Whitby Free Preas, Wednesday, July 31, 1996. Page 17 Inline hocke tournament. tobe held I-n Aug-USt The tinst ever Iùne hockey fundralslng touruament for the Heart aud Stroke Foundation faces off on Aug. 9 at Sinclair Secondary. Power Play for Heart is a four- on-four tournament aimed at drawing teamn from the grassrots level of inline hockey, offering differeut divisions depending on both age and experience. Every team -is guaranteed three Mosq uitoes wm tournament The Whtby mjo- msqlt select basebaltes=nwe'nt un- dltedtecatuethe chain- pinship of a tomaent lu Oril- la recntly. WbitY defeated Brampton 8-2 t , fna,In esliler play, Whitby won 10-2 over Bolton 7-4 over Pickering and 9-3 over Ëriu mille. In league play, Ajax won 11-10 lu the firet gaine of a doublehea- der to, baud Whitby its firet league boss Witby won 11-2 lu the second game te finish the r ba season with 10 wius sud The teain,- sponsored by Royal Bank, will soon begiu playoffs. Teain members are Derek Ard, Cory Blanchard, Sean Blea, Danny Broughton Breut Chas- chowy, -Justin dhopra, 'Jason Gordon Braden Nova 4R an Price I9rn]ke Underwood, Ts- uer wnig Brandon Middetou sud James tegerabd Romans vanlquished .by Whitby The Whitby major peewee select basebali. teami, sponsored by Rival of Canada, played host to the first leg of the second annual Goodwill Sertes against American-based teams and came out on top, sweeping the visitors by scores of 7-4 and 4-3 last week.'1 The Rome, N.Y. squad started out very strong in the opener with power pitcher Joe Meier on the mound. The New York State ail- stars held the home side to just one run over the firet three Iniiings while' Mark Panara Iaunched a two-rn homer over Whitby slo-pitch JuiyUB- Aub 7c» . Sm uys4; SES AmphaI Mdnêsnan. WMd"nlPiloglasL; A=d.s1% MWhtby Inkm 3.- smys WMan.PMnU". L; Talgd Ourlas2. Caa.y Whitby 12; Banhw & the Bandit 7. BMW of Canada 4; MdvuUg. 13. CusVs Whltby 0.- Taigi.Chuhs 17. SES Mphak M.iIIISIUIO7, TaRUeurles im25. ES A.ph*M.wws l; WhklHnMiss 19 Atto Zoms8 m ce huyM W LTYP 11 ô1 2 ê"V a 113 0O22 11 ts l5 0O22 a as 5 018 0, 7 0 18 s 0 o la Wm Lnnmi 7 8 1 15 PdngW 7 8 0 14 Muo Zuans3 14 0O8, RES A.photMain. 3 15 0 S gainesaud have the chance to play againat other participants of'their own akil level in a fun but compet- itivie atinosphere., There are five age groups, ranging fromn six- to nine-year- olds, all the way up to an open men's division. To ensure the safety of'everyone lnvolved and te guarantee the quality of the tournament, Power Play for Heart wMi use rules whlch comply wlth the Canadian Hockey Association%. Inme regulations. The divisions and registration costa are asl'ollows: division six- to nine-year-olds, $75; 10- to l2-year- olds, $75; 13- to 15-year-olds, $25; 16- tu 18-year-olds, $125; and over 180; $125. Should the demaud exist, women's and girls' divisions will be added. 'This is very much a communlty event" says Wendy Orton, area co- ordinator for the Heart sud Stroke Foundation of Ontario Durhamn West Region. 'There lu a lot of euthuslasm for the sport but not much -around for skiils competition. With this, Ids that play street hockey can form a team. ofl ive to nine frlends sud have f'un. " * .. . .............. ... ... . .... ... ... ... ..... - -11 MI I the fence lu the first inning, with Peter Rahmercrabcng a solo blast In the second building a 4-1 lead. Pitcher Brian Donmelly then entered the game sud held the visitors scorelesslu relief cf Tiger starter Paul Ovsonka. The homeside then began to chip away at the American lead iu the fourth lnning with Denuis Maxwell and Chris Janca (bis second of the game) scoring te narrow the gap. Whitby's big inning came in the fifth when Donuelly led off with a double and scored on a wild throw te third. Ryan Gardiner then drew a two-out walk, followed by Dami Amurawaiye being hit by a pitch, and Marc Mitchell again showing patience walking te load the bases. Maxwell then deliveredthe big blow, a solid single cashiug ilu two runs l'or a 6-4 lead. 'Ryan Matthews then led off the sixth lnulng with a single' sud after stealiug second was driven lu by Jauca who went three-for-three at the plate with two run-batted-in. Clouer Mike Weir then took the mouud sud overpowered the Amerioens, striking eut the side te seal the -firt win!1of ,the, 1996 Iu the second ga6ne, the Home Federal League started six-foot- two-inch Sean Arseuault wbile Wbltby countered with Dan Deluca. Rome opeued the scoring with a singleton, iu the first but then Whitby countered lu the second te take a 2-1 lead. Tigere added te their lead when Janca, who went five for five with a walk lu the two encounters,, again cashed in Deluca with yeýt another RBI single. The isitors came alive ilu-the fifth inniug with back-te-back aéeubles from identical wlns Sean and Audy Arseuault sud su RBI. single from, Para te tie the game at 3-3. luI the top hall' cf the sixth Rome loaded up the bases with noue out. Donnelby took the mouud sud struck eut the firet batter sud the uqà d then puiled off a double play te end the innlng sud Il the Amnerican threat. The gaine remained knotted at 3" until the bottem of'the seventh innlng wheu Ovousha'reached base on a onie-out single sud stèle second. With -Axnurawaiye at the plate, coach Terry Witruk called for a fake bunt sud steal. On the ensuing throw tu third l'or a pick- off attempt, the baIl squirted away from the covering shortstop into shallow leftfield. Oveonka then teok off home while the right f eIder retrieved the bal sud fired a bullet tewards the catcher. The bail was just ulightly off hune, allowng the Whitby ru.nner te slde under the tag te score the winuing run.,, Assistant coaches David Murray, Carmen Deluca and John Ovsonka are now preparing the squad l'or, the second leg of the sertes with gaines iu Hudson, New Hampshire and Home sud stops lu Bouton and Cooperstewn next week. Another sweep of U.S. team Tiie Home, N.Y. Little- League Ail-Stars bout twice te the Whitby minor peewee selecta in Whitby laut week, part cf a four-gamne home-aud-home goodwiil sertes. lu game. eue, Whitby fought back from a four-run deficit lu the bottoin hall' cf the liset i*nu* scoriug 5ve rups for a 13-12 victezy. Corey Heous's two-run triple off the. fence drove iu the. tying ru. Cleau-up inau Spencer Miller then bit a long sacrifice fyf te the warning track that, swored Hess easilyï Adam Gunu aise had two RBI& Game two was ail Whitby- lu a 14-4victoiy. Wbitbyknmocked eut a seasen-higli 20 bits lu only five innn. *Rya Sismon sud Geof *Wells-each had thrèe bite, Chad Seymour scored tbree runs. Whitby's returu visait te Rom. wibl induÎde a trip te, Cooperetown. The Whitby miner peewee select basebail team contiuued th eir winnig ways with a 25-lût barrage te, sweep both ends of a doubleheader from Oshawa, 1U- sud 11-5. Spencr Miller, Adam Gunu sud Jordan Howard each coilected two bite iu game eue, Howard aise bad three runs-batted-iu. 1u Incame two, 'Corey Hea, Brandon Glover, Nicholas Bubela, Miller sud Ryan MeIutesh each had two bits. The two wius raun Wbitby's record te eight wins, a lou and a tie. Midgets 2nd The Wbitby Vipers midget select basebail club fLnished the weekend lu Burlington as ruxmer-up lu a tournamnent. In the fRut gaine agaiust London, Vipere hammered eut 15 hits lu a 15-6 wiu. Sean Culleton had three bits suad Paul Williamson drove in, four- runs while. Mike Bridge sud Mike Robertson each drove lu three rus. Game two s"w Vipere drop a close 3-1- dédislon to Milton. Cuileton struck eut the firet seven battere of the gane. In gamtrne , itby needed a wlu te advazce. Deug Clarke started ou the mound and pitched a brilliant fret four lunings, and- Whitby scored the wlnnnig u lu the ueventh te np Burlngton, 5-4. Jeif Lahey sud Bilan Thorpe lu relief preserýed ýthe victery, allowlng Whitby te advance inte Volkswagen Canada, Agaln Sports Ajax, aud Whitby are sponsors tournament. Play It Loblaws cf the Regfistration information 1l- available at the Heart and Stroke Foundation office in Ajax at 905- 686-1521. Regstration brochures are' âvailable at- Owasoe Volkswagen in Wbitby. the final round. Ini the final, Whltby, again facod Burllngton. ,WIth Iijurles ,to pitchers Adrian Bugelli su ad Culleton, a depleted but grittyr Whitby teain held Burlington in check for moat of the gaine before finally loslng 64 Whitby now sports a record of 12 wins and six busses'through four SPECIAL CLASSES FOR AVA I i-"AAA" 8 *il REP"I Powe Skaing e. e n Dift s ,430 Head Instructor: Dave Lucluk (Kiwanis "AAA" Midget Hockey Cl ub), *Shooting Drills Head Instructar:- Mary Glacalone Int. & Eurp. Hockey League Experienoe) *Skating Dilis INSTRUCTORS may motate dally. Len Glacalone - European Hockey League Coach Jimi Watson - WMHA Coach Mark Sutton - OMNA Coach René Badesu - Former Euro. Hockey EMPHASIS:< Power Skating # Conditioning *Shooting -Drills SESION10 $105.0 Auut12-16, 19 96 1:0-1:3Opm For more information 723-8768 or 666-5927 M'S VOUR CAR..M Bow ~Pigeon £i Knock Iegged &Aoedkneed Then you need the experts at Di 'XON, ALIGNMENT 317 Hopkins'St. Whitby *@ Cail 666-5167 Today! 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