Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Aug 1996, p. 16

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The Whitby'mi-dget select basebail team was runner-up at a tournament i Guelph over the weekend. In the flrst game Sean Culleton and Doug Clarke pitched a four-bit shutout as V-ipers scored two.i the sixth to defeat Martingrove 2-0.' Gae.two saw- ýWhitby defeat the host team 7-1. Clarke, Mike Robertson and- Mike'Ovsonka each had' tbree bits. $99.O Gem. tbree saw Vipers score seven runs in the top of the flrst i a 15-1 romp over West Mountain te win the- preliminazy round. . In the semn-final, Wbitby defeated Brantford 13-3. Vipers pounded 'out eight rune on '10 -consecutivýe bits i the second inning. Clark. bad tbree bits including a triple and a tbree..run home run. In the final,',Clark. bebd Kitchener off théescoresheet ALL STAR Whitby Minor Hockey Association WMHA is actively Iooking for sponsors for:, Ida potnt o aycm uiymne through four innings, racking up sevea strikeouts, before turming the bail over witb a 1-0 Whîtby lead. la the sixtbi, costly errors and- several bloop bits abbowedKIütchener te score seven rune to win the game. Other Vipers members are Bryan Thorpe,- Adrian Bugelli, Mike Bridge, James Kllpatrick, Ian Janacek, Jeif Lahey, Paul Wiiliamson, Pat Brown',' Jason Jar-vie and ]Ricbie Sagan. .Next weekead Vipers are in MisSisauga- for the Tournament of Champions. Chuampion' FORMER BROOKLIN RESIDENT Margot, Jacobs poses with the Iatest hardwvare won by the Ontario senior 'women's. lacrosse. team of which she is captain. The Dorothy Robertson, trophy is nemblematic of senior women's national lacrosse supremacy.* Irs the third year ln a row Ontaio has won the honour. Photo by Mark Rqesor, Why Fr.. Pru Whib under-1 7 soccer- FROM PAGE 15 game of the CSL (Central Soccer- League) Cup by defeating Etobicoke 5-0. .Whitby played a vezy aggressive game of constant passing and shooting, tiring out the Etobicoke competition. McDavid earaed a bat trick by scoring on passes from Engelage, Criscione and Stefan Dipinto. 1McDavid also assisted on a fourth goal when he set up niidfielder Rodriquez with a perfect pase abbowing Rodriquez to go, arouad the' Etobicoke defence and sink the baîl into the Etobicoke net. Whitby lIroquois ,soccer HOUSE LEAGIE IMosquitoes elimniated, by Mississauga -The season ended for the Wbitby minor mosquito rep basebaîl team on Aug. 17 in Mississaugaduring playoffs for the Ontario championship. After' wiuningback-to-back games agaiast-Erin Milla and Oakville 'on the'same day, Whitby feUl to defeat. agaiast Mississauga in a hard-fought and weil-played 10-ing gante that took, more -than three hours to complets. This season Whitby won two of three. touraamentS eateëred. Thei*r league record -was 13 winsanad eight losses, bigblightedby winning the EOBA championsbip. Their overail season record was 26 wins and 12 losses. Team members were Craig Hannan, Kyle Costello,' -Anthony Novia, Jonathan Tbiebaud, Aadrew Meadows,. Imran Mohammed, Femi Azurwaiyre, Tyler Heaby, Bryan Leva, Bruce Graine, Matthew Melissis, Peter Bula and bat-boy -Kenay Cramne along, with coaches Carmen Novia, Mike Healy,,, Tim Graine, .Afzal Mohammed and manager N"kkiMohammed. Whitby men'S, rec- slo-p iteh Standings as 0f Aug. 26 Engeage flnished Wbitby's scoring efforts ýon -a breakaway,- outruzriiig the Etobicoke defence' and blasting the ball through the goalie's legs. Whitby defeader Dan Hesp pbayed an outstanding game by aeutralizing a key Etobicoke forward -and, together with suppotfo defeaders .Mount, > Joseph and' 'Aatonio Scala, coatributed to , Cedax>s shutout. CoachSteve Hamill was pleased w'ith the effort put out by bis team in defeatiag the very physical Etobicoke club. 1lwlaal 2). Trojas 2 (Hunter 2); Adidas 0. Honker 2 <Shane Grahain, Nasu); Ninjas 1 (DerrickRotOndi), Tigers 4 (Steven Etherkbgton 2. Peter.Carrçbetl 2) Aug. 8 -Gunners 1 <David Alhon>. M"«ue2<Jonathon 2); Ninjas 6 (Michael Rutherord 2. David Shaw 2, Rotondi 2). GjwmDjg4 (SelRoncada2, Marcus NORSOUIRT Aug. 20 - Kerinibt 4 John Carribeil. McLarn 3. Davi Rae>. Sharnrocks 2 <SWM Veraseu 2); Turties 0. Shwks 0 (KYI@HolWmokZ Daiuiy Nichols2, Evan Iwenko, Sa« tPenqugnat); Spring Creek Guf Course 4 <(l" Aon, Michae Chwan, DarWe* O'Iare, Daniel Mladenvùlc), Optlmlst Club 2 (Sea -T.S. JOsh Pàt); Canuclca 8 <Mike Kunz %, AlileValiulis 2, Maxweil Bell, Peter CarrpOsos., Jon Crulaie), Ranger. 0; Ulghtntng 0. CamnadanProgres Club of Pickering -4 <Niolau Ficha 2. Stophen Presm lmsAi Eda W cye) Aug. 13 - Shanwoka 2 <Michael Drake, Kirk Plme). Canadian Prgreu. Club ot Pilocrlng 4 <Lucas Tun.r 2Z ProshoS MkhlIGeqb);Smnurfs 2 <CaryRis 2). Rangeas 3 JoenatianGregory 2.Cody MacDonald; Twtlee 3 (Michael Broad 2. Bqmyn m., Co-Stee Lasco 6 (Derek Kaesm 4ïýD" dLeUng Jonaihon Hutton); Spdng Creek Golf Course j (Alek EWahbrger). $ha"li 3 (Danny NichoIs, Scott Pequenat, DrewFyce>; Opti-t Club 1 <Sean Cwvy), Kermits 1 (fmfhy' Wierinie>; Canudri 4 <Bell Z 'J",oq ChOMe. Joshua Dispasquale). Ughtning o Page 16, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, August 28, 1996 Rebels i1 bad inning costly for midgets in final Durtham gil< 'Aug. 22 - Port Ho('e O, Wib Falcons 1 Dana Frew); Whiby HaWks 1. Debb e Ham îlt o , W hitby< Eaglés'2 <Er@lka Lang, Viefor'laSSPýaslc)4 MAJOR PEEWEE Aug. 19 - Whitby Rogers Cablé"'-' (Alexandra Osuszek), Whitby Rascels 4 <Sheena Massiah 2, 'DIana Bruci, Melanle Volpe); Whl(by. H/M/A 3 (Amanda Alcott, Kelly Mount, Amny Challoner), Ajax United 1; Ajax Warriors Reds 2, Whitby Kinettes 3 (Elizabeth Winnell 2, Klr Sinclair) MINOR PEEWEE Aug. 21" - 'Whitbylger s 1 (Dclrdra Lowe), 5cugogGoreski 0O Aug. 19- Port Hope ,3,' Whltbe' Cougars 7 (Robyn Foster 4, Lisa Lange, Laura Caîhoun, 'Loren Allson), MAJOR MOSQUITO Aug. 22 --Whitby Hanet'Plastlcs 16 <(Joanna- Whitney 9, Carlelgh McNaughton 4, Loni Hilder 2, Stephanle Chapman), Ajax Unlted Black Angus O; Whitby Klrby Burger & Bakery 4 (Sarah Jetfery 2, Alidila Etheringlon, Maisse Willamson), Ajax Warrlors Blues. O; Ajax Warrlors, Reds O, Whitby.,Fortune'Financlal, Debbie Morgan 2 <(Olivia Belmonte, Maria Cannelle) MINOR MOSQUITO Aug. 22 - Ajax Warrlors Eagles 1. Whitby Dodd & Souter S <Katie Cockbum-Caunce 2, Mlkaela Evans); Broolin Conicrete 5 (Jessica Taylor 3, Shannon Christian, Micheltle LenI), Pickering Village Kelseys O; Ajax Warriors Tigers 3, Whitby Lions Club O; Whitby Kinettes 4 (namre n/a 2, Rosanna Celebre, Jenniler White), Ajax Warriors Hearts 2 Ag19-S QUi R T Sna haae A.V19nesStriers 3 (Soniachaabaone), *aness a Jroan(Ls NcoBrung)sa Sancozart, Canada20(iseBruni, Lndsay Bs); ParCty 2Giant, rdaraveLt, Saho City 2 <JifGravetks Saanta Zar); Migty ucks ir (eanacolTilaartah Canucksm2 <Sarah Detecostîl4 SAnra LoiBumh am hb KOtiiss 4 <neSianziuk , ars Cenotesurtineyrachn,0unets CRCS Generat Contractors 3 <Rachat Sandoz Nutrition 2 <Kiomi Sakata"2), Big V Drug Stores 6 <'Rosanne Cannelta 2 Brandie Mackintosh ý2, Juliana White 2);,Co-Steel Lasco 5 <(Megen Pound, 3, Stephanie Pescoe, -Cassidy Reid), Rovers O Aug. 19-TeamDl 12(MichaelPalia4. Gregory Sam 2, James Eflnian Z Sean Kaey Adamn Kelly, Andrew KellyMW"ae 'MUifýBongard Colision 2 JaSn Church. Stem. Bàwerm.n; Teani 021 <Andrew Rais), Teon 3 4 <Deqyck Rmrarar 2, JaSnVinuivlerteEmeut; Teeni04 4 (Justin Chahmwi 2. Wayne Hophng. Robato Princicta>, Teain f 5o<S&e»e Farquharson 3., Matthe mmaer 2z MatheswGrave> MAJOR SWRY Aug. 22 - Nlinja. 2 <Dave Shaw). Honker 4 <Shane Grahani.Ke"in Nau. Craig GreuilaMilesP*Mrieer; Adidlas 3 <Santiago Paceja, Bralden Goodchl. Craig Petie), Gwum O; Dohdtlnso. Chels« 4 Y<.vluHead Î2,'D"vSWright. John Soe); Trojans7 (Andre Hunter 3, Fsaq unQachnOgs 0;GreenMadhine 3<(InFerquherenJordan HannahJosh Jedmct lgers2 <MihaelAdemnlo 2) Aug. 15 - GreenMachài4 (Farquherse Z ScoftWdenJouit Juelm)n. Guardian DrUgs 1 (Ch» Lo; DoWdhns 2(Keeln A DIVISION Peacock Sports Don Cherry's Lardale Const. Power Battery Dodd & Souter Golden Spurs B DIVISION G. Gamers' Auto. TpQatityCol, ea rAutootive K-Mart- Village Vipers Durham Waxers W-I-T' RF-RAý 20-5-O 3802-171 17-5-O 329r-232' 15-6-O 320-225 16-9-O 304-233 13-11-O 316-237 10-14-O 271-241 16-9-O '347-250 11-13-O 319-318 12-15-O 288-289 11-15-O 302-317 5-21-ýO 233-395 0-23-O 104-607 -e4 Pattie Phillips belted a two-run home run ini the firat inning and WVhitby Rebels went ,on to defeat Oshawa 11-6 in girls' novicoII fastball recently. The Whitbyr team closed the season wth a 124 vie- tory over Pickering to finish in second placé, juat behind Whitby Eagles. Krista Mfueller and'Cas- - sie Grabowksi each had'a Rebels had a' season record of 14 wins and six Wéin, os for squirts Whitby Rebels had awin and a léoa-inrecentirls'" Ke ailey Mil 1er and. Daielle Morsn each had two, bits i'an11-6 win over Cobourgr. Ashley Me-Donald walked 15batters i a 13-3 boss to Newmarket which won the' silver medm: at. the provi- diais. Compete pair of prescription eyewear Back toSchool Special .until September30/96 with this ad CYCED 110 ATHOL ST., WHITBY - 430-7806 15% OFF ALLI TC NORC BIES ND CCESORI SALE FROM AUG 22,1996 TO SEPT. 30, 1996. There wiII be a draw for a NORCO MOUNTAINEER SL Mountain Bike onî September 30, 1996. Tickets available in store (No purchase neCessary) <-J WHITBY FIGUR E SKATING CLUB h Ak r n Saturday., September 7th., 1996 9a onoon, Iroquols Park Complex KiNDERSKATE, -CANSKATE, CANFIGURE, POWERSKATE, ADULT Copy of Birth Certificate Requîred ..... ... ..... a il

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