Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Jul 1996, p. 8

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Pages,. Whitby Fee Press, Wednesday, July 31,, 1996 WhityDaleme ingers to visit Whitby The County Town Singera wili perform in a joint concert with the Dalesmeri Singera of Whitby, Engiand at Cullon Gardons on Saturday, Aug. 17, 4 p.m. During the sunumer of 1992, the County Town Singera toured England, Scotiand and Wales in celebration of thoir sIlver annIversaiy.- The tour lncludod a, performnce with tho Dalesmen.- The Dalesmen Singera are an ail-maie dcrus, oîn sisting of irbout 50 membera, and they will tour Ontario. SAdmission. to the joint concert wlll ho included in the general admission fee for the gardons. For more Information, cali Marianne at 668-9290. Local.rocerysoeinfddrv By MikeKowaldki Two. Wtby supermarkets are taking part in t ho largest food drive ever undertalcen in Ontario. Pringle Creek IGA at Ander- son Street and Manning Road and the Price Chopper groceIr store on Brock Street ILouth wi1 ho aoeepUing donations o! non- th ext two w=e * u'n The stores are among 303 out- ioets owned by Oshawa Fooda that are collecting items for dis- tribution to 180 food. banks across the province. The Toronto-based Daily Bread Food Bank is co-ordinating the drive and each participating store has been assigned to a local food bank so that ail contribu- tions will ho used within the immediato vicinity. .However, news o? the drive, which began MondaLy and en&s Aug. 10, caught officiais of two local food banka b y- "surprise when cailed by The Fre àPress. "Nobody contacted us here and we sure could use some food,» said'Capt. Dean Locke of 'the Salvati on Army'a Whitby branch. "Right now welre, having te, purchase food because we're really low," ho said. Loceke preferred not te disclose the number o! Whitby peple that use bis orgaizations9 food bank as ho did not have the infrmaionimmediatoly avail- able. "I don't have the numnbers off- hand,» ho said, «but I do know the food bank is low." 1Paul Dickson, food bank super- visdrfor Simcoe Hall Sttement House in Oshawa, had no ob4ec- tion to the Daily Bread initiative. "W. are a member agency o!-i Daily Bread, we do benefit from thom and I have no problem with them doing a drive,» said Dick- son. 'The onlyg thing 17m distressed. about is they lef us unaware. Their administration noeds a lit- tie bit of? improvemont.n Dickson- described Daily Bread as a "odsarng agency» 'as opposed te an actuai food bank where people- can go in and receive some of the staples o? life. It's a great program, we share 'Temp PEOPLE BEGAN liningUp early in the moming in downtowvnWhitby last weék 10 apply for a temporary industrial job. Action Force, a Scarboogh temp firm,' was with other regions. and they s3haro with us,»he sid. _ý«A lot O! peoplo have the mis- guided impression that food col- lected in Durham qoes to Toronto, and we get nothing mn return, that'a not the case. Daily Bread spokesperson Sue Coi explained that the food col- lected ini the Greater Toronto Area goos te the centrai location and is distributed te, food banks that request -it. «We send more food into Osh- awa than we collect from them » said Cox., who noted that th'e Oshawa chapter of the Salvation' Armny is participating in the drive. «The Whitby Salvation Army, who is welcome, haven't contac- ted us," she said . «We're Juat a phone caîl away and we'd fv ovehave them.." Meanwhile, .dropoff bins were already in place at Pringle Creek IGA early Monday, -confirmed grocery manager Gord Hilton. "We leave it up te, the custe- mers. We don't 'Pressure them,» said Hilton, adding that canned vegetables and fruit, pasta, baby flooded with applicânts when Rt rented an office ai the plaza at Dundas and Perry streets Tuesciay and Wednesday to accept applications. Phto by Mk Reeso.-Whltbi Fm ro.Ps food and peanut butter are among the items requestled. «The, declino in food bank in- ventories is alarming» said Osh- awa, Foods spokesperson Tmà Carter in a prepared robeas. «We are hopeful that with this drive we can avoid the closure of many o! Ontario's food banks at a Urne when they are badly needed..». PacaIt -Fnancial Concep f.C.G. ,Securities( Drporation is a lcensed Mutual fund dealer. rporation is a Iicensed Securities dealer. CALL FOR YOUR FREE MEETING. Group DEREK DUTKA SeivÎng Whtby and Osha wa 198 Street E.,C Your Financial -Health Derek Dutka MMDYEAR.CHHCKLIT. We finally managed to get in a few days that made It feel like suinmer (Most ofthem alter our family's attempt at two weeks of camping)! Many people use the summer to take vacation -and rechmu their batteries. They go b ack to work refreshed and with more energy and productivity. One of the habits wise investors got into i. regularly reviewing their financial plan to ensure they are flot fall ing behind/rnissing out in any particular area. If you haven't yet formed Ithis habit now. mlght ho a good time to start. What'followsi are someofo the more common areas that get overlooked., Have you made your 1996 RLRSP contribution yet? The money, will grow inside your RRSP where it will flot attract any tax until It la withdrawn. If you don't have the cash to miimizoit now, how about starting a monthly contribution?' Even $25 or $30 a' month will get you started. You can increase it later, once the, habit has been set> Have you gotten around to> preparing/reviewing your will? Have you included, the power of attorney as well? Remember,. the will is hoW you ýwant thinge handled in the event of your unexpected death. - Have your insurance needs changed? Do you know. what life' and disability coverago lu provided by your employier? Does your spouseifamily knlow where to find thisi nformnation and lother Important information? Generally, as youget older your assets grow and your liabiities decrease. Usually this. meanis' lesa need for life insurance. However, if you've read'the last couple ô! articles on estate planning, youý may want to, increase-or modify your eisting coverage. Do, you h;aveany childreni or grandch'ildrenr heading off, to unîversi ty this fali (or in the near future)? Io thore any lcind- of fund set up.to help offset the rpdyrén ot secndary education? ~ ' 0 Other than -the usual last minute RRSP cëontributionsi, are thore tax deductions or tai planning strategies youcouid take advantage o! by starting now? Have you reviewed yourý short, -medium and iong-term go0als Are you .on track with themi? Do the investmenta you have stili -seem well-suited to achieving those goals? By investing a smaii amount of'Urne in reviewing your financial situation, you'li end up feeling more mecure with the knowledge that you are in control o! your financial future. If al of this seeme too confusing, consuit« an Independent financial planner for help. DerekDuthkaisaan in ependentflnandlplann2r with Financial Concept Group in Oshawo. ,19M

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