WhitbY Free Press, WednOsdaY, August 14, 1996 ,Page 1,' Annùalfestival raises, money -forFairview Lod'ge rn svenmtn annuai summeër Festival will be held at Fairview Liodge in -Whitby-on. Saturday, Aug. 24, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.' HeId on the outside rounds of the lodge that is residence for Parkwood 'Swigsat Dusk' Parkwood Estate and Gardens wilI -host the third annual "Parkwood Swings at Duske on Thursday, Aug. 15, 5 ta 830 p.m. Thr 17-piece Durha m Big Band, conducted by Brent Turner and featuring leed vocaliet ]Robin Lee of Whitby,, will perform f&vourite Autofest' to be larger- than ever. The third annual Autofest rolîs into Oshawa on Sunday, Aug. 25. tIn just three years Autofest has become one of the top three automotive events of its kcind in Canada. With over 500 vehicles on show in 1994, more than 600 in '95 and registrations ta, date running one month ahead of last year, the Motor City Car Club (Autafest organizers) are anticipating more than 800 classic beauties. on Aug. 25 at GM Canada headquarters on Colonel Sam Drive.- Perennial favourites 1955, 1956 and 1957 Chevrolets will be joined by late fifties' finned monsters, from Obrysier, Flat-Head Fords, lead uieds, street rods, custonms, antiques and a parade of race cars. Complementing the vehicles will be more than 40 commercial exhibitors and, for the first tume, a large arts and cr aft show and sale. Autofest '96 opens ta the public at 10 a.m. and the event concludes with an aw4rd ceremony and Parad of winners from 4 ta 5 p.m.' Admission l 5per person, children under 12 are fr-ee. Ail spectators over age 18 are eligible ta wln a trip for two ta Montreal. Free parking -and sliuttlebus service will be provided et two offite locations: Kerr Industries et Farewel and. Bloor and Gagnons Trucklng on Colonel Sam Drive. toe-tapping- melodies from the thirties ý and forties, startlng at 6:30 p.m., weather perming. Picnic blenkets or lawn chairs are recommended for sematlng during the concert and between dances. Ticket holders are encouraged to dress in 3«1s or 40's garb. Tickets are $15 per person and are- available- et Parkwood,..270 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa or et the door. "Parkwood Swings at Dusk7 isaa fundraising event, with proceeds to further restoration work at the national historic site. WRFES'WORIKSHOP The Writers' Circle of Durham Region will present the second in a' series of workshops for beginning adult writers ýon 'Wednesday, Aug. 28, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Toronto School of Business, 1450 Kingston' Rd., Pïckering. Cost i. $10 for. circle members, $15 for- non- members. Caîl 905-686-2085 to register.. MUSE PBOGRAM The Muse Program for young writers, offered through the Writers' Circle of Durham Regiont will offer an Indien Summer theme for the fali workshops, beginning Sept. 7 et Holy Trinity AnlcnChurch in Ajax. Register before Aug. 23. Cost la $40. Celi 686-1103. VOLUNTBERS, Volunteers are neoded for the Muse Prograni. Anyone Interested cen attend a meeting on Saturday, Aug. 2, 10 ta 11:30 a.m., et Holy Trinity. For more information, call 905-404-2493. 198 enios~rnngractivxties are againplannd 7r this year's There will, be an entertairnent stage, etting zoo, barbecue' booth, cid1 ns g ames, antique car show, craft tables and caio, games. More tan 2,500 people atten- ded lamst yersevent that raised' $119000. unds raised go toward enhancement of the environment of the'home and resident pro- grams. Various service clubs businesses, volunteers, resideni; and'family members help with activities. Go-chairs of the event are Deb- bie Brown. and Heather Tim. Buy the Best From the Sewte AUDIO0 I VID'EO s Ail Brands- On Premise s - *Factory Trained Technicians *Low carry-mn rates* Written Guarantee *VCR- *Canucorder *Teevision *Stee Serving *CD Player * *Csfle *Cordless Phione Durh am *Amplers *Walkman *CarStereo 'Since 1974 VCR- TUNE*UP SPECIAL " Test Ail Functions " Replace Wom Tire *?/~s 4~,44 * Replace Wom Beit * Clean Assembly * AIign Head ea4« Offer Expires Aug 31/.96 -.. . . . Custone Electromotive 1150 Champlain Court Whutby 668-642 * SUMMER liME. I Ail custom made window coverings and fashion accessories Inludes fabrlc &1labo ur FREE UN-'HOME M. vinylb..rt CONSULTATIONSI & ESTIMATrES m-I-.- Hunteroouglas Mini Blinda - ertimcals, Honey Comb'Shadles ON SALE NOW! 11 Making Eyes With" COLOR ME BEAUTIFIUL FAMILY PACK' 4 Fish & 2 Chips, Onion Rings hic flarge. Coleslaw vorlCaesar Salad plus 4 canned soft drinks (any choice) $19.95taxes ___ <NOT VALID WITH'Ah PARTY PACK 6 Fish & 3 Chips, cholce of large Coleslaw or Caesar Salad plus 6 canned soft dlrinks (any choioe) $25. 95 taxes 4Y 0CH-ER OFFER) 1J- Limited time only Vaild A"l Day - vrday Fish 'N Chips, COl,esl read Butter, Tea or Coffee. $5.OO Discover the 90"s look- with: *Mak e-up Lesso n *Find the secret to younger Iooking skin, *Leam your bestmake-'up colours to-en hanoe your natural beauty, Incudes: $15. off consuling fee'and COLOR-ME, BEAUTIFUL 105 Mary St. ,N. (at'Byron) Pearson Lanes Sleeps 4, dual air, fridge, stoveft<rnace, micro wave, flush toilet etc.. Ai l the comforts of a motor home. Ail the ease and efficiency of driving a van. Discover why Roadtrek is the best selling North American camper van. Roadtrek- The Motor Home That.. Drives Like a Vautl' by d HOME&PA4RI< -- Mo nq0 RNMEçS OWASCO' RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Pro van to serve you BESTsince 1972. An 'l CARE' and CAA award winner. 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby ÇbWAIo 6"6J41