Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Aug 1996, p. 22

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P Fage 22, Whltby Fide Press,'Wednosday, AiÙbùêt è8, 1996 ~;-------- I - 1 WVILL BUY VOUJR urwanted Items,& contents. Cali 728-8485 beave a message. WANTED:MyWom nlt b i youjr k>ny limber or playhouse Mtie brothe. Piease Oel 66R&70U CUILDREN'S, LADIES aid mnaIemty ea. Excelent condition, =and designer only. The Ewhiange, 856 Brock St N. 666-9225. WINNING Be a sure winner everytime! Usre the ClassilZeds 668l-611I1I I WHITBY, ONE BEDROOM apartment available Setember 1lst $576Imonth.. Includes heat Please catI 430-0959. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 1. Bnight 1 bechoom basement =ment ln Contrai Whitby. ladive and dec& eprl entrance. Utilitiesllutded. $575 per month. 668-6951. WHITBY - LARGE ONE boikom li 4 vi. old building. Underground park[ng, elevator, sterage rom. $7(30 Inclusive. Avalable Immedîately. Cali Gary 666-9274. WITBY, ONE BEDROOM MAIN ôcer epi.Centrallv locatd. Avallable Seplember lst Suilable frsingle worklng pImson, non amolcr. $55per mnonth plus hykro. Cail 6658-3011 days or 668-6818 oven igs & weekends. BROOKUIN; 1 bedrom n pnbt for Septerber 1. cm shppng. 655-5539. BEACH FRotIrf- 2 bedroomn, a T h 1c k'son Point. 519-89M5416-465-M52. CLEAN, SMALL BtMLDING. 1 & 2 WHITBY'S MOST prfred beclroomn. 905-668-7196. bocaton, 4000 %q. t exec. nm <lease, beautlfull, manlcured lawn WHITBY WEST. 2 bechaom. $nasksR P *Whltby, Parking and lunidvy,.2Utliies extra.66-39Ét 7fo Ildais rirsmOL PJ L tJ. uaiI '43"l 09 . WXURY CONDO FOR RENT.. 2 bedrom, emi-duithighsocrity building. WaIo teO 00sq. ia. wmt laundry rmcm, on suile bafthoom wilh whirpool, solarn 5 appliances. $1300 mionth, Inclusive. FIrst & lest AvaLabl October 1. 905-623-1101. MBM PROPERTY mnanagefmt Whitty aartrnent buildings. One. bedroomfs starting at $SM0al incusve.FisUlstmonfth. d location. 668-700 days only. 905-986-0480. PRINGLE CREEIC Quiet dean, bright 1 becfroom basernent we" Ieenrnce, frelace, nduy.,parkln. . Frst4ast mmddd.uitprfsoni MODERN, 1 bekroom, bachelor partmt Includes utilities, laurcý, cable, and parkingfor 1. Bs door. No pe)ts. $0 per month. 905-666-824. CLASSIýFIED- MARKETPLACE' "Advertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" BUSINMESS 'OP PSO GOVERNMENT FUNDS.,Government assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or exlsting business. Take advantage of the govemment grants and b an el1-800-915-3615. TRAVEL BUSINESS - Investment $12,495. Full training and ongoing support. Fuli-time/paît-time - Home or Office. Many Travel Benefits. LIMITED AVAILABILITY. T.P.I. Canada lnc., 1-204-987-3322. DOWNSIZING VICTIMS, ENTREPRENEURS, home business, low start up cost, unique educational products. Fiee training. Tumkey support, 10 day money back guar- antee. Direct sales, Not MLM, No inventory 1-800-281- 7098. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestem School of Auctioneering. Next class November 16-22/96. Con- tact: Southwestemn Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115. BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! Leamn Income Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping by correspon- dence. Eam your certificate now. For free brochures, no obligation, U & R Tex Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Win- nipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144, over 20 yeers of tex-training experience. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute o! Canada offers cor- respondence courses for the Diploma in Counseiiing Prectise beginning this month. For a brochure phone Toîl- fiee 1-800-665-7044. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot o! money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advence. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. MEDICAL 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSESI Safe, rapid, non-surgicel, permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot devel- oped, doctor approved. Fiee information by mail: 406- 961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http://- wwwvsionfreedom.com Satisfaction guaranteed. RUBE'S 0F ST. LAWRENCE MARKET (Toronto) has-a fine assortment of gluten fiee pastas for those with Celiac and other Wheat Alergy problems.416-368-8734. ELECTRIC SCOOTERS (for'sale/lease) for the physically challenged - payment plans available - some used with. new batteries. For free demnonstration oeil Scooter Jim - 1-800-850-3012. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. GOD-GIFTED PSYCHICS with amazing, strong, powerful skiils. Stop searchinglIimmediate solutions to ail prob- lems. Sensationai resuits! Cali now! 1-900-451-3778, 24 His., 18+, $2.99/min, .C.0. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers servingover 50 million readers and muti-talented psychics. Free astrochart with your first reading! Relationships, Future, Career. $2.99/ min. 18 + 24 Hours 1-900-451-3783. CANADA'S MOST GIFTED psychics have anwrso your probiems or questions about heaith, love, relation- ship, money, iucky numbers. $3.49/minute, 18+, 24 hours, 1-900-451-4336. DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE CONNECT (24 hours). 100's of ads. Men, women and alternative lifestyles. 1- 900-830-2222. Access Code #36., 1.0.1., 18+, $1 .99/min., $15 max. PERSONALS MISTY RIVER INTRODUCTIONS, the traditionai match- maker serving rural and s'mail town Ontario. We've intro- duced hundreds of happy couples in Southerri and East- erni Ontario. 613-257-3531. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDING SALE ... nROCK BOTTOM PRICES!' When theVre gone - they're gone. 25 x 40 $2,879.00. 32 x 44 $3,798.00. 30 x 50 $4,316.00. 38 x 60 $6,438.00. 46 x 66 $8,466.00. Others. Ends Optional. Pioneer 1-800-668- 5422. STEEL BUILDINGS, Ail Steel S. Series Straightwall Building 30' W X 54'L $7996. Dome Quonset Building 45W X 70'L $1 1,337. Buildings are complete with End- waiis and Big Doors. Cail Future 1-800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwail Type - not quonset - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x90 $20.443, 60x126 $31 ,314 - other sizes avalabie - misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263-8499. * tts Afcrdeble e Its Fast e its Easy e One Bill Does It Ali eNothem Ontarlo $76 -' Eastem Ontarlo $138 Western Ontario $130 *l Central Ontario $134 *Ail Ontario $384 eNationaf Packages Available e CalI this p aper for detalsl AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1. $1 650 month. Execuive Whb. Upproximably 2400 sq. fot inmum 1 year bease. Crodit check plus lst & lat requireri. Cali Angela, 905-434-1060. CENuTRAL OSHAWA Furnished including refrigerator. Dead boit Iocks. Private cable for TV. Sharo kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washroomns. Parking from $75. to $95. Cati 434-1457 - 576-2287 or 432-7907 ROOM FOR RENT. Fomale "mcoo/raunton Rd. <Osh=w: Share bouse wiashor & dye $300 per monili. bail 404-21'76. ROOMY FURNISED bedsitdîn room. Centrali Whitby. Ouio p9rkng. $90 weeWd. Mlcowave, frCde. Worklng getma 9referred. Flrst/'iast. 928-697655-719 after lpmJleave message. OUVE & RITSON; ONE room, $300. Share kitchen & bath. Ava"b necialW.First & ast required. Cai 668-4253. LARGE FURNISHED om ms te downbm Mntby.c" kilded. $854100w lose teb buses. 666-4279 beave message. LARGE* EXECUIlVE home, bedroomn & full use off mocffi hou-se. Musti be worklng fulliâme. Cable & Bell lncluded. *500/mio. Cali Debble 666-0200. TWO ONE BEDROOM WITH shared acommadatens, bye minut waik from lh fie ownn area. $280-$320 a monfi. 312 ChesinUt'StE., Whitby, Onit Tel: 905-665-1304. LO>OICIG TO SHARE MY3 bodîoom condo wïfl non-mokng, wI _g poison.wr1no chijiin wecme. No pets. 666-0523. WHITBY. ONE BEDROOM. USE cf facolibos. Close te bus. P"ri~ avalabl. Non smoker. 0,4y permont. La.message, MORTGAGES & LOANS ~'*1st&2nd Unesi of credit *BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After Hours - 668-4454 Upper Canadia Funding tIow. THE CLASSIFIEDS,-Ze $1999M - WITY AiL, brick 4 bec, 3 bath. Peronial Uesh ardiens id patio. No hme belîr)d, eloei ksCal îPnakas", RylLe, Whàdby, 666- 1339 E xt 77fkL,) r1 0500TOWIIIOWSE on Blums tZ% Why3 beroo ,finlshe rocroo.Ormnta$98mthly. 728-2586. *258,00 -Prefen'ed Whîtb sub=iion -?r.3100 sq. . 4bedrom, move;d -in conbdition. CalSani -Pnlauskes Royal Lep ¶ W h"ty 6 6 1 9 Et orf7ul detals. $29M - WHITBY SENIOR EX9. ll rik hm.Approx 3200 sq. ft, quiet -location, min fdoo d o, oversled kiiche n d yard. Cal Sandi PnlauskasRo L p W hit" , 66 M1 3 7937YSr full detail. FLORIDA KES X3 TRAILER ln 5 starixconm resent For Wdfemialion cal 655-5539. 2 SOUD BARNS FOR eit wlft ahd wm i~r. One is steel (1200 s,ue feet) OUMer bconcrele W fh1200 square ioot lo'#r~ExUgent for sterege or srnd business purpose. U- 655-3142. edsùs.Wijy HORSE BA.RN PLUS 20 acres. 14 stait, Isq.ftd,21ear old buldng (5M>s 9 $2003. hy. C- HEALTH F00Mlggou seeks lcnse for WhLWystore.. Genorate mid six figuraes from yeur lnvestmnenti 1-416-606-8354. ...... CU Need a car - Credit Problems? Bankrupt - Undischarged? *We have lease take-overs Le[eeoto own an.y make or model Cash for trade1 *Cail now for free quotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Cal Jeif (905) 683-6230 1 1988 GMC FULL S1ZE plc-up. V-8. ALfto 140K Rust on boxGoFd. Priced for qulck sale, $4,900 obo. 404-9310. 1988 CI-EVY BLAZER. VO, 5 s&eed. sunroof, black & med. Ecleént condition. Asking $5,700 cortied or bost offer. Cal 432-3570. 1987 GRAND AM. ImmacuAate Inie& out 2 door, air conltined rebut molor, new rack a Âinsteerlng, brakes, battery, exhus hwrdwlndhel. CordO ý $3,50. Cal 905-985-3794. 1984 PONTIC FIERO SE. 4 cylinder, 4 s ~ ph, pwdilt, sunroof, now L, new paint Uitle te ortlY.. Asklng $1250.Ca 432-9186. COCKtrPFIFRES. AMorable femlauMale.Gnfle nature. Aise black femaePoodig . Cp. Non-shoddlng, Vet * noeiled. Hanie rabied. Gueranteed. Cal 7 WEEK< 0W KfTrEN. Very cute. 3 white in a,1tby Fre e Ioodhms a 66-7 FINESS ONE ON ONE proa training faclllf. Spoe"llzeftness instuction Ia priaisstudio setting. Goal assiessmontconstant sup port and mottivtio. D- Jy- ,u Fltnes Studio 213 Byron St S., suite 101i MAoncfomerY Place, Whtby. dailfor eppointinent 668-4464. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED WIgln nover known te fail. O most beautlful f oweretMunt Carnot fruittul vine, spen-îdor of Heaven, Blessd wother of feSon of God, Immeculate Virgîn, asslst me I necessity O star of fie sea help me an isom e heme you are ny Mothe, 0 HoIy Mary, Mother cf God Qusen of Heeven & eailli, 1 hua*l beseécli you from Ri- e botlorfof My heart IOo cure me li your power. 0Mary coniceled Wlthouit sin, pray'for us 'who hi recourse te e(3 dîmés). Hl Meryl1 plae fils causeilayour hand (3 timos>. Say filsprayor, for consecutive daad Rien yCe must pblUsh Rt0aid t MiIb pranlUteo.10 SBM HOLY SPIRI THIUMAME me see everyfhA id"show me fie waytréachmykieai: You who ana who are -wh me ln al Instances of my Ide. 1, lntfils short daouwaitte lolank, you for evrigaid conflrmn once more thtnover wait t, bo separated frmu nomatlerhow great Rie mMM deslr ha.e-t1want Io ha wfth you aid my . edcnesIn yu p«>" otu9oe Amen. Say ftis prayer n oscd days wlf sêkugypurwsh. Publication must bo mede when wlsh bs grented. J-w. MAY THNE SACRED HEART of Jesua be praised edored aid M. thefrou-fiout le-wliole worlc 96 Me.MostSacrod Heart cf Jesuslpeemy truslayou. St Jude Wer or f miracles, pray for us. St Jude Helpor cf fie Hopeless; pray for us. Say fila payer, 9 *hnes for 9 consecu"e days aid yo auest wIl ha aiared. W = usb promlsed. JW ' ua h VEDIC ASTROLOGY -Discve fie bey te your destiy f l!Su*i Iis anienit, siencel Consuaton o na orope elllns nd EVANLY. RAYS soivlclng over' 20,000 Ontario houseiolds. Rated #1 la Caada Police, politiciens & corporations use us. Concerna- about lave, heaMt,rasinh, meney. Just cait 1-900-451 24 hrs, *2.99mn., 18+, 1-900-451-4055. THAMIS TO ST. JDE & #me Sacel liaMtof Jesusfor favows reoelved. May RteSacred lisaitof Jesus. be aored, glorfle,Ioved aid & presemved igoug,houh wori now& fOrever. Sacr9d heartOf Jesus ýpray for us. St prayer 9 kmesa .By theghui dw M-, érr u-býc'w&yolr hWm Y= 1 Min

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