shS LOfe Letter from camp de=" lbatypcaf day hmr at camp. Il siails eoeiy, ai 6:45 «bars a&m. ni p.m> wfh a knock at aur cabidmo. 1 drag myself out of bed, PUl on m'j biigsuit and propare for the oarly momlng tlorture af tbe polar clp. This pardiclar roquirnent hbau et us happy campera galborlng cdown et lisbeach just aller 7 am. when we a l Irw atselvos bta lis freezirig lake. At camp tie bot showrand colléeeire out hypothemrila la In. 1 vnt you aIoudersand liat Ibis la notmykiUn lnftactl1was told that as chaplaïn, 1 couldslcip lis particular r"I.Unfartunatolyyour IIve-year-ol grandidaugbter Elizabeth Wberd-diai lhoe was a oertiflcaie ai weMek'nd for ail -bose wbo campleled lie marnlng swirm. As a resul, after p<*l on my sWim lnJnks, 1 wake ber il>, hep ber pull on ber suit and lien, *évelin baid, off m Oucige. Strangely, yourdaugbler-in-law lias chosenvolta boMn us li aur dawn ablutons, but lnsisad bearlesaly wavesgoocliys ta us, bfo-re ralllng over and goig back ta sleep. One oa 'lie alvaitages ai lie mokgswkn, bowever, l iaiMI1gela cb be a Ses- your oliher grandidaughier, Sarahi. You, do rernemnber Sarah., dont you? lm glad you do because l'm siartzng ta ort Sice she came btamp and enlerod lhs- boa cman ardlly se ber. And wbon -m do ses ber aserare aclcnwledges aur eslenoe. I gai a 11rtive wave Yesterday and ans day -Wendy got al excited because Sarahi actuaMly salci bo. Pleuse send o a f ber as soon as possije, ai Wo'lf bave lie pictures ta remegrvber ber by. .As for Eliabeli, ah. bas adjusagd quit. well-ta bolng, ai ony child. lni fad, she -la beglnningtaose e alvniages af lie ouvrent set-up and 16wéfidehow ta make lhis a mare permanent arrangemnent Aslie >cungosî memnber of camp, aur Lhz la wel known aid m cannai walk aiywboe wlliaut er being .stapped aid Wakod toI a, theie ke living wili lie star of a bit nmv and we ae ber entourage. As for me, you are Probable wonderlng wbat RIs lata a camip Main ahiectuailydom e bm npolar dîps and dînner. I belp plan lire eveng worshlps aid Sunday morr*ig.Thon 1I moetwilli achigro&f of campers twlce during lie week for 45 minutes, for wbatisl called a «God chat' Naw% Dad, I wait you ta knagie liai you iae 1là years old and i camp. There la carihg. archery, craila, swlmmlng, overnlgbi campauts ai games galore, and me. Sa Dad, utguss, wbat woeM be ailie attrn ai yotu' last afacflviles'ta participai. lln. God chat or gams? So I1lien oeed oye ai question. ,Why19Ist» 1sald, laOm onliat4i - m bave viever alen lntenlewod on The Nationial, orbal lieni land in front ai the Prfrn fktilehouse asklng ta buien tab cmr leader, lia la la so easy for us ta beleve I lilena, but sobhard for ustb beliove lIGod? ON mi you fliuanswers next dm. Riglit now 1I have -biNke ouIta ovisit cof admiegroupa on #Il eir vomlt l'ting Uail nmy iavourite cobra stadies ftom AfrcaThat augbi ta leop lim Up ail nIight. rHwriteagai soan. Ilie meanfimne, pleae sond an lna»ulatobalhing sut ASAP. Ten ant legisiation FROMPAGE i Those» Planning ta attend are asked te pre-reg0tr1 ycaln the social development counils9 office in Ajax at6- 2661. *Meanwhile, public hearinge are scheduled te ho held in nmoe Ontaria cities from Aug.& 19- ta -Se pt. 5 and written submissions wiIl ho accepted by the ministry until Aug.3. Six em*sting pieces of landiord- tenant legisiation wil ho repla- ced by on. 'omnîibus' aw if MiPPs endors. Leach'*s bil. Some of the main elements of the proposed «tnant-protection» package include the following'- * Rent increases for sitting tenants will continus to e i ted ta' once a- year and- the current. 2.8-per cent guidoline wiii ho about the sanie in 1997; *Landiords wiii stili require permissiion to ra"s.rentsabovo the lueIlinand it wiii continue te~~~t holnie capital exponýdi- tures and extraordinary in- crossehioperating coats for mnunicialtaxes aduiiis *Th r't of tenanttomajk. a rent reauction (or abatement) application at any time will ho preserved. The grounds for decreases will ho inadequate maintenance, reduced or with- drawn services and operatingr cost decreases for municipa *Taenants will continus to ho ableto make applications regard- ing illegal rent increases and illegaI charges; *~lenla unit is vacated, ths landiord, wil negotiate the i- coming tenant's rent without regulatory restriction. Guidelinos will once again apply when the. unit is rented to a new tenant; * Rent guidelines wiil not apply to new construction. SROTARY (A$H CAUDAR$ Prizce Numbrs for ýJUly18-21 1l164 '2222 2567-27J84: 1659 2216 091 it >t îrnmediately called Police. Police arrivod and chased the two past a ldring party ia vacant lot at Bosch and Centre Streets. Ithernnng of the two individuais flushed out live mors who worm at this partyff Han says.. The two -break and- enter suspects got away. but, 'aftsr a chas. aiong ths rwIlroad -tracks, police managod to nab two youths from the party and charged them wlth minor alohoi offences. Crimestoppers and Durban Regionai Polios seek the publies help in solving an arson which occurred in OishawÎa on July 11. At approximateiy 5:35 p.m., the Oshawa fire department went to a blaze at Peaock Luniber, 328 itaon Rd. N. On arrivai firefighters obssrved a quantity of lumber ablaze in the northwsst c9rner of the yard. Pire department officiais determined that- the fire was deiiberatsly sut, Approimately $80,000 in white pine luniber was destroyed. Crimestoppers wiIl pay a cash reward of up to $1,000 for any information that leads to an arrest In this incident or any other serf ous offence. Callers don't-have to give their names.or tsin~ court. Cali 436-8477. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT eRETIREMENT PLANNING * e TAX I, ESTATE STRATEGIES 666-8245 SFORTUNE( F1IN AN C1IA L duFotune FnncaGou . WHITB3Y FE RS WILL BE CLWED on Monday, August 5 Deadlines for al advertising and Coming Events will be Friday at 4 pm ~haveahppye soiehddywee For blanket coverage of ALL the homes and/or businesses in Whitby OR ta selected areas only, oeil the Whitby Free Press - 668-6111. If you cic! not get a fiyer which is listed for fuli disimibution, give us a oeil. " lPundas Centre/Pringle Creek Guardian Drugs (select) " Gord Garner Automotive (select) " Lilian ,North-ReIMax Summit Realty Inc. (select)' Whltby Fm roPis, Wseday, JuIy 31,19l6, Pages Two charg9ed after foot chase COMMUNITY POLICING Patrol members1 (front to back) Skye Lonimer, Mary Carri Mitch Martin, Mark Monissette_ and Todd Wilson dipa he new shirts purchased with a donation by the community police committee, and loal businesses. Patrol officers also presenteci $500 -- fromn PrOceeds from the police, Community Day - to the Kids' Safety Village in Whitby. Photo by N" kRo9««. WhitW Pros Prou An aiert homeowner interrupted two maies attempting ta break into bis Bosch Street residonce late Juiy 22. Police say he heard a noise outaide, movod a blind ta look out, the window "and came face-to-face with a young maie who was,- leaning into the window," says Inspector Walter'Hall. The suspect took off running westbound on Bosch; the homeowner aiso spotted a second maie running away and Patrollers get .new attire. DEBBIE MORGAN Fortune Financial Group Inc.