Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Aug 1996, p. 6

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Page 6, Whltby Free Press, Wednesdav. August 28,1996 The. ont>' Newspaper owned and operated b>' Whitby residents for Whitby residents! IAMEMBER 0F:(Ê2 ý0 nadial Community Onadno Comiîunity Newspaper Association Newspaper Association Whitby Whitby Business Oshawa-Durham Home Chamber of ComffnRce in Action Builders'Association The hity Fre PessisdsN#0844fre-9 9%ofth8hmeXI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whtby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Pnrnted on newýspnint with minimum 20% 4* recycled content using vegetable based inks. P ID Ail written materlal. illustrtions and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes wihout the express permission of the newspaper is proibted and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for nion-commercial distribution should bear a creditlfie to the Whitby Free Press. Police m isdirected' To the odItor: Re:» Article, "Man chargod In sex assauft 15 beaton,' Free Press, Aug,'21.. ls this aslgn.of tho times, or a slgn of the frustratinonf a few? Is If our just desserts? A 55-year-old man charged with sexual assauft 0f a 12- year-old gefs beaton n is home. if May demonst rate thae the multl-milllon-dollar police force cannot protect a residont (regardless of the rossons or motives for the attack). Based on other Incidents, it may express an anger ovor thie iack 0f effective msthodis 0f gettlng sexuel deviaes and perverts off the streets and protecting Innocent residents. Atfthe same time, w. ses on the freeway Saturday momling, fiv OPP carswtth officers and radar equipment maRlng people Intocflmlnals, based on .sois poliicans or bureaucra's warped Impression 0f what a sultable speed Uimit Is for every vehicle and person uslng the highway. le tuis- effective use 0f police resources? Perhaps It brnge addlitional money Into governmont coffers, but le It not becomlng too muchlIke Orwois 1984 ?lf you cannot reduce or control serlou crime, you croate your own minor crime-and-tax grab to Improve your success rate and Increase revenue to fund the operations? it also serves to increase the operations you lead. We have a wefl educated poUice force being ýdirected against the. people 0f our region, rather than agalnst the serlous crime that fhey are tunded to reduce. It Is time that we stand up. and fell our politicdans and the misdiroctod leaers (?) of our police forces that we want our tax money spent on serlous crime prevention and enforcernent. We do not want iaws to make the average 1resdent a crirninal, or the taxpayer a dual source 0f fundlng through ricicubous annoyances such as we are seeing on Our streets. Remember, they are our W. pay fax m< protection. Use ft,.w real crimes, not crime to add to coffors. f the 5&y needs protection, have it.1i we or-l need ,-profecti someone, wo sixx There ýare noi should expect anything les An oal risely agalnst ln: Juiy, the Harris ln crsating governinent accepfed thie iyour (our) rocommendation 0f David rear-old man Crombles 'Who 'Doas What ,he should Advisory Panel' to adopt the our chlldren AVA solution (In concept but Ion_ from not ln name). ln a-more rocent uld bave IL JloUer to Lieach, Çrombie sald reasons we the sooner the. entire pr6virnce or! accept le on týIe new systeM, 1h. soonor/ ýthe bgnefits 0f f"wer DonYoung appeals, lmproved Ajax accountabilty, and. a more, undersandabie s'ysWeMwIl h o This Is howolden's T By Paul Pagnuelo« The AVA sokitlon for Ontario waslIrst promoted by the GTA Task Force back ln January of this ysar. 1In her report to Premier Harris, Anne Golden, c hairîof the Task Force, maintains that based on their research and British Columblas experlence, %AVA 15 more stable, more rerlable, and more equitable than other assessment systems.0 the flag To the editor: i re0enty Introduced Bih Gc- 302, 'An Acf to establish' an oath of aiegianco to the fiag of Canada. Iff adopted, this legislation would Uive Canadians their own, official, oath 0f aileglanco to our beloved maple leaf flag. Tii. idea resultod from a letter fmom a constituent who beleved tha t hwould ho a positv stop for our country. ln order to encourage Ganadians to consider the Importance of our f lag and alil h symbolizes, the Act requIres a Gommittes of- Parliament to consuit Ganadians. on the oath's wording.' I am asklng for suggestions for an oath. The oath doos not have f0 b. long; I have recelved a numer 0f suggestions thet consist 0f one lino. Suggestions shoul' d b. sent to my Parlament 1-111 office, 152 Gonfederaton Building, Ottawa, Ontarto KIA 0A6. Postage is not required. At this critical time ln our history,ft Is Important for Canadians f0 consider the Importance 0f the fiag in our Ives. An oath could b. usod ai schoois,. before meetings, or anywhere that'the fhag le prominent I have aiready received suggestions froin every pantof Canada, incduoing more, than 100 communities from Coast f0 coast. . 1 invite Ganadians to particupatte in what I hope wi be an exclting and Important project ln the f. of oqr nation. Bmndc Chan*srhk" 'UP Guelph-WlhIgton Force describod the AVA system ln ts report. nAVA 19 a value-based assessment It ascribes a value to each Individual property. Property values are determi ned by the characteristics of the property. AVA ascribes a squality dlass' to each home, whlch establishes a basic rate or value by property type. AVA then constructs values for theseproperties by factoring in neighbourhood property value s and the cost of amenhiles such as driveways, garages, fireplaces, porches, and pools. uNon-residentlal and rentai1 residential, properties are assossed uslng rentaliincomo. Land and buildings are aýsssed separateiy to mîi.nimize' the speculative component in building va lues.- Assessors . capitalize the income stroam that could be generated by particular parcels of land ln their highest and best Use.M - bihorsales.effort to promote AVA, Golden makes several report boasts that AVA is more dlaims. equitable and that other B.C.'s experience wth the alternatves are unacetably system, she says, has been rogressive. hlghly successful. Public Crombie!s AVA pitch, f0 acceptance ls relatively hlgh, Leach was short on substance. accoo~ing to opinion polis, and Ho sald his panel found R most residents are sald t0 feel usefulto compare experlences the tax base and valuation on elsewhere but that they must thoir property is fair. Appeais, b. understoood wlthin their wth a low success rate of 10 own historial and per cent are ln the two to three cOntemporarY context. per cent range. The history 0of Ontarlos Th es Utie room for municipalhlles- havlng always subjectie wvakJation, and each reled 'on - a value-based property is govemned by tih. approach for property taxation sain assossment techniques. appears to b. Crmole's only Unless tier. are major JtJttfcatioh for 'AVA. The renovations or construction, a probiemn with what: we-have homp i s nover vlsited by an today, ac*=rdlng to Cromble, ls assessor. thatntherelabilty and utilty 0f théýy»n aâ bérî7dvoîrseý The report says-» that affected by afalhreto keep the taxpqwes understand the value systemn current that the assessors place on Thars nie, Golen , and their properties. if they want,' Cromble sideo f the AVA story. they can b. shown the factors And, as we ail know, there are that were used to arrive at tbe-4wo aides to every story. value, mhe system is stable 'Paut Pagnuelo Is a« member because Irs upclated annuaily, of the Ontario Taxpayers uslng thre-yar averages. The. Fédération. Wil M rpresent hs ontituents?7 To the editor: Re: 'Hypocrisy, Free Aug. 14. press$ Mr. McTeague,' MP, may belevethet1 have a flairfor the hypothetical, but the fact is that I have a penchant for tiie frufh. ln hîs lotter ho refers f0 a conversaton that we had Lest September on the Uichasl Coron show. In uis constituants' interest, tuis le how that conversation went: I asked Mr. McTsague If 100 par cent 0f hus Ontario riding constituants wanted f0 retumn the. option 0f capital punishment to the. udgos and juries ln tuis'counfry, would h. represont thoir wishes in the House 0f Gommons? Mr. McITeague responded by saying that us anti-capital punis hment stand was weli known prior f0 fthe last election and that with thus stand ho won tue election. I responded by saying that f0 assu me that he .won because. ho was anti- capital punishinent was a faise assumption. Ho went on f0 say that ho, wfth'his anti-capital punishment stand, defeated the. pro-capital punishinent» Reform Party and GonsÏva vécandidates. -1 poinited. ouf f0 hlm"tuat their combined vote (and stand) actually defeated hlm.' th * When 1I ask.d hNmtlu qu>esion for the. second lâme. he countered by saying that while. i may b. pro-capital punishmsnt, ho wasn't. 1 thon oxplalned that, quit. frankly as a constituent, 1 wasnt inferested lnn us position but that ho was pald fa cars and represent his constituents' position, especially 100 per cent 0f his constituents. 1 thon repeated the question for the third tins. Mr. McToague, at this point, gave, me a history lesson citing Edmund Burke, the BrtishMP who ta knownfo istemn tea Phas an obligation to vote ' hs own conscience, not that 0f-his constifuents. I responded by saylng that 1 was well aware of nof only Mr. Burke's remarks, but also 0f the facftthe ewas defeated in the. veiy next 'election thet folbowed his now famous declaration. If was apparent ta the 100,000 Uisteners who regulariy tune Intp the Mchael Goren show that Mr. MoTeague was more than unwililng to answer the question dlrectly. They dispWyo their angor by fumlng up the heaf ln nie. oeils that followed mine. kt le vital for th. votera ln this rdilng to know thae Mr. McTeague wil stand up f0 Nis govsrm.ent when Ifsite hie sanW 'orj-Jprpoebut* hat consttunts t"~ a stand tie ho M", Ma ueh capital punishieont, ,-Mr. McTeague WlU not represont thein -in theHouse 0f Gommons. « So once again, I put titis burning question fo Mr. McTeague: If 100 per cent of yourconsituent0wr 0 'ié ct you f0 -rstum the option 0 f capital punishment tf0ths judges and, jurles. in' tus country, MIl youl or MIllyau not repreeenthem n the House 0of Gommoner If you wl not, thon you are moraly obligated f0 reslgn and make room for sommoe who VAIl. Mmmnle*Stsm Pickoering Incorrect st.atemnents made about McTeague To the editor:. To b. fair, I want f0 -lot readers know fiat MP Dan McTsague and myseIf havo' rocently had a sertes 0f enflghfening .conversations over the phono, regarding aur reent lettors lntfils paper and the. issues ralsed wituln thoin. Unfortunately, a sertes, 0f uncorrected commenfsuin the election campaign reu=e ln an Incorrect taement on miy b.haIf. if, fturns outfMe. McTeague has been an active volJnteerwfh Big Brothers and tue Hear & Sticks Foundation. h aleo accused Mr. McT.ague 0f "doubhespoakC becas i 1heard NIn staeon à radio show thoh would vote mnv e o hi- %&o McTeague insisWe that MY statement was very misleading becau se he appearsd wlth the same host on a later- radio show and publlcly changed ils stand on tho Issue before the. vote. The. Iboral govomment said tuey woul remove fie GST on books and aithougu tuls has not yet been dons, Mr. cTague lnformed me 0f hus figiftt f ut tNis promise befors tie nsxt olection.. il hope that Mr. McToague bas leamned the. sain., lesson that I have: iR le best-f0 have updated ,facts. -Heated emotions andulck judmsnts can oftonchu a progressive dialogue, but .1w. have~ AVA accordîng to Golden oney for our

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