Page, 10, Whltby free Press, Wednesday, August 14; 1996 'Pirates' is ..cast fTho Whtby Courthouse Theatre baecut the lîrat production of ità - 1996-97 season, 2VieF Atea of Pnanoethe famous comie opera by Gilbert & Sullivan. Richard (a pirate king) will b. played by Daiel Wys and Frederic (a, pirate apprentic lIl be played by David Laing; Magjor-General Stanley, of the British Army, Dol Strangward; Edward (a -sergeant of police), John Francom; Mabel, General StanleYs yourigest daughter, Joyce Schneider Ruth (a piratical maid-of-ail-work), Karin Dean. The chorus of daughters, pirates, police is mmde up of Armon Arkolian, Jim Yakemishyn, Robert Reid, Bernie, Beales, Bill Clarke, Aaron.Hanley, Alan Rumk Kltt D'Angela, Mlissa Rodmond " Carol Rutledge, Brin Birdt Marilyn Washington, Laurie Martin, and Liesjie Blackmore. The show runs Nov. 7-23. For tickets and subscriptions, oei Lafontaine Trading Polit at 430-3774. Fora prerecorded message about upcoming shows, Cali the theatre at 668-1171, or visit- pages on the worldwide web at , httpJ/durhan.jno. comfAandEYWCT/welcome.h tml Brass band at the gazebo The Whitby Brasag Band will perform at Rotary Park in Whitby, tomorrw ,Thursday, Aug. 22. The band wilho in the gazobo, satn at 7:30 p.9 as part fthe Sum- mer Concert in, the Park program. EVRYSUNDAY I Brln In yoraebi A LARGE CROWD tumed out recently to see the Driftwood Theatre Group' s presentation of Romeo and Juliet at -Rotary ark. Dniftwood wiII again present the play at Rotary Park on Aug.' 18. Performances -are aiso schèd led at Lake- view Park in Oshawa and Soer Ceek Park in Bowmanville. Cali 571 -561 for more informa- tion. Photo by Mark-Reesor, Whltby Fme Press includes eddy bear appraiser, master clockmaker Annualantiques fair upcoming a astie 7hefle lth annual Trafal- grCastie Antiques Fair will be held Aug. 22 to 25. Organized by the school's Alumnae Association, this ydar' show includes a Saturday afternoon illus- trated' lecture, 'In the Gothie Taste,' by the Royal Ontario Museum'sé Conrad Biernacki. There will also ho on exhibition of'orginalu- nishings owned by, the flamboyant Sherîff- of Ontario- County, Nelson Gilbert Reynolds, the bull- der of Trafalgar Castle in 1859,'along with artifacta of the period from a private collection. Anyone with old teddy hoars can -bring them to teddy bear appraiser Steve Howard Of Oakville, who runs a- business, Teddy Bear Circa 1900. Also new te the show i. master clockmaker Peter Marshall of Torontowhose specialty i. restoring move- ment. and cases,- and Peter Chai who will show fine Daily Specfialfrom $3.99 *Watch for our ad in the Whitby Free Press wlth Live EntertaInment starting August 231d Whitby Schuol -J. of music jh SUMMER MlUSli CAMP Piano a Guitar Keyboard -103 Dundas St./W. Costumiere Alan Suddon will present 'Convèea- tione,' a tableau of historic costumes from the Suddon Collection, on the grand -staircase in the. castle. The tableau will depict the 1897-1914 period we n young men from Victoria College in Toronto wouldý arriveý by- train from Toronto te- promenade the. Grand Hall with the stu- dents in evening dress to the music of an orchestra. Royal Ontario Museum curator Brian Musselwhite will identifr treasures on. A u g 2 4 s i l a . m . t . . an, aniues authority Mary Sutherland will ho at the fairon Aug. 25, 1 te 3 1>he galIa openingniught for the fair lasThurmiay, Aug. 22., 7'te 10 p.m.,, and the cost i. $25. ' 1 Admission, for each of Frida, 'Saturday a d S - mation, ea1905-4-02 lh.-inth annual musi- cia' Corn Roaat for the' Heart wll ho held Sunday, Auig. 18,.noon to 8p.m. The event 'a fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke present Tefinal joumey of the -Wîngfield trilogy fi Il&lyDan Neecues' Staming Rad Beattie August6-171f Tickets: a Aduts $16.50-$20.00 e'Youth $1 2.00 7O5we3: -0h11, Dal esmen. singers to perform in 'fie Couýnty Town Sfingera Winl pprform 1 ia _joint concert with the Dalesmen Singera of Whitby, England at Cullen Gardens on Saturday, Aug. 17,4 p.m~.- During the aummer of 192 the County Town Siner toured England, Scotland and Wales in celebration of their silver anmiversary. The." tour included a performance with- the Dalesmen. The Dalesmen Singerma are an ail-maie chor us, consisting of about 50 members,-and-they wiil tour Ontario.' Admission to the joint 'concert will be included in the general admision fee for the gardons.. For more information, cal Marianne at-668-9290. Tea in the garden at, Thne Oshawa Sydenham Museum wiI hoît a gardon tea at 2 p.m. on Tuesda, Aug. 20. -A gardon ýwalaut will follow the toa& The tour will focus on the uses' of the gardon' various herba and flowers hi Victorlan Urnes. A mson i. $4 à ndtickets* muât ýb. purchd >ýin advanoeby callng 436-7624. The -museum Is locatod" t 1450 imcoDe. 7iMusical roastf afou'ndation funOdraiser Foundation, is held at the home of Pani and- Charlene Wasson -4790 McKoëe Rd., off HIEeway'.57, hiBlack- stock. Among the artis for the tisyear's show are the Burnt. River Band, Dottie Randali, Sher Black, HolIl Thneonand, Shi' loh, Gina mie Band, Stet- son and' comedian, Lorne Hachey. There will»als3o be-an auc- tion, raffes, kida' activities and food. or more informa- tion,^ calf.the Wassons at 905-986-0292. Ladies $7-52 OFF any reg. price EveiylThursclay' 3:OOPm o :OOpm Shake speare in the park