Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1996, p. 23

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October-9,1996, Page 23 - -- -- - -.. ...-.. PRODUCER- RECORD LABEL T O R O N T Ounue HIpHolavo seeks Pitn n maie aind feme de Iln U.S. ioi ~WAM RERED otherpnting avaiable. Helpinig Mjuild a Better Life for repairsaW i mlntna a t gldg in Nothwest m e__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-$8 pet haut.0 5 ) 7 2 1 »2 9 5 6 Accounting and Computers Business Administration Business'& Computer Atpplications Computer Support Specialist Network & Communications Computer Programmng Computer Business ADDlica-inn. C E Li Hi B. De 3ALESPERSON fôr ClassicalJazz '00m. KnmWlelge in this orea Ieeded Relaxed atnosphere, ;uitable for rtrnes. Apply ai Samn IeRecod Mon, Oshawa Centre. IEGIONL SALES Managers umitgd. Work in you.u cmnaiea, t« ooeerxown hauts. Knowledge )f lextl1inting aid s'onage an mWL i n.905-737-0338. DRUISE JOBS! Catalog on nternationai and natkil cuise mnes. Yeor round positions. Free Doom/board. Meniwoym. CalI 7 Jays. 1 (504) 641-7778 Ext. )142C41. Executive Secretary Legal Admin Assistant ledical Office Assistant fotel and Restaurant Operations lar and Beverage Management 'ravel and Tourism entai Chairside Assistant entai Receptionist enr PICKERINGý CAMPUS 420-1344 PART-TIME MINTENANCE person tequhred for smai commrcW laalocaed onifte corner of Gorad Raad/Dfycien Boulevard. Pleosle cal 1-905-660-1591. FLEXIBLIE, PIT opeater for Singer Indusirma sewing machine (double stitch). Must have machine exennoe&own transportation. hit m)& Pleae fax ou~aibOns/tesume ta Kathryn ai TUPPERWARE CONSULTANTS urgently neededlî Set youx am haurs. Fee gifts. Set youz am k-ioee. Maybe even a Dodge van. Cail JIII 430-3643. HOMEWORKERS NEEDEDI! To 4ssemnble aur produots. Fee supliesf. Stan knffmecate. For tree dMais send S.A.S.E.: Q.S.EiT3, I117-1057 Steeles Ave. West, North YorIç Ontaioa, M2R 3X1. CHIT CHATS SPORTS LOUNGE anid fish and 0chisha n1ater.'ese drap resumne off at 965 Dundlas St. W., Whitby. STUDENTS WELCOME. TECHNNMAJ: Experienced ln ai cmmelined crcrnlcs repara. Work Wo self lniaur sh8 .excellent eamlngs. G5-344-1108.ResumTe Lazr edu*mesKR. #l, LEÉcote Française IAdvanced Spoken French Saturdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 25 9am -l2noon -$125 i French Immersion Parents How to help your Fi child with their home workI Tuesdays, Oct. 22 - Nov. 26I 1- 3pm -$80 PIANOTEACIER. Oualled RCM leacàier witii several year expeMec, and excoUent results frformer students. New b Whitby - references avalable. tisa Stewart, 668-13,53 for dotais. ENGUSH TUTORMiN n seconidav oetwses aralable. Gnc d.9 bOAC. CatI 668-1818. WHITBY SCHOOL oa, Mualo -Pi3laçeyboad lessons (private& grop) gitar violin. voiS, aute, SAVE MOtEY ai Tmel stabnefil,_% ,g tesumes, word newsleuerset RESUE TYPING ON TO 600 DPI laser pnte, great selecion of Whihby ei 9m)668 Beacon Hili Play- School *Safe, comfortable, lovin'g environment e Exflerienced Staff e Caring for children for 20 yrs *Latest equipment *Busing to public & separate (Cl inne tax reistîonl ,We Watch® 1 The system that pro vides... *Unschedu!ed home visits ensure quality care for your child *Fully trained providers receive ongoing Agency support *Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays *Complete insurance coverage *Income tax receipts *Children six weeks and up *Full or part-time For more information call: EXPERIENCED DAVOARE a nmy hom. Walk to St. MaW»W aridOrmiston school. Fenced Yard. aclivities, lots af attention, referenceS and receipts Povldc. Cal6669382. MATURE, LOVmN mother provkIdes > uM h~with kiMual. atniâon. Home ooked meais, = tengaid Cleaisa>e I CHLO ~M1 SERVIOIIS. Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Piece of Mind. Perry House ChiIc[Care Servces 129 Perry St, Whltby 668-9476 MOTIEROF 2 WILL babyslt you areLtl 72_îThlcson/Dgyden ~~721-164. ReferecEsi LOVlmG MOTHER WITH CpR and First Aid la wing te provde fy -eforse, child. aon? , tyli andplybieOu tpak Walks & Ilxay and 'uch more. Nutibous lunchesand snacks excellent rates, references aid hauts. Lots 0f TLC.-Ali ages welom. Close te0St. Bemnard, HOME DAYCARE Centre. More You will- flnd a well sb'uctured routine for aIl ages. We play. go on tmIps, do crafts, slng sangs, ra atones aid mucli more. First AId/CPR. Refeunes&rceDa Garden/MainIng area. 430.-7179 MCILCARE.E xprerd Reliabl. Garden& Dyden. WaIkt ta Ormiston & St, Matthews.F SMmoe. Reoeipts. References. CUILDCARE IN MY HOME Ail afes. Fuli/part 1im. CPR. Fericed râci. Close to, West Lynde sffhools and GO. 430-2383. DANCE TO A DEMT NOW UKE a Killiy Build a casVe of blocks, Skip. lump «I walks. if this LOVNM OTIEROF 2 loklng tb providle qalty d yeein m smioke-free ore.Nutitiaus meais References. Otter Creek aiea. Cal 668-2097. HOME CHLDCARE provlded by a main Of 1, in a woarm, bvlng child-centre<J envlronment Befote, during and aller school 1 block from E.A. Fairman (Beech & Cochrane). Will aiso vde OcRmksinacaretSo. 666-8r,1. REUIABLE MOU OF 2 wll care for ,V cikm hofm. CPR & Fiait Aid traied. Smoke tee. Feno'ed yrard. Crofis, activitie, nutritius lnches and snacks., Cas DAVOARE PROVIDED by heath ceprofessi in my smokee home. Walk tb Ormiston and st MOfte*v%. Flayroom basemnt fènoed yard, rldor/ouldoor activitbes, trs of TtC. Babies welere. Furst Aid/CPR. EPRIENCEDU reliable babssing available in rniy home. eahsad snacks provided. Referee. Buins & Garden. Close b 401. PIme oeil 430-2274. as or*$1.M prpid. incld[ s tax for25vvodsor e U 666-ema PAINTING. EXPERIENCED. Prt rteiable service. Low rates, senlis idicounts. Fiee estimate.ý Tlephone 665-8880. CeN., 706-162.. HOUECLEARNM VOUR way. EPerinod , mature Couple. Exceent 1rWeenes fee LET SUZY OMIEMAKER tAKE Mr* brd ng rates. Cai Sue al MARIGOLO WINDOW Cleaing. Book now for falI. Ail exir Windmowanly $25.00. For up "70rndW»message. ELECTR»oaA METRO lic. #E2268. Renovations sevic upgradles, basment Wl l'ngalatm systemns & 24, haut service. For a fïee quote oei Frank ai 666-0193. RENOVAflTNDM ,AND hom repairs. Pfumblng, lie and dya repairs and new work. Installbn of shomstanaS tub surraundsan HENK KARELSEN Painting a in yeas exPedeno. 4<> job osinail. Free estiflates. 1,800-423-Wo23. PA«rfl = ,ig . Lot George Do ir - i . - xperienoed, qAlty wo&k.SpecWa rates for, seniors. Flexible hauts, prompt service,' tee estimates. Phont George 666-1168. DESIGN 111181 Commerciai, rsen,&odier creative design =Iâýet 579-2231., VOUCSWAGEN REPAIR Spca vaible M.Excelleni taies. I Due to the FREE PRESS wiII be CIOSed on 1 l4th DEADLINES Ifor ail display and Jclassified advertising Iwillbe i* FRI DAY' SOCTOBER 11th' -- . at 4pm *Have a safe, Ihappy hollday ,,weekend., C eouningCerk We are a mid-sized national distnibutor of quahity giftware and decorative accessonies currently employing approximateîy 35 people in Port Perry. The company requires an accounting clerk to perform general accounting functions including: Accounts Payable and Analysis lnventoiy Receipts and Costing Bank and Account Reconciliatio n Related Data Enty Functions You must be self-directed and enjoy working with others in a busy and results-oriented environment. Sound communication and keyboarding skills are important to us. Experience in a computerized envlronment i8 essential. Current enrolment at the entry level of a CGA or CMA pro gram 18 an asset. We offer competitive benefit pao ages. Apply stating salary expectations to: OLD PORT MARKETING LTD. 16050 OId Simcoe Road Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1 P3 FAX. NO..: (905) 985-0676 FiOSP17-ALIT 7ÀE#VT,4,L -J m m liacq-4111un5 1

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