Whltby FieProos, We<hiosday, JuIy 31.,1996 Page 10 HOW TO0 BOOK VOUR CLASSIFI *t* .-* / ...< Cail 66&61 11. Ads placed by Monday et noon wilI be published that Wednesday. Prpybv 5nm to save mnyor, prepay wth your VISA card when placing the ad. ED AD... B'YPt« Fax your ad to us at 668- 0594. Please ensure you provide ail pertinent information,' and a number where we can reach you, f necessary. *:~ Mail your ad to: Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, ~ 0 Li N 5S1. Ads should be mailed to arrive by Monday at noon. You can enclose your paymnent, or provide billing infQrmation. '~' "¶.L..-to eFrid ay. Placeiradby ona at noon for Wednesday pubicaton. II We are Iocated at 900 Hopins Sot. Whitby. « I ~ .111: wEP EICED nosm ig nanny (Ive out . wlth -references roqulred to care lor 4 >old and 21 -Frlday, ~-5:30pm. Brock/Dundasae. 666-3291. CIU.DARE Bmy home. Al aes FuI/fiM t ime. Fencedyaj.C oseto Wost Lynde. 430-238. REUABLE -HOME daycare. Non-smoker, -no pets$ Garden/Rossland. , Rocelpts. Referncs "avallalD* utngs asl1have a.ndnI-van. 666-5126. CHILD CARU lM hm.Ni RESPONSaBLE, REUA13LE chlcare. Indoor/outdoor pla'1 fenced yard wlth swing set. io toys & fn acMes. Reasonable rates. Ages 2 &,up. 668-0178. 1 Sh*l 'Buinss I i I 1% :51i _ _ _ _ _ _ ACTORSIACTRESSES IMODELS 1996 Summer filming has begun.' Toronto/Montreal production is ex- ploding. Scouting new people, (fo expenience needed) with different looks, shapes, sizes (newbomn to senior). For commercials, TV Shows, Movies, Catalogs. The Model ý& Talent Bureau will be holding auditions in your area Thur. Aug. th. By appointment only. Audition tee of $34.50 is refundable if you don't qualify. To schedule an audition, phone 1-519-352-4999 between 10-6, 7 days a week. Model and Talent Bureau NOT A SCHOOL OR AGENCY PLUS OTHER DR IIGBETRCO eqle.i yKLE oenometinAnw ee n reurd.M SRCO rqie. R eQUIre e mitanortol c enuy hme.easne e oeantd MUer r. 668881 et. 67 1-416-558-0544 NO CHARGE CALL EARN UP TO $570 AWEEK -we* need pepto make jewellr (neolace,PbraScelet, eArrg). 1Jlob avallable oast to coast, from our home. No expertence needed. Jend a sef-addressed stampdeeoe to: Kevinchris Corp., 991 Wahes' Blvd. E., Unit #5, ref. 139, Nississauga, Ontario, L4W 2V3. EXCLUSIVE ESTHETIC salon ln Port Pervy, (excellent locaton), has space fo establlshed massage therapist, aroma theralst -and nail technicians. Cail 905-95-1236. COMMERCIAL HISIUNG IN ALASKA. Make up to $30,000 ln three months. Other positions avallable. Both men/women . Cal7 days, 1-504-641-7778. Ext. 01 4K29. EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper equlred 2, days prweelc cca PLi an Louspickages .curren=fln use. Send resumne to 311 Brock St. NI Whltby, Li N 4H8 or fax to 42D-9105. FOR lIRE - 1MOVING truck and driver. 430-1080. ANSWERING SERVICE from $10 per month. Voice mail from .25 pr day. 416/800 or 900nubs available. 1-800-781-2190. L'Ecote Française maaultClasses inan Informai ssorted envtrimenU e eginn'er to Advanced designed to meet your needs IReasonable Rates 20, y ë-e a rs9techlrtg-expeie*nc .Privateinstruction also avaîtafble col Jaques et 6609 WHITBY SOHOOL Of Muslc-Piano/keyboard lessons CK«e gnxp),,ultar, violin, volce, e a xoph&ne, clarinet Kindermuslk (3-5 years) and music books., Summer music camp avallable July and August, 103 Dundas St. W., Whltby. 666-8780.. Speçializing in Early Childhood. Education. For Peace of Mpd. Perry Ho use Child Care Services 129Perry ,Whby 668-9476 CARIIG MOTHER WILL PRO VIDE ahappy environment. for you chlld.. Nutritous lunches & snacks. Lots of acUves (walks, craft, stodes). 404-0815. LOVINO MOTiIER of 19 month old avallable to car. for »your chl-y home. Nutrflos meals, fne ad fun acties. Flrst-ald/CPR tra)ied. GardenDryden. Twvo& up preferred. 665-1149. REUADLE HOME daycare!. Non-s 1moker, no pets. Garden & Rosstand. 5 minutes to Ormiston & St. Matthews. Rebelpts. Spots avallable for September. Cali Cathy, 668-7654. PERSON REQUIRED ln my home to car. for on. -child 2 months old. 7:30-5:30, Monday*Prlday. Garrard & Thomnton, own transportation. References '.required. 576-2160/404-1851. DAYCARE WIITH TLC. (Garden & Dvyeen). CPR & First Ald. Playroom, fecd'a! fh. ugegym. Seaona --- ---,/ouJo&activites for ai ages. Mealssnacks,sokfee refeences &recelpes. 668-7872. 1% 0 OSHAWA -Q, HOOL Osaa*728-0091 >Fuit Drivers Education Courses AUGUST l3th' Tues;. & Thurs. -4 week course AUG. l9th-22nd 4 day course AUGUST 26th < -4day course * DC Upgrading Course e*55 AÀlive Seniors Course' PRIVATELESSONS. REGISTEIRE & APPROVED BY THE- PRIVATE oemmerdal»pilot rennlSave timel 'Moev Genban Alrpiort (905) 985-r76. CREW PROPERTY SERVICES. Weekly lawn o.Jt and trlm for as Itie as $0. e alo dsoddngarens, shrub and hetz1iùnmlnl2 delay, cail Crew todayl 242-3458. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. Three bedroom mobile homes. Hae ~hot tub- ýminutes to baches,- avBs l HLhceNFL fotaLChidren weloome. $275 weekly. 683-5503. The Whiib Fr.e Press Classiieds oevers rUT aIL 84'pitONf You can entrust your childs care to Wee Watch. ReIiabe, siq>riised da*'icare ai a hiomie iii Y0LJR eig1l;izriood. »See picture adoôn page 1l. 686-3995' a icensedAgency >