Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Jul 1996, p. 21

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Whitby Fr. Proe, Weoesday, juiy 31,1996, Pag. 21 a. ............. TU-n-DENT SPECIAL$ computer & monitor & keyboard & modem & printer & mouse & WIN 3.1. Ready t0 use. $800 or best offer. Cal Nexcornp Consultlng, 905-430-7781. DINING ROOM S uite. Bbde#Mras/Iass. China hutch, table & 4 chairs. Asklng $450 o.b.o. Figure skating bags, asking $50. Must soul. Calrater 4, 686-5478. SCAFFOLDING 2 ST & planks, $110. 4 Pireili res 14", Ike new, $1 00. Phono 665-7'63. 1996 UTILRYTRALER WIH 131n. whoels. 1 00r long by 527 wde, 3500 b. capClty plus. $725. Cali 728-200, lave message. WANTED: GOOD used wood fumniture, aplances stereos Ws.& Wîdt Sor, il à Brock& t S. SECTIONAL OAK WALL UNrr wfth desk. Bottom cupboards wfth gass cupboards on top. Cail 576-79. -1- lierF y - 66861 i MUSIC BOOKS for piano or vocal students. Includes conservatory Christmas, weddîn adReliglous. 9 sheol wooden boocase,$0 Foldîng door, $5. 723-7410.' ELECTRIC QUICKIE P300 wheelchair, used twice. Includes 12V battery, 20" rear Ires, Jay acive cushion; 16x18. Frame'colour blue, seat beit, double leg straps & adlustable foot rest. AsT ng 4,500. 576-2282 after 6 p.m. COUNTRY LAPSI, pin. cupboards, shelves, Curto, CD, vdéo, plan stand microwave stands. Buffets benches mirrors, quift racks, d ¶05-65:lGB'Y direct. Phono SiHERLOCK-MANNING Florentine model, Purchased new ln 1978. $1800. Cail 668-6317. Piano. u ri, ht. KENMORE STOVE Almond colour. Asking $125. Couch, ln good condiin, fiwer dsgn, asklng $80. 24 fLtravel tralier, ful i i fullo bathroom, sleeps 6, U g2 0 433-0775. AUBES 0F ST. LAWRENCE MARKET (Toronto) has a fine assorlment of gluten free pastas for'Ihose with Celiac and other Wheaf Allergy problems.416-368-8734. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolat e bars. New products available. Nothing ta pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. MEDICAL 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES! Safe, rapid, non-surgicat, permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot devel- oped, doctor approved. Free information by mail: 406- 961'5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. htp.//- www.visionfreedom.com Satisfaction guaranteed. ELECTRIO SCOOTERS for the physically challenged paymenl plans available - some used wilh new batteries - ast years models aI clearance prices - free demonstra- lion - Jim - 1-800-850-3012. Electric Scooter Leasing. MISCELLANEOUS FREE - ABSOLUTELY - FREE!!! Varlous types of'used plywood forms. Suilable for Bams, Sheds, Shelters, etc. AIgie (416)798-7066. 'MUSICAL INTEREST DOG SLED MUSIC, a Canadian catalogue, is oflering guifar strings in bulk. Six sets minimum order. electnic or acoustic mediums or lights - $3000 plus S/H. Bass ML, 3 sets, same price. Call:1-800.SLED DOG. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. CANADAS MOST GIFTED psychics have answers ta your problems or questions about health, love, relation- ship, money, tucky numbers. $3.49/minuîe, 18+, 24 hours, 1-900-451-4336. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers serving over 50 million readers and multi-talented psychîcs. Free asîrochari wilh your firsI reading! Relationships, Future, Career. $2.991 min. 18 + 24 Houps 1-900-451-3783. ADOPTION A WARM LOVING COUPLE IS ANXIOUS la adopt and provide a home for your expected child. Working wilh icensed prafessionals. Conlidentialify assured. Caîl 1- 800-504.2648. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/îimeshare? WetIl take il! America's largest, oldest reale clearinghouse. Resort Sales InternationqI 1-800-423-5967. Timeshare rentaIs needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDING SALE ...»ROCK BOTTOM PRICESI" When theyre gone - theyre gone. 25 x 40 $2,879.00. 32 x 44 $3,798.00. 30 x 50 $4,316.00. 38 x 60 $6,43à.00. 46 x 66 $8,466.00. Others. Ends Option.al. Pioneer 1-800-668- ,5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straifwall Type - not quonsef - 32x54,$9460, 40x72 $14.233, 50x90 $20.443. 60x126 $31.314 - oher sizes available - misc. clearance. Paragor - 24 hie - 1-800263-8499. 1 WILL BUY YOUR unwanted Rtems & contents. Cali 728-8485 leave a WANTED: MY MOM wants to buy your lone limber or playhouse with sldeýswings for me and my Mfi bfrmher. Pkeasecal 665-7050. N.ed a car - Credit Probema? Bankrupt - Undlachargecl? *We have WwaSetk-overs (repossessions> *Lems to own any makeormofxdel *Cash fotDadae. Caïnow for free quoies LEASEGUIDE AUTO0 LEASING Cali Jeff (905) 683-6230 1977 CORVETTE. 38,000 original mlles. 4 speod, standard transmission. 350 cublo Inch engin., new stailess steel brakes, Dunop Ires, exheust systemn & batteiy. Metallic blue with sports mirrors & !atr s Relable & coliodtible. S=uS Opn to offers. Cali John, 655-4640. 1988 GRAND AU. Z3 Re, quad ainadoksm k $20 a l.1985 Sunblrd, 2 itre, auto, power steedrotrakes. $700 as ls. 1977 BLAZER. 350 automatic rebuit transmission; new dual e>diaust 7 l2 foot angle plow. Good runnlng condition. Neods some body work. Asklng $1750. 433-0775. 1984 PONTIAC FIEROý SE. 4 cylindor, 4 spd., ps, pb 1pwlilt, sunmoof, new bakes, new pantIte tgoce¶df. Asklng $1250. OeIl 1981 FORD Van. Excellent runner, with wheelchair lit. $1 ,000. For further information oeil 430-1080. WHITBY. MATURE, professionai, maie or female to share 3 bedroom; fumnished townhouse. Non-smoker. lat & lest. $425 month. CeNl 666-2664. TWO BEDROOMS PLUS OWN bath. Share alother faciltes. Working aduit maie onty. $425 manthîy. Call Ray, 668-0070. OVERSIZED BEDSI1TNG. room P lus ensuite bathroom. Share itchen and leundry facillties. Workingýeduft femnale to share with same. alî Patnica at665-7648. $100 per week. WIUTBY. ONE BE DROON. USE of facilites. Close ta bus. Parking aveilabie. -Non-smaker. Onty $350 Drronth. Leave message,' OSHAWA. $835 monthly, Includes ulilties. Main ,floor house, broadloomed. Stove and fnidge. Swimmîng pool, parking. Close ta, shppng and transp'ortation. Soiifleara.430-9803. 3 BEDROON tawnhouse wth atached garage. Near Oshawa centre, schools and churches. $830 per month + hyedro. Oeil 432-6629. COMING EVENTS DIAMONO RIO, RICKY» VAN SHELTON, CARROLL BAKER, Mac Wseman, Farmers Daughter, Asleep At The Wheeî, Johnny Paycheck, The Goods, August 8 and 11, Haveîock Country Jamboree, camping 1-800-539- 3353. Tickets. For Fîyer send self-addressed stamped envetope la: Box 100 Haveîock, Ontario KOLlZO, c/o Jackc Bîakeîy. ODESSA ANTIQUE SHOW/SALE. Sunday August il 7am-4pm, $5. Earty admission Augusf 10 2pmn $20. 10 mites west af Kingston 613-283-5270, 200 dealers. Odessa Fairgrounds. BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance-pro- grams Information avalable. For your new or existing business. Take advantage o! the govemment grants and loans. Cali 1 -800-915-3615. FREE BOOKLET. DIRECT MAIL: Substantial Income per monlh, 10 hours per week. In-bound catIs only (416)631- 7078. Free Booklel (416)631-7078. Ask for FREE BOOK- LET! TRAVEL BUSINESS.- Investment $12.495. Full training and ongoîng support. FuI-imepart.îime - Home or Office. Many Travel Benefits. LIMITED AVAILABILITY. T.P.I. Canada Inc., 1-204-987-3322. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING aI the Southweslem Schooî of Auctioneering. Next class August 17-23/96. Contact: Southwestemn Ontaro School of Auctioneering, R..#5 Woodstock, Ontario N45 7V9 (519)537-2115. COMPUTER S FARMdecision IS «Canadas Leading Agricutural Sof- ware Supplier. Over three thousand Canadian farm man- agers use our software la streamline their accounting and record-keeping sysfems. We offer Bizwhîz Accounling Software, and Cropwhiz Field Anaîysis Software with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Geographic Positioning System (GPS) interface capabiîity. DEALER INOUIRIES WELCOME. For more information caîl today: 1 -80-263-1233. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institule af Canada offers cor- respondence courses for the Diploma in Counseîîîng Practise begînning this month. For a brochure phone Toîl- free 1-800-665-7044. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. A STEPPING STONE in the'Rockies - Charlton Resorts Banff/Jasper offers employment opporunities for people wishlng ta enter the tourism industry as desk cîerks, maids, amd servers. Subsidized accmmodations may be available. Apply in writing ta: Personnel, P.O. Box 1478, Baniff, AB, TOL 000. Fax 403-762-2744. FOR SALE SAWMILL $4895. Saw logs mbt boards. planks, beams. Large capacify. Best sawmilvalue anywhere. FREE ionntion 1-800-566-689. Norwaod Sawmilts, RR2 Kit- worthy. Ont. POE IGO. <911 NORTH 0F Oshawa Centre, qujet, clean 2 bodroom apartment. $655 lnclufes heat storago and paing. WHITBY. CLEAN & QUIETon bedroom apt. located ln NCentury OId BulldIngni Suitable for single workl ng person, non smoker. Avallabie September 1/96. $585pe month plus hydro. Cal 668-311 days or 668-6818 -.evenings & weekends. WHITBY - LARGE ONE bedroom in 4 yr. old building. Underground 9parfing, elevator, storage room. ~7,', inclusive. Avallable lmmediately. Cail Gary 666-9274. DOWNTOWN WHITBY. Top floor, luxury aarMent. I bedroam. Frldge, stoveinckuded. Available Auust let $595 + 1/3 utilies. Cail OSHAWA; NEW VERY CLEAN& v=y quiet, exceptional building. 1 bodvom et(September 1lst). $610 ai Inclusie.428-7677. MODERN, 1 bedroom basement earient. Inchudes ulilies, laundry, cable, and parking for 1. Bus et door. No pets. -Avfabe September 1. $600 per month. 905-666-8264. BRIGHT, 2 bedroom, basement aprmnt. Laundry. parking, close ta lsohols, separate entrance. $625 p lus haif utilties. Avalleble Sptember 1. 666-8573. A MUST SEEI BRIGHT, new, largo, open concept 1 bedroomn basement apartment. Private ontrance, gas fireplace, new kitchen, fuil bath, separate leundry. 4 applances, parking. WaIk ta GO. Rgnutes ta shoppi'ng. No pets,- non smoker., $70 mhy. Calï alter 6pm., BASEMENT STUDIO' for rent. Bright and modern. Avallable immediae. oaed ln, Whitby (Brock & Taunton). l scbe trtdge, stove, Iaundry & parkin. Prce: $560.00/mth (first &ls) Longoasingle workingpierson. No pt and would like réference. Please oeil in the evening et 905-668-4373. UPPER LEVEL of primae 2 storey home. 1 bedroam apt., with own kitchen, Mvng room, & don. Includes heat, hydro, cable & parking. $550. per month. Suitable for single, worklng prson oniy. Non smoker no pets. 666-2127.er WANT A HOME? ONE bedroomn. Renovated. Private dock, parklng walk to GO. Now renting. Fi rstan lest. $575 + hydro. Cail 4306152. OSHAWA. 2 bedroom apt's avallable Immediat& u~îs Appyatd 100b tW. 721-0831,. Asol1 bedroom at 3U2 Simcoe St. S., $475 plus hydro. 728-2969. LOCATION! LOCAION! Locataoni Large muli-bel 2&3 bedroomn suites avaliable -for Immediate accupancy. Great famnify building. WaIk ta scoostrnstshppping. Dundas & CochraneHarald 619-298lAocal. Hrk MBM PROPERTY management. Whitby epartment btàldlngs.~ One lnks e-RmUs months. o7 locations. 668-6700 days anly. 905-986-0480., CNEAP BACHELOR, Brock 5ti401. Sepoatekilchenette, 3 plece b.ath, pMvae entrance, 6 foot ICENTRAL OSHAWA Fumished including refrigerator. Dead boit locks. Private cable for TV. Share kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms.J Parking from $75. to $95. Cal434-1457 -a 576-2287 or 432-7907 FURNISHED ROOM for' rent, $80/weeok Share bathroom & kitchen. Worker preferred. Walkto ail amenities. Please oeil 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. FURNISHED >ROOM oernflable lrnmedity. Parking & cable, use of bathroomn & kitchen. Suit miature working female or male. First & last No smoking. -666-9620 leave message. WITBY QUIET place for qluiet. mature adluL Absohjtey no smokng. Kithen & laundryt Ites, parking, cable, telephone. Near ail amenhies, downtown & GO, air. Flrst &aes week. 430-0404. WHITY FURNISHED- room for rent Avaiabe Aust 1. Flrst & lks roqujired. -Non-smoker. Cal ROON FOR RENT. Female preferred. Worker on0. SI %mcoe/Taunton Rd. (OshawZ. Share house, washer & dryer. $300 per month. Call 404-2176. IIAIR« STUDIO HAS SPACE & 2 salon chairs for. rent ln back oi beauty sulpply shà in a busy dwtonlocation. Aso lon 6 SPACE AVNILABLE for rfessonaL, esthetdan msse terapist n Iltechngldan)wI exlsting clientele aitabs salon. 43048787 (As im norciUfers, *pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply- $1 .02 per agate lUne (14 agate linos per inch) Minimum.size 1 coiumn inch $14.28 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). GST is extra on. ail ads unîess othe mise indicated MAR KETPLACE »Advertîse Across Ontario. or Across the CountrY *it's Affordabiee * ts Fast » ts Easy One Bill Does hI Ail Northem Ontario $76 - Eastern Ontarlo $138 *Western Ontario $130 a Central Ontano $134 @ Ail Ontario $384 *National Packages Avallabi * Callt hs pMer for detalis! 10% off for prepayment on clisplay ads 6% off for visa prepayment

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