AppealQhelp floodvictimis Pages 2.q 9 Wbibygrocers part Of huge' food dive Page 8 in the wood Pagel Nine Warriors off toJapan' .Page 14 VVFFE TYTI kNNIVERSARN III.) ~m1 CLOCAý consider. (e By Mike Kowalosk, Owners of a Whitby business are out te disprovê thé adage that you can't fight city hall...or in their case, Town hall. Day. Tréagu, who with bis father Larry operates Lazy Days Poos ad Pa. on Burns Street East, ,i. réfusing te ply ith Whithyps temporary signbyaw. Trau waa issued a< $75 ticket [iast week after an'earlier' notice te remove thé storé's mobile sigii wa. ignoréd. Hé intends te consult with a lawyer and thon, challenge thé' ticket in court. 1Under thé bylaw, wbich teok efféct July .1 after twice béing eztendéd, merchants using illé- gal mobile. signe te poo their businesses could faoe fines of up te *5,000. 'Thé sign la not on Town pro- prty, I think they're being a fittle unfair' said Tréagus as Town officiais continué theïr clampdown. (A spokesperson for Whitby's bylaw, énforément branch could pot ho reached on Tuesday morn- img te indicate thé number of charges that havé béen laid.) <'My pool store ha. te compété against pool stores 'in Oshawa and they can havé signa and' I can't » said Treagus. "ocompété in businésp i. one to- 'Options-, Bohrnddevelopérs and thé gênerai public could esn hé bit with new or higher, 'fées by the î Iloal conservation authority. A nearly *600,000 reduction in Iast year's budgetha. foroed*tii. Centrai Lake Ontario Conserva- tion Authority to ilook elséWhere for revenue sources. Charging for services tradi- tionallyý provided at nimal or no cost, as well as, incregsing the customary use eewlailh consideredas'a resuit of thé 1996 CLOCA'Na management board recently. Possible fee hikes and new service chargs are i additioni to earlier sta ayoffsand program restructuring which followed an almoot *$700,000 eut ini transfer payments' from thé Ontario ~government. 'Mhe authority, 11k.ail other pltical bodies,, ha. to change téway itoperates,» said Régio councillor Marcel Brunelle, a member of the, board'. executive committee. "W. have to become leaner and, more enptreýpreneurieaasevc that. eopie p ay forP"".said' Brùé ,- neof -four ;AWhitby répresentatives on ýCLOCA' 15- -member managemient board. (.goncouncliors Joé Drmm and Grry Emm andl provincial SEE PAGE 23 thing, to, ho up against the Town is anther.» After years. in thé making, Town, council adopted a tempor- ary sign bylaw lat su mmer. Except for a 30-day period te prompte a new business opening or relocation, or te advertise évents held by service clubs and non-profit organizations, mobile eare now generally prohibi- Proponents claimn thé bylaw i. néedéd te not only improve thé appearancé of local streeta, but te elimin»até poténtial safiety pro- bléma causeaDby signs obstruct- ingthé view of motoriste and s9%u powered by faulty electrical oquipmént. Althoughfather Larry teld Thé Free Press last week that the store would comply with the bylaw, Treagus adniitted there has béen a chiange of héart. «I ueS théir (Town's) point te ome extent, but thé on' ses mine,» hé said.1« . To arbitrarily pas a bylaw- without thé business com- munit/siput is wrng. "I just feel it ifri-.ipes on My r»et te, do business and. that théère *Muetbe" ýetter, way.3 In i addition te, fighting thé Town in court, Treagus said hé SE AGE la f Putt pose MICHAEL BURSEY watches his bail heaci toward the hole -twnt inl -- duringa ga of mini-gof at arecent.Bug- Brothers"outing at FamilyKawa. PLo byPhk Reesor, Whlby FrS PM"s, Speaker recognized- Francis Theriault of- Whitby' wa.1 arécently, named miember, .of thé year by the Canadiah Asso- diation of Professional Speakers. Thériault also named 'toast master of tle year by thé Osh- awa Cha'tér of Toaatmaatérs International,- won several mflh contesta i thé paSt' yeair iWÎ, hoe was namned speaker of * bythe Oshawaclub. Theriault, who has. lived in .Durham Région for 20 years, is a professional speaker,-sales trainer and writer. 'Along with Theriault, also ree- opedby théeflanadian associa- tinat théeirFc, lnder's dinner iW. Torontoý we wrécomedian Day. Broadfoot "',and urofessional Propos<ed legisiation Propséd efors>to Ontaril' rwimntro r~anwill.ho put under theé'microscope neit month. ThéeHousing Services Network -fDurham Réion i. spon a panel dicsion of,.pro vni,' gêermntpans tiev r e Pnt contrl ad other résidenitiai Ilan- lord-tena*s. Th fru wl héheld. on Tuésday, u 1,at 7 thé St. 8 Joé h's ch .hall 110 YM -At. N Btrcam Mary) min Oshawa. Th panel will discus sveral of thé major pomts .ofthe lgsa tion that- Municipal Affuirs 'and Houuing Minister AI Leachii- tonds to introduce this fail.*<' The, Federation of Métro Tenants, thé Fair Rentai Policy Committe, a landiord advocac-y pruad thé Ministry o» Hou.- mg will ho represented 'on.thé Ldlords 'and tenants attend- in thé forum will loh allo commenton thé pro- posasthat Leach hopes will spur mvesmentin thé rentai housing %Ti eeting steovide informationabuthcage and te, get feack,» explained network chair Joan Skelton. 'It's important for, peoplé te comé out and express'their-viêws becausé we p Ian te prépare a uummaiy and présent it to the législative committée looking at thé changés," she si*d..- "W.' also an opportunity for us te follow through on our mandate which i. te raise -awareness of. houigissues.» Théehousing services network in an offehoot of thé Social Deve- lopment Council of Ajax-Pieker- , a government and United Wà y fundéd agency of which' Skelten 'serves -as. exécutive director. Thé nétwçork'submission te thé -légilative coxnnitteewill ho bu"éd on input .obtainéd at. thé meeting and' not thé feelings "cf its, own officiais,, Skelton" strésed. «W. want toe 0epopean opportunity te haà ve teir *say,' Businessowne,r will challe.nge9 Town sigli bylaw,