfield suites, sofa beds, 10% enioS, discount. Complt mattresses & much more tune-tip tm $29.95 + parts. F-acOiy traied tchnicians. ForZ 5 IePc-up &delvry oeil P~S I4 L524 Simcoe St. S., s4w j j*L 725-518 TWO EXPERIENCED home coe provideres for the ekbaorm lp llght ~eparaopogg q! ruiîUm.lln 4hn<, rcae avati. Cal! 430-3U57 oer AA.am x YO UR AD )8M0594 Mb rtB Gone *Uniformed woii<ers *Experienced *Bo dd Free estimates Week, biweeky, or monthly Cai Whftby 905) 665-7762 -Marlçham (905) 887-9831 A~NDRENOVTll(S Commercial & Residentiai *Roofing - Ceramic lTes - Decks e Drywall & Taping - Finished Basemnents and Much More... For a freeoetlnwe cati Maurice (905) 571-7266. A *nierit* ek interfocking stone a retaining walls-S wood fencing & decks FREE COMPE1TIIVE ESTIMA TES Written Guarantee- Since 1980' 666-9690 2 STS OF CURTAINS, each set 150X 196. Brand new neyer useci Cwsbm made. Royailiiue, ai! satin moir. Pirch pete.fuly ined. EXERCOSE ICYCLE, C.C.M. wifth monitor, $100. Woslo oô gd $100. Both new cniin etl dryer 8 yesm ad, goodWorlln conitin $70. Cal!, (905 IPlease recycle #) Jthis ewspaper-I~ The COMPLETE ROOF OVERHAUL Roof Maîntenane Package incluces labour &mteriats .e reptae att mîssinq shingtes le fasten atttoosesh lges -P ýýg raarudecaps : sat'around skytights al setroundarvet P sataround ciny a seuetoenatta w- checkfor btockad eaveroug-.s -chiectk for btockd wnpouts -securea atttooseasri =P chekclmny flues Pplus CSMptete roof inspection LMPEBROOW NEW PEN1UM Comoema discount prie. Co urpalrs and upgrades. 1 àiG.D.T. CorPM Services, (905) MOVIE PROJECTOR &screen $2OIset. Roc room bar $10 16 machine, ~$0. Answértn Seml-sheer drapes 3 pnes, 70X94, $20 eaàh. 'Oak kitchenî ciwboards, $5 each. Cross country ski boots, Lies (size 8). $10. Toaster 1 mien, slO0. Funk & WagnaJr'sen ~e <J3, $lOset. NaonalrGo ic trom the 70, $15, obo. 430-9803.ro RADIAL ARM SAW. SEARS best computedzod.Moridhlh wllh, nmwe. Cal! for de"ai. 655-5124. MOVING SALE! Antiques and househoki items. Thanlsgivfig weelçond Frla-M oaobe 11-14. àèa-5. 10 KithSt BLACK, BRASS AND GLASS dinig room suite. 4 shelves wîth lghtiii hulch. Glass table top with 4 chairs. Asklng $400 or bost offer. SOOLXWORKOUT marhIne. LM e nw,,aI! accssoriesbInudec. - Pefectforapari-nent $1,300, nogohibl. 665-8399. GARBAGE BAGS - Whoisale Fal spocal 26X36 1.5 nt 250oper case. $lé.0o tax & deWlety includeci. Also leaf & lawn. 5 bags, 3OX48 for $1 .00 wifth purchae of JUDY'S BRIDAL RENTAL - alfordable weiUng gowns ta buy=o rent. Large seeipio f sizesai s .For "lnbont call Judat W579-4etmesizes wanted 16 and up. STAX ON steol heevy-duty corrugateci cardboard file drewers, usdMost in.go conditon. Lglletter & 58ci dsize.' Exow-eýet for craft suples as weil as files. $8 per !eaer unit 668-6111. FIREWOOD. Excellent, dependable, tnzJsed quality. Extra letM4 ysoasoneci. Cut& 1jj0tI9tmoasuremnt rS 90-72v' Heat Firewood. EYEGL&SSES AND Contact Luise,2 fcR1. BuY IDP t $199, qtsecond nparV ntt -n chlrn Tcuse iTC oias, 0 B~-nS .430M4y Eye exami arrangeai. COUNTRY LAMPS, pine cugb sWives, CùdoCD, VI ffaimeStands. Buffets, benches, m inoe, lt tecks, k sinks. Order Ccw or Cristn s large grouncis. Fumlshed or not: 1-905.665-1664. ~mftwy. Avellable knmoclateiy. * Wpvq& DMUM 1 ,Va* Ww « ~ f. Gefldirect - from Calornia slaengfm rst week of Sepember. Juke aid al equlpment for wine. Ronm Moeke& Dol, 650 Taunton Rd. W. M ILL BMY YOUR -unane Item & contents. Cal! 728-8485 bavwe anessnge. SAUDAY, adORER l2hh/8-4 3 Nordic Court, Wb. Ski i fis 1 ~ O4int apphanoes, houstolg god- iCs, Ai' GARAG SAL, 30 BLUEBELL Cr., Sazd. c<,er 12,8-2 pm., rain date, Octgme 13. Two.3 piece couch sets, cee tables, sbve, 12 SA11JRDAY, OCTOBER l2th. 7.3(ý-Housoholci, sportsbooks 2 FAMILY YARD SALE. Seturday, Octer 12. Bam-Spmn. 1216 Byron St. S., (3 blocks south of Burns). Furniture, computer gres, boolcs & clock radias, andi om wonderfuj YARD SALE. il NOMT St, Brookin. Salrday October 12, 9-4. Childrenis s@i oqupment books, chairs, desk. Somehhlng for OvOfyone!' /l....=.... . Residenticl Properties from $35eOO month!y Business Properties from $5O monthly DON'T DELAY- CALL CREW TOD)AYl FALL CLEANUp SERVICE. kinm>UIs had bdosoe crt% t Syou. onzLîa Bc*yrCliw> Today! We a offer Aeratioa Soedng aid Sodding . yke. rt a Frm Estimalé CAIL CREW PROPERTY SERVICES g (05 242-3458. BLUE SPRUICE. "-9FI., $10 per NEED VOUKR yard rakoc, eayslrua cleanecigardons D MOWlING LTD..7Mfra tee esthae LAWN MAINTENANC grass seedng, pru & up.Roncvatscd aOedens, rock gàbm' d omV0wood WHITBY, CLEAN AND QU .IET mai-n ftboc whelor ' ., mnrally locatd and cboe briamenties. Sutbile for single vWoMkng perso 668-3011 ,ciays. or 668-6818 evenlngs & weekends. H1JGE 3 BEDROON IN mint condton.'Close b downtown W1IBY, CLEAN AMC UET cm, berom t, boale lcinoenbJry ok bult.SU"tb for single workng pronon amoker. Avalab" CONDO: 2 BEDROOM, 2 fui! battis (1 erlb) -wancoset S/W vlew. , penoes, unlderground parking. secur nnrAmen. s, mor &il50/thyilwibeAvaiei lmmeltsy72eW§#e37510. BROOK ST. à LAWRENCE Sal1 bodiror besmnt A= b iikvvemt*. $450. First & lest Includles utlitis. 416491-3722. CENTRAL WHITBY. 2 be&room, main foot of tripiex. $750 includes 1BROOKUJN- BAOHELOR qmarhent AvaÃŽje 9now. $485 & lely i st ktCal 655 55394 ONE '2-BEDROOM epartmt $600 Per month, heat and 'watsr SOUTH AJAX Sma0grnntrm mun'nuw Pamkng. Quiet mmrn OMadit onlý. $435 WHITBY. 1BRIGNI 2 bedroom, besemen apartment Living rooni, dhron OM. Idche. F save., Pan- yate W baciçy«epPa1cng. f55, Nu e utilliges & cabl. LUXURY CONDO FOR RIENT. 2 billW alktIo GO. e70sq .zutchyraom onsuite baft=ooenwh irfrsa mum & t BEROON APARTUEtïÎ 4SCYrnon xxkxnmdemunit in 8: LOCATIN ,LOCATION!ý I dom La ltilvel 2&3 S% aVallable for biling. OmPau Geat builing Wak bsaloote, trans,% 668-7284 Oeave message). o MBM PROPERnY agement Whihby epartrmnhbuliding.One H=Ftrl? à auO, 668-6700 ÙMday»o~ COUNTRY UVIG 5 MINUTES fa downtownGarradAIichesW' 1 or 2 bedrooms,,availbl. Large eeuiehorme. 5 appliances2 igroms, 3 batyosWidry, t A 9 Pi rx (9 WATERPROOFING Wet Damp Leaky Basements Made dry perrrainenfly vlh our proven method BROOKLIN ONT. SALES** SERVICE INSTALLATIONS 905m655m79"d'n&7 1 1 1 .i

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