Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Jul 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby FMe Proe,. Wecfresday, Juiy 31, 19M. MU8KOKAI COTTAGE for rent T.V.,' VCR1, bq. Excellent fisNngtswlrnrnng. Gai 5 minutes awy Picturos avallable. Due ta canlation now avaliabe August 17-31. $500/wkly. 430-1466. LA KEFRONT -COTTAGE on Lake Catchaoxxa. 2 bedroom. Wonderfut for chlldren. Good flshing. Indoor facildes.' $350 per wek. Ca 905-666-1236. IBEAUTIFUL INGROUND poli cornes with this 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom, and fabulous basement. $1 99,800. Ask for Ulian, 668-800 or res., 668-7479. Remax Sumnmit Reaity. BAYFIELD HOME, backlng onto ravine and bird sanctuary. 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom, finlshed basement, 180' lot. $21§9,500. Ask for Ulian, 668-3800 or res., 668-7479. Remax Summirt Realty. I A........j AUCTION SALE Civic Holida, P Auguat 5,1996 at 63 Pm. et Lemoibiie Community Centre on McCowan Rd. (north ai StouMîile Rd.). Antiques, coliectables, fumriture, dishes, gassware, Royal Doutons, tools. Terms Cash or thari Gauelin Auctloneer 905-640-3079 MORTGAGES & LOANS [I *lst&2nd U Lnes of credit *BEST RATES Frank Caliahan 571-2880 Atter hours 668-4454 jUpper Canada Funding, e. MY GRATEFUL thanks ta blessed St. Jude, patron ai ail dfficuit cases for a very, great favour granted. V.N ATTRAC11VEg FIT, financiaiiy secure maie, seeks attrcive, fit fernale, 25-30 for fun, frendship and hopefuily- more. EnJoy travelling, mocvies, quiet trnes and ail thlngs outdoors. Please- respond ta Box #10035, WhiMb<Free Press 900 Hopkins SURJ B 206, ÃŽWhlb Ontanio, Li N 5S1. FITNESS ONE on one. personal tralning facility. Spocializod fitness Instucton In a private studio setting. Goal assessment constant support and motivation. bodyforrn Fness -'Studio, 213 Byron St. S., suite 101, Montgomeory Place, Whitby. Cal for appoFntrnont, 668-4464. EVANLY RAYS servicing ovor 20,000 Ontario househoids. Rated #1 ln Canada. Police, politidians & corporations. use us. Concerns about lave, healthrelatlonshIps, pnoney. Just cal 1 -90-4514055,24 hrs *2.99/min., 1, 1-960-451-4055. D Iavid Schram - Certified Reflexologlst J_ 806 Athol Street, Whilby - 668-4265 1 VEDI ASTROLOGY - Discover the key to your destlny through this ancient saiencel Consuftation on neaa horoscope, relaonshi and MeNauhtôn(905> 655-3933. BATimAN FOREVER *SAILOR ZOOM e TUXO . MASK *SPIDERMAN * CINDERELLA e WHITE RANGER - also Red, Green and Pink *Birthdays, Company Picnics Etc. *NO VIOLENCEI - DOUGý (416) 439-89133 Hqappy xs Birthdcay! to M J Abramson ISCOX Horace James. Peaceuly et the Why General Hospital on FdcIayJuly2G,1996inNhs9letyear. Horace, be n loving husbahd ai Joan. Lo'ungtfher and-father-in-law af Dad and Karen, Robert and Lynne, Ahdrew, and Deborah. dovoted grandfathor of Jason, Steven, Jamie, Adam. and Geofi. FondlY romerffbered by his rnany nieces and nephews and -TeddTil Prodooasodby Ids daugh o Alilson, brothers'Edward and Eric and hNs sister Margaret Funerai servics were held kt Ail Saints Anglican Church, -Tuesday Intorment, Groveside Cernetory. I mernorian donations may be made ta "h Hospita or Sick Chikiren or ta the chaity af your choice. wA MAN WHO TOuCHED S0 MANY LIVES WITH LOVE, GENTLENESS, AND KINDNESSN. MACKAY - Irs with great sadness that the farnlly af Cam MacKay announces his passing an July 26, 1996, ln the presence of his bving family. Cherished husband for 55 earsaof Beatrice, belaved father of Iaton and his wife Mary Lynn,, and the late David Edmund, celebrated ra aihro David and MichaeL rl andateed brother of Elizabeth Landers and her husband David, Gardon and his wile Betty, predeceased by Marlon. 'Cam experienced a rich and full lite. Bom and rlse n Owen Sound, R.C.A.F. W.W. Il veteran, graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College 1950, faunder ai MacKay Anima] Clinlo ln Whty1957, retlred fram active gracticeIn. 1986, Rotanlan, Paul arrisfellow, ion time member aI St. Mairks Unite church chair ln Whitby and the United Chùrch of Christ choir ln Part Orange Florida. Cremation. Memonai seMvce 11:00 amr., Thursday August -lst ai St. Marks United ôhurch, 201* Centre St. S., Whitby. ln leuou fiowers, donations m«y b. made ta St. Marks United Church, Whitby or United church af Christ ln Fort Orange, Fiorida. BINGO COUNTRY. 0 * ,** 7 77-9 7:00pm& 10:3 pmMon. -Sun. JAKOS.1:0Pm Sat. &Sun. 12:30 pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. 5Poi'nts Malil aRitson &Taunton, Oshawa (behind A&P) Charities 945371 436-9404 Support YourLocal Charities k s wUP JAKO aPT 29100* RZSe EVANS - Irene. AI the Whltby General Hospital, on lbursday, July 25 1996, Irene Evans age 72 years. Bok>ved wift.,aifLèe.Evans. Cherished mother af CheryL Kalof and her husband Havey, Ear Evans and his wite Anna. ,,dQng remernbered yrachildren Daniel, Joshuai,% e and Aher. Memodal servce -WU lb. ýhold et Thornton Crematoriumn Chapol. 1200 Thornton Rd. N., Oshawa on Saturday, July 27, ai 11:00 arn. Mernori a donations ta the Sick Chilren's Hospital, Toronto, would b. approdiatei. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS'IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F EDWARD PAUL COATH,' Deceased Ail claims against the Estate .of Edward Paul Coath, late of the Town 0f Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham,' deceased, who died on or about the 6th day 0f February, 1990, must be filed- with* the undersigned personal representatives on or. before August 14, 19196, thereafter the undersigned wiIi distrîbute the assets 0f the* estate having regard only to the dlaims then. filedi. Dated at Whitby, Ontario this 8th day of July, 1996. Mary Paulie Coath, Executrix by her- solicitors, COATH, LIVINGSTONE, BRUNT, 128 Byron Street North, Whi tby, Ontario LI N 5S4 HOWDEN - JOHN AND Carolyn are pieasod ta announce the- blrth of Jillian Emma Nadia, welghIng ln. ai 8ibs 12ozs, at 12:13 p.rn., July 18, 1996 at Ajax-Pickçeri uospfaL Pou grandpaents are BiU an uçia Howdon ai Whitby and Dave afid Ada Parton of Gambrldge. Even more dolghted ls aider sister Kaltlynl GEURTS - Bob and Tracy (Goodlet) are ecstatic ta announce ah irt fthoir third child, Courtney~ Lynnie, bom on December 16,1995, -at 7:19 p.m. weighing 7 t>s 10 ozs. Proud siblngs 'are Mossa and Jarnie. Happy grandparents are John and Cordie Geurts and, Betty Goodlet. Spocial- thanks ta Dr. S. Hendorson and Dr. Rowe. CLASSIFIED AD$ GET RSWiS Whether you're buying or seilng, put the dlassifieds ta wark for, youl To place your ad, cal Whitby Free Press 668-6111 Office- -Hours: Monday to Fridayt '9:00*am to 5:00 prý Fax 668-05941 1,Nus.awa. .5687 g ~A~ALIII ive measies The Durham Region HElalth -Department will. hold measles vaccination clini*cs every Tuesday, frfiOM now until Aug. 27. t <The clinics are open t l children, enrolled'in schol during 1995-96 who" did not; receive, a second dose of measles: vaccine during. the recent- measles élimnation camnpaign in uchools. "About 10 per ent f school children did flot receive 'their messIes vaccine when we offered it in Februairy through June. Were <trying ta proteet these 10,000 chidre'n before school opens in the fail ,says, Dr. Linds Panaro, assci-ate medical officer cf health. As of September- 1996, legisiation will require al students attending Ontairia uchools ta, receive two. dose of. measles vaccine after their first birthday. Public health nurses. will ho available for the suzmr. on TuesdaYs, 8:45 *tô 11:45. am., at the west' ffic of the heaith department, located at'. 126 Commercial Ave., Ajax, For more informiation, oeIl 723-- 8521,.ext 2195 or 1140041-2729, "-i STâReES E Dih ? Fr hapyp OTHER an aPeR OBLy seEs f's hard ta believe aur baby wiIi be celebrating his first birthday an JuIy 30,1996. Friends and family wll help us oelebrate with a BIG, BIRTU-IDAY BASH 1!! D&D Services Smali Claims, Landlord/Tenant Disputes, Wilis, Power of Attomneys, Criminal Pardons, NameChanges, Process Serving & More WHITB3Y FRIEEPRS WILýL" BE CLWSED onoM.ndue Augusf 5 Deadlines for ail advertising and Coming Events. will be Friday at 4PMn Nuirea hupy, uie Orff weekeu q lailbi 1 N :141P q :2 d 03.1 F ALSO SAT. MORN, 9:30 A.M. I A,sports camp, The Brooklin Optimist Club wil rsn umer -Art and S paor ts pe = 96 iiAug u at. The *two-week Progam, (Aug. 19-3 26-30) at Buis Presby- tern Church in .Ashburn in ppen to 45 students from. Brook- Uin and surroundinjaea. rttsEmeli îRj and Leslie Grima will give instruction in iprintmalcing etchhin, and peint- mg while Ã"hi oxley coor- diniates varjous co-ed teain sparts and gies. Cotis $60 ferthe fistchild in a family, $30 for each additional chil1d, for each week. Application forme are available at Boklin Bulletin and Video Image, 76 Baldwin St. For more informÃŽation, cal] 655-3786. 'Seeds' activities durigAgust During Auut. the Oshawa SydenhainMusum li nce Sagain hosting a series of activities whlle the exhibit "See" in Disguise" lu on loan from the Royal Ontario Museum. Ail activities are held -on Wednesdays, froin 1 ta 3p.M., with a prograin fee of $4 for children (per event). Fees. ($20) for the adult program include ail supplies. P're-registration lu a must for al the events' and enrolment in hznited. Three activities have been designed for children, suitable for those aged Six ta 12., The firat activitY, lu "Shakeo it Up" and will take place an Aug. 7. This event will focus on the use of seeda in 'musical instruments, as well. as a craft and gaines.,, The second event, 'Treasure Box," will'take place on Aug. 14. This event will focus upon the use ofwseds in decoration and features activities, a craft and games. The last event, «From' Seed ta Flower,"-.whichwilI take place on Aug. 21. In this, programt the children Mill look at the growth from seed ta flower, and the uses of seeds for food and medici'nes. Games, activities and a* craft in included. The activity ^for aduits, ."Seed Wreath," wiIl take place on Aug. 28. 'The event wiIl include the supplies and the instruction for making Victorian seed wreaths. Cail the Museumo at 436-7624 tu register in advance for the activities., The museum lu located at 1450 Simcoe St. S. in Lakeview Park, m 1 1 1 1 ý

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