Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 4, 1996, Page 21 1 1>.*-*«.....,..."W .*...h .i L L..'.*.. D. 01..Fs::.M Of.7l.V, .*.'...'...-I,..«.....*'....*..*...*....e ii I ~MrnCLESj I AUITI.CLE$ AUITUCLES ~ p~ ~Juj~~ i son SALE FOUI SALE i <Houus ~- POlI RENT __________ IChesterfield suites, sofa beds, Jmatresses & much more1 LMCKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa _725-5181 LAINEY DESIGNER of Fashlan J&ANguy Announces Studio n e BW- rMkl L~lnyStudio. 10% off wft d 624 668.0234.ow*bp-e a lmee j alsavi . 3 FIISHD SOUD FINE sheMng unlts. 7 f! x 5 ft x 1 IL $350 eachi. 1ae Ralelh 3 speedi cycle, $95. 52' ô o on l poker, 15 666-3339. MIGLO" SYLE DOG NOUSE for - ding. Indclues pedi wad" cm«eve. Easy b0 HUMDFIER. 314 IRION BED tame, kmn c*, wwla~fam, nW3 amMbbwwt bafi d 2ig ca.: ladussWt e - machine. 2 PIANOS FOR SALE.Excelen condition. 1sf ans $450, bas a kff. 2W cm $350. Cad 432-14w NEW CIOLDREWS playhimm bJ«4M f i om cm er.à hm# .kigbaH door, wio; moo«f ët a de. $200. Cal Vkmc, 430-1852-'. CAU<e 4d. -RIE ---IN ~- ---- TR IEE INGi "tt, Fully lnsured~~ Free Estimates -5>~ 433 714041 pager721-7304 Student Design and Landscape NOW 15 THE TIME FOR FALI PLANTINGI 705-357-1201 1 Dirt B Gon -mr dIà .'Uniformed workers *Experlenced -Bonded *Free estimates *Weekly, biweekly, or monthly Cali Whitby (905) 665-7762 Marlcham (905) 887-98-31 - H .wodFl.r ACCURATE eHome lmprvmv nt eBaksemnents - BuildingMainteraoe ,FREEES77MATES. 905«66621851 Interlock, retaining walls, decks & fences. Specializing-in-Pisa stone.;ý Cail (905) 718-100oIBIr (905) 985-4626 *Interlocklng stone - retalning walis wood fencing & decks FREE COMPETITIVE ESTIAMTES Wntten Guarantee Since 1980 - 666-9690 sui A*t.gss & Trihu kt Auto/Marine Uphoistery Auto/Truck Accessories We cover Most deductibles FREE Mobile Service 619-6507 or 619-6508 POOL TABLE, 4x8, siate conVM, DeamOi rine.$275. OfiedsWchair, 3b x60.90 721%245.admttes HOOEY GEAR. Abfm/Peewee. Uke new (used 2'fmths). Cal 579-0659 afer 5*30 p.m. COMPUTER. IBM opaLe 386. 8 mg rm, nitor' kgWboad moues aid pdila $5.Cal 668-7412. RED OAUIlu r2"30, 3-16 ft. Chr, 1 îf! I4ckory; 2-l1. Black1cust~1(Y10. Redoeadar- 2x6f&b6 b1. Trealed 2x2x8. l t-bas, 45. Mr8, used $80 wwrlc MW cut-off saw St-12 series, bes ofe. 905614-2003. JUDYS BRIDAL RENTAI aforiemdnggowns fbuyor lent Lg leto f sie id 16 and up. FOR SALE. Sbve dehumkUSie heavy ddyer. 7iW-937. ANTiQUES. TABLE and fou chairs, $375. Washstanid $145. Reodcabe $. 1'Obaco calâet 75.standi,$5 &minor, $225. Cpe boiler, $65. Rocker, $115. %ft, D oube ' robe ' ,, .Lawonower«« $65. AircondWoe $135. Deumldiffler, $85. Golf club. 430-2650. ANIQE ItNO ROOM TABLE wih6 hir.$900 or best offer. Oeil 728-7787. ORGAN -V AMAHA, D45 ElecfornceSgnet Unparie custSom vcoes, fun e k, f-.e aulo wthmsection ges organ excitiNg versatility. Fîishedi ln Anerdcan wà laut Paki $3500/sacrlloe$1500. 666-2455. FOR SALE; 2 BEIG E, bîW modem k-Weseals. Excelent blids.e!âý 84inlace, $35. 668-6554. HEAVY DUTY WASHER à dryer. Moffat 111w new. $480 for pair. 905-655-3004. ROMANO MARKCET, wne season. Graps diect rom California September. Julce and al equipinent for wne. Roano Markx & Del, 650 Taunton Rd. W. Open 7 days a week. 728-5207. COUNTRY LAMPSO pins cu ~ rds. shelve, Curia. CD, stands. Bufets, bendies, mirors acks, nks. Buy dirt 1M664. FIREWOOD. Excellent, dependable trusiedi quelity. Extra IgR lm seesoned. -Cult&é o oest measurement Fmes flevKozy HeatFirewood. 95732246. BAC TO SCHOOL SPECIAI.S. Eye exans arranged. 2 f« 1. Buy cmnsapr at $199, get second pair of S.V. orconu lenses tee. Discount for seniors aid chlldre. Tiley OpddaIns. 102 Byron St S. ONE USED TRUCKC CAP. Good condhIton. $150. cas 905-668-5520. WANTED: GOOD usedi wiod furniture an steesbSIr Dads . il6 BOdc LS. YARD SALE; 909HARDING St SakJrday, Seplernber lUi., 8 am - 1 pm. Household items. WUflBY UIONESS Annual aS sale, Satuday, September 7. 70 glîber! St W. 8arn. - 3 p.m. WANTED: Mom wants 1be yor oef limber or plyOusem Utie'brotl ier. al 657W I WILL BUY YOUR wiwantgd Itema&coentents. Cali 72B8M8 lave a messge. Three bedroom older Seni recently palnted. e800.0 monthly, plus utilities, flrst& las! required. Available now. Cali Norris Comwall sutton group executîve reelty me. 1 (905) 571-7000 $MaSnnth + bydro. Cal CENTRALOGHAWA GM OGH - unique oentnyhom. 2-à plae batroom, 3 bedroom,are fonoed yad.s 1,m.udfla 3:W.Pmu llis w - - -..............* BTRAL OSHAWA Furnished including refrîgerator. Dead boit locks. Pnivate cable for TV. Share kà chen, 2 stoves. 2 washroomns. C1 Parking from $75. to $95. Cail 434-1457 - 576-2287 or 432-7907 IFURNIIHED ROOM for rent, $8OiWeà k Share btuo klUien. -Worker preferred. Walk 1b au anenlibes. Please cal 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. > JRNISHED , ROOM avà lah inmedkatey. Parking & cable, use 0f bafthoom & -à kitn. suit mature worklng female or male. Frst &- las!. No smoking. 666-9620 km message. STUDENT Accommodations. gornwit - -pnvCM kitchen, laundry etc. Avalable for non-smoking femnale. $350 month. 666-9217. NORTH OSHAWA. CLOSE TO al amen" anad -bus ue. Share Miche n ad bath. Padicable and laudry faciles laduce.Non sxm,. $375 per month. 433-2547. FURNBHED ROOM for rent Share balhroom & kM»he. Worker preferred. CenIral Whitby. Avaikable noeu. $90 weekly. 66".951. LARGE' EXECIIVE hom, bedrooni & full use of mos! of thée flouse. Mus! be wcrking full lime. Gable & Bell indluded. $500/mo. Gel Deb"le666-0200. TWO ONE BEDROCU WIITH shared accmmadaions, fiv minute walk from lie downtown area. $280-$D2 a mont. 312 Whitby, Ont Tel:, WHIhtT, ONE BEDROON eprmnt avait"bleimmeclately. $57/Moth.Includes heat and palg for 1 car. Please oecil WHITY - LARGE ONE bedroorm i 4yrId building. Underground Falngi, olevator, sloferaeSno. $730M Incdusi". Avable kimrnedlatsy. Cal Gary 666-9274. WHITBY. ONE BEDROOM MN Avobe September s ultble frsingle woddng person, non smckr. 5856r f=M - pus hy&o. 11 days or MBM PROPEIfTY mngmn Whitby qwarmt buildins One bedroomnsstauringet $00i incklte. Flrstastonhsod locations. 668"700 days only. 905 986 080. OSHAWA. QUIET vey ne, denlrge'1 bedroom, main floo. fam ow ard. Includes umltesM estove &parng. LUXURY CONDO FOR RENT. 2 bedraon, semi-adult seouIr bulig. Welk b0 GO.10 sq.ft wth launcIry rmcm, -aensuite batoomwithwhirtpool, solarium a 5 appliances. $1300 month, Inclusie. Firs! & lastNo pets. Av--aMeOclobor1. 905-623-1101. RELIABLE MALE IS LOOSCINO 10 &han apartment or house la Whidy, dthreasonable lent Cal 404-M~&9. 668-5562 or afler 6 caIl 431-2244. 3 BEDROCU boeemetapartmnt tr&..Ffdge &stove. Across m Eatiw os &GI'Club. Aval"alenieckat*l. 434-5247 baave message. PENTHOUE CONDO FOR RENT. 2 bedroom 2 battis, jacuzzi, balcony oeeookhg Whitby Harbour. 24 hour securt. 5 eppiences, upgrades kndoor pool & gym.$1350 ilinclive. Avabenow. 905-666"1116. 905-242-0999. SUALL BAClIELOR apatmnà h coutsiry home on 12 acres. Private entrance, privaie bathu, 5maM frldge &mmcr-owe. Central air. Indludes pokug v. hock-up,1 lutilitles andi us e c frunds. $50first&last CLEANM SMALL BtNLDING. 1 & 2 bedr'omrr. 905-668-7196. FAX YOUR ADj 668-05941 COTTAGE FOR SALE IN Halbton. 3 bedroom sepale cabin, s10rage ai AUl convenlences. $107.000 ci». 430-2650. MASONIC HALL, 203 Cocluan 'St, Whltby avalaie for banquets, weddings and cew occaions. Catorn amiable.For more 668-0776, 4h. FLORIDA KEYS; 12X34 TRAILER la 5 star condomlnlum meort. . For laomion& cag 655,5539. $10500o TOMINHOUS on Bums IL. Wub3 bedroms. flnhed *rmOrrenta$985 mnh*. 726-2M8. ..1 ..... wub1. q (Cash, VISA, cheque received -before deadline>' $1 0.00 for 25 words; ($9.35 + 650 GST)' i 50,each additional word;ý (140 +10 GST) $1 5.00 for 25 words, PLUS GST 1 5é each additional word; PLUSGS $1 .0 er agate e (Ads of fhfbores pures orengraph Il Reglrisplay raespy $1 .02 per v at e (14atunes rpric), Minimum size 1i*column inch $14.28 CONTINUOU U DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). GST is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated ..... .... Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Please check your advertisemnent for errors on the -first day of publication. The Whitby . ,Free, Press wiII not be lhable for failure to publish an ad, or, for typographic errors in- publication beyond the cost of the spaoe occupied by the error up 10 a- maximum"cost,0f the-,insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves-* the' right to classify or rejeet ail advertisements. 1112 PRICýWj mq -1 -A 1 à 1 1